Baby home
Lista mais vendidos baby home

Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Varao branco e cortinados linho zara baby para quarto de bebé como novo. Preço do conjunto. Varao com aproximadamente 3cm de diâmetro e 2,10 metros de comprimento
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Our best seller Hanging Rattan Chair is now available in black, too! Appreciate style and comfort with this beautiful Black Rattan Swing Chair in Black. This unique hanging chair can replace any standard chair to create a beautiful boho atmosphere with a Scandinavian twist in your home! This beautiful swing chair can be placed as an accent piece in your living room or on your balcony or terrace to create the ultimate calming vibes. This will become the statement piece of furniture in your home that will take you to a state of relaxation. The swing chair is also a perfect addition in the home with children, whether you're looking for that spot to feed your baby, the kids reading nook or for any child looking for a sense of calm. Add a cushion or blanket of your choice to spice up your new rattan swing chair. Note: For indoor or sheltered outdoor use only The chair hangs by a heavy rope, so it's sturdy. Product specifications Size 73×74×124cm Colour Black Material Rattan Origin Indonesia
398 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Várias toalhas de banho usadas mas em bom estado para bebe tamanho 80x80cm * Toalha turco beje com urso e debruado lilás como nova. * Toalha branca bordado "Baby" da Zara home; *Muda fraldas as risquinhas rosa e impermeável por dentro da Zara home -6€ * Saco de dormir de verão com molas ajustáveis ao crescimento 9€. Possibilidade de entrega na fig da Foz, Leiria/Batalha ou Águeda/ Albergaria mediante disponibilidade.
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The Macrame swing chair is perfect for those lazy relaxing moments in your favourite nook, balcony, under your favourite tree or in patio. Macrame swing chair will become that statement piece of furniture in your home that will take you away to a state of relaxation. Swing chair is also a perfect addition in the home with children, whether you're looking for that spot to feed your baby, the kids reading nook or for any child & adult looking for a sense of calm. Add a cushion or blanket of your choice to spice up your hanging chair. Material: Macrame Origin: Indonesia Size: Diameter 67cm - seat height 45cm Note: For indoor or sheltered outdoor use only
199 €
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Hanging chair Inspired by a Scandinavian design! The rattan hanging chair is perfect for those lazy relaxing moments in your favourite nook, balcony, under your favourite tree or in patio. Rattan hanging will become that statement piece of furniture in your home that will take you away to a state of relaxation. Hanging chair is also a perfect addition in the home with children, whether you're looking for that spot to feed your baby, the kids reading nook or for any child looking for a sense of calm. Add a cushion or blanket of your choice to spice up your hanging chair. Note: For indoor or sheltered outdoor use only The chair hangs by a heavy rope, so it's sturdy. Product specifications Size 73×74×124cm Colour Natural Material Rattan Origin Indonesia
398 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
No slider das imagens encontrar variadas Suculentas ("Catos"/"Cactos") decorativas para compor os seus vasos ao seu gosto. Algumas destas plantas ornamentais crescem para baixo fazendo um fabuloso arranjo pendente para pendurar; Outras so resistentes o suficiente para iniciar um Bonsai; Outras so adequadas para finalizar o seu Terrario. Outras so medicinais. Passe bons momentos de relaxamento a compor os seus vasos com cuttings e/ou mudas enraizadas a partir de EUR0.10! Uma lembrana ecolgica e sustentvel, a prenda ideal para algum que considera especial, ambientalmente responsvel e com um forte senso Ecolgico. Plantar teraputico. Ter plantas ajuda a que no percamos a nossa conexo com a Natureza. Adquira ps destas para ter os seus bem assentes na Terra: (1) Colar de Jade / Corda/Corrente de Botes / Planta de Pagode (Crassula rupestris Marnieriana 'Hottentot') (2) Aranto Verdadeiro/Original / Planta da Fortuna / Me de Milhares / Kalanchoe/Calanchoe Daigremontiana (Bryophyllum daigremontianum) (3) Trapoeraba Roxa / Corao Roxo / Trapoerabo (Tradescantia pallida Purpurea) (4) Crassula perforata / Crassula 'Green Pagoda' (5) Arbusto-Elefante (Portulacaria afra) (6) Planta-Aranha (Clorofito / Gravatinha / Paulistinha) (Chlorophytum comosum Vittatum) (7) Orelha de Gato / Planta Panda (Kalanchoe tomentosa) (8) Planta-de-Jade / rvore-da-Amizade / Blsamo-de-Jardim (Crassula ovata) Outras espcies disponveis. Por favor indique para onde lhe enviar a lista total e atualizada de espcies e tamanhos disponveis com os preos e links para as respetivas imagens. Envio postal ao domiclio por Correio/CTT seguro para todo o pas e estrangeiro. Desde EUR1.70. Embalamento ambientalmente responsvel, efetuado com grande meticulosidade de forma s plantas chegarem em perfeitas condies. Por favor no hesite em me contactar caso precise dalguma informao extra. - - - Compra Segura. Vendedor Confivel, Registado nesta plataforma desde 2011 e noutra desde 2009 onde o sistema de avaliaes atribuiu a classificao de "A maioria dos utilizadores est extremamente satisfeita com o utilizador". - - - EN: In the image slider you will find various decorative Succulents ("Cactus"/"Cacti") to compose your pots to your liking. Some of these ornamental plants grow downwards making a fabulous pendant arrangement for hanging; Others are tough enough to start a Bonsai; Others are suitable for finishing your Terrarium. Others are healing / medicinal. (1) Rosary Plant / Baby Necklace / Chinese Pagoda / Jade Necklace Vine. String of Buttons (Crassula rupestris Marnieriana 'Hottentot') (2) Kalanchoe Daigremontiana / Alligator Plant / Mexican Hat / Devils Backbone / Mother Of Thousands (Kalanchoe/Calanchoe daigremontiana (Bryophyllum daigremontianum) (3) Purple Heart, Purple Queen / Purple SpiderWort / Wandering/Walking Jew (Tradescantia pallida Purpurea) (4) Crassula perforata / Crassula 'Green Pagoda' (5) Elephant-Bush (Portulacaria afra) (6) Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum Vittatum) (7) Chocolate Soldier / Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa) (8) Jade Plant / Friendship Plant / Money plant / Silver Dollar Plant (Crassula ovata) Other species available. Postal delivery at home by secure Post/CTT for all over PT and abroad. Environmentally responsible packaging ca()
1.282 €
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