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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
(ref.: 806227015 - loja 06 - vila lusa - baguim do monte) ermesinde é uma freguesia e cidade do município de valongo, na região do norte de portugal. pertence à grande área metropolitana do porto e encontra-se a 9 km a nordeste desta cidade. é a menor das quatro freguesias do concelho de valongo mas a freguesia mais populosa do município de valongo, sendo freguesia apenas desde 1836 por altura em que a câmara municipal estava em alfena. este espaço para comercio/negócios, inserido nesta freguesia,tem uma grande visibilidade e exposição solar, já para não falar na zona em que se encontra, é uma zona de grande densidade populacional incluso tem outros comércios em redor, o que mostra um grande movimento de pessoas e viaturas. é grande potencial para implementação de negocio. não perca esta oportunidade de se tornar dono dos seus próprios sonhos, contacte-nos já! ermesinde is a parish and town in the municipality of valongo, in the northern region of portugal. it belongs to the greater metropolitan area of porto and is located 9 km northeast of this city. it is the smallest of the four parishes in the municipality of valongo but the most populous parish in the municipality of valongo, having been a parish only since 1836 when the city council was in alfena. this space for commerce / business, inserted in this parish, has a great visibility and sun exposure, not to mention the area in which it is located, it is an area of high population density and even has other shops around, which shows a great movement. of people and vehicles. it is great potential for business implementation. don't miss this opportunity to become the owner of your own dreams, contact us now!
390 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
(ref.: 322/t/01709 - comprarcasa chaves) se procura um bom terreno rútico, este pode bem ser a solução ideal para si. a pouco mais de 1h de viagem da cidade do porto, no seio do famoso reino maravilhoso de trás-os-montes encontra-se esta freguesia do concelho de chaves. localizado numa zona muito calma e tranquila, com vistas desafogadas, este terreno situa-se a 11 km da cidade de chaves, 6 km da vila termal de vidago, 5 km do nó da a24 e a 1.6 km da n2, que liga chaves a faro. terreno em zona rural, pinhal, com aproximadamente 1090 m2, vegetação abundante, terreno arenoso e fértil, com acesso direto ao mesmo. excelente oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de unidades estratégicas de negócio que envolvam projetos de alojamento em espaço rural, projetos de agricultura biológica e outros setores empresariais. oportunidade de investimento. rustic land 11km from the city of chaves located in the parish of vilela do tâmega of the municipality of chaves, with 9.61 km² of area and 409 inhabitants (2011). its population density is 42.26 inhabitants/km². if you are looking for good rustic terrain, this may well be the ideal solution for you. a little more than 1 h of travel from the city of porto, within the famous wonderful kingdom of trás-os-montes is this parish of the municipality of chaves. located in a very quiet and quiet area, with unobstructed views, this land is located 11 km from the town of chaves, 6 km from the termal village of vidago, 5 km from the highway a24 node and 1.6 km from the n2, which connects chaves to faro. land in rural area, pine forest, with approximately 1090 m2, abundant vegetation, sandy and fertile land, with direct access to it. excellent opportunity for the development of strategic business units involving rural accommodation projects, organic farming projects and other business sectors. investment opportunity.
15.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
(ref.: 322/t/01708 - comprarcasa chaves) se procura um bom terreno rútico, este pode bem ser a solução ideal para si. a pouco mais de 1h de viagem da cidade do porto, no seio do famoso reino maravilhoso de trás-os-montes encontra-se esta freguesia do concelho de chaves. localizado numa zona muito calma e tranquila, com vistas desafogadas, este terreno situa-se a 16 km da cidade de chaves e a 7 km da vila termal de vidago. terreno em zona rural, com uma área de 2016 m2, vegetação abundante, terreno arenoso e fértil, com acesso pedonal ao mesmo. excelente oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de unidades estratégicas de negócio que envolvam projetos de alojamento em espaço rural, projetos de agricultura biológica e outros setores empresariais. oportunidade de investimento. rustic land 7 km from vila termal de vidago located in the parish of loivos of the municipality of chaves, with 11.78 km² of area and 553 inhabitants (2011). its population density is 46.9 inhabitants/km². if you are looking for good rustic terrain, this may well be the ideal solution for you. a little more than 1 h of travel from the city of porto, within the famous wonderful kingdom of trás-os-montes is this parish of the municipality of chaves. located in a very quiet and quiet area with unobstructed views, this land is 16 km from the town of chaves and 7 km from the hot village of vidago. land in rural area, with an area of 2016 m2, abundant vegetation, sandy and fertile land, with pedestrian access to it. excellent opportunity for the development of strategic business units involving rural accommodation projects, organic farming projects and other business sectors. investment opportunity.
