Currently has one bedrooms adjoining
Lista mais vendidos currently has one bedrooms adjoining

Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Apartamento T3 situado muito prximo do Mercado de Arroios e da Fonte Luminosa da Alameda, Lisboa. Posicionado no 3. piso de um edifico que conta com 5 pisos, o imvel tem 90m2 de ABP sendo cerca de 75m2 de rea til, dotado de muita luz natural. O imvel tem neste momento um dos quartos contguo com a sala sendo possvel o mesmo voltar ao estado original (3 quartos independentes). A sua exposio solar nascente - poente, sendo a varanda e cozinha expostos a nascente e os quartos e sala a poente. Os quartos e sala foram recentemente - em 2023 - alvo de alterao na caixilharia, permitindo uma excelente estabilidade acstica e trmica no imvel. O wc tambm sofreu uma atualizao recentemente - em 2020. Sendo para sua habitao prpria ou para rentabilidade no arrendamento (activo com retorno assegurado), este apartamento fica situado no corao da cidade permitindo o acesso a todos os transportes e servios com grande facilidade e fluidez proporcionando um estilo de vida cosmopolita, funcional e familiar. Relativamente ao edifcio, o mesmo j tem planeada uma interveno de melhoramento exterior e interior prevista para breve sendo o custo correspondente a esta frao assumido pelos atuais proprietrios. A Golden Heritage, Lda Intermediria de Crdito Vinculada junto do Banco de Portugal com o nmero de registo 4874. Estamos disponveis para lhe apresentar, de forma gratuita, propostas de crdito habitao. Venha conhecer-nos, temos solues para a realizao do seu negcio. 3 bedroom apartment located very close to the Arroios Market and the Luminous Fountain in Alameda, Lisbon. Positioned on the 3rd floor of a 5-storey building, the property has 90m2 of GLA and around 75m2 of usable area, with plenty of natural light. The property currently has one of the bedrooms adjoining the living room, which could be returned to its original state (3 independent bedrooms). The sun exposure is east - west, with the balcony and kitchen facing east and the bedrooms and living room facing west. The bedrooms and living room were recently - in 2023 - the subject of alterations to the window frames, allowing for excellent acoustic and thermal stability in the property. The bathroom was also recently updated - in 2020. Whether it's for your own home or for rental profitability (an asset with a guaranteed return), this apartment is located in the heart of the city, allowing easy and fluid access to all transport and services, providing a cosmopolitan, functional and family-friendly lifestyle. As for the building, it already has exterior and interior improvements planned for the near future, with the cost of this fraction being borne by the current owners. Golden Heritage, Lda is a Credit Intermediary registered with the Bank of Portugal under registration number 4874. We are available to provide you with free home loan proposals. Come and meet us, we have solutions for your business.
358.000.288 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
*Localização Privilegiada no Príncipe Real* Apartamento T6* Este excelente imóvel está inserido em uma das zonas mais privilegiadas de Lisboa. O prédio em bom estado de conservação, dotado de uma exposição solar Nascente/Poente, situado entre o Largo do Rato e o Jardim do Príncipe Real, o apartamento desfruta de um enquadramento excepcional com lugar calmo e sossegado. A Rua de São Bento é uma conhecida rua de Lisboa, situada no limite das freguesias de Campo de Ourique e Estrela (a ocidente) e Santo António e Misericórdia (a oriente). O topónimo «São Bento» data do século XVI, quando foi construído o convento beneditino onde funciona actualmente a Assembleia da República. Na rua de São Bento nasceram Alexandre Herculano e Laura Alves e viveram Amália Rodrigues, Hintze Ribeiro e Fernando Pessoa. O Apartamento conta com 6 quartos, 2 salas, cozinha e 2 casas de banho. No segundo andar com 110m2, tem 3 quartos, 2 salas, 1 cozinha e WC. O sótão totalmente aproveitado tem 60m2 com 3 quartos e 1 WC completa. As escadas ficam numa das salas. O imóvel encontra-se arrendando na modalidade quartos com contrato a tempo certo renováveis por 1 ano. Antes do covid-19 esteve por um longo período no Airbnb e, sendo possível verificar sua faturação mensal com documentos probatórios. As escadas ficam numa das salas. O Imóvel encontra-se alugado na