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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
All types of repairs, remodeling and maintenance in your home: Plumbing: Repair and Replacement of water pipes Sewage unblocking Bathroom, Kitchen Assemblies Swimming pool maintenance Small masonry work: Masonry work (cement blocks) Placing and replacing tiles Wall and terrace waterproofing Small Electrical Works Gardening and land clearing Travel to any parish in Madeira Island YOU ASK WE DO Call or leave a message on WHATSAPP
10 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Limpeza de terrenos, agrícolas e florestais. Executamos trabalhos corte poda e abate de arvores, tratores de médio/grande porte para lavrar vários tipos de terrenos (matas, vinhas, hortas, quintas, herdades etc). Conforme o Decreto de lei n 124/2006 de 28 de Junho,Evite as multas... Limpeza de todo o tipo de terrenos. Possuímos várias alfaias assim como: moto-roçadoras, moto serras,destroçador, etc. Prestação de todo o tipo de serviços. POR ORÇAMENTO trabalhamos para EMPRESAS E PARTICULARES. No distrito de Castelo Branco (Fundão,Covilhã,Idanha-a-Nova,Vila Velha De Rodão, Proença-a-Nova, Sertã, Oleiros, Belmonte, Penamacor, Cernache do Bonjardim, Vila de Rei) e distritos em redor tais com Portalegre, Guarda, Viseu, Leiria e Coimbra. Contato só por telemóvel sff. Cleaning of land, agricultural and forestry. We work with or without a medium-sized tractor to harvest various types of land (woods, vineyards, orchards, farms, estates, etc.). According to Decree Law 124/2006 of June 28, Avoid fines... Cleaning of all types of land. We have various implements such as: motor-scrapers, motor saws, destroyer, etc. Provision of all types of services. BY BUDGET we work for COMPANIES AND PARTICULARS. Nettoyage des terres, agricole et forestier. Nous travaillons avec ou sans tracteur de taille moyenne pour récolter différents types de terres (bois, vignes, vergers, fermes, domaines, etc.). Selon le décret-loi 124/2006 du 28 juin, éviter les amendes... Nettoyage de tous types de terrains. Nous avons divers outils tels que: grattoirs à moteur, scies à moteur, destroyer, etc. Fourniture de tous types de services. PAR BUDGET, nous travaillons pour des ENTREPRISES ET DES PARTICULIERS.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Limpeza de terrenos, agrícolas e florestais. Executamos poda, corte e abate de arvores, lavramos com tractores de médio/grande porte para lavrar vários tipos de terrenos (matas, vinhas, hortas, quintas, herdades etc). Conforme o Decreto de lei n 124/2006 de 28 de Junho,Evite as multas... Limpeza de todo o tipo de terrenos. Possuímos várias alfaias assim como: moto-roçadoras, moto serras,destroçador, etc. Prestação de todo o tipo de serviços. POR ORÇAMENTO trabalhamos para EMPRESAS E PARTICULARES. No distrito de Castelo Branco (Fundão,Covilhã,Idanha-a-Nova,Vila Velha De Rodão, Proença-a-Nova, Sertã, Oleiros, Belmonte, Penamacor, Cernache do Bonjardim, Vila de Rei) e distritos em redor tais com Portalegre, Guarda, Viseu, Leiria e Coimbra. Contato só por telemóvel sff. Cleaning of land, agricultural and forestry. We work with or without a medium-sized tractor to harvest various types of land (woods, vineyards, orchards, farms, estates, etc.). According to Decree Law 124/2006 of June 28, Avoid fines... Cleaning of all types of land. We have various implements such as: motor-scrapers, motor saws, destroyer, etc. Provision of all types of