Area also known for desportivo nacional
Lista mais vendidos area also known for desportivo nacional

Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prédio de Escritórios - Venda ou Arrendamento - Oeiras Venda ?12.500.000,00 Arrendamento ?90.000,00 Condomínio Mensal ?9.181,00 O imóvel está localizado na zona da Linda-a-Pastora, sendo uma área essencialmente residencial de moradias e edifícios de baixa altura, edifícios de escritórios e algum comércio de rua; A zona também é conhecida pelo complexo Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor, que visa disponibilizar espaço e apoiar a realização de atividades ar livre, para a população de todas as classes etárias, pela Cidade do Futebol e Campo de Golfe, estando os equipamentos apenas a 5 minutos do imóvel. Proximidade ao mar; Proximidade ao Passeio Marítimo de Oeiras; Proximidade a diversas áreas comerciais: Oeiras Parque (+- 10 minutos); Alegro Alfragide (+- 10 minutos) Espaço de Refeitório Piso 0 - 47 Lugares Estacionamento Interior Logradouro - 48 Lugares Estacionamento Exterior (com uso alternativo para 67 lugares de estacionamento interior) EN Office Building - Sale or Lease - Oeiras Sale ?12,500,000.00 Lease ?90,000.00 Monthly Condo ?9,181.00 The property is located in the Linda-a-Pastora area, being an area essentially residential housing and low-rise buildings, office buildings and some trade; The area is also known for the Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor complex, which aims to provide space and support outdoor activities for the population of all age groups, by Cidade do Futebol and Campo de Golfe, with equipment just 5 minutes from the property. Proximity to the sea; Proximity to Passeio Marítimo de Oeiras; Proximity to several commercial areas: Oeiras Parque (+- 10 minutes); Alegro Alfragide (+- 10 minutes) Cafeteria Floor 0 - 47 Indoor Parking Spaces Patio - 48 Outdoor Parking Spaces (with alternative use for 67 indoor parking spaces) FR Immeuble de bureaux - Vente ou location - Oeiras Vente 12 500 000,00 ? Location 90 000,00 ? Condo mensuel 9 181,00 ? La propriété est située dans la zone de Linda-a-Pastora, étant une zone essentiellement logements résidentiels et immeubles de faible hauteur, immeubles de bureaux et certains commerces de rue; La région est également connue pour le complexe Centro Desportivo Nacional do Jamor, qui vise à fournir de l'espace et soutenir les activités de plein air pour la population de tous groupes d'âge, par Cidade do Futebol et Campo de Golfe, avec équipement à seulement 5 minutes de la propriété.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Apartamento T3 + 1 com vista rio. Dispõe de uma área útil de 86m2 e área bruta de 105m2. Composto por: - Hall 6m2, com chão flutuante; - Sala 18m2, com chão flutuante e vista mar/rio; - Cozinha 15m2 com móveis em madeira em tom de castanho; - Quarto interior com 6m2, com chão flutuante e janela; - Quarto com 9m2 e chão flutuante; - Quarto com 11m2 e chão flutuante; - Quarto com 14m2 e chão flutuante; - WC social completo com 5m2, banheira e janela; - WC social com 2m2 e janela. Perto de comércio, farmácia e jardins. Situada a 15 minutos de Lisboa, a 2 minutos das praias e a 2 minutos de transportes públicos. Almada é conhecida por diversos motivos, alguns deles, são o famoso Santuário Nacional de Cristo Rei, que fica junto à ponte 25 de abril, que liga Almada a Lisboa, monumento este com 215 metros acima do nível do mar, com vista de 360 graus, contruído em 1959. As praias da Costa da Caparica, Fonte da Telha são também uma das maiores atrações. Uma cidade linda, que deslumbra quem por lá passa. Há cerca de 12 anos, foi construído o metro de superfície, que veio dar uma evolução nos transportes no concelho, inclui ainda também centenas de autocarros, que podem levá-lo a qualquer lado. Meios de transporte em Almada, não é problema. Em 10 minutos, estamos na capital, seja de carro, comboio ou autocarro. Bibliotecas, jardins, zonas de lazer também não faltam aqui. Muito comércio local, e um centro comercial, que já foi classificado como o melhor da europa. Razões não faltam para vir. Venha visitar! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Apartment T3 + 1 with river view. It has a useful area of 86m2 and gross area of 105m2. Composed of: - Hall 6m2, with floating floor; - Room 18m2, with floating floor and sea/river view; - Kitchen 15m2 with wooden furniture in brown tone; - Interior room with 6m2, with floating floor and window; - Room with 9m2 and floating floor; - Room with 11m2 and floating floor; - Room with 14m2 and floating floor; - Social toilet complete with 5m2, bathtub and window; - Social toilet with 2m2 and window. Close to commerce, pharmacy and gardens. Situated 15 minutes from Lisbon, 2 minutes from the beaches and 2 minutes by public transport. Almada is known for several reasons, some of them are the famous National Sanctuary of Christ the King, which is next to the bridge April 25, which connects Almada to Lisbon, this monument with 215 meters above sea level, with a view of 360 degrees, conttured in 1959. The beaches of Costa da Caparica, Fonte da Telha are also one of the biggest attractions. A beautiful city that dazzles those who pass through there. About 12 years ago, was built the surface metro, which came to give an evolution in transport in the county, also includes hundreds of buses, which can take you anywhere. Means of transport in Almada, it's no problem. In 10 minutes, we are in the capital, whether by car, train or bus. Libraries, gardens, leisure areas are also not lacking here. A lot of local commerce, and a shopping centre, which was once ranked as the best in Europe. There's no shortage of reasons to come. Come visit! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appartement T3 + 1 avec vue sur la rivière. Il a une surface utile de 86m2 et une superficie brute de 105m2. Composé de: - Hall 6m2, avec plancher flottant; - Chambre 18m2, avec plancher flottant et vue mer / rivière; - Cuisine 15m2 avec meubles en bois dans le ton marron; - Chambre intérieure avec 6m2, avec plancher flottant et fenêtre; - Chambre avec 9m2 et plancher flottant; - Chambre avec 11m2 et plancher flottant; - Chambre avec 14m2 et plancher flottant; - WC social complet avec 5m2, baignoire et fenêtre; - WC social avec 2m2 et fenêtre. Proche commerce, pharmacie et jardins. Situé à 15 minutes de Lisbonne, à 2 minutes des plages et à 2 minutes en transports en commun. Almada est connue pour plusieurs raisons, certaines d'entre elles sont le célèbre sanctuaire national du Christ Roi, qui se trouve à côté du pont du 25 avril, qui relie Almada à Lisbonne, ce monument à 215 mètres d'altitude, avec une vue à 360 degrés, construit en 1959. Les plages de Costa da Caparica, Fonte da Telha sont également l'une des plus grandes attractions. Une belle ville qui éblouit ceux qui y passent. Il y a environ 12 ans, a été construit le métro de surface, qui est venu donner une évolution dans les transports dans le comté, comprend également des centaines de bus, qui peuvent vous emmener partout. Moyens de transport à Almada, ce n'est pas un problème. En 10 minutes, nous sommes dans la capitale, que ce soit en voiture, en train ou en bus. Les bibliothèques, les jardins, les espaces de loisirs ne manquent pas non plus ici. Beaucoup de commerce local, et un centre commercial, qui était autrefois classé comme le meilleur d'Europe. Les raisons de venir ne manquent pas. Venez visiter!
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Apartamento totalmente remodelado, decorado e mobilado, inserido num dos bairros mais Trendy de Lisboa, Madragoa - Estrela. Ideal para investimento ou para habitação própria. Atualmente arrendado 3,8% de yield. Está a 5 minutos a pé da zona ribeirinha de Santos, conhecida como Santos Design District, foi alvo de requalificação pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, ganhando uma nova vida e é hoje uma das principais artérias da cidade.. O Bairro de Santos, é conhecido pelas suas galerias de arte, lojas de design, escolas de arte e Arquitetura, bem como restaurantes, bares e discotecas. Ali se situa o Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga e o Convento das Trinas do Mocambo. Santos é servido por várias paragens de autocarros, eléctricos e estação de comboio da linha de Cascais e a 10 minutos a pé ate a estação do Cais de Sodré. Venha visitar este apartamento e encante-se pelo bairro. Fully refurbished, decorated and furnished apartment, inserted in one of the most trendy neighborhoods of Lisbon, Madragoa - Estrela. Ideal for investment / rental or for own housing, It is currently leased, 3,8% yield. It is 5 minutes walk from the riverside. Santos area was requalified by the City Council of Lisbon, gaining a new life and is today one of the main arteries of the city, also is known for art galleries, design shops, art and architecture schools, as well as restaurants, bars and nightclubs. There is the National Museum of Ancient Art and the Convent of the Trinas do Mocambo. Plenty of transport bus, tram and train stations, 10-minute walk to Cais de Sodré station. Come visit this apartment and delight in the neighborhood.