modalidade quartos com contrato anual. Trata-se de uma excelente opção de investimento a nível de arrendamento ou mesmo para habitação própria. Agende sua visita! ******************************************************************************************************************** *Principal location in Príncipe Real* 6 bedroom apartment* This excellent property is located in one of the most privileged areas of Lisbon. The building in good condition, with an East / West sun exposure, located between Largo do Rato and Jardim do Príncipe Real, the apartment enjoys an exceptional setting with a calm and peaceful place. Rua de São Bento is a well-known street in Lisbon, located on the edge of the parishes of Campo de Ourique and Estrela (to the west) and Santo António and Misericórdia (to the east). The toponym «São Bento» dates from the 16th century, when the Benedictine convent where the Assembly of the Republic currently operates was built. On Rua de São Bento, Alexandre Herculano and Laura Alves were born and Amália Rodrigues, Hintze Ribeiro and Fernando Pessoa lived. The Apartment has 6 bedrooms, 2 living room, kitchen and 2 bathrooms. On the second floor with 110m2, it has 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 1 kitchen and bathroom. The attic fully utilized has 60m2 with 3 bedrooms and 1 complete bathroom. The stairs are in one of the living rooms. The property is leasing rooms with a fixed-term contract renewable for 1 year. Before covid-19, he was on Airbnb and for a long time, making it possible to verify his monthly invoicing with supporting documents. The stairs are in one of the rooms. The Property is rented in rooms with an annual contract. It is an excellent option for investment in terms of rental or even for your own home. Book your visit! Referência: 50753
1.000.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Venha conhecer este magnifico apartamento de tipologia T2, muito bem localizado, perto do metro de Carnide. Esta proposta encontra-se num dos bairros mais conhecidos de Lisboa, apresenta 2 quartos com uma sala ampla, 1 casa de banho e cozinha separada da sala, com um pequeno espao onde possvel fazer uma pequena sala de jantar. Ao fundo da cozinha temos ainda disponvel uma pequena marquise, onde pode fazer o seu espao de lavandaria. Este apartamento localiza-se num 2 andar de um prdio sem elevador, e fica muito prximo de todos os servios, ficando a relativamente 5 minutos a p do Hospital da Luz e do Centro Comercial Colombo. Tem excelentes acessos para toda a Lisboa, sendo possvel, sem trnsito, chegar a qualquer uma das pontas em relativamente 20 minutos, timo para quem procura comodidade e facilidade de deslocao. O apartamento encontra-se em excelente estado de conservao, tendo sido efetuadas remodelaes, incluindo a canalizao da casa de banho em 2022. Na cave, est ainda disponvel uma arrecadao, com aproximadamente 12m2. Quanto ao estacionamento, exterior, mas de fcil acesso, e disponvel dstico de estacionamento da EMEL para residentes. O condomnio organizado e todas as fachadas esto a ser pintadas atualmente. No perca a oportunidade de conhecer este magnifico e aconchegante apartamento! Entre em contacto para agendarmos a prxima visita. Casas So Paixes! ENG: Come and discover this magnificent 2 bedroom apartment, very well located, close to the Carnide metro. This proposal is located in one of the best-known neighborhoods in Lisbon, it has 2 bedrooms with a large living room, 1 bathroom and a kitchen separate from the living room, with a small space where it is possible to create a small dining room. At the back of the kitchen we also have a small sunroom available, where you can create your laundry space. This apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a building without an elevator, and is very close to all services, being a relatively 5-minute walk from Hospital da Luz and the Colombo Shopping Center. It has excellent access to the whole of Lisbon, making it possible, without traffic, to reach either end in relatively 20 minutes, great for those looking for convenience and ease of travel. The apartment is in excellent condition, renovations have been carried out, including the water pipes, for approximately 8 years. In the basement, there is also a storage room, measuring approximately 12m2. As for parking, it is outside, but easily accessible, and an EMEL parking badge is available for residents. The