services. BY BUDGET we work for COMPANIES AND PARTICULARS. Nettoyage des terres, agricole et forestier. Nous travaillons avec ou sans tracteur de taille moyenne pour récolter différents types de terres (bois, vignes, vergers, fermes, domaines, etc.). Selon le décret-loi 124/2006 du 28 juin, éviter les amendes... Nettoyage de tous types de terrains. Nous avons divers outils tels que: grattoirs à moteur, scies à moteur, destroyer, etc. Fourniture de tous types de services. PAR BUDGET, nous travaillons pour des ENTREPRISES ET DES PARTICULIERS.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Limpeza de terrenos, agrcolas e florestais. Executamos poda, corte e abate de arvores, lavramos com tractores de mdio/grande porte para lavrar vrios tipos de terrenos (matas, vinhas, hortas, quintas, herdades etc). Conforme o Decreto de lei n 124/2006 de 28 de Junho,Evite as multas... Limpeza de todo o tipo de terrenos. Possumos vrias alfaias assim como: moto-roadoras, moto serras,destroador, etc. Prestao de todo o tipo de servios. POR ORAMENTO trabalhamos para EMPRESAS E PARTICULARES. No distrito de Castelo Branco (Fundo,Covilh,Idanha-a-Nova,Vila Velha De Rodo, Proena-a-Nova, Sert, Oleiros, Belmonte, Penamacor, Cernache do Bonjardim, Vila de Rei) e distritos em redor tais com Portalegre, Guarda, Viseu, Leiria e Coimbra. Contato s por telemvel sff. Cleaning of land, agricultural and forestry. We work with or without a medium-sized tractor to harvest various types of land (woods, vineyards, orchards, farms, estates, etc.). According to Decree Law 124/2006 of June 28, Avoid fines... Cleaning of all types of land. We have various implements such as: motor-scrapers, motor saws, destroyer, etc. Provision of all types of services. BY BUDGET we work for COMPANIES AND PARTICULARS. Nettoyage des terres, agricole et forestier. Nous travaillons avec ou sans tracteur de taille moyenne pour rcolter diffrents types de terres (bois, vignes, vergers, fermes, domaines, etc.). Selon le dcret-loi 124/2006 du 28 juin, viter les amendes... Nettoyage de tous types de terrains. Nous avons divers outils tels que: grattoirs moteur, scies moteur, destroyer, etc. Fourniture de tous types de services. PAR BUDGET, nous travaillons pour des ENTREPRISES ET DES PARTICULIERS.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Realizamos todo o tipo de pinturas de construo civil. Impermeabilizao pinturas e isolamento de terraos, coberturas e fachadas, muros, sub telhas, etc... soluo reparao para infiltraes (Pinturas tcnicas). Aplicamos produtos de elevada qualidade com garantia certificada. Outros servios, efetuamos Limpezas, com recurso a jato de gua a alta presso, em todo o tipo de pavimentos, fachadas e telhados. Especializados em moradias, terraos e em todas as superfcies que necessitam de uma nova "vida" e de uma aparncia original. Pea j o seu oramento gratuito. Comprove a diferena e a qualidade dos nossos servios. We carry out all types of civil construction painting. Waterproofing, painting and insulation of terraces, roofs and facades, walls, sub tiles, etc... repair solution for infiltrations (Technical painting). We apply high quality products with a certified guarantee. Other services, we carry out cleaning, using high pressure water jets, on all types of floors, facades and roofs. Specialized in houses, terraces and all surfaces that need a new "life" and an original appearance. Request your free quote now. Check out the difference and quality of our services.
