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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We are looking for Contact Center Agents for different languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finish, Norwegian and Hebrew. Job description: - Telephone contact and information collection - Digital data recording Requirements: - Good communication skills - Dynamism - Good computer skills - Fluency in one (or more) of the mentioned languages We offer: - Training - Fixed + variable salary - Evolution opportunities
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Bragança (Bragança)
Estamos a recrutar Assistentes de Contact Center com o seguinte perfil: - 12º Ano de Escolaridade - Bilingue Português/Francês - Falado e escrito - Experiência em Contact Center ou áreas Administrativas - Local: Alfandega da Fé - Horário: 8h 17h de 2ª a 6ª feira O que oferecemos: - Contrato de Trabalho + subsídio de Alimentação + Prémios - Integração num projecto com grande visibilidade a nível Nacional Caso tenha interesse envie o seu Cv com a refª 2599
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Novas oportunidades para trabalhar com Call Center - Outbound na Covilhã. Requisitos: ► 12º ano completo; ► Experiência profissional em Contact Center (preferencial); ► Experiência em vendas (preferencial); ► Conhecimentos básicos a nível informático. Oferta: - Salário + Bônus, oportunidade de crescer na empresa e formação inicial. ► Interessados enviar o currículo para o e-mail:
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Viseu (Viseu)
A Connecta é uma empresa no mercado nacional de Contact Center’s, com mais de 14 anos de existência, cerca de 400 colaboradores e presença em Lisboa e Viseu. Procuramos candidatos dinâmicos, ambiciosos, criativos e com vontade de evoluir numa empresa que promove a progressão de carreira. Em Viseu desde 2016, e com o sucesso que Viseu trouxe à Connecta, rapidamente crescemos, com necessidade de mudar de instalações. Passámos de 65 para 80 colaboradores e queremos chegar aos 160. Estamos actualmente na Avenida da Europa, onde podemos oferecer ainda melhores condições aos nossos colaboradores. Os Nossos Clientes A Connecta trabalha em sólida parceria com empresas líderes de mercado em vários sectores de actividade com Banca, Energia, Seguros e Saúde. Assim como nós, os nossos Clientes procuram profissionais que nos ajudem a promover um serviço de elevada qualidade aos seus clientes. Função - Realização de contactos telefónicos com potenciais clientes para divulgação de produtos e/ou serviços; - Angariação de novos clientes; - Agendamento de visitas para equipas comerciais. Perfil - Boa capacidade de comunicação; - Gosto por trabalhar em equipa; - Vontade em integrar um ambiente jovem e dinâmico; - Conhecimentos de informática na óptica do utilizador; - Nacionalidade Estrangeira caso possua Autorização de Residência onde conste permissão para exercício de actividade Profissional em Portugal e Língua Portuguesa materna. Oferecemos - Contrato de trabalho directo com a empresa; - Salário Base + Sub. Alimentação + Sub. Férias + Sub. Natal + prémios (Total líquido: 6h/dia = 638€ / 7h/dia = 724€ / 8h/dia = 811€) - Part-Time ou Full-Time de 2ª a 6ª feira compreendidos entre as 9:00h e as 20:00h. - Progressão de carreira. Localização: Av. da Europa, Lote H, Entrada 2, 1º andar, Fracção F 3510-900 Viseu Indicações: - Edifício em frente ao Tribunal, do outro lado da estrada. Contornar pela direita a Caixa de Crédito, ir até ao fim do edifício e a entrada para a Connecta, é nessa esquina. Se estás interessado e preenches o perfil envia o teu currículo actualizado e detalhado para o seguinte e-mail:, indicando o horário pretendido e com a refª JOBERS_VISEU
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Aveiro-Aveiro (Aveiro)
A Techinfor é uma das maiores empresas nacionais do sector das Tecnologias de Informação e Serviços de Outsourcing, Se gostas de comunicar, de novos desafios, queres desenvolver as tuas competências e tens o 12º ano, junta-te à nossa equipa que te ajudará no teu percurso profissional. Serás enquadrado num projeto de Contact Center na área da banca, sendo o nosso cliente uma referência no sector bancário nacional, assumindo uma posição de liderança e destaque em diversos produtos e serviços financeiros para clientes particulares e empresas. O que temos para te oferecer: - Remuneração Fixa e variável + subsídio de alimentação - Formação inicial certificada - Cursos Certificados de mediação de seguros e crédito hipotecário, entre outros; - Horário de trabalho de 2º a 6º feira entre as 9h e as 18h (full-time e part-time); Local: Albergaria a Velha Envia o teu cv com a refª Banca_Albergaria_2022, esperamos por ti.