condominium is organized and all facades are currently being painted. Don't miss the opportunity to discover this magnificent and cozy apartment! Get in touch to schedule the next visit. Houses Are Passions! Aeroporto - 7200m - Aeroporto de Lisboa Auto-Estrada - 1600m - Segunda Circular Auto-Estrada - 2500m - CRIL Bombeiros - 1200m - Quartel de Benfica Centro Comercial - 1100m - Centro Comercial Colombo Escola - 1500m - Polo Universitrio de Benfica Estao Ferroviria - 2000m - Estao de Comboios de Benfica Farmcia - 300m - Farmcia Carnide Hospital - 500m - Hospital da Luz Jardim - 350m - Jardim Ado Barata Metro - 180m - Estao de Metro de Carnide Polcia - 800m - PSP Supermercado - 400m - Lidl
360.000.288 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
*** FAÇA UMA COMPRA INTELIGENTE E REFLETIDA. CONSULTE-NOS!! Domus Dreams apresenta Estes Novos Apartamentos T4 Para Venda em Portimão estão inseridos num edifício de 9 pisos que se encontra atualmente em construção. O edifício inclui modernos apartamentos T2, T3 e T4 em cada piso e localiza-se na zona do Fojo de Portimão. É, portanto, perfeito como uma casa de férias ou um lugar para se mudar permanentemente. A fim de preservar o meio ambiente, todos os pinheiros altos ao longo do perímetro do edifício foram preservados, o que confere ao edifício respeito pelo meio ambiente, uma atmosfera saudável e uma aparência atraente. Todo o contorno do exterior possui proteção térmica superior ao padrão para garantir a máxima resistência ao calor. O nível de utilização de energia nos apartamentos, de acordo com o pré-certificado energético nos apartamentos T4 é A. Além disso, há alto isolamento acústico nos apartamentos. Os guarda-corpos da varanda são modernos, envidraçados sem moldura utilizando a tecnologia TRIPLEX de vidro duplo de 8mm com película no meio. Este corrimão garantirá a segurança de todos se quebrado. Todos os apartamentos T4 apresentam vistas do Sul, Oeste e Norte com luz solar direta durante todo o ano. O edifício possui um elevador com sistema de segurança com linha telefônica para comunicação dentro da cabine, painéis solares para aquecimento de água e desligamento automático da iluminação nos corredores, halls de elevadores e escadas. Os apartamentos possuem: uma caldeira elétrica instalada em um dos armários da cozinha em cada apartamento para receber água quente imediatamente, várias tomadas elétricas em grandes varandas e banheiros, isolamento acústico sob o laminado nos quartos e alguns outros quartos para evitar a transmissão de som dos vizinhos acima e abaixo, tomadas de cabeceira de 220V cada com duas tomadas adicionais 1-2 USB 5V 2A nos quartos para carregamento direto de dispositivos móveis, 2 banheiros adaptados para cadeira de rodas, controlo de todos os estores elétricos e luzes a partir do botão da porta de entrada para fechar ou abrir todos os estores ao mesmo tempo, controle de temperatura da água quente do painel solar com um interruptor de dentro dos apartamentos, um videoporteiro a cores com comunicação bidirecional, piso radiante elétrico com aquecimento ajustável, varandas amplas e bem iluminadas para largura máxima e uma das varandas de cada apartamento com área de churrasco que inclui um local para cozinhar em fogo aberto com chaminé, um ponto de iluminação separado, lava mãos/pés junto à churrasqueira, máquina de lavar na parte inferior e cercada por portas de alumínio ventiladas, torneira de rega em cada varanda, para evitar mofo, a ventilação natural do ar é fornecida através das caixas de estores elétricos e ventilação elétrica forçada 220V em todos os banheiros, um roupeiro embutido na entrada do apartamento e em cada quarto, pré-instalado para um sistema de ar condicionado split para aquecimento/arrefecimento na sala e todos os quartos, uma cozinha com armários de parede a parede e eletrodomésticos encastrados incluindo forno, placa vitrocerâmica, exaustor, micro-ondas, máquina de lavar loiça, frigorífico e lava-loiças em inox integrados na bancada. a cozinha está equipada com contentores para recolha separada de resíduos. 