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Outros Outros Original Flower Essences Chestnut Bud Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Repeats his mistakes, because he does not reflect on them or learn from their experiences. Repeat Do not chase. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.583 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Chestnut Bud Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Repeats his mistakes, because he does not reflect on them or learn from their experiences. Repeat Do not chase. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Outros Outros Original Flower Essences Noite do Resgate 20 ml Concebido para ajudar a reconciliar um sono reparador e descanso absoluto. Liberte-se do estresse, terror noturno e promova seu sono. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
2.453 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Noite do Resgate 20 ml Concebido para ajudar a conciliar um sono reparador e um descanso absoluto. Liberte-se do estresse, terrores noturnos e promova seu sono. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
2.516 €
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Outros Outros Original Flower Essences Fb Vervain 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Fanaticism It does not share the load. Strength. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.583 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Fb Vervain 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Fanaticism It does not share the load. Strength. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Saúde e beleza Condicionadores Herbal Essences Condicionador Hidratante Leite de Coco 275ml Especialmente formulado para amaciar e hidratar os cabelos, nosso Condicionador Leite de Coco deixa os cabelos naturalmente bonitos. Este condicionador hidrata da raiz às pontas para cabelos macios e sedosos, mais manejáveis e menos propensos a danos. Ideal para: Cabelos crespos ou cacheados Cabelos secos e não oleosos Marca: Herbal Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
492 €
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Cosmética Set&Pack Original Flower Essences Rescue Crema 30 gr Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.383 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Original Flower Essences Creme Resgate 30gr 30 gr O Rescue Remedy Cream é especialmente benéfico para traumas e condições externas, como inchaços, erupções cutâneas, queimaduras químicas, contusões, cortes, entorses, pele seca, erupções cutâneas, queimaduras, cortes, etc. O creme Rescue Remedy pode ser usado em emergências, se o remédio Rescue não estiver disponível, o creme pode ser aplicado no pulso, pescoço, tornozelo ou outras áreas com pele fina. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.418 €
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Outros Outros Original Flower Essences Chicory Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: About protects your loved ones and dominates them through excessive manipulation. He thinks he knows more than his assistants. He has a possessive and selfish personality. It meddles in the affairs of others continually. He expects the devotion of those who overprotects and when he does not obtain it, he feels victimized. Then he pursues them, criticizing. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.583 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Bach 8 Chicory 20 ml Application: About protects your loved ones and dominates them through excessive manipulation. He thinks he knows more than his assistants. He has a possessive and selfish personality. It meddles in the affairs of others continually. He expects the devotion of those who overprotects and when he does not obtain it, he feels victimized. Then he pursues them, criticizing. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Outros Outros Original Flower Essences Bach 2 20 Ml álamo Application: Fear of the supernatural, imprecise situations that feel threaten, and death. Omens. Vague and inexplicable fear. Agoraphobia, claustrophobia. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
759 €
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Saúde e beleza Condicionadores Herbal Essences Condicionador Reparador Argan 275ml Dê vida ao seu cabelo com o Condicionador Argan Oil of Morocco. Feito com nossa mistura exclusiva bio:renew, o condicionador de óleo de argan ajuda a hidratar e reparar* seu cabelo da raiz às pontas para cabelos macios, bonitos e sem frizz. Ideal para: Cabelos muito danificados e levemente oleosos. *Repara danos ao brilho e maciez. Marca: Herbal Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
492 €
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Outros Outros Original Flower Essences Bach 16 Honeysuckle 20 ml Inscrição: Não viva no presente. Nostalgia. Saudades do passado e dos bons tempos. Como usar: Podem ser ingeridos das seguintes formas: Diluir 2 gotas num copo de água e beber. Coloque 2 gotas diretamente na língua. Repita esse processo quatro vezes ao dia. Se for necessário consumir uma mistura de duas ou mais, adicione 2 gotas de cada flor (máximo 7) em uma garrafa de 30 ml de água mineral e tome 4 gotas 4 vezes ao dia. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.583 €