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Bragança (Bragança)
stamos a recrutar Assistentes de Contact Center com o seguinte perfil: - 12º Ano de Escolaridade - Bilingue Português/Francês - Falado e escrito - Experiência em Contact Center ou áreas Administrativas - Local: Alfandega da Fé - Horário: 8h 17h de 2ª a 6ª feira O que oferecemos: - Contrato de Trabalho + subsídio de Alimentação + Prémios - Integração num projecto com grande visibilidade a nível Nacional Caso tenha interesse envie o seu Cv com a refª 2599
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Vagas para Assistente Contact Center - Lisboa Requisitos: ► 12º ano (Obrigatório); ► Conhecimentos de informática; ► Excelente Capacidade de leitura e escrita. Oferecemos: Salário + Bônus, oportunidade de crescer na empresa e formação inicial. Interessados enviar CV para
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Apoio ao Cliente - Multimarcas (m/f) A Planetpeople acredita que as pessoas não são recursos, mas sim pessoas! Se procuras integrar numa equipa dinâmica e a comunicação é o teu forte, esta é a tua oportunidade! Projeto - Vários: Assistência Rodoviária / Sistemas de Mobilidade / Águas entre outros Funções Contacto Telefónico com Clientes e Gestão de Conta; Assistência ao cliente; Apresentação de Campanhas Promocionais a Membros Ativos. Requisitos Excelentes competências de comunicação; Proatividade e dinamismo; Orientação para objetivos; Orientação para o cliente; Escolaridade Obrigatória 12 º Ano; Domínio de Inglês (nível intermédio); Experiência profissional em atividades de Contact Center de 6 meses (preferencial); Informática na ótica do utilizador; Disponibilidade para trabalhar em regime de turnos 24/7. Condições Salário base + Proporcionais + Sub. Alimentação (+ Prémio de assiduidade); Formação inicial e contínua. Horário full time de 8h (disponibilidade para turnos rotativos) de 2ª a Domingo com 2 folgas semanais; Local: Taguspark - Oeiras Referência: RH-APOIO_CLIENTE/20 Candidate-se através do site:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Descrição/funções: - Colaborador com o Apoio ao Associado; - Orientar o cliente/ Associado tendo em conta as suas necessidades e/ou questões; - Contacto com associados e diversos departamentos da Associação. Requisitos: - Experiência em contact center no mínimo de 6 anos; - Espírito de equipa; - Resolução de Problemas - Gestão de Equipas - Boa comunicação orientada para o cliente/Associado;
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Setúbal (Setúbal)
A Gracious Transparency é uma empresa dedicada ao comércio nacional e internacional de eletrónica e eletrodomésticos, encontra-se em fase de expansão e a incrementar vários projetos inovadores. Estamos ligados às principais marcas de tecnologia do mercado de consumo e dentro das nossas áreas de atuação está a venda B2C, B2B e assistência técnica. Estamos a recrutar profissionais para assistência em contact center. Perfil: - Mínimo 9º ano de escolaridade; - Experiência em atendimento ao público ou call center (preferencial); - Conhecimento de língua estrangeira inglesa; - Bom domínio informático (preferencial); - Boas competências de comunicação; - Pessoa dinâmica com espiríto de iniciativa e autoconfiança. Funções: - Atendimento telefónico; - Apoio ao cliente; - Retenções; - Incidências; - Vendas; Oferta: - Formação Contínua; - Full-Time (9h às 18h) de 2ª à 6ª - Enquandramento numa empresa sólida e em crescimento; - Oportunidade de integração em equipa nova e dinâmica; - Contrato de trabalho a termo certo (1 ano) com vencimento mínimo nacional; Localização: Setúbal Próximo passo: Se acha que corresponde ao perfil que procuramos e se sente motivado para este desafio, envie o currículo para o e-mail
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Oeiras (Lisboa)
A Nabalia Energía, comercializadora no setor energético, está a recrutar um Operador/a Contact Center – Comercial para integrar o nosso Departamento Comercial em Oeiras. OFERECEMOS • Excelente oportunidade de integração em empresa internacional de prestígio e em crescimento; • Formação inicial e contínua; • Contrato de trabalho direto com a empresa; • Trabalho presencial; • Horário de trabalho de 2ª a 6ª Feira, das 09h00 às 18h00; • Salário base adequado à função, subsídio de refeição em cartão e comissões muito aliciantes. REQUISITOS • Mínimo 12º ano de escolaridade; • Boa capacidade de comunicação (oral e escrita); • Experiência em Vendas; • Experiência prévia em Call Center; • Experiência no setor energético, telecomunicações, seguros ou banca; • Orientação para o cliente e para objetivos; • Espírito de equipa. FUNÇÕES • Contactar clientes de forma a apresentar as nossas propostas e soluções; • Contactar carteira de clientes de forma a resolver os problemas enunciados, dE forma ágil, garantindo a continuação da sua satisfação e fidelização; • Angariação e fidelização de novos clientes; • Retenção de clientes e renovação de contratos. É apaixonado por vendas? Tem interesse em crescer numa empresa multinacional como Comercial? Se o seu perfil preenche os requisitos necessários, candidate-se enviando o seu CV para
