Absolute recovery skin
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Máscara multivitamínica de recuperação de energia poderosa máscara antioxidante que proporciona hidratação e elasticidade, eliminando todos os vestígios de cansaço ou estresse da pele. Melhora a síntese de colágeno e proporciona um efeito reparador. Esta máscara ultra-regeneradora - essencial - ajuda a resgatar a pele stressada e envelhecida. Aplicar após a limpeza como remédio definitivo para pele opaca, seca, desidratada, acinzentada, fotodanificada e contra o envelhecimento cutâneo. As poderosas vitaminas a, c e e concentradas e o ácido linoléico ajudam a restaurar a pele que apresenta sinais de danos e envelhecimento, ao mesmo tempo que melhoram as propriedades de barreira. As vitaminas antioxidantes c e e ajudam a proteger a pele das espécies reativas de oxigênio (radicais livres). O ácido láctico (aha) esfolia e ilumina a pele. O extrato de algas marinhas rico em nutrientes ajuda a hidratar e suavizar a pele, enquanto a pró-vitamina b5 “alimenta” a pele danificada. Extratos botânicos de alcaçuz, confrei e bardana acalmam e suavizam a pele, aumentando sua resistência. Todos os tipos de pele secura e desidratação pele cinzenta e sem brilho tom e textura de pele irregulares benefícios uma excelente máscara reparadora para peles expostas ao stress. Repara os danos diários causados pelos radicais livres. Aumenta a elasticidade e estimula a síntese de colágeno como usar aplicar generosamente no rosto e pescoço limpos, evitando a zona dos olhos. Após 10 a 15 minutos, enxágue delicadamente, mas completamente, com água morna. Aplicar uma vez por semana ou quando a pele necessitar de um remédio calmante. Em seguida, aplique dynamic skin recovery fps50 ou o hidratante dermalogica de sua escolha. Ingredientes vitaminas a,c,e,f e pró-vitamina b5: reparam e restauram. Avena sativa: hidrata e acalma. Extrato de algas marinhas: nutre, restaura e firma. Extrato de alcaçuz, confrei e bardana: acalmam e suavizam.
61,06 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Hartmann Bandagem Elástica Elástico Haco-Crepe R-85 4mx5cm It is designed to support the weight of the limbs being treated. The product helps the person to keep the stitches of the post-operative incisions in place,facilitating its recovery. It helps to keep pressure on those areas that have been affected by an injury.It adjusts to the body like a second skin.Thanks to its soft and flexible texture, the product can be used on the skin without any problem.It does not damage the recovering tissue. The product is developed by natural compounds that do not generate any type of damage on wounds or incisions in recovery.It can be used in several opportunities.It can be applied in health centers, after surgical interventions, or at home, after a minor injury. Instructions for use: Before using the product should be cleaned or sterilized the area where it will be applied, this to avoid contamination or infection of any kind. Once the area has been cleaned, the product can be applied exerting a certain tension on the region. In case of wounds, the bandage should be changed regularly. The bandage can be washed and reused. Contraindications: The product should not be applied on open wounds or severe burns, nor should it be applied on dirty areas. In order to maintain elasticity, it should be kept away from areas with temperatures exceeding 25 C. Marca: Hartmann Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
162 €
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Outros Outros Medela Patches de hidrogel 4 pcs If you’re breastfeeding and have sore or cracked nipples, Medela hydrogel pads support healing and offer instant, soothing relief. At a glance -Aid skin recovery and help maintain good skin condition -Support healing -Form a protective cushion for sensitive or sore nipples -Specially formulated to cool skin on contact -Sterile and individually wrapped -Non toxic and free from preservatives When to use hydrogel pads While new mums are often told that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt, in reality it may take a while for your nipples to get used to the frequency and length of your newborn’s feeds. This – combined with all the hormonal changes going on in your body in the early days after the birth – means you can get sensitive or sore nipples. Hydrogel pads can help by offering instant soothing and cooling nipple pain relief. They can also protect your nipples from clothing rubbing against them and support the healing process if your skin is damaged. Caring for cracked nipples Remember that very sore or cracked nipples may be a sign that there is a problem withhow your baby is attachedto your breast during a feed, so it’s a good idea to get assessed by alactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist. If you notice your nipples bleed during feeding, you feel a burning sensation, or your nipples are taking a long time to heal, it is important to seek advice from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional, as you may have a breast infection or other condition that needs treatment. How do hydrogel pads work? Medela hydrogel pads have a special formulation that forms a protective cushion that cools skin on contact and supports healing. They are large enough to cover your nipple and areola (the darker skin around the nipple) – both of which may be affected by soreness. To use hydrogel pads, follow these simple steps: First, wash your hands, then open the pouch and remove the hydrogel pad from the plastic liner.Carefully place the pad’s gel side directly over your nipple.When you need to breastfeed your baby, simply remove the hydrogel pad and place it on a clean surface.Then, gently wash your breast with warm water and pat dry before breastfeeding.Once you’ve finished, reapply the gel pad with clean hands. Are hydrogel breast pads reusable? Yes, you can reuse one hydrogel pad within a 24-hour period. You just need to store it somewhere cool, clean and dry between uses – there’s no need to wash it with soaps or detergents. You can keep hydrogel pads in the fridge for an extra cooling effect – but remember to keep them out of reach of any other children in your household. And in the unlikely event of the clear hydrogel pad turning cloudy or milky, dispose of it and use a fresh one. Marca: Medela Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.369 €