3 tipos de iluminação na cozinha: teto central, por cima dos armários superiores e por baixo dos armários superiores casas de banho com sanitas suspensas, bidés, lavatórios e armários com espelho iluminado. toalheiros elétricos aquecidos de parede em quartos com banheira com controlo de temperatura para aquecimento, portas de entrada seguras de apartamentos resistentes ao fogo e com isolamento acústico interno adicional, caixilharias de alumínio de alta qualidade com vidros duplos com isolamento térmico interno que deslizam em ambos os lados, estores elétricos com lâminas isolantes de calor e som e com parede local e comando central. Cada aspecto do edifício foi cuidadosamente pensado ao longo dos processos de design e construção. Os arquitetos e construtores aceitaram sugestões de inquilinos de projetos anteriores para melhorar este. A utilização de acabamentos e materiais de alta qualidade que durarão por muitos anos colocam este edifício de apartamentos em alta demanda. Está localizado a uma curta distância do Centro de Saúde, mercado, centro comercial, restaurantes e escolas. Uma localização tranquila ideal em uma área residencial sem ruído de veículos que passam e fica a apenas 2,7 km de distância da praia. Portimão é a maior cidade do Barlavento Algarvio. Tradicionalmente, era um centro de pesca e processamento de sardinha. No entanto, o turismo, lazer e comércio substituíram a maior parte dessa indústria, tornando Portimão uma cidade predominantemente residencial. Há uma quantidade surpreendente para ver dentro da cidade. Por exemplo, as antigas e movimentadas docas de pesca da cidade se transformaram em um passeio panorâmico que leva a charmosas praças arborizadas. Além disso, mais para o interior há agradáveis ??ruas comerciais para pedestres, prédios históricos e uma atraente seleção de cafés, bares e restaurantes. NOTA: As imagens apresentadas são ilustrativas e indicativas para fins comerciais. Os acabamentos e equipamentos especificados são ilustrativos e podem não corresponder ao real. Com entrega prevista para 2023, já pode adquirir um destes Novos Apartamentos T4 à Venda em Portimão. Esta é uma ótima opção para quem quer investir no belo Algarve. Da mesma forma, a cidade de Portimão é um tesouro que muitos ainda não descobriram. **** Não encontra o que procura? Precisa de crédito? Não sabe como fazer? Precisa de acompanhamento profissional? Contacte-nos! É gratuito e ficará informado. Trataremos das suas simulações bancárias e acompanharemos o seu processo de crédito até à compra da sua casa nova! **** *** MAKE AN INTELLIGENT PURCHASE THOUGHTS. CONSULT US!! Domus Dreams presents These New T4 Apartments For Sale In Portimão are within a 9-storey building that is currently in construction. The building includes T2, T3 and T4 modern apartments on each floor and is located in the Fojo area of Portimão. It?s therefore, perfect as a holiday home or somewhere to relocate permanently. In order to preserve the environment, all tall pine trees along the perimeter of the building have been preserved, which give the building environmental friendliness, a healthy atmosphere and an attractive appearance. The entire contour of the exterior has thermal protection exceeding the standard to ensure maximum heat resistance. The level of energy use in apartments, according to the energy pre-certificate in T4 apartments is A. In addition, there is high sound insulation in the apartments. The balcony railings are modern, frameless glazing using TRIPLEX technology of 8mm double glass with a film between. This railing will ensure everyone?s safety if broken. All T4 apartments feature Southern, Western, and Northern views with direct sunlight throughout the year. The building features an elevator with a security system with a telephone line for communication inside the cabin, solar panels for heating water, and automatic switching on/off of lighting in corridors, elevator lobbies, and stairs. The apartments feature: an electric boiler installed in one of the kitchen cabinets in each apartment to immediately receive hot water, various electrical outlets on large balconies and bathrooms, soundproofing under the laminate in the bedrooms and some other rooms to prevent the transmission of sound from neighbours above and below, bedside sockets of 220V each with two additional 1-2 USB 5V 2A outlets in the bedrooms for direct charging of mobile devices, 2 wheelchair accessible bathrooms, control of all the electric blinds and lights from the button at the entrance door to close or open all the blinds at the same time, solar panel hot water temperature control with a switch from inside the apartments, a colour video intercom with two-way communication, electric underfloor heating with adjustable heating, large and well-lit balconies