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
Interessado em entrar numa nova equipa ? Queremos dar-te essa oportunidade. Precisamos apenas que sejas comunicativo, que gostes de trabalhar por objetivos e se tiveres experiência em Call Center tanto melhor. Caso não tenhas, não te preocupes, pois terás uma formação inicial - e contínua. A função é a promoção e divulgação de cliente energético em call-center. Procuramos comunicadores com disponibilidade para trabalhar em part-time 30horas semanais. Estás com energia para agarrar um novo desafio? Envia-nos a tua candidatura!
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Nordeste (Açores)
You can find here the best tour operators in the area near you. Contact the best travel agency in bangalore for booking your memorable tour packages. Hire the tours and travels in Bangalore for amazing family trip and group tour packages. Tours and Travels in Bangalore | Tour Operators in Bangalore | Travel Agents in Bangalore Contact the travel operators in Bangalore. You are at the right place if you are searching for the best tours and travel companies in Bangalore for the booking amazing tour package. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of best travel agents in Bangalore. Everybody wants to go outside in their holiday time. They want to make tour planning with the family, group, friends or couple tours. Booking tour with themselves is quite tedious and hard task. Tours and travels in Bangaloe will help you in arranging the best tour packages in Bangalore at reasonable price. Contact the best travel agents in Bangalore. Get the list of top tours and travels company in Bangalore at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID – Naved 1105 For more information please visit Contact: - 8421618299 Address: - Bangalore Karnataka 560076 Website:-
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Mafra (Lisboa)
You can find here the best event organizers in the area near you. Contact thebest event Plannersin Vadodara for planning an event. Hire the event management companies in Vadodara for making your event memeorable. Event Management Companies in Vadodara | Event Planners in Vadodara | Event Organizers in Vadodara Contact the best event management companiesin Vadodara. You are at the right placeif you are searching for the event organizers in Vadodara for awesome event management. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top event management companyin Vadodara. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations offering event managementplanning and organizing in Vadodara. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give event planning in Vadodara for making the event memorable. Events now a days are very much popular. Everyone needs a company which could manage their events as they don’t want to bear all the responsibility of managing the event. Event Management companies in Vadodara helps the people in managing their event. Get the list of top event management companiesin Vadodara at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID –FTMA0406 For more information please visit Contact: - 8421618299 Address:- Vadodara Gujarat - 390007 Website:-
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Portalegre (Portalegre)
Description:- You can find here the best event organizers in the area near you. Contact thebest event Plannersin Raipur for planning an event. Hire the event management companies in Raipurfor making your event memeorable. Event Management Companies in Raipur | Event Planners in Raipur | Event Organizers in Raipur Contact the best event management companiesin Raipur. You are at the right placeif you are searching for the event organizers in Raipur for awesome event management. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top event management companyin Raipur. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations offering event managementplanning and organizing in Raipur. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give event planning in Raipur for making the event memorable. Events now a days are very much popular. Everyone needs a company which could manage their events as they don’t want to bear all the responsibility of managing the event. Event Management companies in Raipur helps the people in managing their event. Get the list of top event management companiesin Raipur at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID –BNDH0807 For more information please visit Contact: - 8421618299 Address:- RaipurChattisgarh - 492001 Website:-