7.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
(ref.: 331/t/01216 - comprarcasa valenca) este terreno é agrícola, tem 4.500m2 é plano. sito numa freguesia da cidade mais para o interior, este terreno é ideal para montar o seu negocio, ou ate mesmo completar com outro. beneficia de fáceis acessos, esta freguesia fica situada acerca de 10 minutos da a3, e a cerca de 8 km da cidade de valença. dispõem de uma boa exposição solar, local recatado envolvido pela natureza e muito bem localizado. venha saber mais sobre este terreno, nós ajudamos e esclareceremos todas as suas duvidas. this land is agricultural, has 4,500 m2 and is flat. located in a parish of the city further inland, this land is ideal to set up your business, or even complete with another. benefiting from easy access, this parish is located about 10 minutes from the a3, and about 8 km from the city of valença. they have a good sun exposure, a modest place surrounded by nature and very well located. come to know more about this terrain, we will help and clarify all your doubts. a freguesia de s. julião, localizada no extremo sul do concelho valenciano, dista cerca de 10 km da vila de valença, a sede do concelho. distribuídos por cerca de 549 ha os seus lugares principais são: azevinhas, bouça, barral, carvalhal, cancelada, cachada, casa alta, costa, celeirô, guilhade, ínsua, lourosas, quintela, pedregal, pegas, outeiro, raso, roias e quintas, rosado, seixalvo e senra, suidos e torre, urjal, igreja, luvainho, fontelas, pousada, lavoura, fraia, corredouros, forja, mateus e azamar. os seus limites estão definidos a norte, pela freguesia de silva; a nascente, pela freguesia de fontoura; a sul pela freguesia de sapardos e a poente pela freguesia de cornes. estas duas últimas do concelho de vila nova de cerveira. de acordo ainda com as inquirições de 1258, nasce na freguesia, no século xii, o fidalgo de nome nuno sola, que viria a deixar o seu nome ligado a actos de heroísmo. fernão sola, por sua vez, vive no século xv. foi cavaleiro
21.150 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Ruína situada no Aroal, Boliqueime para um ótimo investimento para o seu próximo lar com vista sobre a serra e mar. Ruína, geminada está inserido dentro de um lote de 160 m2 sendo que a Ruína é de 119 m2 podendo ser aumentada e juntamente com um lote rústico de 4631 m2 podendo fazer a sua agricutura e também onde está inserida uma Eira. Esta ruína com e este maravilhoso lote de terreno está isolada onde pode disfrutar da natureza em redor. O Aroal fica a 6 minutos de Boliqueime onde encontra comércio local, supermercados, restaurantes, cafés, Igreja paroquial de São Sebastião de Boliqueime. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruin located in Aroal, Boliqueime for a great investment for your next home overlooking the mountains and sea. Ruin, semi-detached is inserted in a plot of 160 m2 and the Ruin is 119 m2 and can be increased and together with a rustic plot of 4631 m2 where you can make your agriculture and also where a threshing floor is inserted. This ruin with and this wonderful plot of land is isolated where you can enjoy the nature around. Aroal is 6 minutes from Boliqueime where you can find local shops, supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, the parish church of São Sebastião de Boliqueime. ___________________________________________________________________ Ruine située à Aroal, Boliqueime pour un excellent investissement pour votre prochaine maison avec vue sur les montagnes et la mer. Ruine, jumelée est insérée dans une parcelle de 160 m2 et la Ruine est de 119 m2 et peut être agrandie et avec une parcelle rustique de 4631 m2 où vous pouvez faire votre agriculture et aussi où une aire de battage est insérée. Cette ruine avec et ce magnifique terrain est isolé où vous pourrez profiter de la nature environnante. Aroal est à 6 minutes de Boliqueime où vous trouverez des magasins locaux, des supermarchés, des restaurants, des cafés, l'église paroissiale de São Sebastião de Boliqueime. 121891088-143 - REF: 121891088-143
