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Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de Internal Operations Developer Trainees, com vontade de aprender e capacidade de análise e de gestão de prioridades. Nesta função podes juntar-te à nossa Internal Operations Team ou à nossa GO Provisioning Team. Estas são equipas dedicadas à automatização de processos nos nossos produtos espetaculares, PHC CS e PHC GO, trabalham com clientes internos e externos e orgulham-se de entregar sempre as soluções mais espetaculares para os problemas apresentados. Responsabilidades Analisar, propor e desenvolver as melhores soluções de gestão Avaliar a prioridade e esforço inerente a cada desenvolvimento Implementar de acordo com boas práticas Garantir a qualidade dos seus desenvolvimentos Requisitos Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL Server Capacidade de análise para soluções de software Velocidade no controlo da gestão do tempo, prioridades e timings Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
Estamos à procura de um/a Internal Operations Developer Trainee, com vontade de aprender e capacidade de análise e de gestão de prioridades. Nesta função podes juntar-te à nossa Internal Operations Team ou à nossa GO Provisioning Team. Estas são equipas dedicadas à automatização de processos nos nossos produtos espetaculares, PHC CS e PHC GO, trabalham com clientes internos e externos e orgulham-se de entregar sempre as soluções mais espetaculares para os problemas apresentados. Responsabilidades Analisar, propor e desenvolver as melhores soluções de gestão Avaliar a prioridade e esforço inerente a cada desenvolvimento Implementar de acordo com boas práticas Garantir a qualidade dos seus desenvolvimentos Requisitos Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL Server Capacidade de análise para soluções de software Velocidade no controlo da gestão do tempo, prioridades e timings Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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![Internal developer trainee [oeiras ou porto]< Internal developer trainee [oeiras ou porto]<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de Internal Operations Developer Trainees, com vontade de aprender e capacidade de análise e de gestão de prioridades.Nesta função podes juntar-te à nossa Internal Operations Team ou à nossa GO Provisioning Team. Estas são equipas dedicadas à automatização de processos nos nossos produtos espetaculares, PHC CS e PHC GO, trabalham com clientes internos e externos e orgulham-se de entregar sempre as soluções mais espetaculares para os problemas apresentados. Responsabilidades Analisar, propor e desenvolver as melhores soluções de gestão Avaliar a prioridade e esforço inerente a cada desenvolvimento Implementar de acordo com boas práticas Garantir a qualidade dos seus desenvolvimentos Requisitos Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL Server Capacidade de análise para soluções de software Velocidade no controlo da gestão do tempo, prioridades e timings Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/uma Internal Operations Developer Trainee, com vontade de aprender a automatizar operações de Data Center, de acordo com as boas práticas e a segurança que esta área exige. Nesta função podes juntar-te à nossa GO Provisioning Team, a equipa dedicada à automatização de processos nos nossos produtos espetaculares, PHC CS e PHC GO. Esta equipa trabalha com clientes internos e externos e orgulha-se de entregar sempre as soluções mais espetaculares para os problemas apresentados. Responsabilidades Automatizar operações de data center Avaliar a prioridade e esforço inerente a cada desenvolvimento Implementar de acordo com boas práticas Garantir a segurança e qualidade dos seus desenvolvimentos Requisitos Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática, Ciência de Computadores ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de PowerShell Conhecimentos de ou C# e Microsoft SQL Server (preferencial) Capacidade de análise para automatização de operações de Data Center Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
Estamos à procura de um Internal Operations Developer Trainee, com vontade de aprender e capacidade de análise e de gestão de prioridades. Irás pertencer à equipa responsável pela simplificação e automatização de processos, que cria diariamente soluções para facilitar o trabalho das nossas equipas internas na PHC. Responsabilidades Analisar, propor e desenvolver as melhores soluções de gestão Avaliar a prioridade e esforço inerente a cada desenvolvimento Implementar de acordo com boas práticas Garantir a qualidade dos seus desenvolvimentos Requisitos Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL Server Capacidade de análise para soluções de software Velocidade no controlo da gestão do tempo, prioridades e timings Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Detalhe da Oferta: A INTEGRITY part of Devoteam, empresa especialista em Segurança da Informação, foi fundada em 2009 por profissionais reconhecidos nas suas áreas de actuação e é constituída por colaboradores que conjugam uma elevada experiência nos seus sectores de actividade, com certificações internacionais relevantes em cada uma das áreas. Somos certificados nas normas ISO 27001, ISO 9001 e CREST, detendo hoje já um conjunto considerável de clientes em 14 países. Totalmente isenta e independente de vendors, a