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Vila do Conde-Vila Real (Vila Real)
Description:- You can find here the best relocation company in the area near you. Contact thebest shifting company in Ranchi if you are looking for the best shifting services. Hire the packers and movers in Ranchifor safe and secured moving. Packers and Movers in Ranchi | Movers Packers in Ranchi | Relocation Company Ranchi Contact the best moving companiesin Ranchi. You are at the right placeif you are searching for the household relocation in Ranchi for shifting your belongings. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top packers movers in Ranchi. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations offering packing and moving services in Ranchi. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give shifting services in Ranchi for making the hassle-free shifting. Find the best packers and movers in Ranchi via Near Me Ads India portal. You can get the professional moving organization which helps in packing, loading, unloading, moving the belongings from one place to another. They also provides household moving services, local shifting services, office relocation services, car and bike transportation services and so on. Get the list of top movers and packersin Ranchi at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID – NILA1307 For more information please visit Contact: - 8421618299 Address:- Ranchi Jharkhand - 834001 Website:- -ranchi
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A Talento Humano, empresa focada no recrutamento e selecção, com foco em encaminhar talentos, busca neste momento para Multinacional do sector de retalho em forte e grande expansão em Portugal um (a) - Customer Excellence Manager (Senior) Oferecemos a você: -Responsabilidade e autoridade de tomada de decisão desde o primeiro dia, a oportunidade de trabalhar em tarefas desafiadoras que contribuem para o seu crescimento profissional -trabalho independente e parte de uma equipe internacional dedicada, a oportunidade de ajudar a formar nossa equipe de aprendizagem em eventos estimulantes para ajudá-lo a conhecer nossos membros. Função: -Liderar projetos para desenvolver continuamente novos / mais serviços de centro de contato - Definir contratos e acordos de nível de serviço (SLA) incl. negociação com parceiros de contact center - Analise a métrica relevante do contact center sincl. gestão da qualidade, criando relatórios para melhorar os processos e participar de reuniões de gestão - Definir a localização do centro de contato global e estratégia do parceiro - Desenvolver nossa Equipe de Atendimento ao Cliente sendo autossuficiente na tomada de decisões relativas à sua área - Apoiar o recrutamento de novos membros da equipe de atendimento ao cliente e oferecer orientação para terceirizar o centro de contato com a equipe de liderança, analistas de qualidade, agentes de suporte de 1º e 2º nível - Trabalho multifuncional com outras equipes para garantir o bom funcionamento das operações de atendimento ao cliente - Trabalho em um ambiente internacional. Requisitos: Cerca dos 5 anos de experiência significativa nas áreas de operações e gerenciamento de contact center, atendimento ao cliente e terceirização de processos de negócios. Conhecimento de como trabalhar com CRMs, helpdesks, ferramentas de gerenciamento de projetos e soluções são uma vantagem. Boa orientação para satisfação do cliente. Licenciatura: Nas áreas de Administração/ Gestão ou similares. Domínio de Inglês (escrito e falado), outras línguas serão uma mais valia. Boas relações interpessoais, leadersheap e vontade de desenvolver. Observação: Tipo do contrato ainda não definido. Local de trabalho: Lisboa. Envia nos já o seu CV com a referencia - CEM_SR - para
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Wood Pellet Fuel for Sale . for more information please do contact us as soon as possible . Wood Pellet Fuel for Sale . for more information please do contact us as soon as possible .