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Ruína situada no Aroal, Boliqueime para um ótimo investimento para o seu próximo lar com vista sobre a serra e mar. Ruína, geminada está inserido dentro de um lote de 160 m2 sendo que a Ruína é de 119 m2 podendo ser aumentada e juntamente com um lote rústico de 4631 m2 podendo fazer a sua agricutura e também onde está inserida uma Eira. Esta ruína com e este maravilhoso lote de terreno está isolada onde pode disfrutar da natureza em redor. O Aroal fica a 6 minutos de Boliqueime onde encontra comércio local, supermercados, restaurantes, cafés, Igreja paroquial de São Sebastião de Boliqueime. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruin located in Aroal, Boliqueime for a great investment for your next home overlooking the mountains and sea. Ruin, semi-detached is inserted in a plot of 160 m2 and the Ruin is 119 m2 and can be increased and together with a rustic plot of 4631 m2 where you can make your agriculture and also where a threshing floor is inserted. This ruin with and this wonderful plot of land is isolated where you can enjoy the nature around. Aroal is 6 minutes from Boliqueime where you can find local shops, supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, the parish church of São Sebastião de Boliqueime. ___________________________________________________________________ Ruine située à Aroal, Boliqueime pour un excellent investissement pour votre prochaine maison avec vue sur les montagnes et la mer. Ruine, jumelée est insérée dans une parcelle de 160 m2 et la Ruine est de 119 m2 et peut être agrandie et avec une parcelle rustique de 4631 m2 où vous pouvez faire votre agriculture et aussi où une aire de battage est insérée. Cette ruine avec et ce magnifique terrain est isolé où vous pourrez profiter de la nature environnante. Aroal est à 6 minutes de Boliqueime où vous trouverez des magasins locaux, des supermarchés, des restaurants, des cafés, l'église paroissiale de São Sebastião de Boliqueime. 121891088-143 - REF: 1088-143
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
(ref.: 331/m/00004 - comprarcasa valenca) moradia v5, r/chão e 1º andar, sala com recuperador, cozinha de campo, anexos, garagem e terreno com cerca de 3000 m2,. a cerca de 10 minutos do centro da cidade, fica localizada numa zona tranquila com bons acessos. a propriedade encontra se toda murada com jardim e terreno. propriedade muito acolhedora a cerca de 2 minutos das escolas existentes nesta freguesia. oportunidade de negocio venha saber mais. house v5, ground floor and 1st floor, living room with fireplace, country kitchen, attachments, garage and land with about 3000 m2,. about 10 minutes from the city center, it is located in a quiet area with good access. the property is all walled with garden and land. very welcoming property about 2 minutes from the schools in this parish. business opportunity come to know more. fontoura dista da sede do concelho cerca de dez quilómetros. ocupa uma área de 913 ha de terras férteis, onde predomina o cultivo do milho e da vinha e onde há abundantes pastos propícios à criação de gado caprino, o qual é particularmente apreciado em todas as feiras da região. é constituída pelos lugares de rio torto, ínsua, casa gonçalo, boriz, cortinhas, reguengo, bárrio, prado, valinha, pereira, portela, gontomil, grove, maga, outeiro e paço. os seus habitantes se dedicam o seu trabalho a pequenas culturas domésticas e também à tecelagem, à carpintaria e ao comércio a retalho. a freguesia assenta as suas raízes em épocas longínquas, possivelmente pré-romanas. no lugar de grove, topónimo que poderá relacionar-se com o povo gróvio, apareceram vestígios arqueológicos (cerâmicas, cinzas e carvões), julgando-se que, pela sua localização e pela forma arredondada do monte, ali poderá ter havido ocupação castreja. também a meio da subida para o monte de s. gabriel, no sítio chamado telhões, foram encontrados sinais dessa vida muito antiga, e os velhos da terra gostam de contar que, em tempos muito afastado
