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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
No Monte Belo Sul, em Setúbal, a 300 metros das superfícies comerciais como Continente, Pingo Doce encontra este apartamento de 4 assoalhadas com varanda e marquise. Sito num prédio com 2 elevadores e inserido num sétimo andar, este imóvel é constituído por: Hall de entrada com roupeiro; Duas casas de banho, tendo sido uma delas remodelada recentemente; Uma sala de estar com marquise; Cozinha remodelada recentemente, com gás canalizado; Três quartos, um deles com varanda; Ao entrar no apartamento, deparamo-nos com os quartos à esquerda, virados a poente, em frente a casa de banho com janela e a sala com janela também, virada a nascente. À nossa direita encontra-se a cozinha virada a nascente. Relativamente aos equipamentos que ficam com o imóvel destacam-se: Fogão e exaustor; Termoacumulador; No local, para além das valências acima mencionadas, temos várias escolas, centro de saúde, bombas de gasolina, comércio local, e transportes públicos. Para quem viaja para fora da cidade tem também os acessos à autoestrada A12 e A2, que ligam ao Montijo e Lisboa, respectivamente. ----- English translation ------ In Monte Belo Sul, in Setúbal, 300 meters from commercial surfaces such as Continente, Pingo Doce is this 4-room apartment with a balcony and awning. Located in a building with 2 elevators and located on the seventh floor, this property comprises: Entrance hall with wardrobe; Two bathrooms, one of which was recently remodeled; A living room with awning; Newly remodeled kitchen with piped gas; Three bedrooms, one with a balcony; Upon entering the apartment, we come across the bedrooms on the left, facing west, in front of the bathroom with a window and the living room with a window as well, facing east. To our right is the kitchen facing east. Regarding the equipment that stays with the property, the following stand out: Stove and extractor hood; Thermoaccumulator; On site, in addition to the aforementioned services, we have several schools, a health center, gas stations, local shops, and public transport. For those traveling outside the city, there is also access to the A12 and A2 highways, which connect to Montijo and Lisbon, respectively.
158.000 €
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Loures (Lisboa)
Arrendamento de pequeno armazém na Portela/Sacavém - Lisboa com bons acessos, Aeroporto, A1 e A2 Armazém com 100 m2 de área - 800€Armazém com 200 m2 de área - 1.500€Armazém com 300 m2 de área - 2.100€ A centralidade e proximidade das principais vias de acesso às principais vias com ligação a Norte a Sul do país, reforçam uma localização apetecível para o seu negócio. Entrada para camiões, rampa de descarga, zona de escritórios e instalações sanitárias conferem-lhe uma vertente logistica completamente adequada às suas necessidades da sua empresa. Totalidade do imóvel (aprox. 6.000 m2): 32.500€ mensaisO imóvel é composto por 3 zonas (6.000 m2 de área total) com acessos a viaturas de grande porte completamente independentes distribuidas da seguinte forma e com possibilidade de ser arrendadas de forma autónoma: Pode ser parcialmente arrendadoParte A: 6.500€ mensais- 1.000 m2 - Dispõe de acesso e zona de parqueamento de veículos longos e zona de escritórios com instalações sanitárias perfeitamente adequada para empresa de Logística, por exemplo.Parte B: 11.000€ mensais- 2.000 m2 - Composto por zona extremamente ampla perfeita para parqueamento de rent a car dispondo de uma área bastante considerável para o efeito.Parte C: 18.000€ mensais- 3.000 m2 - Espaço que compreende acesso fácil para veículos longos e respectivo parque para cargas e descargas, zona de receção, instalações sanitárias, zona de logistica (com cerca de 2.000 m2) e armazenamento e ainda escritórios no piso superior com cerca de 1.000 m2 Faça deste o seu espaço de trabalho e o da sua equipa.Para mais informações por favor contacte-me. EnglishSmall warehouse for rent in Portela/Sacavém - Lisbon with good access to Airport and main highways Warehouse with 100 m2 area - €800 Warehouse with an area of ??200 m2 - €1,500 Warehouse with an area of ??300 m2 - €2,100 The centrality and proximity of the main access to the main roads connecting the North to the South of the country, reinforce a desirable location for your business.Entrance for trucks, unloading ramp, office area and sanitary facilities give you a logistical aspect completely adapted to your company's needs.Total property: €32,500 monthlyThe property consists of 3 zones (6,000 m2 of total area) with access to completely independent large vehicles distributed as follows and with the possibility of being rented independently:Can be partially leasedPart A: €6,500 monthly- 1,000 m2 - It has access and parking area for long vehicles and an office area with sanitary facilities perfectly suited for a logistics company, for example.Part B: €11,000 monthly- 2,000 m2 - Comprising an extremely wide area perfect for rent a car parking, with a very considerable area for this purpose.Part C: €18,000 monthly- 3,000 m2 - Space that includes easy access for long vehicles and respective parking for loading and unloading, reception area, sanitary facilities, logistics area (about 2,000 m2) and storage and also offices on the upper floor with about 1,000 m2 Make this your and your team's workspace.For more information please contact me. FrançaisPetit entrepôt à louer à Portela/Sacavém - Lisbonne avec an bon accès a l'aeroport et autoroutes principales Entrepôt de 100 m2 - 800 € Entrepôt d'une superficie de 200 m2 - 1 500 € Entrepôt d'une superficie de 300 m2 - 2 100 € La centralité et la proximité des principales voies d'accès aux grands axes routiers reliant le Nord au Sud du pays, renforcent une localisation privilégiée pour votre entreprise.Entrée pour camions, rampe de déchargement, espace bureau et sanitaires vous offrent un aspect logistique totalement adapté aux besoins de votre entreprise.Propriété entière (env. 6 000 m2): 32 500 € mensuels La propriété se compose de 3 zones (6 000 m2 de surface totale) avec accès à de grands véhicules complètement indépendants répartis comme suit et avec la possibilité d'être loués indépendamment: Peut être partiellement loué. Partie A: 6 500 € mensuels - 1 000 m2 - Il dispose d'un accès et d'une aire de stationnement pour véhicules longs et d'un espace bureau avec sanitaire parfaitement adapté pour une entreprise de logistique par exemple.Partie B : 11 000 € mensuels - 2 000 m2 - Comprenant une très grande surface idéale pour la location d'un parking, avec une surface très considérable à cet effet.Partie C: 18 000 € mensuels - 3 000 m2 - Espace comprenant un accès facile pour les véhicules longs et un parking respectif pour le chargement et le déchargement, une zone de réception, des installations sanitaires, une zone logistique (environ 2 000 m2) et un stockage ainsi que des bureaux à l'étage supérieur avec environ 1 000 m2Faites-en votre espace de travail et celui de votre équipe.Pour plus d'informations merci de me contacter.
