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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Ola eu só leão tenho apenas un ano e meio, eu só forte e grande demais para minha dona. Procuro uma família pronto para amar-me e para adopção com quintal grande que posso brincar e correr. Tenho as minhas vacinações, microchip e casa. So feliz e cheio de energia espero a tua chamada
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Sou muito inteligente, querido e amigável. Tenho 3 meses, porte médio pequeno. Canil Municipal de Tavira I am very smart, kind and friendly. I have 3 months, small medium size. Tavira Municipal Kennel
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Dear all, We are looking for a very nice family to adopt (not selling) our baby male cat named Oscar - he is one year old. He is kind, funny, playful and a cutie. He loves being petted and gets along very well with dogs and other cats. He has been castrated already and got all the vaccinations needed. We unfortunately have to give him for adoption because I've developed breathing issues due to being allergic to the cat - those have become worse in the past few months and show no signs of stopping - it is therefore not reasonable for us to keep Oscar. We clearly should have thought this through better when we adopted him ourselves but we couldn't resist taking him out of the cage he was living in at the time and have tried to make it work ever since - unfortunately without success. We will give out all the furnitures to the futur owner (small cat tree, recipients for food, water etc, and his litter box as well). PS: Please do contact us ONLY If you are serious about adopting him and caring for him. It's distressful enough to part with him, we want to make absolutely sure that he will be welcomed and cared for properly
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Gatos bebê disponíveis para adoção. Eles já comem comida de gato e pegam ratos. Trazer um saco grande de comida de gato com você seria muito gentil da sua parte. Localização: Santa Luzia do Pico, Açores. Cats babies available to adopt. They already eat cat food and catch rats. Bringing a big bag of cat food with you would be very kind of you. Location: Santa Luzia, Pico island, Azores.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Este é meu antes e depois, o mais triste que podia mostrar... O meu nome é Laica, tenho 11 meses fui adotada há dias e infelizmente já senti na pele a dor da rejeição. Os meus "papás" disseram-me que só sabia fazer asneiras e devolveram-me... acho que foi por causa das plantas que destrui e dos xixis que fiz fora do sítio. Agora eu é que me sinto destruída, estou muito desorientada, stressada e carente, passo os meus dias a chorar. Preciso de uma família que entenda o meu estado e me ajude a ultrapassar o sofrimento em que me encontro. Estou no Porto, para mais informações podem contactar a ADOPT A PET Portugal (facebook.com/adoptapetportugal) Obrigada !
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
She is a two-year-old small girl, very cute, docile, never barking loudly, smart, She has electric chip and vaccinated, if you want to find a docile dog to accompany you, please adopt her.
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