150.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Moradia isolada T3, nova, com 2 pisos, inserida num lote de 380m2, com área útil de 120m2 e área bruta de 168m2. Composta no RC por: Sala de refeições com 23m2, com pavimento flutuante; Cozinha de 10m2, com móveis brancos, tampo em silestone, forno, placa, máquina de loiça, campânula, combinado, máquina de roupa de secar e levar; Sala de estar com 17m2; Lavandaria com 6m2; Jardim de inverno com 8m2; Wc de 3m2. Composta no 1ºandar por: Hall com 5m2; Quarto com 13m2, com roupeiros e varanda de 15m2; Quarto com 13m2, com roupeiros e varanda de 15m2; Suíte de 15m2, com wc de 6m2, com varanda de 18m2; Wc social de 4m2. Piscina de 18m2 Garagem de 18m2. Equipada com pré-instalação de ar condicionado, vidros duplos, aspiração central, estores elétricos, vídeo porteiro, painéis solares, porta blindada e churrasqueira. Atualmente, a Charneca de Caparica, tem imenso comércio, tanto local, como grandes superfícies. Esta freguesia é composta também por ginásios, complexos desportivos. Conta com uma vasta afluência de transportes públicos, e acessos rápidos. Jardins públicos, com bastantes áreas de lazer infantis, também não faltam, o que também nos faz pensar numa zona bastante privilegiada 'Herdade da Aroeira'. Uma zona muito procurada por turistas, tanto por ter os melhores campos de golfe, como hotéis, zona comercial, ou por estar rodeada de natureza, a 2km das praias. Qualquer dos motivos para visitar a Charneca de Caparica, é ótimo! ----------------------------------------------------------- Detached house T3, new, with 2 floors, inserted in a plot of 380m2, with useful area of 120m2 and gross area of 168m2. Composed in RC by: Dining room with 23m2, with floating floor; Kitchen of 10m2, with white furniture, silestone top, oven, hob, dishwasher, bell, combined, dryer and take; Living room with 17m2; Laundry with 6m2; Winter garden with 8m2; Wc of 3m2. Composed on the 1st floor by: Hall with 5m2; Room with 13m2, with wardrobes and balcony of 15m2; Room with 13m2, with wardrobes and balcony of 15m2; Suite of 15m2, with toilet of 6m2, with balcony of 18m2; Social toilet of 4m2. Pool of 18m2 Garage of 18m2. Equipped with pre-installation of air conditioning, double glazing, central vacuum, electric blinds, video intercom, solar panels, armored door and barbecue. Currently, the Caparica Heath has immense commerce, both local and large surfaces. This parish is also composed of gyms, sports complexes. It has a wide influx of public transport, and quick access. Public gardens, with many children's leisure areas, also do not lack, which also makes us think of a very privileged area 'Herdade da Aroeira'. An area much sought after by tourists, either for having the best golf courses, such as hotels, shopping area, or being surrounded by nature, 2km from the beaches. Any of the reasons to visit the Caparica Heath, is great! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Maison individuelle T3, neuve, avec 2 étages, insérée dans un terrain de 380m2, avec une surface utile de 120m2 et une superficie brute de 168m2. Composé en RC par: Salle à manger avec 23m2, avec plancher flottant; Cuisine de 10m2, avec meubles blancs, plateau en silestone, four, plaque de cuisson, lave-vaisselle, cloche, combiné, sèche-linge et prendre; Salon avec 17m2; Buanderie avec 6m2; Jardin d'hiver avec 8m2; Wc de 3m2. Composé au 1er étage par: Hall avec 5m2; Chambre avec 13m2, avec placards et balcon de 15m2; Chambre avec 13m2, avec placards et balcon de 15m2; Suite de 15m2, avec WC de 6m2, avec balcon de 18m2; Toilettes sociales de 4m2. Piscine de 18m2 Garage de 18m2. Equipé de pré-installation de climatisation, double vitrage, aspirateur central, stores électriques, interphone vidéo, panneaux solaires, porte blindée et barbecue. Actuellement, la lande de Caparica a un commerce immense, à la fois local et de grandes surfaces. Cette