36.282 €
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Tavira (Faro)
Headquartered in Fuseta along the N125, we provide qualified labor, storage and transportation to support all types of events or company. We also provide removal services to individuals, sale of professional packaging and packaging material. We have 5 vehicles of various types to satisfy your needs. Ask for your free quote now. 289092736
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendemos todo o tipo de lancil. Lancil em pedra serrada e bujardada. Lancil 6x20= 2.00 ml Lancil 8x20= 2.50 ml Lancil 10x20 = 3.00 ml Lancil 12x20= 3.75 ml Preços à saída da nossa pedreira. Acresce o transporte Outras medidas sob orçamento. Disponha sempre ---------------------------------------------------- We sell all types of curb. Curb sawn and hammered stone. Curb 6x20 = 2.00 M. L. --------------------------------------------------- Nous vendons tous les types de trottoir. Curb pierre scié et martelé. Curb 6x20 = 2.00 M. L.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Executamos todo o tipo de remodelações incluindo, canalização, electricidade, chão flutuante, pladur, instalação de móveis de cozinha, pedras de cozinha, pinturas interior e exterior, entre outros. Não hesite em solicitar orçamento. We carry out all types of renovations including, plumbing, electricity, floating floors, plasterboard, installation of kitchen furniture, kitchen stones, among others. Do not hesitate to request a quote. Nous réalisons tous types de rénovations incluant, plomberie, électricité, parquet flottant, plaques de plâtre, installation de meubles de cuisine, pierres de cuisine, entre autres. N'hésitez pas à demander un devis.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Alo, I offer German classes for all levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1/C2. The length and duration of the classes depends on the level of the participants. A placement test, which determines the respective level, is necessary before selecting the course type. My classes are offered for all types of groups of people: children, students, adults, refugees / asylum seekers, non-German speakers who have come to Germany for professional reasons, immigrants, resettlers, people who intend to migrate to Germany. I offer individual classes and group classes as well as preparatory classes for certified German exams. The classes will take place online in my virtual classroom on Zoom. Once you registered, you will get your personal link to your personal classroom. Trial lessons are possible. I am happy to make you an individual offer. Dr. Kathleen Hielscher German Teacher living in Germany
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Total Planning is a family company specialised in precision machining with almost 60 years of experience in the sector. We are specialists in machining in the medical sector at an international level and export to countries in the European Union such as France, Germany, Belgium, Greece and Portugal. For us, the medical technology sector is key. We develop all types of components and machined parts with a high added value for this sector. We work for medical companies in many different fields including surgical instruments, dental products, machinery for clinical diagnosis, various solutions for physical disabilities, laser machinery for medical and aesthetic purposes, packaging for medical equipment (package filling and closing, vials, syringes), maintaining medical equipment, etc. We work to order or with individual agreements with each client to have a minimum stock at our facilities. Our commitment is based on satisfying the needs of our clients offering a comprehensive management over the whole production process. From purchasing the material, machining, managing thermal treatments and surface finishes to assembling small units. A large machinery park, made up of 4 lathes and 8 machining centres aided by numerical control, gives us a high manufacturing capacity to meet the demand of our clients.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
We Offer all types of Finance loans for immediate respond application and many more 2% interest rate.(Whats App) number +919394133968 Mr Jeffery REPLY
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Paradela do Monte (Vila Real)
Now with the assistance of Medivic Aviation Air Ambulance from Raipur, you can transfer your loved one to preferred hospitals in India or abroad. In this emergency, Medivic Aviation plays a crucial role in emergency patient transport wherever you want. We have ten years of expertise in the transportation service field. We provide super-advanced Air Ambulance Service in Raipur with all types of medical facilities such as ICU and CCU setup with the well-versed medical staff, technician, and paramedic inducing MD doctor to peculiar care of the patient at the moving time. Get in Touch with Us Through Call, Email, or Visit Our Office Medivic Aviation Air Ambulance Service Address: Station Rd, Nahar Para, Station Road, Moudhapara, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492009 Mobile: +91-9560123309, +91-9264470192 EMAIL: Website:
5.474 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Serviços de pedreiro, canalização, pinturas interior e exterior, ladrilhos, chão flutuante, Pladur, Isolamentos todo tipo, electricidade, pequenos arranjos, manutenção de jardins, limpeza de terrenos, vedações de qualquer tipo, serviços de serralheiro(soldaduras, etc), entre outros. Bricklayer services, plumbing, interior and exterior painting, tiles, floating floors, Pladur, All types of insulation, electricity, small repairs, garden maintenance, land cleaning, fences of any type, locksmith services (welding, etc), among others.
