Highlights & details 1 channel 10 MHz Description This 10 MHz oscilloscope with excellent price/quality ratio can be used for servicing, DIY and educational purposes. It is easy to operate, handy, and the light weight makes it very easy to carry. Não liga Features Calibrated switch settings for vertical deviation and time base Adjustable focus, intensity and elongation 4.8 x 6 cm CRT with internal raster Integrated trigger function (with external trigger input) X-Y operation and probe calibrator. Included in delivery Power cable Operating instructions. Technical data Signal delay: Flank direction: pos. or neg. Trigger source: K I, mains, external; Trigger coupling: AC Int. trigger threshold: 1.5 div Ext. trigger threshold: 0.5 Vss Horizontal bandwidth (-3 dB): DC - 1 MHz Var. Hold-Off time: Expansion: Accuracy:30% X-Y phase difference:30 to 10 kHz Calibrator: 1 kHz; 0.5 Vss Max. supply fluctuation: 10% Power supply frequency range: 50 Hz Channel type 1 Bandwidth 0 (DC) - 10 MHz Screen size 6 x 4,8 cm Rise time Time base 0.1 s/cm - 0.1 µs/cm Vertical deflection 0.05 - 5 V/cm Accuracy ± 5 % Input impedance 1 MΩ/30 pF Input voltage 400 V(DC + peak AC). Triggering norm, auto, TV-H, EXT Power supply 230 V AC Box for Baterry 12 V DC Weight 3 kg Can be calibrated to ISO / DKD


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