INTEGRITY dispõe assim de um posicionamento inteiramente focado no incremento da eficiência, eficácia e gestão dos riscos dos clientes de forma independente dos diferentes flavours tecnológicos. Se quiseres saber mais informação sobre nós não deixes de visitar o nosso site: Estamos à procura de um/a Internal Project Manager O/a candidato/a irá ter as seguintes funções/ responsabilidades: Controlar requisitos, identificar actividades/tarefas para a execução do objectivo do projecto; Liderar todo o ciclo dos projetos internos (reuniões, planeamaento, acompanhamento e fecho), bem como garantir a sua viabilidade. Garantir a disponibilidade e alocação de recursos. Desenvolver um plano detalhado para monitorizar e acompanhar o progresso dos projetos. Gerir o progresso dos projetos e adaptar o trabalho conforme necessário Coordenar as partes internas e externas, quando aplicável, para garantir a execução atempada dos projetos. Prever e gerir os principais problemas, conflitos e riscos do projeto; Sempre que aplicável, elaborar de plano de mitigação de riscos Garantir que os projetos cumprem os prazos Realização de análises dos projetos e criação de relatórios detalhados para a gestão Divulgar proativamente a informação do projeto às partes interessadas Otimizar e melhorar processos e a abordagens gerais, quando necessário e aplicável Garantir oportunidades de crescimento e iniciar novos projetos Perfil: Formação Superior em Gestão ou similar; Experiência profissional superior a 1 ano e background em funções similares; Inglês (falado e escrito); Espírito crítico na análise dos problemas e apresentação de soluções; Capacidade de trabalhar em equipa; Capacidade de Liderança e Negociação; Adaptabilidade, independência, proatividade, resiliência e genuíno gosto por relações humanas; Excelentes skills de comunicação e de colaboração; Valorização de formação específica em gestão de projetos ou certificação em gestão de projectos; O que oferecemos: Forte cultura organizacional: colaboração, partilha, flexibilidade, integridade e low ego; Valorização e acompanhamento do talento; Aposta no desenvolvimento dos nossos colaboradores; Juntares-te a uma empresa no sector da segurança da informação, em rápido crescimento; Gostarias de te juntar à nossa equipa? Então envia o teu CV para
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Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Tens olho para o detalhe? Gostas de automatizar tudo que é processo manual, sem descurar o design? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Desenvolver soluções que permitam a automatização de processos para aumentar a produtividade/desempenho de todos os serviços que disponibilizamos aos nossos futuros super clientes PHC GO. O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL server Fortes conhecimentos em XML, JSon e integrações via webservices Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
Consideras-te um/a acrobata a desenvolver e implementar soluções? És curioso/a e gostas de ir mais além na resolução de problemas? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Desenvolver soluções que permitam a automatização de processos para aumentar a produtividade/desempenho dos negócios dos nossos super clientes (internos e externos) O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Capacidade de análise para soluções de software Velocidade no controlo da gestão do tempo, prioridades e timings Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
Consideras-te um/a acrobata a desenvolver e implementar soluções? És curioso/a e gostas de ir mais além na resolução de problemas? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Desenvolver soluções que permitam a automatização de processos para aumentar a produtividade/desempenho dos negócios dos nossos super clientes (internos e externos) O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Capacidade de análise para soluções de software Velocidade no controlo da gestão do tempo, prioridades e timings Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Estágio profissional através da PHC Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Tens olho para o detalhe? Gostas de automatizar tudo que é processo manual, sem descurar o design? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Desenvolver soluções que permitam a automatização de processos para aumentar a produtividade/desempenho de todos os serviços que disponibilizamos aos nossos futuros super clientes PHC GO. O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL server Fortes conhecimentos em XML, JSon e integrações via webservices Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Estágio profissional através da PHC Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Tens olho para o detalhe? Gostas de automatizar tudo que é processo manual, sem descurar o design? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Desenvolver soluções que permitam a automatização de processos para aumentar a produtividade/desempenho de todos os serviços que disponibilizamos aos nossos futuros super clientes PHC GO. O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, JQuery e JavaScript Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL server Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Estágio profissional através da PHC Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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![Junior internal operations developer [porto]< Junior internal operations developer [porto]<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Porto-Porto (Porto)
