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Águeda (Aveiro)
We have Male and Female baby Scarlet Macaw Parrots available for sale. These 14-20 weeks old parrots are currently being nurtured in a beautiful environment and ready to be shipped worldwide. All our babies are very friendly, entertaining and very well socialized. All our parrots come with a health certificate from an Avian vet and all babies are also DISEASE-FREE.
1,20 €
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
Purebred Pomeranian Puppies Available Two Pomeranian puppies ready now, one cream and one sable really loving puppies they are being brought up in our family home so are used to kids and other small pets thay are very.. ---email for more details...(
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A dos Cunhados (Lisboa)
Adorable Teacup Yorkie Puppies They are excellent yorkie puppies and love to be cuddled, pampered and also love to go out and are very friendly with other animals and children. They are 12 weeks old and ready for their new home
310 €
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Água Todo Ano (Santarém)
Lovely teacup Pom puppies for sale. They are very healthy, social, loving, and have excellent personalities. We spend a lot of time with our puppies. They are truly lovable pups. Puppies are 12 weeks old now, we have 2 males and one female.
200 €
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A dos Cunhados (Lisboa)
Chihuahua puppies available We have beautiful male and female Chihuahua puppies that we want to offer for adoption. these puppies are very small. they are healthy and dewormed
500 €
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Água dos Fusos (Faro)
Beautiful puppies of German shepherds, male and female available, fully vaccinated, dewormed and fleet and Michael ready to leave for their eternal homes, the dogs are using tampons at the moment they are very adorable and get along.
300 €
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Monte Adail (Beja)
Beautiful puppies of Great Danes, male and female available, fully vaccinated, dewormed and fleet and Michael ready to leave for their eternal homes, the dogs are using tampons at the moment they are very adorable and get along
300 €
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Agro-Porto (Porto)
Beautiful puppies of French Bulldog, male and female available, fully vaccinated, dewormed and fleet and Michael ready to leave for their eternal homes, the dogs are using tampons at the moment they are very adorable and get along
300 €
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Lisboinha (Leiria)
Beautiful Neapolitan Mastiff puppies males and females available fully vaccinated wormed and fleet and Michael chipped ready to leave for their forever homes puppies are using toilet training pads at the moment they are very lovable and gets on really well with other animals people and children puppies have been kept in doors contact me for more information via my email address at (
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Aldeia da Mata (Portalegre)
Quality German Shepherd puppies for sale. These pups are large boned, straight backed black and tan puppies. They have been bred for health and temperament. They are very outgoing,friendly, inquisitive and well socialised. These puppies have been bred on our working farm in the countryside.
99 €
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2 fotos

Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendo casais de patos Khaki Campbell;Khaki Campbells are very good layers. It is an excellent forager and capable of sitting on and hatching its own eggs. Tadornas Ferrugíneas nascidas em 2020. Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) is a large bird that draws attention to the rusty hue of its plumage.
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Borba de Godim (Porto)
Quality English bulldog puppies They were bred for health and temperament. They are very outgoing, friendly, curious and well socialized. These puppies were raised on our working farm in the countrysid
250 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Tasty and healthy: "My two girls are very picky with food. This one they really like. As well it’s suitable for the one with Leishmaniose, moderate amount of proteins and fosfor. Pleasant smell."
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Olá, Em cerca de 6 semanas temos 10 cachorros para os quais estamos à procura de um novo lar. Há 4 machos e 6 fêmeas. A mãe deles é uma raça mista de tamanho médio (Terrier, Labrador, cão pastor português). O pai é um cão preto de rua um pouco maior que a mãe mas também bonito:) Os cães são todos muito bonitinhos:) Eles estão habituados a crianças e estão a crescer num ambiente seguro. É melhor vir e dar uma olhada neles. Vivemos a cerca de 2 de Atalaia do Campo. - Hello, In about 6 weeks we have 10 puppies for which we are looking for a new home. There are 4 males and 6 females. Their mother is a medium sized mixed breed (Terrier, Labrador, Portuguese shepherd dog). The father is a black street dog a bit bigger than the mother but also beautiful The dogs are all very very cute They are used to children and are growing up in a safe environment. Best to come and have a look at them. We live about 2 away from Atalaia do Campo. Cumprimentos /warmest regards, Jana e Sebastian
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Carcavelos (Lisboa)
Labrador babies born last Christmas(25.12.2019),their parents are purebred beige Labrador, their parents are two years old, this is their first birth. There are male and female dogs. Very pretty babies are expected to pick up when they‘re over 45 days. (about 10.Feb.can be taken)None of the puppies have been vaccinated.Welcome to contact me in English. Dogs live near Arneiro Carcavelos.(The last two are pictures of the puppy's parents)
380 €
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Carcavelos (Lisboa)
Now There are only male dogs. 57days old. Labrador babies born last Christmas(25.12.2019),their parents are purebred beige Labrador, their parents are two years old, this is their first birth. Very pretty babies are expected to pick up. None of the puppies have been vaccinated.Welcome to contact me in English. Dogs live near Arneiro Carcavelos.(The last two are pictures of the puppy's parents)
