Antelope Isochrone OSX Audio Master Clock Oven Controlled Discrete Transistor Crystal Oscillator for lowest jitter. Jitter Management Module improves sonic performance. Atomic clock input resolves to Rubidium clock for perfect stability. Simple and direct user-friendly interface Oven Control The core of any master clock is the Crystal Oscillator, and clock performance is impacted greatly by the type of Oscillator used. While other master clocks cut corners with their Oscillators, Antelope chose the best. The Oven Controlled Discrete Transistor Crystal Oscillator is without question the most stable, jitter free in existence. Before the Isochrone OCX, these oscillators were found only in aerospace and telecommunication hardware designed for critical operations. The OCX is the only master clock to address jitter at the source. Its Oven Controlled Discrete Transistor Oscillator provides 4X-6X less jitter and 100X greater stability than its closest competitor. Oscillator accuracy is compromised when exposed to temperature fluctuations. The Isochrone OCX addresses this completely with oven control. The oven's temperature controlled environment allows unparalleled oscillator stability. Other master clocks use standard crystal oscillators which don't account for temperature at all, and quality suffers as a result. The indispensable benefits of oven control are found only with Isochrone Clocks. Antelope's Jitter Management Module Jitter free operation is critical in the modern studio. Antelope's Jitter Management Module makes jitter essentially nonexistent. Adaptive Loop Filtering is taken to the next level with a sophisticated DSP Based Multistage IIR filter, ensuring a jitter free, great sounding studio. Connecting a device to the OCX will make it sound noticeably better. This is achieved with Antelope's exclusive Acoustically Focused Clocking technology (AFC). AFC is the 3rd generation of DDS, a technology introduced over ten years ago by Isochrone engineer Igor Levin with his ground breaking Aardsync master clock. The AardSync was immediately recognized as the industry's best sounding clock. It's successor, the AardSyncII, provided even greater sonic benefits with its 2nd generation DDS technology. This legacy of amazing sound continues to evolve with AFC. AFC was designed to provide far more than impressive specs, Advanced engineering combined with exhaustive listening tests culminated in AFC's extraordinary sound. Atomic Clock The Isochrone OCX can be locked to the most accurate clock on Earth: the Atomic clock. A studio can truly achieve perfect stability with the power of Atomic Clock, and the OCX is the the only Master Clock capable of locking to this unprecedented technology. Peace of Mind Clocking is a critical task, and should never be complex. With straightforward controls dedicated to specific tasks, warning lights for critical errors, and a highly visible, accurate frequency display, the OCX's operating status is apparent with a momentary glance. Antelope Audio Isochrone OCX Features: Oven Controlled Discrete Transistor Crystal Oscillator for lowest jitter. Atomic clock input resolves to Rubidium clock for perfect stability. Jitter Management Module improves sonic performance. Sample Rates 32-192 kHz. Frequency calibrated to better than 1PPM. W/Cx256 "Superclock" output for Digidesign Pro-Tools systems. Outputs multiple, divisible sample rates. Eight word clock outputs. Two AES/EBU outputs. Two S/PDIF output. A master clock is the heart of the digital studio, essential to maintaining stability and preserving sonic integrity. The Isochrone OCX exists to meet this need. Uncompromised design has created one of the most stable, best sounding master clocks available.
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