are provided for maximum width and one of the balconies of each apartment with a barbecue area that includes a place for cooking on an open fire with a chimney, a separate lighting point, a hand/foot washer next to the barbecue, a washing machine at the bottom, and enclosed by ventilated aluminum doors, watering faucet on each balcony, to prevent mould, natural air ventilation is provided through the boxes of electric shutters and forced electric 220V ventilation in all bathrooms, a built-in wardrobe at the apartment entrance and in each bedroom, pre-installed for a split air conditioning system for heating/cooling in the living room and all bedrooms, a kitchen with wall-to-wall cabinets and built-in appliances including an oven, a ceramic induction hob, an extractor hood, a microwave, a dishwasher, a refrigerator, and a stainless steel sink integrated into the countertop. the kitchen is equipped with containers for separate waste collection. 3 types of lighting in the kitchen: central ceiling, above the upper cabinets and under the upper cabinets bathrooms with wall hanging toilets, bidets, sinks and cabinetry with illuminated mirror. electric wall-mounted heated towel rails in rooms with a bathtub with temperature control for heating, secure entrance doors of apartments that are fire-resistant and have additional internal sound insulation, high-quality aluminum window frames with double glazing with internal heat insulation that slide on both sides, electric blinds with heat and sound insulating slats and with local wall and central control. Every aspect of the building has been carefully thought through throughout the design and construction processes. The architects and builders have taken suggestions from tenants of past projects to improve upon in this one. The use of high-quality finishes and materials that will last for many years to come put this apartment building in high demand. It is located within walking distance of the Centro de Saude, the market, a shopping center, restaurants, and schools. An ideal quiet location in a residential area without noise from passing vehicles and is only 2.7 km away from the beach. Portimão is the largest city in the Western Algarve. It was traditionally a centre for sardine fishing and processing. However, tourism, leisure, and retail have replaced most of that industry now making Portimão a largely residential city. There is a surprising amount to see within the city. For instance, the city?s old and once busy fishing docks have transformed into a scenic promenade leading to charming tree-lined plazas. In addition, further inland is pleasant pedestrian shopping streets, historic buildings, and an enticing selection of cafés, bars, and restaurants. NOTE: The images shown are illustrative and indicative for commercial purposes. The specified finishes and equipment are illustrative and may not correspond to the actual. With delivery scheduled for 2023, you can now purchase one of these New T4 Apartments For Sale In Portimão. This is a great choice for anyone looking to invest in the beautiful Algarve. Similarly, the city of Portimão is a treasure that many haven?t discovered yet. **** Can not find what you are looking for? Do you need credit? Don't know how to do it? Do you need professional support? Contact us! It's free and you will be informed. We'll take care of your banking simulations and monitor your credit process right up to the purchase of your new home! ****
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 +3 (+3 - garage with 2 rooms and 1 attic used) inserted in a lot of gaveto with 405m² in a quiet square only of villas. Located a 10-minute walk from S. Julião beach, asta property has an excellent solar orientation. Property composed of: - R / C with kitchen, living room with stove, wc with poliban, 2nd room with access to sheds, storage room and garage (can be converted into 2 halls / bedrooms); - Floor 1 with 2 bedrooms (one with wardrobe and access to balcony), suite with balcony with sea view, with wardrobe and toilet with 2 washbasins - Floor 2 with large attic** with sea view and with toilet with polyban Outdoor: swimming pool**, patio, sheds with leisure area and barbecue, toilet with poliban and parking area for 2 cars. Equipment: pre-installation of air conditioning, electric heating, oven, induction hob, dishwasher, door, video intercom, hood, microwave, Samsung American refrigerator, swimming