paroisse est également composée de gymnases, de complexes sportifs. Il a un large afflux de transports en commun, et un accès rapide. Les jardins publics, avec de nombreux espaces de loisirs pour enfants, ne manquent pas non plus, ce qui nous fait également penser à une zone très privilégiée « Herdade da Aroeira ». Une zone très recherchée par les touristes, que ce soit pour avoir les meilleurs terrains de golf, tels que des hôtels, une zone commerçante, ou être entourée par la nature, à 2 km des plages. L'une des raisons de visiter la lande de Caparica est géniale! ----------------------------------------------------------- Maison individuelle T3, neuve, avec 2 étages, insérée dans un terrain de 380m2, avec une surface utile de 120m2 et une superficie brute de 168m2. Composé en RC par: Salle à manger avec 23m2, avec plancher flottant; Cuisine de 10m2, avec meubles blancs, plateau en silestone, four, plaque de cuisson, lave-vaisselle, cloche, combiné, sèche-linge et prendre; Salon avec 17m2; Buanderie avec 6m2; Jardin d'hiver avec 8m2; Wc de 3m2. Composé au 1er étage par: Hall avec 5m2; Chambre avec 13m2, avec placards et balcon de 15m2; Chambre avec 13m2, avec placards et balcon de 15m2; Suite de 15m2, avec WC de 6m2, avec balcon de 18m2; Toilettes sociales de 4m2. Piscine de 18m2 Garage de 18m2. Equipé de pré-installation de climatisation, double vitrage, aspirateur central, stores électriques, interphone vidéo, panneaux solaires, porte blindée et barbecue. Actuellement, la lande de Caparica a un commerce immense, à la fois local et de grandes surfaces. Cette paroisse est également composée de gymnases, de complexes sportifs. Il a un large afflux de transports en commun, et un accès rapide. Les jardins publics, avec de nombreux espaces de loisirs pour enfants, ne manquent pas non plus, ce qui nous fait également penser à une zone très privilégiée « Herdade da Aroeira ». Une zone très recherchée par les touristes, que ce soit pour avoir les meilleurs terrains de golf, tels que des hôtels, une zone commerçante, ou être entourée par la nature, à 2 km des plages. L'une des raisons de visiter la lande de Caparica est géniale!
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Caldas da Rainha (Leiria)
Loja de 190m2 localizada na Rotunda da Fonte luminosa, uma das principais artérias da cidade das Caldas da Rainha. Esta loja, anteriormente utilizada por um banco, contém vários gabinetes e espaços de arrumos, assim como, um cofre, copa e zona das máquinas. Por se encontrar em bom estado de conservação, poderá utilizar os tetos falsos e chão para o seu negócio. Inserida numa zona com variado comércio, escolas e a poucos minutos do acesso à A8, o que permite, não só comodidade, como acessos rápidos a nível nacional. Apenas a 5 min. a pé da estação de caminhos de ferro e rodoviária. Shop of 190m2 located in Rotunda da Fonte Luminous, one of the main arteries of the city of Caldas da Rainha. This store, formerly used by a bank, contains several offices and storage spaces, as well as a safe, pantry and machine room. As it is in good condition, you can use the false ceilings and floors for your business. Inserted in an area with varied shops, schools and just a few minutes from access to the A8, which allows not only convenience, but also quick access to the national level. Just 5 min. walk from the railway and bus station. Boutique de 190m2 située à Rotunda da Fonte Luminous, lune des principales artères de la ville de Caldas da Rainha. Ce magasin, anciennement utilisé par une banque, contient plusieurs bureaux et espaces de stockage, ainsi quun coffre-fort, un garde-manger et une salle des machines. Comme il est en bon état, vous pouvez utiliser les faux plafonds et planchers pour votre commerce. Inséré dans une zone avec des commerces variés, des écoles et à quelques minutes de laccès à lA8, ce qui permet non seulement la commodité, mais aussi un accès rapide au niveau national. À seulement 5 minutes. à pied de la gare ferroviaire et routière.