10 €
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Who are we? We are a digital marketing agency based in Lisbon, specialized in web marketing. As part of our growth, we are looking for several talents to build our team. Within the scope of our activity with our international customers - publishers in the entertainment area - and to face new challenges of expansion, digital transformation, development of new innovative business models, we are looking for a Digital Production Assistant. Our goal: performance! Mission: Your mission, if you accept it, will be to publish various types of digital content for our clients (emailing campaigns, recruitment campaigns, free content, etc.) while ensuring the quality of the output. You will be expected to respect deadlines, be responsive and ensure the quality of the content in its entirety. Concretely, this means: entering the content provided in the various platforms (WordPress, Drupal, Adobe, Mautic, etc.) respecting the client's brief and bringing your expert eye to the visual rendering test before putting into production or delivery ensure the quality of the work provided to the client respect the deadlines Your profile: a university education 2 years of experience in content management on the Internet (sites, blogs, acquisition emails, loyalty emails: all this has no secrets for you!) a good command of web technologies in general you are an expert in content management systems a good knowledge of the technical environment of content integration (websites, social networks, mobile platforms: it's all seen and known for you!) you must be rigorous (but not too serious), have great organizational skills (and not only for afterworks!), be reactive, have great autonomy, and have a strong capacity to adapt you know how to manage priorities and like to work in a team (unity creates strength!) ability to interact with various teams (and you like that!) knowledge of Drupal, WordPress (nice to have) knowledge of HTML, CSS (it gets tougher...) Smartfocus and Adobe/Neolane, do you know them? That's a real plus!... also if you have notions of webdesign and responsive design of course, you are perfectly at ease in English (of course, we speak digital) if you speak Portuguese, that's the icing on the cake! Our deal : a unique opportunity to participate in the growth of a company (with lots of nice people!) on international markets, in a sector offering infinite perspectives (and even beyond!) a very "start-up" spirit, but above all relaxed and creative, a modern and pleasant environment. a working atmosphere where the human is valued to remain professional while being cool (yes, if it is possible, you may see how…) Type of contract: permanent contract, full time. Starting date: the sooner, the better. Annual salary: let's talk about it! Do you recognize yourself in this profile? Do you want to invest yourself in the development of our company? Then it's time to contact us! Send us your application (cover letter, CV with recent photo) by email to:
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
ELETRICISTA / MULTI-SERVIÇOS / REMODELAÇÕES Assistência rápida de qualidade garantida a um preço justo a combinar. Executamos todo o tipo de serviços ao domicilio, reparações, remodelações em imóveis, alojamentos locais e Condomínios. Larga experiência e competência na área. Eletricidade, canalização, pinturas, estores elétricos ou manuais, serviços de pedreiro, montagem de móveis, entre outros. Trabalhamos COM OU SEM fornecimento de MATERIAIS. SE NÃO FICAR SATISFEITO COM O TRABALHO NÃO COBRAMOS O SERVIÇO! ---------------- ELECTRICIAN / PLUMBING / HANDYMAN / REMODELING Fast quality assistance guaranteed at a fair price to be negotiate. We perform all kinds of services at home, repairs, remodeling yours properties. Extensive experience and competence in the area. Electricity, plumbing, paintings, electric or manual blinds. Furniture assembly, masonry services and others. We work with or without material supply. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE WORK, YOU WILL NOT PAY FOR THE SERVICE! ----------------- ÉLECTRICIEN / BRICOLAGE / HOMME A TOUS FAIRE / RÉNOVATION Assistance a domicile de qualité garantie à un prix équitable à négocier. Nous effectuons tous types de services à domicile, réparations, rénovation. Grande expérience et compétence dans le domaine. Électricité, plomberie, peintures, stores électriques ou manuels. Assemblage de meubles, services de maçonnerie et autres. Nous travaillons AVEC OU SANS fourniture de MATERIAUX. GARANTIE SATISFAIS OU REMBOURSÉ ! ------------- ELETTRICISTA / MULTI-SERVIZI / RIMODELLAMENTO Assistenza rapida di qualità garantita ad un prezzo equo da concordare. Effettuiamo tutti i tipi di servizi domestici, riparazioni, rimodellamento di proprietà, alloggi locali e condomini. Vasta esperienza e competenza nel settore. Elettricità, idraulica, quadri, tende elettriche o manuali. Assemblaggio di mobili, servizi di muratura e altri. Lavoriamo CON O SENZA fornitura di MATERIALI. SE NON SODDISFATTO NON COSTO PER IL SERVIZIO !