200 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Dear all, We are looking for a very nice family to adopt (not selling) our baby male cat named Oscar - he is one year old. He is kind, funny, playful and a cutie. He loves being petted and gets along very well with dogs and other cats. He has been castrated already and got all the vaccinations needed. We unfortunately have to give him for adoption because I've developed breathing issues due to being allergic to the cat - those have become worse in the past few months and show no signs of stopping - it is therefore not reasonable for us to keep Oscar. We clearly should have thought this through better when we adopted him ourselves but we couldn't resist taking him out of the cage he was living in at the time and have tried to make it work ever since - unfortunately without success. We will give out all the furnitures to the futur owner (small cat tree, recipients for food, water etc, and his litter box as well). PS: Please do contact us ONLY If you are serious about adopting him and caring for him. It's distressful enough to part with him, we want to make absolutely sure that he will be welcomed and cared for properly
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendo duas Streams/wavemaker's com aproximadamente um ano de utilização mas como novas: The Aqualight Easystream PRO is packed with awesome new features and technology making them more efficient and reliable than ever. The new 6-pole, 3-phase technology motors, which is unique to Aqualight ensures a very smooth run with very low noise. The pumps do not contain electronics and the axis are made of ceramic, hence lifespan is doubled. New wave simulations have been added and the intelligent light sensor reduces flow rate at night. The all new Wireless control enables one controller to sync with the others without any cable connections. A new large LCD screen has been added to facilitate setup. It also displays all parameters at once without any submenus. Ceramic axis-> longer lifespan light sensor– reduced flow rate at night wireless control of up to 10 pumps very quiet feeding break 6-Pole 3 phase motor Coarse strainer -> reduces maintainance frequency. safe 24V DC Memory function on power failure Vendo 45€/unidade e tenho preferência em vender o conjunto Envio para Portugal Continental com acrescimento do transporte. Os valores não são negociáveis. Obrigado
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendemos o nosso querido burro, que chama-se FAUSTO. Ele está registado no Ministério com o passaporte verde e número de microchip. Ele é muito obediente, disposto e subordina-se voluntariamente aos adultos, fácil para montar e bom em frente da carrossa. Fausto está habituado a cães, galinhas e cabras e é muito amigável. Por ser um burro não castrado, deve ser mantido separado de outros burros e cavalos e não é adequado para crianças sem supervisão. Se tem um espaço de terreno vedado que não quer cortar, Fausto é um excelente jardineiro, um amigo amoroso e um impressionante apanhador de olhos. Fausto tem produzido belos potros há mais de 10 anos e agora estamos a vendê-lo com um coração pesado porque precisamos de sangue fresco. Temos a possibilidade de efectuar transportes oficiais e legais, e se desejar, podemos trazer Fausto também para a sua casa. (custo adicional) Podemos emitir uma factura oficial com recibo para as autoridades fiscais. > ENGLISH: We sell our beloved stallion FAUSTO. He is registered at the Ministry with the green passport and microchip number. He is very obedient, well behaved, and subordinates himself willingly to adults, easy to ride and nice in front of a carriage. Fausto is accustomed to dogs, poultry and goats and is very familiar. Because he is an uncastrated stallion, he should be kept separate from other donkeys and horses and is not suitable for children without supervision. If you have a piece of fenced land that you don't want to mow, Fausto is an excellent gardener, loving friend and impressive eye-catcher. Fausto has produced beautiful foals for over 10 years and now we are selling him with a heavy heart because we need fresh blood. We have the possibility to carry out official and legal transports, and if you wish, we could bring Fausto also to your home. (extra charge) We can issue an official invoice with receipt for the tax authorities. > DEUTSCH: Wir verkaufen unseren geliebten Hengst FAUSTO. Er ist beim Ministerium mit dem grünen Reisepass und der Mikrochipnummer registriert. Er ist sehr gehorsam, freundlich und ordnet sich Erwachsenen bereitwillig unter, ist einfach zu reiten und geht gut vor der Kutsche. Fausto ist an Hunde, Geflügel und Ziegen gewöhnt und gut verträglich. Da er ein unkastrierter Hengst ist, sollte er von anderen Eseln und Pferden getrennt gehalten werden und ist für Kinder ohne Aufsicht nicht geeignet. Wenn Sie ein eingezäuntes Stück Land haben das Sie nicht mähen wollen, ist Fausto ein ausgezeichneter Gärtner, liebevoller Freund und beeindruckender Blickfang. Fausto hat über 10 Jahre wunderschöne Fohlen gezeugt und jetzt verkaufen wir ihn schweren Herzens weil wir frisches Blut benötigen. Wir haben die Möglichkeit offizielle und legale Transporte durchzuführen, und wenn Sie es wünschen, könnten wir Fausto auch zu Ihnen nach Hause bringen. (Aufschlag) Wir können eine offizielle Rechnung mit Quittung ausstellen für die Finanzbehörde.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Nós vendemos nosso macho cabra a partir de 2019. É um animal muito amoroso e confiante, que não é esterilizado. Falamos alemão e inglês, mas também podemos traduzir para o português. Se você estiver interessado, escreva-nos uma mensagem. - - - - - - - - - - We sell our young goat male from 2019. It is a very loving, trusting animal and not neutered. We speak German and English, but can also translate into Portuguese. If you are interested, please write us a message. - - - - - - - - - - Wir verkaufen unseren jungen Ziegenbock aus dem Jahr 2019. Es ist ein sehr liebes, zutrauliches Tier und nicht kastriert. Wir sprechen deutsch und englisch, können aber auch auf portugiesisch übersetzen. Bei Interesse schreiben Sie uns bitte eine Nachricht.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Nós vendemos nosso macho cabra a partir de 2019. É um animal muito amoroso e confiante, que não é esterilizado. Falamos alemão e inglês, mas também podemos traduzir para o português. Se você estiver interessado, escreva-nos uma mensagem. - - - - - - - - - - We sell our young goat male from 2019. It is a very loving, trusting animal and not neutered. We speak German and English, but can also translate into Portuguese. If you are interested, please write us a message.
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Agra de Moreira (Porto)
Beautiful Beagle Puppies The puppies were bred free of charge. Much love was dedicated to its creation. The puppies have been treated very well, are used to other dogs, cats and children.
200 €
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