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Sou portuguesa e o contacto que tive com a língua inglesa desde cedo levou-me a estudar Tradução na Universidade de Lisboa. Antes disso, vivi em Inglaterra, onde estudei Publicação e Escrita Criativa. Sou consumidora ávida de todos os tipos de histórias, o que significa que as línguas e a palavra escrita têm um papel fulcral nos meus interesses. Fluente em português e inglês, sinto-me confortável com o francês e espero adicionar o italiano ao meu portfólio em breve. As minhas competências incluem: - tradução - transcrição - revisão - edição - escrita - legendagem As minhas competências podem ser utilizadas para qualquer área de especialidade, independentemente do quão técnica. Anseio por melhorar as minhas habilidades a cada oportunidade, de forma a poder entregar trabalhos de qualidade a todos os clientes. Independentemente do tipo de projecto, o meu objectivo é conseguir alcançar o resultado non plus ultra no menor tempo possível. Pode contactar-me para pedir um orçamento. * I'm a Portuguese speaker whose early contact with the English language resulted in me studying Translation at the University of Lisbon. Previous to that, I lived in England, where I studied Publishing and Creative Writing. I am an avid consumer of all kinds of storytelling, which means that languages and the written word have a crucial point among my interests. Fluent in Portuguese, of course, and English, I am comfortable with French and hoping to add Italian to my portfolio sometime soon. My skills include: translation transcription proofreading editing writing subtitling My skills are available for use in every field of expertise, no matter how technical. I look forward to improving my capabilities with every opportunity, so as to be able to deliver high quality work to every client. Regardless of the type of project, I strive for the ne plus ultra final result to be achieved in as little time as possible. Feel free to contact me to make a budget enquiry.
1 €
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Reguengo Grande (Lisboa)
PT- Quer promover o seu estabelecimento? Somos profissionais de marketing digital e adaptamo-nos a todas as suas necessidades, inclusive financeiras, para que você tenha a oportunidade de promover seus negócios e obter maiores lucros, principalmente diante da crise de saúde que afeta a todos nós, no qual você não pode ficar para trás... Usamos métodos quantitativos para avaliar projetos, combinados com práticas heurísticas e intuição, apoiados em anos de trabalho em ambientes muito diversificados. Entre em contato conosco e perceba como pode ajudar o desenvolvimento de seu projeto de vida... FR - Vous souhaitez rentabilisé votre entreprise ou commerce? Nous sommes des professionnels du Marketing Digital et nous, nous adaptons a tout vos besoin, même financier, afin que ayez l' opportunité de pouvoir mettre en avant votre entreprise et de réaliser des bénéfices plus important, surtout avec la crise sanitaire qui nous touche tous. Nous utilisons des méthodes quantitatives pour évaluer des projets, ainsi que des pratiques heuristiques et de l'intuition, soutenues par des années de travail dans des environnements commerciaux très divers. Faites nous confiance et contacter nous afin de pouvoir vous donnez plus détails et crée un projet ensemble, après tout s'informer c'est gratuit! EN - Do you want to make your business or business profitable? We are Digital Marketing professionals and we adapt to all your needs, even financial, so that you have the opportunity to be able to promote your business and make more significant profits, especially with the health crisis that affects us all.. We use quantitative methods to evaluate projects, as well as heuristics and intuition, supported by years of work in a wide variety of business environments. Trust us and contact us so that you can give you more details and create a project together, after all, getting informed is free! Obrigado! Merci! Thanks! PT- Quer promover o seu estabelecimento? Somos profissionais de marketing digital e adaptamo-nos a todas as suas necessidades, inclusive financeiras, para que você tenha a oportunidade de promover seus negócios e obter maiores lucros, principalmente diante da crise de saúde que afeta a todos nós, no qual você não pode ficar para trás... Usamos métodos quantitativos para avaliar projetos, combinados com práticas heurísticas e intuição, apoiados em anos de trabalho em ambientes muito diversificados. Entre em contato conosco e perceba como pode ajudar o desenvolvimento de seu projeto de vida... FR - Vous souhaitez rentabilisé votre entreprise ou commerce? Nous sommes des professionnels du Marketing Digital et nous, nous adaptons a tout vos besoin, même financier, afin que ayez l' opportunité de pouvoir mettre en avant votre entreprise et de réaliser des bénéfices plus important, surtout avec la crise sanitaire qui nous touche tous. Nous utilisons des méthodes quantitatives pour évaluer des projets, ainsi que des pratiques heuristiques et de l'intuition, soutenues par des années de travail dans des environnements commerciaux très divers. Faites nous confiance et contacter nous afin de pouvoir vous donnez plus détails et crée un projet ensemble, après tout s'informer c'est gratuit! EN - Do you want to make your business or business profitable? We are Digital Marketing professionals and we adapt to all your needs, even financial, so that you have the opportunity to be able to promote your business and make more significant profits, especially with the health crisis that affects us all.. We use quantitative methods to evaluate projects, as well as heuristics and intuition, supported by years of work in a wide variety of business environments. Trust us and contact us so that you can give you more details and create a project together, after all, getting informed is free! Obrigado! Merci! Thanks!
