Outros Outros Avent Sacos de esterilizador de microondas Philips Avent microwave steam sterilizer bags are a quick, easy and effective way to ensure that bottles and other products are always sterilized, wherever you go. With each bag you can sterilize bottles in the microwave in just 90 seconds. Quick and easy sterilization anytime, anywhere. Eliminates 99.9% of harmful germs. Easy to use. 5 bags for 100 cycles. Each reusable microwave steam sterilizer bag can be used to sterilize bottles, pumps and other baby products in as little as 90 seconds. Each bag includes a checkbox. By marking it, you can quickly and easily track how many times each bag has been used. It has a secure grip zone.This is a marked area on the bag that indicates where it should be picked up and safely removed from the microwave. Each package of microwave steam sterilizer bags includes five individual bags that can be usedup to 20 times.This means you can sterilize bottles, pumps and other accessoriesup to 100 times with just one pack.
Marca: Avent
Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958


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