Hitman sniper challenge
Lista mais vendidos hitman sniper challenge

Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Jogo Hitman 2 da trilogia World of Assassination para PlayStation 4 (PS4). Em excelente estado (apenas passei o jogo uma vez) e com selo IGAC. Poderei aceitar troca por outro jogo do meu interesse (PS4 ou PS5). Sinopse do jogo (PT): Viaje ao redor do mundo e rastreie os seus alvos nos locais abertos de HITMAN 2. Das ruas ensolaradas, s sombrias florestas tropicais, nenhum lugar est a salvo do assassino mais criativo do mundo, o Agente 47. Prepare-se para viver uma incrvel histria de espionagem. A sua misso ser eliminar o Cliente Suspeito e a sua milcia, mas a sua verdadeira identidade e a verdade sobre o seu passado podem mudar tudo. HITMAN 2 introduz uma nova jogabilidade, novos modos de jogo e funes, incluindo o novo Sniper Assassin, o primeiro modo de cooperao da franquia. Sinopse do jogo (EN): Travel the globe and track your targets across exotic sandbox locations in HITMAN 2. From sun-drenched streets to dark and dangerous rainforests, nowhere is safe from the world's most creative assassin, Agent 47. Prepare to experience the ultimate spy thriller story your mission is to eliminate the elusive Shadow Client and unravel his militia, but when 47 learns his target's true identity and the truth about his past, it changes everything. HITMAN 2 introduces new ways to play, new game modes and new features, including the new Sniper Assassin mode with franchise first co-op play.
9.282 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
JOGOS originais Playstaion 2 > 1 Jogo = 5 euros > 4 Jogos = 15 euros > 10 Jogos = 30 euros Astro Boy Aqua Aqua - Wetrix 2 Athens 2004 Ace Combat - The Belkan War Ace Combat - Squadron Leader Burnout - Revenge Burnout - Dominator Burnout 2 - Poin of Impact Burnout 3 - Takedown Crescent Suzuki Racing Championship Maneger 2007 Conflict: Desert Storm II Dinosaur Adventure Family Board Games Formula Ine 04 Formula Challenge Fifa Street Fifa 06 Enter the Matrix EyeToy - Play 2 Eyetoy - Play 3 Hitman - Contracts High School Musical Sing it! Gadget & Gadgetinis Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec Grand Theft Auto III Grand Theft Auto - Vice City GT-R 400 Guitar Hero Golden Age of Racing God of War II Killzone International Super Karts Isto é Futebol 2005 Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Anniversary O senhor dos Anéis - O Regresso do Rei O senhor dos Anéis - As duas Torres O senhor dos Anéis - A Terceira Era Os Sims 2 - Animais de estimação Os sims 2 - Náufragos Onimusha - Warlors Onimusha 3 Pro Evolution Soccer Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Pro Evolution Soccer 5 Premier Manager 08 Pilot Down - Behind Enemy Lines Need for Speed - ProStreet Need for Speed - Most Wanted Need for Speed - Carbon Need for Speed - Undercover NBA Live 06 NFL Street Metal Gear Solid - Sons of Liberty Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition Remix Mission Impossible - Operation Surma Max Payne 2 MX Wordl Tour Myth Makers Orbs of Doom The Da Vinci Code Tom Clancys Spinter Cell - Double Agent Tom Clancys Spinter Cell The Getaway Tomb Raider - Underworld Top Gun Tourist Trophy - The Real Riding Simulator The Urbz - Sims in the City Tony Hawks Proving Ground The Sims Bustin Out Transworld Surf Total Club Manager 204 Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Operation Resurrection Roland Garros 2005 - Power by Smash Court Tennis SSX Tricky SSX 3 SSX On Tour Stuntman Stunt GP State of Emergency 2 Syberia Singstar Pop Sniper Assault UEFA Euro 2008
5 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