pool, barbecue material and electric water heater, automatic auto entrance gate. ** does not contain the documentation This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 + 1 (office) single ground in rustic style with outdoor space. Located in a quiet village about 2 km from the village and beaches of Ericeira. The villa consists of: - Entrance hall, living room with fireplace with stove, equipped kitchen, bedroom hall, two bedrooms (one with wardrobe), a suite with bathtub in the bathroom, bathroom with bathtub, office area (*). Outdoor area with barbecue and two patios, one of which has access by the office. Equipment: Kitchen equipped with gas hob, oven, hood, water heater, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine (*) It's not on the project. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
House T3 +3 (+3 - garage with 2 rooms and 1 attic used) detached with swimming pool and sea view 10 minutes walk from the beach S. Julião and 8 km from Ericeira. The property consists of: - R / C with kitchen, living room with stove, toilet with poliban, 2nd room with access to sheds, storage room and garage (can be converted into 2 rooms / bedrooms) - Floor 1 with 2 bedrooms (one with wardrobe and access to balcony), suite with balcony with sea view, with wardrobe and toilet with 2 washbasins - 2nd floor with large attic with sea view and toilet with poliban Outdoor: swimming pool, patio, shed with leisure area and barbecue, toilet with poliban and parking area for 2 cars. Equipment: pre-installation of air conditioning, electric heating, video intercom, automatic entrance gate. Kitchen with oven, induction hob, hood, washing machine, dishwasher, water heater, microwave, American refrigerator. Rental conditions: * 6 lace * 2 deposit * Proof of income; IRS * 1-year non-renewable contract * The practice of AL is not allowed This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. *
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Excelente apartamento T3, com duas casas de banho completas sendo uma suíte, varanda, elevador e garagem box. Situado a poucos metros do Centro Comercial Braga Parque o apartamento dispõe de 116 m2 de área útil, o edifício é servido por 2 elevadores. O apartamento dispõe de: Hall de entrada; Espaçosa cozinha mobilada e equipada com placa, forno e exaustor com zona de lavandaria; Sala de estar e de jantar; 2 WC completas (sendo uma delas no quarto suíte) 3 quartos sendo um deles suíte. O apartamento tem 2 frentes e uma excelente entrada de luz natural, com um excelente acesso a principal artéria rodoviária da cidade e acesso a todo o tipo de serviços e comércios. Atualmente o apartamento encontra-se arrendado para estudantes, caso seja necessário, poderão deixar o imóvel. Marque já a sua visita! ENG Excellent 3 bedroom apartment with two full bathrooms being one en suite, balcony, elevator and garage box. Located a few meters from Braga Parque Shopping Center the apartment has 116 m2 of useful area, the building is served by 2 elevators. The apartment has: Entrance Hall; Spacious kitchen furnished and equipped with hob, oven and extractor with laundry area; Living room and dining room; 2 complete WC (being one of them in the suite bedroom) 3 bedrooms, one of which is en-suite. The apartment has 2 fronts and an excellent entry of natural light, with excellent access to the main road artery of the city and access to all kinds of services and shops. Currently the apartment is rented to students, if necessary they can leave the property. Check your visit now! FRA Excellent appartement de 3 chambres avec deux salles de bains complètes dont une en suite, balcon, ascenseur et garage. Situé à quelques mètres du centre commercial Braga Parque, l'appartement a une surface utile de 116 m2, l'immeuble est desservi par deux ascenseurs. L'appartement dispose de: Hall d'entrée; Cuisine spacieuse meublée et équipée de plaques de cuisson, four et hotte aspirante avec coin buanderie; Salon et salle à manger; 2 WC (dont un dans la chambre en-suite) 3 chambres à coucher, dont une avec salle de bains. L'appartement a deux façades et une excellente entrée de lumière naturelle, avec un excellent accès à l'artère principale de la ville et l'accès à tous les types de services et de magasins. Actuellement, l'appartement est loué à des étudiants, qui peuvent quitter la propriété si nécessaire. Réservez votre visite dès maintenant !