1.500 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Excelente T3 totalmente remodelado com 70m2 na zona de Almada. O apartamento dispõe de uma cozinha totalmente equipada. Tem 1 casa de banho. Vista desafogada para a cidade. Situa-se perto de espaços verdes e comércio local, como restaurantes e supermercados. Localiza-se também numa zona de fácil acesso à autoestrada (A2), bem como transportes públicos. Para mais informações contacte-nos! English: Excellent T3 totally renovated with 70m2 in the area of Almada. The apartment has a fully equipped kitchen. It has 1 bathroom. Unobstructed view of the city. It is located close to green spaces and local shops, such as restaurants and supermarkets. It is also located in an area with easy access to the highway (A2), as well as public transport. For more information contact us! Francês: Excellent T3 totalement rénové avec 70m2 dans le quartier dAlmada. Lappartement dispose dune cuisine entièrement équipée. Il a 1 salle de bain. Vue dégagée sur la ville. Il est situé à proximité des espaces verts et des commerces locaux, tels que des restaurants et des supermarchés. Il est également situé dans une zone avec un accès facile à lautoroute (A2), ainsi quaux transports en commun. Pour plus dinformations contactez-nous!
179.000 €
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Sesimbra (Setúbal)
Apartamento T3 com 100 m² para Venda em Sesimbra (Almoinha)Este espaçoso apartamento T3, com uma área total superior a 100 m², está localizado no 3º andar de um edifício residencial na Freguesia do Castelo, concelho de Sesimbra, distrito de Setúbal. A propriedade apresenta um estado de conservação excelente e é composta por:· Hall de entrada· Sala comum· Cozinha· Três quartosDuas casas de banhoLocalização e AcessibilidadeSituado numa zona residencial calma, este imóvel encontra-se próximo de:· Estabelecimentos comerciais e serviços· Escolas· Espaços verdes· Transportes públicosCom bons acessos, está a curta distância das principais vias rodoviárias da região, como a A2, que conecta Lisboa ao nó do Fogueteiro, e as estradas nacionais EN 378, EN 10 e EN 379 que interligam os arredores de Sesimbra e Setúbal. 1.00 0 Sobre a Freguesia do Castelo e SesimbraA Freguesia do Castelo, a maior em área do concelho de Sesimbra, destaca-se pelo seu caráter rural e pela importância no abastecimento de produtos frescos, como frutas, legumes, pão e o famoso Queijo da Azoia. É também reconhecida pela sua relevância na indústria extrativa, construção e turismo, especialmente na região da Aldeia do Meco.Sesimbra e o seu LitoralSesimbra é uma joia da Península de Setúbal, com paisagens costeiras diversificadas e algumas das praias mais icónicas de Portugal. Entre as suas principais atrações estão:· Lagoa de Albufeira: Ideal para windsurf e kitesurf.· Praia do Moinho de Baixo (Aldeia do Meco): Extensos areais.· Rio da Prata e Praia das Bicas: Populares entre naturistas e surfistas.· Praia Ribeiro do Cavalo: Um verdadeiro paraíso acessível por barco ou trilha.· Adicionalmente, as falésias e enseadas da região oferecem vistas deslumbrantes e uma rica história geológica e cultural. 1.00 0 Se procura um lar que combine tranquilidade, acessibilidade e proximidade à beleza natural, este apartamento em Sesimbra é a escolha ideal. Não perca esta oportunidade!FRANCÊSAppartement de 3 chambres avec 100 m² à vendre à Sesimbra (Almoinha) Ce spacieux appartement de 3 chambres, d’une superficie totale de plus de 100 m², est situé au 3ème étage d’un immeuble résidentiel dans la paroisse de Castelo, municipalité de Sesimbra, district de Setúbal. Le bien est dans un excellent état de conservation et comprend: · Hall d’entrée · Salle commune · Cuisine · Trois chambres Deux salles de bains Emplacement et accessibilité Située dans un quartier résidentiel calme, cette propriété est proche de: · Commerces et services · Écoles · Espaces verts · Avec un bon accès, il se trouve à distance de marche des principales routes de la région, telles que l’A2, qui relie Lisbonne à la jonction de Fogueteiro, et les routes nationales EN 378, EN 10 et EN 379 qui relient la périphérie de Sesimbra et Setúbal.À propos de la paroisse de Castelo et Sesimbra La paroisse de Castelo, la plus grande en superficie de la municipalité de Sesimbra, se distingue par son caractère rural et son importance dans l’approvisionnement en produits frais, tels que les fruits, les légumes, le pain et le célèbre fromage Azoia. Il est également reconnu pour son importance dans l’industrie extractive, la construction et le tourisme, en particulier dans la région deAldeia do Meco. Sesimbra et son littoral Sesimbra est un joyau de la péninsule de Setúbal, avec des paysages côtiers variés et certaines des plages les plus emblématiques du Portugal. Parmi ses principales attractions, citons: · Lagoa de Albufeira: Idéal pour la planche à voile et le kitesurf. · Plage de Moinho de Baixo (Aldeia do Meco): Vastes plages de sable. · Rio da Prata et Praia das Bicas: Populaire auprès des naturistes et des surfeurs. · Plage de Ribeiro do Cavalo: Un véritable paradis accessible en bateau ou en sentier. · De plus, les falaises et les criques de la région offrent une vue imprenable et une riche histoire géologique et culturelle. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une maison qui allie tranquillité, accessibilité et proximité de la beauté naturelle, cet appartement à Sesimbra est le choix idéal. Ne manquez pas cette occasion !INGLÊS3 bedroom apartment with 100 sqm for sale in Sesimbra (Almoinha) This spacious 3 bedroom apartment, with a total area of more than 100 sqm, is located on the 3rd floor of a residential building in the parish of Castelo, municipality of Sesimbra, district of Setúbal. The property is in an excellent state of conservation and comprises: · Lobby · Common room · Kitchen · Three bedrooms Two bathrooms Location and Accessibility Situated in a quiet residential area, this property is close to: · Shops and services · Schools · Green spaces · Public transport With good access, it is within walking distance of the main roads in the region, such as the A2, which connects Lisbon to the Fogueteiro junction, and the national roads EN 378, EN 10 and EN 379 that connect the outskirts of Sesimbra and Setúbal.About the Parish of Castelo and Sesimbra The Parish of Castelo, the largest in area in the municipality of Sesimbra, stands out for its rural character and its importance in the supply of fresh products, such as fruits, vegetables, bread and the famous Azoia Cheese. It is also recognized for its relevance in the extractive industry, construction and tourism, especially in the region ofAldeia do Meco. Sesimbra and its Coastline Sesimbra is a jewel of the Setúbal Peninsula, with diverse coastal landscapes and some of the most iconic beaches in Portugal. Among its main attractions are: · Lagoa de Albufeira: Ideal for windsurfing and kitesurfing. · Moinho de Baixo Beach (Aldeia do Meco): Extensive sandy beaches. · Rio da Prata and Praia das Bicas: Popular with naturists and surfers. · Ribeiro do Cavalo Beach: A true paradise accessible by boat or trail. · Additionally, the cliffs and coves of the region offer stunning views and a rich geological and cultural history. If you are looking for a home that combines tranquility, accessibility and proximity to natural beauty, this apartment in Sesimbra is the ideal choice. Don't miss this opportunity!Predimed PORTUGAL Mediação Imobiliária Lda.Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaLicença AMI nº 22503Pessoa Coletiva nº 517 239 345Seguro Responsabilidade Civil: Nº de Apólice RC65379424 Fidelidade
239.000 €
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Sesimbra (Setúbal)
Apartamento T3 com 100 m² para Venda em Sesimbra (Almoinha)Este espaçoso apartamento T3, com uma área total superior a 100 m², está localizado no 3º andar de um edifício residencial na Freguesia do Castelo, concelho de Sesimbra, distrito de Setúbal. A propriedade apresenta um estado de conservação excelente e é composta por:· Hall de entrada· Sala comum· Cozinha· Três quartosUma casa de banhoLocalização e AcessibilidadeSituado numa zona residencial calma, este imóvel encontra-se próximo de:· Estabelecimentos comerciais e serviços· Escolas· Espaços verdes· Transportes públicosCom bons acessos, está a curta distância das principais vias rodoviárias da região, como a A2, que conecta Lisboa ao nó do Fogueteiro, e as estradas nacionais EN 378, EN 10 e EN 379 que interligam os arredores de Sesimbra e Setúbal. 1.00 0 Sobre a Freguesia do Castelo e SesimbraA Freguesia do Castelo, a maior em área do concelho de Sesimbra, destaca-se pelo seu caráter rural e pela importância no abastecimento de produtos frescos, como frutas, legumes, pão e o famoso Queijo da Azoia. É também reconhecida pela sua relevância na indústria extrativa, construção e turismo, especialmente na região da Aldeia do Meco.Sesimbra e o seu LitoralSesimbra é uma joia da Península de Setúbal, com paisagens costeiras diversificadas e algumas das praias mais icónicas de Portugal. Entre as suas principais atrações estão:· Lagoa de Albufeira: Ideal para windsurf e kitesurf.· Praia do Moinho de Baixo (Aldeia do Meco): Extensos areais.· Rio da Prata e Praia das Bicas: Populares entre naturistas e surfistas.· Praia Ribeiro do Cavalo: Um verdadeiro paraíso acessível por barco ou trilha.· Adicionalmente, as falésias e enseadas da região oferecem vistas deslumbrantes e uma rica história geológica e cultural. 1.00 0 Se procura um lar que combine tranquilidade, acessibilidade e proximidade à beleza natural, este apartamento em Sesimbra é a escolha ideal. Não perca esta oportunidade!FRANCÊSAppartement de 3 chambres avec 100 m² à vendre à Sesimbra (Almoinha) Ce spacieux appartement de 3 chambres, d’une superficie totale de plus de 100 m², est situé au 3ème étage d’un immeuble résidentiel dans la paroisse de Castelo, municipalité de Sesimbra, district de Setúbal. Le bien est dans un excellent état de conservation et comprend: · Hall d’entrée · Salle commune · Cuisine · Trois chambres Deux salles de bains Emplacement et accessibilité Située dans un quartier résidentiel calme, cette propriété est proche de: · Commerces et services · Écoles · Espaces verts · Avec un bon accès, il se trouve à distance de marche des principales routes de la région, telles que l’A2, qui relie Lisbonne à la jonction de Fogueteiro, et les routes nationales EN 378, EN 10 et EN 379 qui relient la périphérie de Sesimbra et Setúbal.À propos de la paroisse de Castelo et Sesimbra La paroisse de Castelo, la plus grande en superficie de la municipalité de Sesimbra, se distingue par son caractère rural et son importance dans l’approvisionnement en produits frais, tels que les fruits, les légumes, le pain et le célèbre fromage Azoia. Il est également reconnu pour son importance dans l’industrie extractive, la construction et le tourisme, en particulier dans la région deAldeia do Meco. Sesimbra et son littoral Sesimbra est un joyau de la péninsule de Setúbal, avec des paysages côtiers variés et certaines des plages les plus emblématiques du Portugal. Parmi ses principales attractions, citons: · Lagoa de Albufeira: Idéal pour la planche à voile et le kitesurf. · Plage de Moinho de Baixo (Aldeia do Meco): Vastes plages de sable. · Rio da Prata et Praia das Bicas: Populaire auprès des naturistes et des surfeurs. · Plage de Ribeiro do Cavalo: Un véritable paradis accessible en bateau ou en sentier. · De plus, les falaises et les criques de la région offrent une vue imprenable et une riche histoire géologique et culturelle. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une maison qui allie tranquillité, accessibilité et proximité de la beauté naturelle, cet appartement à Sesimbra est le choix idéal. Ne manquez pas cette occasion !INGLÊS3 bedroom apartment with 100 sqm for sale in Sesimbra (Almoinha) This spacious 3 bedroom apartment, with a total area of more than 100 sqm, is located on the 3rd floor of a residential building in the parish of Castelo, municipality of Sesimbra, district of Setúbal. The property is in an excellent state of conservation and comprises: · Lobby · Common room · Kitchen · Three bedrooms Two bathrooms Location and Accessibility Situated in a quiet residential area, this property is close to: · Shops and services · Schools · Green spaces · Public transport With good access, it is within walking distance of the main roads in the region, such as the A2, which connects Lisbon to the Fogueteiro junction, and the national roads EN 378, EN 10 and EN 379 that connect the outskirts of Sesimbra and Setúbal.About the Parish of Castelo and Sesimbra The Parish of Castelo, the largest in area in the municipality of Sesimbra, stands out for its rural character and its importance in the supply of fresh products, such as fruits, vegetables, bread and the famous Azoia Cheese. It is also recognized for its relevance in the extractive industry, construction and tourism, especially in the region ofAldeia do Meco. Sesimbra and its Coastline Sesimbra is a jewel of the Setúbal Peninsula, with diverse coastal landscapes and some of the most iconic beaches in Portugal. Among its main attractions are: · Lagoa de Albufeira: Ideal for windsurfing and kitesurfing. · Moinho de Baixo Beach (Aldeia do Meco): Extensive sandy beaches. · Rio da Prata and Praia das Bicas: Popular with naturists and surfers. · Ribeiro do Cavalo Beach: A true paradise accessible by boat or trail. · Additionally, the cliffs and coves of the region offer stunning views and a rich geological and cultural history. If you are looking for a home that combines tranquility, accessibility and proximity to natural beauty, this apartment in Sesimbra is the ideal choice. Don't miss this opportunity!Predimed PORTUGAL Mediação Imobiliária Lda.Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaLicença AMI nº 22503Pessoa Coletiva nº 517 239 345Seguro Responsabilidade Civil: Nº de Apólice RC65379424 Fidelidade
239.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T4 of contemporary architecture located about 2 km from Ericeira, inserted in a quiet area of villas and easy access to the center of the village of Ericeira as well as the traditional commerce and main access roads. Villa with swimming pool*, garage and lots of privacy. Property composed of: - Floor 0, entrance hall with storage areas, living room arranged to the south with access to the pool area (*), kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. - Floor 1, hall, 3 bedrooms being one of them a suite with closet, spacious terrace. Outside we have the pool (*), garden area with barbecue and a garage. (*) Swimming pool in legalization process * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
New 3 bedroom apartment with terrace with some sea view, located a few minutes from the center of ericeira village. Designed and designed based on the modernity associated with the balance of the tourist environment of the Ericeira area, the 'BLUE OCEAN' project is distinguished by its uniqueness, modernity and comfort of a construction with the highest quality standards. About 30 minutes from Lisbon and situated in one of the areas easily accessible to traditional and retail trade, public transport and expressways (A21/A8). New 3 bedroom apartment with terrace (under construction) with some sea view, located a few minutes from the center of ericeira village. Buildings with elevator, lawn areas and leisure areas. Great investment opportunity. Multifamily building with apartments T2, T3 and Duplex, in excellent location a few minutes walk from the village of Ericeira, sea view. The development 'BLUE OCEAN' comprises 30 apartments T2 to T3 Duplex / T4 Duplex with generous areas and access to green areas. The property consists of: - entrance hall, living room and kitchen with access to terrace with some sea view, social bathroom, 3 bedrooms (2 suites) with wardrobe. ** Forecast of completion of the work december 2022 ** **3D photos are demonstrative and non-binding** **The photos presented are examples of finishes** * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Moradia isolada T4, nova, arquitetura moderna, com piscina e garagem. Dispõe de uma área de terreno 330m2, área útil de 187m2, área bruta de 195m2 e área de logradouro de 220m2. Moradia com 2 pisos composta por: R/c: - Hall 4m2, com teto falso e chão flutuante vinílico; - Sala 30m2, com teto falso, chão flutuante vinílico e terraço de acesso à piscina; - Cozinha 14m2, móveis branco carvalho nórdico, tampo em calacatta gold e teto falso; Equipada com forno, placa de 90cm com 5 queimadores, exaustor, frigorífico americano ligado à canalização, microondas, termoacumulador de 300L com apoio de painéis solares, máquina da loiça e da roupa. - Quarto com 14m2, chão flutuante vinílico, teto falso e terraço de acesso ao jardim (frente da casa); - WC social completo com 7m2, teto falso, janela e nicho iluminado. 1º andar: - Hall de acesso aos quartos de 4m2, com teto falso e chão flutuante vinílico; - 1 suite 12m2, com chão flutuante vinílico, teto falso, roupeiro com portas de abrir e WC 4m2 completo com teto falso e janela (as loiças são suspensas); - 1 suite 14m2, com chão flutuante vinílico, teto falso, roupeiro com portas de abrir, varanda e WC 4m2 completo com teto falso e janela (as torneiras são na parede); - 1 suite 21m2, com chão flutuante vinílico, teto falso, roupeiro com portas de abrir, varanda com vista para a piscina e WC 3m2 completo com teto falso e janela. Anexo de 4m2, com chão flutuante vinílico, que serve para arrumos. Garagem de 17m2 com lugar para 1 carro. Equipada com ar condicionado, alarme, aspiração central, vídeo porteiro, porta blindada, painéis solares, vidros duplos, estores elétricos, portões automáticos e domótica. As madeiras são brancas com as dobradiças a preto. Espaço exterior com jardim, piscina de 6x3 com água salgada e churrasqueira com lava loiça e água quente. Perto de comércio, farmácia, jardins e transportes públicos. Situada a 17km de Lisboa, 1,8km das praias e a 200m de transportes públicos. Atualmente, a Charneca de Caparica, tem imenso comércio, tanto local, como grandes superfícies. Esta freguesia é composta também por ginásios, complexos desportivos. Conta com uma vasta afluência de transportes públicos, e acessos rápidos. Jardins públicos, com bastantes áreas de lazer infantis, também não faltam, o que também nos faz pensar numa zona bastante privilegiada 'Herdade da Aroeira'. Uma zona muito procurada por turistas, tanto por ter os melhores campos de golfe, como hotéis, zona comercial, ou por estar rodeada de natureza, a 2km das praias. Qualquer dos motivos para visitar a Charneca de Caparica, é ótimo! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detached villa T4, new, modern architecture, with swimming pool and garage. It has a land area 330m2, useful area of 187m2, gross area of 195m2 and patio area of 220m2. House with 2 floors composed of: R/C: - Hall 4m2, with false ceiling and floating vinyl floor; - Room 30m2, with false ceiling, floating vinyl floor and terrace access to the pool; - Kitchen 14m2, nordic oak white furniture, calacatta gold top and false ceiling; Equipped with oven, 90cm plate with 5 burners, hood, American refrigerator connected to the plumbing, microwave, 300L water heater with support of solar panels, dishwasher and clothing. - Room with 14m2, vinyl floating floor, false ceiling and terrace access to the garden (front of the house); - Social toilet complete with 7m2, false ceiling, window and illuminated niche. 1st floor: - Access hall to the rooms of 4m2, with false ceiling and floating vinyl floor; - 1 suite 12m2, with floating vinyl floor, false ceiling, wardrobe with open doors and WC 4m2 complete with false ceiling and window (the dishes are suspended); - 1 suite 14m2, with floating vinyl floor, false ceiling, wardrobe with open doors, balcony and WC 4m2 complete with false ceiling and window (the faucets are on the wall); - 1 suite 21m2, with floating vinyl floor, false ceiling, wardrobe with open doors, balcony overlooking the pool and WC 3m2 complete with false ceiling and window. Annex of 4m2, with floating vinyl floor, which serves for storage. Garage of 17m2 with space for 1 car. Equipped with air conditioning, alarm, central vacuum, video intercom, armored door, solar panels, double glazing, electric blinds, automatic and home automation gates. The woods are white with black hinges. Outdoor space with garden, 6x3 swimming pool with salt water and barbecue with dishwasher and hot water. Close to commerce, pharmacy, gardens and public transport. Situated 17km from Lisbon, 1.8km from the beaches and 200m by public transport. Currently, the Caparica Heath has immense commerce, both local and large surfaces. This parish is also composed of gyms, sports complexes. It has a wide influx of public transport, and quick access. Public gardens, with many children's leisure areas, also do not lack, which also makes us think of a very privileged area 'Herdade da Aroeira'. An area much sought after by tourists, either for having the best golf courses, such as hotels, shopping area, or being surrounded by nature, 2km from the beaches. Any of the reasons to visit the Caparica Heath, is great! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Villa individuelle T4, nouvelle architecture moderne, avec piscine et garage. Il a une superficie de 330m2, une surface utile de 187m2, une superficie brute de 195m2 et une superficie patio de 220m2. Maison de 2 étages composée de: R / C: - Hall 4m2, avec faux plafond et sol flottant en vinyle; - Chambre 30m2, avec faux plafond, sol flottant en vinyle et accès terrasse à la piscine; - Cuisine 14m2, meubles en chêne blanc nordique, plateau calacatta or et faux plafond; Equipé d'un four, plaque de 90cm avec 5 feux, hotte, réfrigérateur américain relié à la plomberie, micro-ondes, chauffe-eau 300L avec support de panneaux solaires, lave-vaisselle et vêtements. - Chambre avec 14m2, plancher flottant en vinyle, faux plafond et accès terrasse au jardin (avant de la maison); - WC social complet avec 7m2, faux plafond, fenêtre et niche éclairée. 1er étage: - Hall d'accès aux chambres de 4m2, avec faux plafond et sol flottant en vinyle; - 1 suite 12m2, avec sol flottant en vinyle, faux plafond, armoire avec portes ouvertes et WC 4m2 complet avec faux plafond et fenêtre (la vaisselle est suspendue); - 1 suite 14m2, avec sol flottant en vinyle, faux plafond, armoire avec portes ouvertes, balcon et WC 4m2 complet avec faux plafond et fenêtre (les robinets sont sur le mur); - 1 suite 21m2, avec sol flottant en vinyle, faux plafond, armoire avec portes ouvertes, balcon donnant sur la piscine et WC 3m2 complet avec faux plafond et fenêtre. Annexe de 4m2, avec plancher de vinyle flottant, qui sert de stockage. Garage de 17m2 avec espace pour 1 voiture. Equipé de climatisation, alarme, aspirateur central, interphone vidéo, porte blindée, panneaux solaires, double vitrage, stores électriques, portails automatiques et domotiques. Les bois sont blancs avec des charnières noires. Espace extérieur avec jardin, piscine 6x3 avec eau salée et barbecue avec lave-vaisselle et eau chaude. Proche du commerce, pharmacie, jardins et transports en commun. Situé à 17 km de Lisbonne, à 1,8 km des plages et à 200 m des transports en commun. Actuellement, la lande de Caparica a un immense commerce, à la fois local et de grandes surfaces. Cette paroisse est également composée de gymnases, de complexes sportifs. Il a un large afflux de transports en commun, et un accès rapide. Les jardins publics, avec de nombreuses zones de loisirs pour enfants, ne manquent pas non plus, ce qui nous fait également penser à une zone très privilégiée « Herdade da Aroeira ». Une zone très recherchée par les touristes, que ce soit pour avoir les meilleurs terrains de golf, tels que les hôtels, les zones commerçantes, ou être entouré par la nature, à 2 km des plages. Toutes les raisons de visiter la lande de Caparica sont géniales!