216.500 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
(ref.: 331/t/00842 - comprarcasa valenca) terreno para construção com 4.101m2 todo murado. este belíssimo terreno plano, com uma área agradável, localizada próximo do campo de futebol, do rio minho e da eco pista da estação de comboios. beneficia também da proximidade com a estrada nacional, a farmácia e as escolas. esta freguesia é muito conhecida pelo pólo industrial existente, por se situar a cerca de 5 minutos do centro de vila nova de cerveira. venha saber mais sobre este terreno, nós ajudamos a idealizar a sua moradia. nós tornamos os sonhos realidade. building land with 4,101 m2 all walled. this beautiful flat terrain, with a pleasant area, located close to the football field, the rio minho and the eco track of the train station. it also benefits from the proximity to the national road, the pharmacy and schools. this parish is well known for its existing industrial complex, as it is located about 5 minutes from the center of vila nova de cerveira. come and find out more about this land, we help you to idealize your home. we make dreams come true. aqui situa-se um dos mais importantes marcos do passado, no meio de campos verdejantes: a capela de santa luzia constitui um motivo de grande interesse, pois neste local situou-se o desaparecido mosteiro de santa maria de valboa e, ainda, hoje aqui se realiza a festa anual. é, também, nesta freguesia que, atualmente, se localiza a zona industrial de vila nova de cerveira, pólo com várias dezenas de empresas e centenas de postos de trabalho, o qual constitui grande preocupação da administração local. campos é, provavelmente, uma das poucas freguesias da região alto-minhota a absorver mão-de-obra de outras localidades, face à oferta de emprego registada. nesta zona foi ainda criada uma moderna e funcional creche, onde podem ser atendidas cerca de seis dezenas de crianças. esta freguesia dispõe de um centro cultural, um centro social e paroquial, uma sede para a autarquia e outras estruturas
100.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land located in the center of the village 15 km from Ericeira, with the possibility of feasibility of construction. Located in the middle of the village, residential area. Land with an area of 728 m² with possible feasibility of construction (dependent on approval) of isolated single-family housing, according to the Municipal Master Plan of Torres Vedras, since the land is inserted in Urbanized Soil - Urban Area. No PIP approved. The land is located in an infrastructured area in terms of access, sewerage, street lighting, etc.). Possibility of exchange for 2 bedroom apartment in Ericeira or Mafra. Served by electricity, water, sewers and asphalt. This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. 'Where the sea is bluer' ? Ericeira, was elected in 2018 the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being in analysis security, access and leisure spaces. Between customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and surfing. The 3rd place was assigned to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes). A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, yet focused on the needs of modern day-to-day life. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
**NG_Cond** Want to live '2 steps' from the beach? Excellent single-bedroom villa T2+2 (+2 cellar and attic), inserted in plot of 680m², with excellent sun exposure and sea view. Located less than 400m from the nearest beach and about 1 km from the center of ericeira village. House composed of: - Entrance to living room, with living area with open fire fireplace, in open space plan, L format with dining area and connection to the kitchen, hall of the rooms with bathroom with support with shower base and window, two bedrooms with wardrobe. From the kitchen there is a connection to the cellar/office area, with access to the garage, this garage with space for two cars, more storage, with automatic gate and support bathroom with shower base and window. Access to the attic used for bedroom and storage area. Outside we have a landscaped area, and several leisure areas around the villa. We also have 2 annexes*, one with typical kitchen and wood oven, another for storage and laundry, and an excellent terrace at the top of the villa with excellent sea views. Equipment: Kitchen equipped with stove, oven, hood, refrigerator, dryer, washing machine. * Undeclared attachments # Scripture up to 6 months after CPCV. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Excellent 2 bedroom villa with sea view in quiet residential area of Ericeira, a few minutes from the beach and the center of ericeira village. ** Appointments in advance. Scripture after January 2023 ** The three-storey villa develops as follows: - Floor -1 with 61m² for garage and storage. - Floor 0 with entrance hall, kitchen of 15.30m² fully equipped and access to nice terrace with barbecue, pantry for extra storage, common room with 22.62m² equipped with fireplace and social bathroom. - Floor 1 with two bedrooms of 12.80 and 16.80m², both with built-in wardrobe and access to balcony, one of them with fantastic views of the front sea to Cabo da Roca. The villa is in excellent condition and was painted about two years ago. The area where it is located is characterized by being a very quiet residential area served by public transport, proximity trade and a few minutes from the beaches of Ribeira d'Ilhas and Slaughterhouse. The East/West orientation provides a great solar layout with equal distribution on both fronts. ? Areas removed from CPU and LU* * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land with an area of 2,705 m², located 2 km from the center of the village of Mafra and access to the A21/A8 and 7 km from the village of Ericeira. Sun exposure to the south and west and open view of countryside with the sea on the horizon. Land with an area of 2,705 m² with possible construction feasibility, dependent on approval D and according to the Mafra Municipal Master Plan, the land is inserted in Urban Soil, Areas to Be Structured, Urban Center Level III. The land should be able to have a construction of about 811.5 m², for the construction of a maximum of 8 houses with the following urban parameters: 2 floors and maximum façade height of 6.5 meters. Infrastructure sat access, sewers, street lighting, etc. This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. No PIP approved. *Does not dispense with the consultation of a specialized technician and/or opinion of the competent authorities, in particular the Municipality of Mafra and the Municipal Master Plan in force.* * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 +3 (+3 - garage with 2 rooms and 1 attic used) detached with swimming pool and sea view 10 minutes walk from the beach S. Julião and 8 km from Ericeira. The property consists of: - R / C with kitchen, living room with stove, toilet with poliban, 2nd room with access to sheds, storage room and garage (can be converted into 2 rooms / bedrooms) - Floor 1 with 2 bedrooms (one with wardrobe and access to balcony), suite with balcony with sea view, with wardrobe and toilet with 2 washbasins - 2nd floor with large attic with sea view and toilet with poliban Outdoor: swimming pool, patio, shed with leisure area and barbecue, toilet with poliban and parking area for 2 cars. Equipment: pre-installation of air conditioning, electric heating, video intercom, automatic entrance gate. Kitchen with oven, induction hob, hood, washing machine, dishwasher, water heater, microwave, American refrigerator. Rental conditions: * 6 lace * 2 deposit * Proof of income; IRS * 1-year non-renewable contract * The practice of AL is not allowed This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 +3 (+3 - garage with 2 rooms and 1 attic used) inserted in a lot of gaveto with 405m² in a quiet square only of villas. Located a 10-minute walk from S. Julião beach, asta property has an excellent solar orientation. Property composed of: - R / C with kitchen, living room with stove, wc with poliban, 2nd room with access to sheds, storage room and garage (can be converted into 2 halls / bedrooms); - Floor 1 with 2 bedrooms (one with wardrobe and access to balcony), suite with balcony with sea view, with wardrobe and toilet with 2 washbasins - Floor 2 with large attic** with sea view and with toilet with polyban Outdoor: swimming pool**, patio, sheds with leisure area and barbecue, toilet with poliban and parking area for 2 cars. Equipment: pre-installation of air conditioning, electric heating, oven, induction hob, dishwasher, door, video intercom, hood, microwave, Samsung American refrigerator, swimming pool, barbecue material and electric water heater, automatic auto entrance gate. ** does not contain the documentation This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land inserted in urban soil, with excellent access to the centre of Mafra and the A21. Inserted in quiet village with unobstructed views, about 1 km from the centre of Mafra. Excellent investment opportunity. Plot of land with an area of 8.000 sq.m. with possible viability of construction (subject to approval) of villa(s)/building(s)/other with the following urbanistic parameters, in accordance with the Municipal Master Plan of Mafra, since the plot is inserted in Urban Ground - Residential Spaces - Areas to be structured level III. In accordance with the direct application of the provisions of the PDM it will be feasible to build around 2400m², with a maximum of 24 dwellings, with 2 floors and 6.5 metres of maximum frontage height. The number of dwellings and the estimated buildable area may be reduced due to the conditions resulting from the application of the building parameters (areas, setbacks, height, etc), existing constraints and other regulatory provisions. The plot is located in a residential area with all infrastructures: - access, - public lighting, etc. Excellent investment opportunity * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 + 1 (office) single ground in rustic style with outdoor space. Located in a quiet village about 2 km from the village and beaches of Ericeira. The villa consists of: - Entrance hall, living room with fireplace with stove, equipped kitchen, bedroom hall, two bedrooms (one with wardrobe), a suite with bathtub in the bathroom, bathroom with bathtub, office area (*). Outdoor area with barbecue and two patios, one of which has access by the office. Equipment: Kitchen equipped with gas hob, oven, hood, water heater, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine (*) It's not on the project. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Do you want more than normal housing areas? Safety, tranquility and comfort added to the proximity of the beaches of Ericeira (3 km). Contact us. House T4 with above average area totally renovated less than 3 years ago, is about 5 km from the beaches of Ericeira. Bathed all day by the sun having the best possible sunlight orientation (spring/west). Housing is composed of: Plot with 220 m² having at its beginning a terrace of 60 m² in deeck giving access to the property, entrance hall with 8 m², garage attached to the room 25.5 m², living room with 30 m² with stove having a total of 55 m², guest bathroom (poliban), kitchen 16.6 m² with access to exterior where you find marquee area with wood oven and barbecue and a terrace having a terrace total40 m². 1st floor with bedroom hall, three bedrooms (19 m² / 19.4 m² and 20.4 m²) having one of them balcony to the west, bathroom with 6.65m², suite 20m², suite bathroom 7.4m² (poliban). Equipment: Kitchen equipped with: thermoaccumulator, hob, oven, hood. Property equipped with pre installation of central heating, air conditioning installed in the suite, ventax in bathrooms, barbecue and wood oven * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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