1 €
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A bilingual personal secretary is needed, with fluent oral and written English and Portuguese languages. Law, Environment, and Environmental Law knowledge is desired. Excellent skills for research on various topics on the internet (including academic research) and good command of Apple tools (e.g. installing programs, updates) and Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Ability to perform different sorts of tasks: writing emails for national and international companies and banks; contact and solve daily problems with telecommunication service providers, health insurance, auto-insurance; capacity for comparative evaluation for ordering different types of technical services and assistances; as well as supervision of the quality of these contracted services and projects (ex: equipments maintenance, general housing repairs and refurbishing). Good knowledge of hotel management and hotel and airline tickets booking. Schedule management. Good notions of accounting and administration; excellent ability to arrange files, invoices and receipts. Proactive and dynamic posture, good negotiation skills, perseverance, practicality, diplomacy, and, above all, excellent ethical principles, honesty, responsibility, loyalty and discretion.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
ELETRICISTA / MULTI-SERVIÇOS / REMODELAÇÕES Assistência rápida de qualidade garantida a um preço justo a combinar. Executamos todo o tipo de serviços ao domicilio, reparações, remodelações em imóveis, alojamentos locais e Condomínios. Larga experiência e competência na área. Eletricidade, canalização, pinturas, estores elétricos ou manuais, serviços de pedreiro, montagem de móveis, entre outros. Trabalhamos COM OU SEM fornecimento de MATERIAIS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ELECTRICIAN / PLUMBING / HANDYMAN / REMODELING Fast quality assistance guaranteed at a fair price to be negotiate. We perform all kinds of services at home, repairs, remodeling yours properties. Extensive experience and competence in the area. Electricity, plumbing, paintings, electric or manual blinds. Furniture assembly, masonry services and others. We work with or without material supply. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ÉLECTRICIEN / BRICOLAGE / HOMME A TOUS FAIRE / RÉNOVATION Assistance a domicile de qualité garantie à un prix équitable à négocier. Nous effectuons tous types de services à domicile, réparations, rénovation. Grande expérience et compétence dans le domaine. Électricité, plomberie, peintures, stores électriques ou manuels. Assemblage de meubles, services de maçonnerie et autres. Nous travaillons AVEC OU SANS fourniture de MATERIAUX. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ELETTRICISTA / MULTI-SERVIZI / RIMODELLAMENTO Assistenza rapida di qualità garantita ad un prezzo equo da concordare. Effettuiamo tutti i tipi di servizi domestici, riparazioni, rimodellamento di proprietà, alloggi locali e condomini. Vasta esperienza e competenza nel settore. Elettricità, idraulica, quadri, tende elettriche o manuali. Assemblaggio di mobili, servizi di muratura e altri. Lavoriamo CON O SENZA fornitura di MATERIALI.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
ELETRICISTA / MULTI-SERVIOS / REMODELAES Assistncia rpida de qualidade garantida a um preo justo a combinar. Executamos todo o tipo de servios ao domicilio, reparaes, remodelaes em imveis, alojamentos locais e Condomnios. Larga experincia e competncia na rea. Eletricidade, canalizao, pinturas, estores eltricos ou manuais, servios de pedreiro, montagem de mveis, entre outros. Trabalhamos COM OU SEM fornecimento de MATERIAIS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ELECTRICIAN / PLUMBING / HANDYMAN / REMODELING Fast quality assistance guaranteed at a fair price to be negotiate. We perform all kinds of services at home, repairs, remodeling yours properties. Extensive experience and competence in the area. Electricity, plumbing, paintings, electric or manual blinds. Furniture assembly, masonry services and others. We work with or without material supply. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LECTRICIEN / BRICOLAGE / HOMME A TOUS FAIRE / RNOVATION Assistance a domicile de qualit garantie un prix quitable ngocier. Nous effectuons tous types de services domicile, rparations, rnovation. Grande exprience et comptence dans le domaine. lectricit, plomberie, peintures, stores lectriques ou manuels. Assemblage de meubles, services de maonnerie et autres. Nous travaillons AVEC OU SANS fourniture de MATERIAUX. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ELETTRICISTA / MULTI-SERVIZI / RIMODELLAMENTO Assistenza rapida di qualit garantita ad un prezzo equo da concordare. Effettuiamo tutti i tipi di servizi domestici, riparazioni, rimodellamento di propriet, alloggi locali e condomini. Vasta esperienza e competenza nel settore. Elettricit, idraulica, quadri, tende elettriche o manuali. Assemblaggio di mobili, servizi di muratura e altri. Lavoriamo CON O SENZA fornitura di MATERIALI.
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