257.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
(ref.: 322/t/01845 - comprarcasa chaves) se procura um bom terreno rústico, este pode bem ser a solução ideal para si. inserido numa zona muito calma e tranquila, com vistas desafogadas, localizado a 6 km do centro da cidade, este terreno possui a poucas centenas de metros estradas estruturantes para ampliar a sua mobilidade e capacidade de aproximação aos locais do seu interesse. inserido numa zona rural com uma área total de 19,850 m2 (1.9 ha). terreno arenoso e fértil, com acesso direto ao mesmo, face a er 314 que liga a cidade de chaves a carrazedo de montenegro. o terreno possui 3 poços de água, o que confere uma excelente oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de unidades estratégicas de negócio que envolvam projetos de agricultura biológica e outros setores empresariais. oportunidade de investimento. marque já a sua visita! agricultural land 6 km from chaves city centre located in madalena and samaiões (officially: union of the parishes of madalena and samaiões) is a portuguese parish in the municipality of chaves with an area of 13.99 km² and 2,669 inhabitants (2011). at a distance of 6 km (8 minutes) from chaves city centre. if you are looking for a good rustic land, this may well be the ideal solution for you. inserted in a very quiet and quiet area, with unobstructed views, located 6 km from the city center, this land has a few hundred meters of structuring roads to expand its mobility and ability to approach the places of interest. inserted in a rural area with a total area of 19,850 m2 (1.9 ha). sandy and fertile land, with direct access to it, compared to er 314 that connects the city of chaves to carrazedo de montenegro. the land has 3 water wells, which provides an excellent opportunity for the development of strategic business units involving organic farming projects and other business sectors. investment opportunity. mark your visit now!
100.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Se procura um bom terreno rústico, este pode bem ser a solução ideal para si. Inserido numa zona muito calma e tranquila, com vistas desafogadas, localizado a 6 km do centro da cidade, este terreno possui a poucas centenas de metros estradas estruturantes para ampliar a sua mobilidade e capacidade de aproximação aos locais do seu interesse. Inserido numa zona rural com uma área total de 19,850 m2 (1.9 ha). Terreno arenoso e fértil, com acesso direto ao mesmo, face a ER 314 que liga a cidade de Chaves a Carrazedo de Montenegro. O terreno possui 3 poços de água, o que confere uma excelente oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de unidades estratégicas de negócio que envolvam projetos de agricultura biológica e outros setores empresariais. Oportunidade de investimento. Marque já a sua visita! Agricultural land 6 km from chaves city centre Located in Madalena and Samaiões (officially: Union of the Parishes of Madalena and Samaiões) is a Portuguese parish in the municipality of Chaves with an area of 13.99 km² and 2,669 inhabitants (2011). At a distance of 6 km (8 minutes) from chaves city centre. If you are looking for a good rustic land, this may well be the ideal solution for you. Inserted in a very quiet and quiet area, with unobstructed views, located 6 km from the city center, this land has a few hundred meters of structuring roads to expand its mobility and ability to approach the places of interest. Inserted in a rural area with a total area of 19,850 m2 (1.9 ha). Sandy and fertile land, with direct access to it, compared to ER 314 that connects the city of Chaves to Carrazedo de Montenegro. The land has 3 water wells, which provides an excellent opportunity for the development of strategic business units involving organic farming projects and other business sectors. Investment opportunity. Mark your visit now!