180.000 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Apartamento de 4 assoalhadas com varanda para arrendamento em Lisboa, nas Avenidas Novas, no Bairro de Santos. Muito luminoso, inserido em prédio de 4 andares, com elevador e somente um apartamento por piso. Na entrada tem um hall com acesso à sala comum, um quarto e wc. Contíguo ao hall tem um corredor que dá acesso à cozinha, a dois quartos e casa de banho. O imóvel está equipado com termoacumulador, forno, placa e extrator de fumos. Tem ainda roupeiro em dois quartos. Apartamento com lugar de estacionamento na garagem do prédio. O Bairro de Santos é um bairro típico da cidade de Lisboa muito bem localizado no que se refere às acessibilidades à cidade, com diversidade de comércio, serviços e transportes. A escassos minutos do renovado Mercado do Bairro de Santos, supermercado Minipreço, CTT, Polidesportivo e Piscina Municipal, Hospital Curry Cabral, IPO e Hospital de Santa Maria. Agende a sua visita e venha conhecer. T3 Apartment with Parking in Bairro de Santos 3 bedroom flat with balcony for rent in Lisbon, in Avenidas Novas, in Bairro de Santos. Very light flat, placed in a building of 4 floors, with lift and only one flat by floor. In the entry has a hall with access to the living room, a bedroom (with wardrobe) and toilet. Adjoining the hall there is a hallway with access to kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. The property is equipped with water heater, oven, eletric plate and extractor fan. It also has a parking space in the garage of the building. The Bairro de Santos is a typical neighbourhood of the city of Lisbon very well located in terms of accessibility to the city, with several shops, services and transport. Only a few minutes from the renovated Bairro de Santos Market, Minipreço Supermarket, CTT, sports centre and municipal swimming pool, Curry Cabral Hospital, IPO and Santa Maria Hospital. Schedule your visit and come to see.
1.150 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
**NG_Cond** Want to live '2 steps' from the beach? Excellent single-bedroom villa T2+2 (+2 cellar and attic), inserted in plot of 680m², with excellent sun exposure and sea view. Located less than 400m from the nearest beach and about 1 km from the center of ericeira village. House composed of: - Entrance to living room, with living area with open fire fireplace, in open space plan, L format with dining area and connection to the kitchen, hall of the rooms with bathroom with support with shower base and window, two bedrooms with wardrobe. From the kitchen there is a connection to the cellar/office area, with access to the garage, this garage with space for two cars, more storage, with automatic gate and support bathroom with shower base and window. Access to the attic used for bedroom and storage area. Outside we have a landscaped area, and several leisure areas around the villa. We also have 2 annexes*, one with typical kitchen and wood oven, another for storage and laundry, and an excellent terrace at the top of the villa with excellent sea views. Equipment: Kitchen equipped with stove, oven, hood, refrigerator, dryer, washing machine. * Undeclared attachments # Scripture up to 6 months after CPCV. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Excellent 2 bedroom villa with sea view in quiet residential area of Ericeira, a few minutes from the beach and the center of ericeira village. ** Appointments in advance. Scripture after January 2023 ** The three-storey villa develops as follows: - Floor -1 with 61m² for garage and storage. - Floor 0 with entrance hall, kitchen of 15.30m² fully equipped and access to nice terrace with barbecue, pantry for extra storage, common room with 22.62m² equipped with fireplace and social bathroom. - Floor 1 with two bedrooms of 12.80 and 16.80m², both with built-in wardrobe and access to balcony, one of them with fantastic views of the front sea to Cabo da Roca. The villa is in excellent condition and was painted about two years ago. The area where it is located is characterized by being a very quiet residential area served by public transport, proximity trade and a few minutes from the beaches of Ribeira d'Ilhas and Slaughterhouse. The East/West orientation provides a great solar layout with equal distribution on both fronts. ? Areas removed from CPU and LU* * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land with 4.190m² (area in the documentation) for construction of contemporary architecture house of typology T4 with approved project and license to pay, inserted in an area of very quiet, with a fantastic view of the countryside and very close to the beaches of Ericeira and the main access roads. Located about 8 km from the village of Ericeira and 4 km from Mafra. Land with feasibility approved on 2 August 2021, for construction of detached architecture villa with total gross area of 330.20m² contemporary and with implantation area of 215 m², with approved project, composed as follows: - Ground floor with living room and kitchen in open space with laundry area and pantry, three bedrooms being one en suite, full bathroom. Two-car garage. - Floor 1 master suite with fantastic countryside view. - Basement: room (potential for cinema). The exterior also includes an atelier of 50 m2 with bathroom. The project is approved and licensed for payment. ** Land area according to topographical survey is 3.945 m² **. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra still has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Land with 1.577m² with approved project with the building license for payment for two semi-detached houses T4 (each with gross area of 217 m², with outdoor space for swimming pool and green areas. Land located in quiet area with easy access to Ericeira (2km). Project description: - Floor 0 with entrance hall, living room, kitchen, pantry and support bathroom. -Floor 1 with bedroom hall, three bedrooms with wardrobe (one en suite), bathroom support. Shed for a squad car. * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
New 3 bedroom apartment with terrace with some sea view, located a few minutes from the center of ericeira village. Designed and designed based on the modernity associated with the balance of the tourist environment of the Ericeira area, the 'BLUE OCEAN' project is distinguished by its uniqueness, modernity and comfort of a construction with the highest quality standards. About 30 minutes from Lisbon and situated in one of the areas easily accessible to traditional and retail trade, public transport and expressways (A21/A8). New 3 bedroom apartment with terrace (under construction) with some sea view, located a few minutes from the center of ericeira village. Buildings with elevator, lawn areas and leisure areas. Great investment opportunity. Multifamily building with apartments T2, T3 and Duplex, in excellent location a few minutes walk from the village of Ericeira, sea view. The development 'BLUE OCEAN' comprises 30 apartments T2 to T3 Duplex / T4 Duplex with generous areas and access to green areas. The property consists of: - entrance hall, living room and kitchen with access to terrace with some sea view, social bathroom, 3 bedrooms (2 suites) with wardrobe. ** Forecast of completion of the work december 2022 ** **3D photos are demonstrative and non-binding** **The photos presented are examples of finishes** * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the saloia area, allows to slow down the city's daily life while maintaining a pleasant pace of life and a desirable lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, access: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' is considered the 2nd world surf reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very prestigious beaches for the practice of it, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding and stand-up paddle boarding are also highly practiced. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the security, access and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was awarded to the parish of Mafra, county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures as is the case of the only National Tapada of Mafra.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Do you want more than normal housing areas? Safety, tranquility and comfort added to the proximity of the beaches of Ericeira (3 km). Contact us. House T4 with above average area totally renovated less than 3 years ago, is about 5 km from the beaches of Ericeira. Bathed all day by the sun having the best possible sunlight orientation (spring/west). Housing is composed of: Plot with 220 m² having at its beginning a terrace of 60 m² in deeck giving access to the property, entrance hall with 8 m², garage attached to the room 25.5 m², living room with 30 m² with stove having a total of 55 m², guest bathroom (poliban), kitchen 16.6 m² with access to exterior where you find marquee area with wood oven and barbecue and a terrace having a terrace total40 m². 1st floor with bedroom hall, three bedrooms (19 m² / 19.4 m² and 20.4 m²) having one of them balcony to the west, bathroom with 6.65m², suite 20m², suite bathroom 7.4m² (poliban). Equipment: Kitchen equipped with: thermoaccumulator, hob, oven, hood. Property equipped with pre installation of central heating, air conditioning installed in the suite, ventax in bathrooms, barbecue and wood oven * All available information does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator as well as consultation of the property documentation. * -------------------------------------- This region, known as the Saloia area, allows you to relax from the city life, maintaining a pleasant rhythm of life and an attractive lifestyle. Located about 20 minutes from Lisbon, accesses: A8 and A21. Ericeira - 'Where the sea is bluer' - is considered the 2nd world surfing reserve since 2011, and the only one in Europe. It has very reputable beaches for surfing, such as Ribeira d' Ilhas, Foz do Lizandro, Praia dos Coxos in Ribamar, among many others. Kitesurf, windsurf, bodyboard and stand-up paddle are also very popular. This fishing village was also elected, in 2018, the 2nd best parish of Lisbon to live, being under analysis the safety, accesses and leisure spaces. Among the customs and traditions, Ericeira is a land of seafood and the art of fishing. The 3rd place was attributed to the parish of Mafra, the county seat (currently with 11 parishes) and was considered in 2021 the 2nd national municipality with the highest population growth in the last decade. A village rich in history, marked by the construction of the National Palace of Mafra, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO in 2019. Mafra also has some hidden treasures such as the unique Tapada Nacional de Mafra.
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