- - - PT: Jardinagem Biolgica Sustentvel. Servios disponveis: - Monda de Canteiros. - Limpeza de Acessos. - Adubao de Floreiras. - Manuteno de Jardins. - Colheita de rvores de Fruto. - Formao sobre Compostagem Caseira. - Corte / Desbaste Manual de Arbustos e Sebes. - Recuperao / Salvamento / Reanimao de Plantas. - Controlo Biolgico de Pragas, sem recurso a inseticidas. - Plantao de Suculentas com substrato / potting mix personalizada. - Garden Design de Jardim / Projeo / Paisagismo, com poucos recursos ou os disponveis, assente em 4 Rs: ReDesign, Reduo, Reutilizao, Recuperao e Reciclagem. - Arboricultura: Poda de rvores, de pequeno e mdio porte, orientada para o equilbrio, segurana, produtividade de fruta e crescimento saudvel. Trabalho sem recurso a agro-qumicos ou maquinaria movida a combustveis fsseis. No se utiliza, portanto, sulfatador a gasolina para aplicar herbicidas. De momento no se escarificam relvados. Oramentos grtis. - - - EN: Biological Sustainable Gardening Gardener Gardener Design Garden Orchard Pruning Trees Fruit Vegetable Gardens Sustainable Biological Gardening. Available services: - Access Cleaning. - Weeding of Beds. - Maintenance of Gardens. - Harvesting of Fruit Trees. - Fertilization of Flowerpots. - Training on Home Composting. - Recovery / Rescue / Reanimation of Plants. - Manual Cutting / Trimming of Shrubs and Hedges. - Biological Control of Pests, without the use of insecticides. - Plantation of Succulents with custom substrate / potting mix. - Garden Design / Projection / Landscaping, with few or available resources, based on 4 Rs: ReDesign, Reduction, Reuse, Recovery and Recycling. - Arboriculture: Pruning of small and medium-sized trees, oriented towards balance, safety, fruit productivity and healthy growth. Work without resorting to agrochemicals or machinery powered by fossil fuels. Therefore, a gasoline sulfater is not used to apply herbicides. Lawns are not scarified at the moment. Free quotes.
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5.282,00 €
5.282,00 €