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Se procura um refugio longe da agitação citadina e ao mesmo tempo perto, temos a solução. Situada numa freguesia simpática do concelho de Chaves, com 14,02 km² de área e 276 habitantes (2011). A sua densidade populacional é 19,7 hab/km². Localizado numa zona muito calma e tranquila, com vistas desafogadas, face a estrada municipal que liga Vilela Seca à cidade de Chaves, este terreno possuí excelentes acessos e localização, situando-se a 3km do nó da A24 e do Parque Empresarial de Chaves, a 10 minutos do centro da cidade de Chaves e a 8 minutos da fronteira com Espanha. Terreno todo ele vedado com uma área de 2140m2, inserido no perímetro de construção do PDM, com capacidade construtiva de 0.8. Nas suas redondezas podemos encontrar os mais variados tipos de serviços, tais como: Universidade, cafés, restaurantes, transportes urbanos, entre outros, comodidades que servem no dia a dia. Propriedade com imenso potencial para quem queira usufruir do sossego do campo, estando ao mesmo tempo próximo dos principais centros urbanos. Oportunidade de investimento, onde pode construir a casa dos seus sonhos. Marque já a sua visita! Building land 10 minutes from the center of Chaves Land with an area of 2140m2 with a construction index of 0.8. Views of the countryside, green areas and mountains, inserted in a quiet place and with good access. A few minutes from the city of Chaves. If you are looking for a refuge away from the hustle and bustle of the city and at the same time close, we have the solution. Located in a nice parish in the municipality of Chaves, with 14.02 km² of area and 276 inhabitants (2011). Its population density is 19.7 inhabitants / km². Located in a very calm and quiet area, with open views, facing the municipal road that connects Vilela Seca to the city of Chaves, this land has excellent access and location, being located 3 km from the A24 freeway and the Chaves Business Park, 10 minutes from Chaves city center and 8 minutes from the Spanish border. Land all fenced with an area of 2140m2, inserted in the perimeter of construction of the PDM, with constructive capacity of 0.8. In its surroundings we can find the most varied types of services, such as: University, cafes, restaurants, urban transport, among others, amenities that serve in daily life. Property with immense potential for those who want to enjoy the peace of the countryside, while being close to the main urban centers. Investment opportunity, where you can build the house of your dreams. Mark your visit!
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land inserted in urban soil, with excellent access to the centre of Mafra and the A21. Inserted in quiet village with unobstructed views, about 1 km from the centre of Mafra. Excellent investment opportunity. Plot of land with an area of 8.000 sq.m. with possible viability of construction (subject to approval) of villa(s)/building(s)/other with the following urbanistic parameters, in accordance with the Municipal Master Plan of Mafra, since the plot is inserted in Urban Ground - Residential Spaces - Areas to be structured level III. In accordance with the direct application of the provisions of the PDM it will be feasible to build around 2400m², with a maximum of 24 dwellings, with 2 floors and 6.5 metres of maximum frontage height. The number of dwellings and the estimated buildable area may be reduced due to the conditions resulting from the application of the building parameters (areas, setbacks, height, etc), existing constraints and other regulatory provisions. The plot is located in a residential area with all infrastructures: - access, - public lighting, etc. Excellent investment opportunity * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land located in the center of the village 15 km from Ericeira, with the possibility of feasibility of construction. Located in the middle of the village, residential area. Land with an area of 728 m² with possible feasibility of construction (dependent on approval) of isolated single-family housing, according to the Municipal Master Plan of Torres Vedras, since the land is inserted in Urbanized Soil - Urban Area. No PIP approved. The land is located in an infrastructured area in terms of access, sewerage, street lighting, etc.). Possibility of exchange for 2 bedroom apartment in Ericeira or Mafra. Served by electricity, water, sewers and asphalt. This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. 'Where the sea is bluer' ? Ericeira, was elected in 2018 the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being in analysis security, access and leisure spaces. Between customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and surfing. The 3rd place was assigned to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes). A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, yet focused on the needs of modern day-to-day life. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Plot with an area of 4,256 m², inserted in a quiet area, in a quiet board with sea views on the horizon. Located about 8 km from the village and beach of Ericeira. The lot allows a maximum deployment of a villa up to 130 m² of implantation and distributed in 2 floors + basement. It also allows the construction of an annex up to 30 m². Lot inserted in urbanization without type project, with infrastructures such as water, electricity and basic sanitation. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' ? is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra.
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