Main thing: Bring a monolith platform to today’s standards!   Should be able to: lead a multidisciplinary team composed of Backends/fullstacks, Frontends and DevOps be hands-on on any given task: architect and approve each task closely follow each member’s work and support throughout the development phases (planning, development, testing, deployment) Knowhow/experience on Relational and NoSQL databases, extend and improve the current DB schemas Understand common Infrastructure (AWS) components and concepts as Containers (EC2), Lambda’s, Load Balancers, CDN (CloudFront) and basic networking strategies Understand common deployment workflows Engage in product meetings   What will be a plus: Microservices experience Web Scraping experience API architecture and implementation experience   Programming languages/Tech: PHP 7+ (Yii2 framework) JQuery Node.js (Feathers.js Framework) Python (FastAPI and Celery) MongoDB Postgres and/or MySQL Docker and Docker-compose CircleCI (for CD/CI) Git


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