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Família e casa Lactação Medela Patches de hidrogel 4 pcs If you’re breastfeeding and have sore or cracked nipples, Medela hydrogel pads support healing and offer instant, soothing relief. At a glance -Aid skin recovery and help maintain good skin condition -Support healing -Form a protective cushion for sensitive or sore nipples -Specially formulated to cool skin on contact -Sterile and individually wrapped -Non toxic and free from preservatives When to use hydrogel pads While new mums are often told that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt, in reality it may take a while for your nipples to get used to the frequency and length of your newborn’s feeds. This – combined with all the hormonal changes going on in your body in the early days after the birth – means you can get sensitive or sore nipples. Hydrogel pads can help by offering instant soothing and cooling nipple pain relief. They can also protect your nipples from clothing rubbing against them and support the healing process if your skin is damaged. Caring for cracked nipples Remember that very sore or cracked nipples may be a sign that there is a problem withhow your baby is attachedto your breast during a feed, so it’s a good idea to get assessed by alactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist. If you notice your nipples bleed during feeding, you feel a burning sensation, or your nipples are taking a long time to heal, it is important to seek advice from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional, as you may have a breast infection or other condition that needs treatment. How do hydrogel pads work? Medela hydrogel pads have a special formulation that forms a protective cushion that cools skin on contact and supports healing. They are large enough to cover your nipple and areola (the darker skin around the nipple) – both of which may be affected by soreness. To use hydrogel pads, follow these simple steps: First, wash your hands, then open the pouch and remove the hydrogel pad from the plastic liner.Carefully place the pad’s gel side directly over your nipple.When you need to breastfeed your baby, simply remove the hydrogel pad and place it on a clean surface.Then, gently wash your breast with warm water and pat dry before breastfeeding.Once you’ve finished, reapply the gel pad with clean hands. Are hydrogel breast pads reusable? Yes, you can reuse one hydrogel pad within a 24-hour period. You just need to store it somewhere cool, clean and dry between uses – there’s no need to wash it with soaps or detergents. You can keep hydrogel pads in the fridge for an extra cooling effect – but remember to keep them out of reach of any other children in your household. And in the unlikely event of the clear hydrogel pad turning cloudy or milky, dispose of it and use a fresh one. Marca: Medela Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
702 €
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Cosmética Produtos de limpeza facial Dermalogica Limpador de Superfícies de Pele 150 ml Consiga uma suavidade superior e uma pele ultra limpa após um único uso com este produtode limpeza esfoliante de ação dupla. Um concentrado de ácido láctico altamente ativo ajuda a retexturizar a pele que sofre de sinais visíveis de envelhecimento, eliminando detritos de superfície opaca e ajudando a acelerar o turnover celular. As condiçõesantioxidantes da Vitamina E,enquanto alivia o Óleo de Rosa, acalma a pele. O uso deste limpador sedoso melhora drasticamente a textura da pele e se prepara adequadamente para a máxima penetração dos produtos AGE Smart. Skin Resurfacing Cleanser é umafórmula altamente ativa. A frequência de uso depende da condição da pele. Se a pele apresentar sensibilidade ou desidratação do uso diário, reduza o uso para2-3 vezes por semana. Pare de usar se ocorrer irritação. Use como indicado.Apenas para uso externo.Mantenha fora dos olhos. Este produto pode aumentar a sensibilidade da sua pele ao sol. BenefíciosLimpadorpráticoe dois em um matagal. Retexturiza, deixando a pele super macia.Ajuda a acelerar o turnover celular, hidratar e enxaguar. Como usar: Após a aplicação de PreCleanse, aplicar espuma levemente nas mãos, aplique no rosto,garganta molhada pela manhãe à noite, massageando com movimentos leves para cima por pelo menos 30 segundos, evitando a área dos olhos. Reduza para um uso por dia se qualquer sensibilidade se desenvolver. Siga com o Dynamic Skin Recovery SPF50 quando usado pela manhã. Conselho rápido: pressa?Reduza sua rotina matinal com estelimpador de esfoliação dois-em-um. Marca: Dermalogica Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
4.002 €
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