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Apartamento com 3 assoalhadas, num rés-do-chão alto, na Torre da Marinha | Seixal. Em fase final de construção, conta ainda com uma arrecadação e 1 lugar de parqueamento.   Localizado a 3 minutos de carro da Baía do Seixal, 500m da estação de comboios do Fogueteiro e do Shopping Rio Sul e a 5 minutos do acesso para a A2.   Acabamentos e Equipamentos: Isolamento térmico e acústico, janelas oscilobatentes em PVC, vidros duplos,estores elétricos, cozinha equipada com placa vitrocerâmica, campânula, forno, micro-ondas, frigorífico, máquina de lavar a loiça e máquina de lavar roupa (TEKA), ar condicionado na sala e quartos, painéis solares para aquecimento da águas sanitárias.   Composto por: Hall de entrada com roupeiro de apoio, sala com 2 ambientes, cozinha equipada, 1 suite, 1 quarto ambos com closet e 2 casas de banho completas.   Áreas: Sala | 27m2 Cozinha | 15,5m2 Hall | 7,70m2 Suite | 13,20m2 + 6,55m2 Quarto | 12,35 Casa de Banho | 2,90m2   Para mais informações, contate-me!   ----------------------------------------------------------------   2 bedroom apartment, on a high ground floor, in Torre da Marinha | Seixal. In final phase of construction, it also has a storage room and 1 parking place.   Located 3 minutes drive from the Bay of Seixal, 500m from the train station of Fogueteiro and Shopping Rio Sul and 5 minutes from access to the A2.   Finishes and Equipment: Thermal and acoustic insulation, PVC windows oscilobatentes, double glazing,electric shutters, kitchen equipped with vitroceramic hob, hood, oven, microwave, refrigerator,... #ref:124071246-1
250.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land located in the center of the village 15 km from Ericeira, with the possibility of feasibility of construction. Located in the middle of the village, residential area. Land with an area of 728 m² with possible feasibility of construction (dependent on approval) of isolated single-family housing, according to the Municipal Master Plan of Torres Vedras, since the land is inserted in Urbanized Soil - Urban Area. No PIP approved. The land is located in an infrastructured area in terms of access, sewerage, street lighting, etc.). Possibility of exchange for 2 bedroom apartment in Ericeira or Mafra. Served by electricity, water, sewers and asphalt. This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. 'Where the sea is bluer' ? Ericeira, was elected in 2018 the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being in analysis security, access and leisure spaces. Between customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and surfing. The 3rd place was assigned to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes). A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, yet focused on the needs of modern day-to-day life. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land with 4.190m² (area in the documentation) for construction of contemporary architecture house of typology T4 with approved project and license to pay, inserted in an area of very quiet, with a fantastic view of the countryside and very close to the beaches of Ericeira and the main access roads. Located about 8 km from the village of Ericeira and 4 km from Mafra. Land with feasibility approved on 2 August 2021, for construction of detached architecture villa with total gross area of 330.20m² contemporary and with implantation area of 215 m², with approved project, composed as follows: - Ground floor with living room and kitchen in open space with laundry area and pantry, three bedrooms being one en suite, full bathroom. Two-car garage. - Floor 1 master suite with fantastic countryside view. - Basement: room (potential for cinema). The exterior also includes an atelier of 50 m2 with bathroom. The project is approved and licensed for payment. ** Land area according to topographical survey is 3.945 m² **. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra still has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land with 1.577m² with approved project with the building license for payment for two semi-detached houses T4 (each with gross area of 217 m², with outdoor space for swimming pool and green areas. Land located in quiet area with easy access to Ericeira (2km). Project description: - Floor 0 with entrance hall, living room, kitchen, pantry and support bathroom. -Floor 1 with bedroom hall, three bedrooms with wardrobe (one en suite), bathroom support. Shed for a squad car. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Plot with an area of 4,256 m², inserted in a quiet area, in a quiet board with sea views on the horizon. Located about 8 km from the village and beach of Ericeira. The lot allows a maximum deployment of a villa up to 130 m² of implantation and distributed in 2 floors + basement. It also allows the construction of an annex up to 30 m². Lot inserted in urbanization without type project, with infrastructures such as water, electricity and basic sanitation. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' ? is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
**NG_Cond** Want to live '2 steps' from the beach? Excellent single-bedroom villa T2+2 (+2 cellar and attic), inserted in plot of 680m², with excellent sun exposure and sea view. Located less than 400m from the nearest beach and about 1 km from the center of ericeira village. House composed of: - Entrance to living room, with living area with open fire fireplace, in open space plan, L format with dining area and connection to the kitchen, hall of the rooms with bathroom with support with shower base and window, two bedrooms with wardrobe. From the kitchen there is a connection to the cellar/office area, with access to the garage, this garage with space for two cars, more storage, with automatic gate and support bathroom with shower base and window. Access to the attic used for bedroom and storage area. Outside we have a landscaped area, and several leisure areas around the villa. We also have 2 annexes*, one with typical kitchen and wood oven, another for storage and laundry, and an excellent terrace at the top of the villa with excellent sea views. Equipment: Kitchen equipped with stove, oven, hood, refrigerator, dryer, washing machine. * Undeclared attachments # Scripture up to 6 months after CPCV. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Come and meet this fantastic 3 bedroom villa, with plenty of light and a beautiful glazed wall for an excellent end of the afternoon, located in a square with no way out, with garden and barbecue covered with wood oven. Plot of 394m², less than 600meters from the beach and about 2Km from the center of Ericeira. The villa develops as follows: - Entrance to a large entrance hall with light sensor, access to the laundry room that in turn accesses the garage, where we have space for a car, and also a small storage area. Both gates are automatic. Living room and kitchen in open space with access to the outside. We have a leisure area with pellet stove and a dining area with glazed wall overlooking the garden and very sunny. Kitchen with peninsula. - On the 1st floor we have a circulation hall, a bedroom with wardrobe and access to the terrace, support bathroom with bathtub and window, closet to support the second bedroom, also this one with access to the terrace. Terrace with 22m² and garden views with the sea on the horizon. Outside we have a landscaped area to the west of the villa, small cultivation areas and parking space of 1 or 2 cars in front of the villa. (*) The west there is a barbecue covered with wood oven and annex for storage, these unlicensed. Equipment: Kitchen equipped with hob, oven, hood, dishwasher and clothes, combined and microwave. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Para venda em Regime de Exclusividade este magnífico apartamento de 2 quartos (T2) com uma varanda de exceção, virada a sul, que acompanha toda a frente do imóvel. De localização central, junto a acessos, transportes públicos, escola, supermercado, comércio local com farmácia, restaurantes, cafés, entre outros, bem como da junta de freguesia com o serviço de correios, este apartamento tem uma luminosidade e brilho únicos. Para isso contribuiu a sua orientação solar: totalmente virado a sul. Sem construção ou qualquer estrutura que retire a sua amplitude podemos contemplar toda a zona de Cabanas e o mar. Ao nível da climatização encontra-se equipado com ar condicionado e aquecimento. A sala bastante ampla, permite a criação de diferentes zonas tanto para sala de estar como zona de refeições. A cozinha está equipada com todos os electrodomésticos e tem acesso à varanda. Instalação sanitária é completa com banheira dispõe ainda de janela o que possibilia uma ventilação natural. Ambos os quartos com roupeiro e acesso à varanda. A varanda de dimensões generosas e com toldo, possibilita a colocação de mesa e cadeiras permitindo ususfruir deste espaço em diferentes alturas do dia. O imóvel dispõe ainda de um lugar de estacionamento na cave sendo o acesso ao mesmo directo sem curvas ou manobras apertadas. Apartamento situa-se num 2 andar em prédio sem elevador. Os custos ao nível de condomínio são reduzidos. Disponível para visitas desde já. Contacte-nos para agendar a sua visita HomeKeys Real Estate - AMI22223 _ For sale on an Exclusive Basis this magnificent 2 bedroom apartment (T2) with an exceptional balcony, facing south, which accompanies the entire front of the property. Centrally located, next to access, public transport, school, supermarket, local commerce with pharmacy, restaurants, cafes, among others, as well as the parish council with the post office, this apartment has a unique luminosity and brightness. To this contributed its solar orientation: totally facing south. Without construction or any structure that removes its amplitude we can contemplate the whole area of Cabanas and the sea. It is equipped with air conditioning and heating. The very large room allows the creation of different areas for both living room and dining area. The kitchen is equipped with all appliances and has access to the balcony. Sanitary installation is complete with bathtub also has a window which allows a natural ventilation. Both bedrooms with wardrobe and access to the balcony. The balcony of generous dimensions and with awning, allows the placement of table and chairs allowing to use this space at different times of the day. The property also has a parking space in the basement and access to it direct without curves or tight maneuvers. Apartment is located on a 2nd floor in building without elevator. Costs at the condominium level are reduced. Available for visits now. Contact us to schedule your visit. HomeKeys Real Estate - AMI22223
229.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land with an area of 2,705 m², located 2 km from the center of the village of Mafra and access to the A21/A8 and 7 km from the village of Ericeira. Sun exposure to the south and west and open view of countryside with the sea on the horizon. Land with an area of 2,705 m² with possible construction feasibility, dependent on approval D and according to the Mafra Municipal Master Plan, the land is inserted in Urban Soil, Areas to Be Structured, Urban Center Level III. The land should be able to have a construction of about 811.5 m², for the construction of a maximum of 8 houses with the following urban parameters: 2 floors and maximum façade height of 6.5 meters. Infrastructure sat access, sewers, street lighting, etc. This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. No PIP approved. *Does not dispense with the consultation of a specialized technician and/or opinion of the competent authorities, in particular the Municipality of Mafra and the Municipal Master Plan in force.* * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land inserted in urban soil, with excellent access to the centre of Mafra and the A21. Inserted in quiet village with unobstructed views, about 1 km from the centre of Mafra. Excellent investment opportunity. Plot of land with an area of 8.000 sq.m. with possible viability of construction (subject to approval) of villa(s)/building(s)/other with the following urbanistic parameters, in accordance with the Municipal Master Plan of Mafra, since the plot is inserted in Urban Ground - Residential Spaces - Areas to be structured level III. In accordance with the direct application of the provisions of the PDM it will be feasible to build around 2400m², with a maximum of 24 dwellings, with 2 floors and 6.5 metres of maximum frontage height. The number of dwellings and the estimated buildable area may be reduced due to the conditions resulting from the application of the building parameters (areas, setbacks, height, etc), existing constraints and other regulatory provisions. The plot is located in a residential area with all infrastructures: - access, - public lighting, etc. Excellent investment opportunity * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 +3 (+3 - garage with 2 rooms and 1 attic used) detached with swimming pool and sea view 10 minutes walk from the beach S. Julião and 8 km from Ericeira. The property consists of: - R / C with kitchen, living room with stove, toilet with poliban, 2nd room with access to sheds, storage room and garage (can be converted into 2 rooms / bedrooms) - Floor 1 with 2 bedrooms (one with wardrobe and access to balcony), suite with balcony with sea view, with wardrobe and toilet with 2 washbasins - 2nd floor with large attic with sea view and toilet with poliban Outdoor: swimming pool, patio, shed with leisure area and barbecue, toilet with poliban and parking area for 2 cars. Equipment: pre-installation of air conditioning, electric heating, video intercom, automatic entrance gate. Kitchen with oven, induction hob, hood, washing machine, dishwasher, water heater, microwave, American refrigerator. Rental conditions: * 6 lace * 2 deposit * Proof of income; IRS * 1-year non-renewable contract * The practice of AL is not allowed This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 +3 (+3 - garage with 2 rooms and 1 attic used) inserted in a lot of