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Outros Outros Original Flower Essences Fb Elm 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Overwhelmed by your responsibilities. He thinks he is not able to accomplish with them. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.583 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Bach 2 Aspen 20 ml Application: Fear of the supernatural, imprecise situations that feel threaten, and death. Omens. Vague and inexplicable fear. Agoraphobia, claustrophobia. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Bach 5 Ceratostigma 20 ml Inscrição: Ele busca a aprovação e o conselho dos outros, pois não confia em seu julgamento, intuição ou em suas decisões e opiniões. Suas convicções não são firmes. Ele muda de ideia facilmente. Ele é indeciso. Instruções de uso: Eles podem ser tomados das seguintes maneiras: Diluir 2 gotas em um copo de água e beber. Coloque 2 gotas diretamente na língua. Repita esse processo quatro vezes ao dia. Se precisar consumir uma mistura de duas ou mais, adicione 2 gotas de cada flor (no máximo 7) a uma garrafa de 30 ml de água mineral e tome 4 gotas 4 vezes ao dia. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Cherry Plum Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Fear of losing control of your actions, to commit terrible actions and to go mad. Persistent irrational thoughts. Uncontrollable splits. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Fb Elm 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Overwhelmed by your responsibilities. He thinks he is not able to accomplish with them. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Genciana Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Pessimism. Depression for known causes. Skepticism. weak control in frustration. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Gorse Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Desperate. Without any hope. He feels that nothing has a case anymore. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Heather Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Self-absorbed. Focused on yourself You need the public to hear it. Talks excessively, but does not listen. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Holly Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Jealousy, distrust, envy, hatred and resentment. He lacks compassion. For those who need love How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Bach 16 Honeysuckle 20 ml Inscrição: Não viva no presente. Nostalgia. Saudades do passado e dos bons tempos. Como usar: Eles podem ser tomados das seguintes maneiras: Diluir 2 gotas em um copo de água e beber. Coloque 2 gotas diretamente na língua. Repita esse processo quatro vezes ao dia. Se precisar consumir uma mistura de duas ou mais adicione 2 gotas de cada flor (máximo 7) em uma garrafa de 30 ml de água mineral e tome 4 gotas 4 vezes ao dia. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Fb Larch 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Feeling inferiority. Wait to fail. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Mustard Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Depression and sadness of unknown causes, that appear and disappear without reason. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Olive Fb 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Total exhaustion, physical and / or mental. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Rescue Remedy 20ml Fb. (Florais de Bach) É o remédio mais famoso de Bach, mas, na realidade, não é um "remédio". Em vez disso, é uma mistura de cincoremédiosdiferentes paraflores de Bach: • Pode ser usado para nos ajudar a superar qualquer situação estressante, desde os exames de última hora ou os nervos das entrevistas, após um acidente ou más notícias. • O Rescue Remedy nos ajuda a relaxar,concentrar-se e obter a calma necessária. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
238 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Bach 26 Heliantem ou Frasco 20 ml Inscrição: Pânico e terror paralisante. Estados agudos de angústia. Pesadelos. Instruções de uso: Pode ser tomado das seguintes formas: Diluir 2 gotas em um copo de água e beber. Coloque 2 gotas diretamente na língua. Repita esse processo quatro vezes ao dia. Se precisar consumir uma mistura de duas ou mais, adicione 2 gotas de cada flor (no máximo 7) a uma garrafa de 30 ml de água mineral e tome 4 gotas 4 vezes ao dia. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Extratos Naturais Original Flower Essences Fb Scleranthus 20ml. (Florais de Bach) Application: Indecision between two opposite ends. How to use: They can be taken in the following ways: Dilute 2 drops in a glass of water and sip. Put 2 drops directly on the tongue. Repeat this process four times a day. If you need to consume a mixture of two or more add 2 drops of each flower (maximum 7) in a bottle of 30 ml of mineral water and take 4 drops 4 times a day. Marca: Original Flower Essences Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.624 €
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