jogos ps2 originais,estao impecaveis,5 euros cada: fifa 04 midnight club 3 collin mcrae 04 medal of honor rising sun need for speed underground 2 singstar pop 007 everything or nothing delta force black hawk down team sabre full spectrum warrior this is football 02 uefa euro 08 car racing challenge fifa 02 total club manager 04 fifa 03 midnight club 3 mx world tour gran turismo 3 a-spec fifa street enter the matrix cid the dummy carros race o rama formula one 05 socom 2:us navy seals disney donald duck quack attack nba jam madden nfl 08 fifa 06 GT-R 400 International super karts pes 02 pes 04 r type final just cause conflit desert strorm 2 piratas das caribas hitman 2 ratched gladiator ratched & clank 2 os incriveis fifa 05 max payne 2 GTC Africa burnout 3 pro pinbal fantastic journey tony hawks undergrund pro evolution soccer 4 singstar party pacific warriors 2 naruto ultimate ninja 3 the sniper 2 monster trux extreme arena edition the incredible hulk singstar cançoes disney die hard vendetta medal of honor rising sun radio helicopter peter pan dead to rights 2 nba live 2002 the urbz sims in the city fifa 04 euro 04 syphon filter dark mirror slam tennis ssx 3 the sum of all fears:panico nuclear fifa 04 harry potter e o calice de fogo
5 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendo conta da psn com plus ate para o ano de 2020 de janeiro com muitos jogos mais de 50. Aos interessados favor contactar e nao aceito trocas vendo mesmo e façam suas propostas, propostas tolas não responderei obrigado. Contacto 915832405 Jogos- Assasin's creed-freedom cry Assasin's creed-origins Bioshock-the collection Borderlands-the handsome Black ops 3 Black ops 4 Conan Darksiders ll Darksiders lll Days gone Dead by daylight Destiny 2 Detroit-becone human Deus ex-mankid divided Drangon ball xenoverse 2 Ufc3 Farming simulator 2017 Fifa 19 For honor God of war lll God of war Hitman Hitman 2 Holfrain Horizon zero dawn Infamous second son Just cause 3 Livro de arte digital do wipeout Mafia lll MLB the show 19 Monster energy Supercross Mxgp pro Nba 2k16 Nba 2k18 Need for speed Need for speed-playback Nioh Onrush Ratchet & clank Shadow of the colossus Sniper elite 4 Sniper ghost warrior 3 Sonic forces Sonic mania Steep The last of us remastered The sims 4 Titanfall 2 Uncharted-the nathan collection Untill dawn Wipeout omega Wrc 7 Yakuza kiwami Call of duty modern warfare F1 2018 Fifa 20 Red dead redemption 2
1 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Jogos originais Playstation 2 187 Ride or Die Ace Combat: Squadron Leader Ace Combat: The Belkan War Aeon Flux >>> VENDIDO - All Star Fighters - VENDIDO Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Black Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 Burnaout Revenge Burnout Dominator Cold Winter Conflict: Desert Storm II Dead or Alive 2 Disney Sing it: Pop Hits Enter the Matrix EyeToy: Play 2 EyeToy: Play 3 >>> VENDIDO - GoDai Elemental Force - VENDIDO Gold of War II Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec Guitar Hero Gun Hig School Misical: Sing It! Hitman: Contracts Jackie Chan Adventures Killzone Lara Croft Tomb Rider: Anniversary Medal of Honer Frontline Medal of Honor European Assault Medal of Honor Rising Sun Medal of Honor Vanguard Monopoly Party Motor Mayhen Myth Makers Orbs of Doom O senhor dos Anéis: O Regresso do Rei Onimusha: Warlords Onimusha 3 Os Sims 2 Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Pro Evolution Soccer 5 Scarface the World is Yours Sniper Assault SSX Tricky State of Emergency 2 The Getaway The Urbz: Sims in the City >>> VENDIDO - Tim Burtons The Nightmare Before Chistmas: Oogies Revenge - VENDIDO Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent Tomb Raider: Underworld Tony Hawks Proving Ground Top Gun Tourist Trophy - The Real Riding Simulator UEFA Euro 2008 Entrega em mão na Quinta do Conde, ou envio via CTT. > 1 Jogo = 5 euros > 3 Jogos = 10 euros > 5 Jogos = 15 Euros Obrigado!
5 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Jogos Xbox 360 em bom estado e completos. Os jogos que se encontram para venda e os respetivos preços são os seguintes: 007 Blood Stone - 12 007 Legends - 10 2006 Fifa World Cup - 2.50 Alan Wake - 5 Aliens Colonial Marines - 5 Alpha Protocol (selado) - 5 Ashes Cricket 2009 - 0.50 A-TrainHX - 5 Bioshock - 4 Bully Scolarship Edition - 25 Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - 8 Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - 8 Call of Duty Black Ops III (3) - 8 Call of Duty World at War - 10 Championship Manager 2007 - 0.50 Dead Island - 3 Defiance - 4 Deus Ex Human Revolution - 5 Dirt 3 Complete Edition - 10 Divinity 2 Ego Draconis - 12.50 DJ Hero (sem caixa) - 0.50 DJ Hero 2 (sem caixa) - 0.50 Doom 3 BFG Edition - 15 Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition - 15 Dragons Dogma - 5 Dreamcast Collection - 18 Driver San Francisco - 10 Elder Scrolls Oblivion Game of the Year Edition - 10 Enslaved Odyssey to the West - 10 Eternal Sonata - 20 F1 2013 - 5 Fable Anniversary - 20 Far Cry 2 - 3 Fatal Inertia - 8 Fifa 07 - 0.50 Fifa 08 - 0.50 Fifa 09 - 0.50 Fifa 10 - 0.50 Fifa 11 - 0.50 Fifa 12 - 0.50 Fifa 13 - 1 Fifa 17 - 2 Fifa Street - 5 Fifa Street 3 - 4 Forza Horizon 2 - 25 Forza Motorsport 2 - 3 Forza Motorsport 3 - 4 Forza Motorsport 4 - 8 Gears of War - 4 Gears of War 2 - 5 Gears of War 3 - 5 Grand Slam Tennis 2 - 5 Grand Theft Auto 5 - 5 GRID - 5 GRID 2 - 6 Halo 4 - 10 Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary - 10 Halo Reach - 8 Harry Potter e os Talismãs da Morte Parte 1 - 5 Hitman Absolution - 8 Infinite Undiscovery - 15 Just Cause 2 - 4 Kinect Adventures - 3 Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning - 10 Left 4 Dead 2 - 15 Lightning Returns Final Fantasy - 18 Lost Odyssey - 12.50 Lost Planet 3 - 5 Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (selado) - 10 Mass Effect - 2 Max Payne 3 - 3 Medal of Honor Warfighter - 4 Metal Gear Rising - 8 NBA 2k6 - 0.50 NBA Live 08 - 0.50 NIER - 30 Ninety-Nine Nights - 5 PES 2008 - 0.25 PES 2009 - 0.25 PES 2010 - 0.50 PES 2015 - 1.50 PES 6 - 0.25 Prey - 4 Prince of Persia - 4 Project Gotham Racing 3 - 5 Pure - 3 Rage Anarchy Edition - 3 Rocksmith - 4 Saints Row 3 - 5 Saints Row 4 - 5 Section 8 - 2.50 Shift 2 Unleashed - 5 Skate 3 - 12 Sniper Ghost Warrior - 4 Splinter Cell Conviction - 4 Summer Athletics - 4 Superstars V8 Racing - 4 Supreme Commander 2 - 4 Syndicate - 7 The Last Remnant - 10 The Simpsons Game - 20 The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition - 35 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 - 0.25 Tom Clancys HAWX 2 - 1.50 Trials HD + Limbo + Splosion Man - 9 UEFA Euro 2008 - 2 UFC Undisputed 2009 - 2 UFC Undisputed 2010 - 2.50 Virtua Tennis 3 - 2 Wolf Among Us - 6 Wolfenstein - 5 WRC FIA World Rally Championship - 3 WRC FIA World Rally Championship 3 - 4 WWE 13 + NBA 2K13 + Top Spin 4 - 5 WWE 2k14 - 2 XCOM Enemy Unknown - 8 Zone of the Enders HD Collection - 12.50 Tenho ainda para venda um Kinect, um comando e uma consola Xbox 360 Slim para venda. Basta contactar e/ou consultar os meus anúncios. Entrego em mãos em Ponta Delgada ou envio por correio com os portes a cargo do comprador.
5 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendo a minha conta PSN, ativa desde 2009 Razão da venda: desistência da platafoma Playstation Tenho muitos jogos na minha conta PSN. Só de jogos PS4 tenho 335EUR. E alguns foram adquiridos em promoção, assim o valor dos jogos são superior ao valor mencionado. Os jogos da PS4 são: SnowRunner - Premium Edition - EUR69,99 PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE STANDARD EDITION - EUR29,99 PES 2020 Standard Edition - EUR5,99 Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - EUR19,79 A Plague Tale: Innocence - EUR14,99 Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition - EUR19,99 Project CARS 2 Deluxe Edition - EUR17,99 WRC 8 Deluxe Edition FIA World Rally Championship - EUR27,99 MotoGP19 - EUR9,99 NASCAR Heat 4 - EUR24,99 Tennis World Tour - Roland-Garros Edition - EUR21,99 Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition - EUR29,99 Detroit: Become Human Digital Deluxe Edition - EUR39,99 UNRAVEL (não me lembra quanto paguei) Os jogos da PS3 são: Little Big Planet 3 Hitman GO: Definitive Edition Oddworld: New TastyI AM Alive PES 2015 NASCAR 2011 THE GAME FIFA Street BUZZ BUZZ Concurso Universal BUZZ Junior Jungle Party BUZZ Junior Monstromania MotoGP14 Compact Ghost Recon Future Soldier Rayman 2 The Great Escape Back to the future - Episode 1 BRAIN CHALLENGE (PSP) UNO Os jogos da PS3 - Minis As Aventuras de giro 2D Babel The King of the Blocks Angry Birds About a Blob 101-in-1 Megamix Bejeweled 2 Blue Toad Murder Files - episode 1 SHIFT extended Denki Blocks Theme Park PAC-MAN Campionship Edition Stand O'Food DynoGems Shapo BUZZ Quem é o Genio Portugues (PSP) Festa da Selva (PSP) Super FruitFall (PSP)
150 €
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