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Fundão-Castelo Branco (Castelo Branco)
You can find here the best institute for learning Data Science in the area near you. Contact thebest Data Science training institute in Ranchi if you are looking for the best institute for learning. Enroll in the best Data Sciencecourse in Ranchi for enhancing your data scientist skills. Data Science Course in Ranchi | Data Science Training in Ranchi | Data Science Institute in Ranchi Contact the best Data Science institutein Ranchi. You are at the right placeif you are searching for the best Data Science in Ranchi for learning new data scentistskills. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top Data Science training institute in Ranchi. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations providing Data Science training in Ranchi. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give training to the students who are keen to learn Data Science skills. If you are serious about a career pertaining to Data science, at that point you are at the perfect spot. We provide the list of best data Science training institutes in Ranchi. We have buildcareer of thousands of Data Science experts with good placement record in different MNCs in India and abroad. Get the list of top Data Science training institutein Ranchi at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID –CHNK1307
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Serpa (Beja)
You can find here the best recruitment company in the area near you. Contact thebest staffing company in Kolkata if you are looking for the best staffing services. Hire the job consultancy in Kolkatafor getting the job as per the skill. Job Consultancy in Kolkata | Placement Agency in Kolkata | Recruitment Company Kolkata Contact the best manpower consultancyin Kolkata. You are at the right placeif you are searching for the best HR Consultants in Kolkata for getting the job. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top placement agencies in Kolkata. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations offering packing staffing solutions in Kolkata. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give recruitment consultants in Kolkata for providing the job as per the skill. Find the best placement agency in Kolkata via Near Me Ads India portal. You can get the professional recruitment services which help in getting the job and upgrading the skills as per the standards. They also provide recruitment services, HR Consultancy, staffing services, manpower services to the various companies and candidates. Get the list of top placement agencyin Kolkata at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID –CHNK1707
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Arouca-Aveiro (Aveiro)
You can find here the best event organizers in the area near you. Contact the best event Planners in Patna for planning an event. Hire the event management companies in Patna for making your event memorable. Event Management Companies in Patna | Event Planners in Patna | Event Organizers in Patna Contact the best event management companies in Patna. You are at the right place if you are searching for the event organizers in Patna for awesome event management. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top event Management Company in Patna. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations offering event management planning and organizing in Patna. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give event planning in Patna for making the event memorable. Events now a days are very much popular. Everyone needs a company which could manage their events as they don’t want to bear all the responsibility of managing the event. Event Management companies in Patna helps the people in managing their event. Get the list of top event management companies in Patna at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID – CHNK3107
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Arouca-Aveiro (Aveiro)
You can find here the best event organizers in the area near you. Contact thebest event Planners in Kanpur for planning an event. Hire the event management companies in Kanpur for making your event memeorable. Event Management Companies in Kanpur | Event Planners in Kanpur | Event Organizers in Kanpur Contact the best event management companies in Kanpur. You are at the right place if you are searching for the event organizers in Kanpur for awesome event management. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top event management company in Kanpur. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations offering event management planning and organizing in Surat. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give event planning in Kanpur for making the event memorable. Events now a days are very much popular. Everyone needs a company which could manage their events as they don’t want to bear all the responsibility of managing the event. Event Management companies in Kanpur helps the people in managing their event. Get the list of top event management companies in Kanpur at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID – CHNK0708