gaveto with 405m² in a quiet square only of villas. Located a 10-minute walk from S. Julião beach, asta property has an excellent solar orientation. Property composed of: - R / C with kitchen, living room with stove, wc with poliban, 2nd room with access to sheds, storage room and garage (can be converted into 2 halls / bedrooms); - Floor 1 with 2 bedrooms (one with wardrobe and access to balcony), suite with balcony with sea view, with wardrobe and toilet with 2 washbasins - Floor 2 with large attic** with sea view and with toilet with polyban Outdoor: swimming pool**, patio, sheds with leisure area and barbecue, toilet with poliban and parking area for 2 cars. Equipment: pre-installation of air conditioning, electric heating, oven, induction hob, dishwasher, door, video intercom, hood, microwave, Samsung American refrigerator, swimming pool, barbecue material and electric water heater, automatic auto entrance gate. ** does not contain the documentation This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Apartamento T2 inserido em condomínio de excelência muito procurado - Nova Campolide - com todas as vantagens inerentes: centralidade, garagem, bons acessos, segurança 24 horas, jardim comum. O T2, ao nível de um 1º andar, virado para esse jardim, usufruindo de vista desafogada e de grande calma e sossego. O Apartamento dispõe ainda de um parqueamento e arrecadação, ambos no piso -2. A entrada do edifício é ampla e calma, sendo a entrada do apartamento de grande dimensão, dando acesso à cozinha e à sala, alargando o espaço desta de forma muito fluida; daqui parte o acesso aos quartos, dotados de armários embutidos e estores elétricos, e 2 casas de banho completas. Tanto as casas de banho como a cozinha foram renovadas no último ano, estando a cozinha com os melhores equipamentos. O Certificado Energético, datado de 2017, categoriza a fração no nível C; desde então, e dada a instalação de sistema de ar condicionado multisplit em todas as divisões (sala, cozinha e os dois quartos) a classificação passaria para o Nível B. Usufrua do facto de estar no centro de Lisboa mas sem sentir o bulício da cidade, com grande proximidade dos grandes eixos e a poucos passos do comércio da rua de Campolide, com bons transportes e proximidade do Metro (e mais ainda da futura estação de Campolide). Beneficie ainda da proximidade do novo parque da Praça de Espanha e das ciclovias de ligação ao parque florestal de Monsanto e a toda a cidade. Qualquer dúvida não hesite em contactar (Beatriz Cunha: 918331999 / 919220569) Vemo-nos nas visitas ________//____________ EN: 2-bedroom Apartment - Nova Campolide A 2-bedroom apartment in a very sought-out and prestigious condominium Nova Campolide with several perks: central, indoor parking spot, access to public transportation, 24h security and common garden. The 2-bedroom apartment is situated at a 1st floor height, with clear and relaxing views to the common garden. It has storage and a parking spot on the -2 floor. The building hall is big and calm. The apartment hall is also big with access to both the kitchen and living room, connecting these two areas with great ease. It also has a corridor to the 2 bedrooms, both equipped with built-in closets and electrical blinds, and 2 full bathrooms. Both bathrooms and the kitchen were renovated in the previous year, and the kitchen is equipped with last-generation appliances. The Energetic Certificate, from 2017, places the apartment at level C. Since then, multisplit AC units were installed in the bedrooms, living room and kitchen so the current classification would be level B. Here, one can enjoy the perks of being in the center of Lisbon without the associated fuss, in the proximity of important road axis and next to Rua de Campolide, with good public transportation and close to a subway station (there being plans of a subway station even closer). It is also in proximity to Praça de Espanha with its recently inaugurated green areas and the bike lanes connections to Monsanto Forest Park and the whole city. Feel free to reach out with any question, we ll see each other at the property tour. (Beatriz Cunha: 918331999 / 919220569)
595.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Terreno com 1319m2, com construção de imóvel anterior a 1951, localizado no coração da Charneca de Caparica. Atualmente ainda é composto por um anexo com 46m2 e 23m2. Ideal para fazer um espaço comercial. Rápidos acessos a Lisboa, cerca de 15 minutos, a 5 minutos das praias e transportes à porta. Atualmente, a Charneca de Caparica, tem imenso comércio, tanto local, como grandes superfícies. Esta freguesia é composta também por ginásios, complexos desportivos. Conta com uma vasta afluência de transportes públicos, e acessos rápidos. Jardins públicos, com bastantes áreas de lazer infantis, também não faltam, o que também nos faz pensar numa zona bastante privilegiada 'Herdade da Aroeira'. Uma zona muito procurada por turistas, tanto por ter os melhores campos de golfe, como hotéis, zona comercial, ou por estar rodeada de natureza, a 2km das praias. Qualquer dos motivos para visitar a Charneca de Caparica, é ótimo! ------------------------------- Land with 1319m2, with construction of property prior to 1951, located in the heart of the Charneca de Caparica. Currently it still consists of an annex with 46m2 and 23m2. Ideal for making a commercial space. Quick access to Lisbon, about 15 minutes, 5 minutes from the beaches and transport at the door. Currently, the Charneca de Caparica, has a lot of commerce, both local and large areas. This parish is also composed of gyms, sports complexes. It has a vast flow of public transport, and quick access. Public gardens, with plenty of children's play areas, also abound, which also makes us think of a very privileged area 'Herdade da Aroeira'. An area much sought after by tourists, both for having the best golf courses, as hotels, shopping area, or for being surrounded by nature, 2 km from the beaches. Any reason to visit the Charneca de Caparica is great! ------------------------------------- Terrain avec 1319m2, avec construction de propriété avant 1951, situé au coeur de la Charneca de Caparica. Actuellement, il se compose toujours d'une annexe avec 46m2 et 23m2. Idéal pour faire un espace commercial. Accès rapide à Lisbonne, à environ 15 minutes, à 5 minutes des plages et transport à la porte. Actuellement, la Charneca de Caparica, a beaucoup de commerce, à la fois local et de grandes zones. Cette paroisse est également composée de gymnases, de complexes sportifs. Il dispose d'un vaste flux de transports en commun et d'un accès rapide. Les jardins publics, avec de nombreuses aires de jeux pour enfants, abondent également, ce qui nous fait également penser à une zone très privilégiée «Herdade da Aroeira». Une zone très recherchée par les touristes, à la fois pour avoir les meilleurs terrains de golf, comme hôtels, quartier commerçant, ou pour être en pleine nature, à 2 km des plages. Toute raison de visiter la Charneca de Caparica est géniale!
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