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Arouca-Aveiro (Aveiro)
You can find here the best online jobsin the area near you. Contact thebest work from home jobs in Bhubaneswar if you are looking for the best online job. Get the best part time jobs in Bhubaneswarfor earning the extra money. Part-Time Jobs in Bhubaneswar | Work from Home Jobs in Bhubaneswar | Online Jobs in Bhubaneswar Contact the best part-time job providerin Bhubaneswar. You are at the right placeif you are searching for the best work from home jobsBhubaneswar for earning good money. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top Online Jobs Providers in Bhubaneswar. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations providing online work in Bhubaneswar. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced job providers give jobs to the students, housewives, retired who are keen to do work from home. If you are serious about a freelancing job, at that point you are at the perfect spot. We provide the list of best part-time job providers in Bhubaneswar. We have tobuilda career of thousands of people with good placementservicesby working from home. Get the list of top work from home jobs providersin Bhubaneswar at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID –CHAIN1208
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Águeda (Aveiro)
You can find here the best event organizers in the area near you. Contact the best event Planners in Ahmedabad for planning an event. Hire the event management companies in Ahmedabad for making your event memeorable. Event Management Companies in Ahmedabad | Event Planners in Ahmedabad | Event Organizers in Ahmedabad Contact the best event management companies in Ahmedabad. You are at the right place if you are searching for the event organizers in Ahmedabad for awesome event management. Near Me Ads India is providing the list of top event management company in Ahmedabad. At Near Me Ads India, we interface you to verified and trusted foundations offering event management planning and organizing in Ahmedabad. The specialists listed at Near Me Ads India has conveyed astounding administrations. Qualified and experienced experts give event planning in Ahmedabad for making the event memorable. Events now a days are very much popular. Everyone needs a company which could manage their events as they don’t want to bear all the responsibility of managing the event. Event Management companies in Ahmedabad helps the people in managing their event. Get the list of top event management companies in Ahmedabad at Near Me Ads India portal Ad ID – CHNK1109
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
German Speaking Sales & Marketing Agents for Lisbon Would you like to work in online marketing applied to new technology? Would you like to work for a very important company with the chance to develop your passion for marketing? Our client is the number 1 in online advertising and it is looking for people who would like to work as advisors for other companies (B2B). The work is in business hours from Monday to Friday. Responsibilities: • You will have the chance to contact new clients, or clients who needs your assistance in increasing their business by online advertising • You will create your client base, and develop it establishing a trust relation • You will be able to identify the clients’ needs and goals • You will help the clients in their online advertising strategy • Provide strategic campaign support and advertiser training to educate your clients Requirements: • German and English proficiency (C1) • Experience in sales • Dynamic, enthusiastic and passionate people • Sales mindset, self-motivated and data-driven • A team player with analytical and communication skills • Google AdWords certification or experience is a big plus • Ability to adapt well to change in direction and priority in a fast-paced and deadline-oriented environment Benefits: • Multinational company with the chance to create international friendship • Possibility of cooperation with leaders in various industries • Career progression, almost all the management started their career inside the company • Possibility to live in one of the company’s apartments • Initial flight expenses refund • Health Insurance • Annually complementary return flight to your home country (within Europe) If you are interested in this opportunity don’t hesitate and contact me at Do not forget to attach your English cv in pdf or word format.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
French Financial Advisor in Lisbon One of our clients based in beautiful Lisbon is looking for candidates who speak very good French and that would like to have an experience in the financial industry. What will you do: • Answer to customer queries and requests, in a simple way keeping your smile, ensuring their satisfaction through a unique customer experience • Keep in contact with clients by receiving incoming calls and emails, managing claims and requests • Call the customers to complete their profile, offer help if the customer would like to obtain a credit Who you are: • Fluent in French (C1) and English (B2) • Good computer skills • Sales experience appreciated • Very good communication skills • Good listening and empathy skills • Good time management skills • Team spirit and flexibility • Argumentative power and management of expectations on the part of the customer What they offer: • Relocation package • Professional, but friendly office • Social events If you are interested or if you would like to know more, please, feel free to contact me. We have a lot of job opportunities for all European languages.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
German Speaking Sales & Marketing Agents for Lisbon Would you like to work in online marketing applied to new technology? Would you like to work for a very important company with the chance to develop your passion for marketing? Our client is the number 1 in online advertising and it is looking for people who would like to work as advisors for other companies (B2B). The work is in business hours from Monday to Friday. Responsibilities: • You will have the chance to contact new clients, or clients who needs your assistance in increasing their business by online advertising • You will create your client base, and develop it establishing a trust relation • You will be able to identify the clients’ needs and goals • You will help the clients in their online advertising strategy • Provide strategic campaign support and advertiser training to educate your clients Requirements: • German and English proficiency (C1) • Experience in sales • Dynamic, enthusiastic and passionate people • Sales mindset, self-motivated and data-driven • A team player with analytical and communication skills • Google AdWords certification or experience is a big plus • Ability to adapt well to change in direction and priority in a fast-paced and deadline-oriented environment Benefits: • Multinational company with the chance to create international friendship • Possibility of cooperation with leaders in various industries • Career progression, almost all the management started their career inside the company • Possibility to live in one of the company’s apartments • Initial flight expenses refund • Health Insurance • Annually complementary return flight to your home country (within Europe) If you are interested in this opportunity don’t hesitate and contact me at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.. Do not forget to attach your English cv in pdf or word format.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
We’re looking for an outstanding Social Media Manager. You’ll be responsible for: Be 100% responsible and accountable for the assigned client social accounts Responsible for day-to-day communication with the client and for the long-term relationship with the client. Introduce new marketing and industry trends to the agency. Responsible for deliver the project within the agreed time plan. Write briefings and de-briefings. Create marketing campaign on Facebook Ads, Google Ads and other media platforms. Develop, organise and plan content for all of our clients Formulate social media strategies. Contact with 3rd party support teams Develop Analytic reports and present them to client Develop and Monitor SEO and user engagement and suggest content optimization Communicate with industry professionals and influencers via social media to create a strong network Turn fans IN.TO customers and customers IN.TO brand advocates The talent we’re looking needs to WOW us, bring fresh and out-of-the box-ideas and be able to fit perfectly within the company’s culture. Some skills you need to nail and are mandatory: Excellent eye for detail Accountability and ownership of your projects Excellent communication skills Speak and write English (we have international clients and partnerships) Speak and write perfect Portuguese Master Facebook Ads and Google Ads as well as all social media platforms (examples: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.) Use Social Media tools, Hootsuite, Canva, Google Trends, etc. Master website platforms in terms of editing, changing content, etc. (Shopify, Wordpress, Wix, etc.) You’ll need to have an analytic drive but also a creative vein Excellent SEO and content creation skills Some bit and bobs we appreciate, but are not mandatory: Some sort of education degree + 4 years of experience in a similar position, preferably on agency side Familiarity with web design platforms and publishing Familiarity with Adobe Package it’s a big plus Please do not send us an Europass CV, because, where’s the fun in that? Also, we would like to see your presentation letter/email. So, if you think you’re the right match, send us your CV and/or portfolio to We do analyse all the candidates carefully and in detail, but unfortunately, we do not have time to reply to all. And for that, we apologise in advance. However, if we think you’re a good fit, we’ll contact you within 2 weeks of your application.
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