Estamos à procura da pessoa ideal integrar a nossa equipa de Internal Operations. Procuramos alguém com capacidade de análise, com vista ao desenho de soluções e resolução de problemas em software de gestão. Irás pertencer à equipa responsável pela simplificação e automatização de processos, que cria diariamente soluções para facilitar o trabalho das nossas equipas internas na PHC. Responsabilidades Automatização de processos, através do nosso software de gestão PHC Desenho de novas soluções na framework do nosso software de gestão PHC Análise de resolução de problemas no nosso software de gestão PHC Requisitos Experiência de 2 ou 3 anos em projetos similares Formação na área de engenharia informática ou similar Conhecimentos de ou C#, HTML5, CSS, Jquery e Java Script Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL Capacidade de análise e de cooperação com outras equipas funcionais Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Gostas de automatizar tudo que é processo manual na cloud? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Redefinir processos e automatizar tarefas de forma a garantir a máxima performance e qualidade nos processos implementados. O que procuramos? Licenciatura na área das Tecnologias de Informação Conhecimentos de e noções de PowerShell Scripting Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL server Experiência em implementação de ferramentas de DevOps Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Gostas de automatizar tudo que é processo manual na cloud? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Redefinir processos e automatizar tarefas de forma a garantir a máxima performance e qualidade nos processos implementados. O que procuramos? Licenciatura na área das Tecnologias de Informação Conhecimentos de e noções de PowerShell Scripting Conhecimentos de Microsoft SQL server Experiência em implementação seguindo metodologias de DevOps Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
About Celiveo Celiveo is a growing global software publisher with operations in Singapore, Europe, US, Canada and Australia. We develop software and hardware solutions for large enterprise companies that secure business documents that are scanned, printed, stored in the Cloud or displayed on smartphones. Our direct clients are printers and MFP vendors and large global companies. Celiveo is growing its new Singapore R&D center and is looking for enthusiastic engineers. Successful candidates will have opportunities to work with a talented and experienced global R&D team to drive meaningful innovations that excite our customers. We offer challenging projects and attractive remuneration packages to ambitious, forward thinking individuals who like uncharted territories and have passion for innovation and quality. Job Description Celiveo is looking for a talented and experienced senior engineer with Java/Android development expertise to join its Current and New Product Engineering support team who will be working in a dynamic and international team stepping in to investigate and fix defects or implement features in the backlog by liaising with our regional support centers and our internal R&D team. Experience in code analysis and troubleshooting procedures is mandatory as well as being inquisitive and autonomous. Main Responsibilities & Duties Report to the R&D Manager Handle Level 3 technical investigation upon escalations from the Celiveo regional support centers, on our Current Products. The role touches every single technology used in our solution you need to be ready to learn quickly new technologies that are added to our solutions. That includes IIS, Linux (ARM/x86), Android, iOS, macOS, Azure Cloud etc. Analyze requests, perform efficient troubleshooting and work with the fellow engineers to solve, qualify and document a defect fix. Bring product improvement ideas to the Product Manager and contribute to the product quality Apply rigorously coding standards defined by the company. Use internal tools to organize your work and report your progress clearly and on a periodic basis to the senior leadership team. Performs other duties as assigned by your management Qualification Bachelor in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent combination of education Minimum 3 years of Java / Android software development Other skills like C# and C skills are a plus Understanding of software development cycles, tests methodologies and debugging strategies is mandatory. Job Type: Full-time Language: English is mandatory to fill this position. Contact us at: Location: Lisboa - Parque das Nações
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Leiria-Leiria (Leiria)
As a Web Frontend engineer at Lovys, you'll be part of a team that creates and maintains experiences across some of our web frontend properties, including landing pages, subscription flows, web applications for our customers and partners, and our internal business and operations tools that manage our insurance products across Europe. You'll have the opportunity to impact our core digital insurance business, as well as emerging products data/fraud prevention, and others. We look after someone who has the ability to think about smarter ways to improve our offering, with a hands-on mentality. The ideal candidate is someone who enjoys a challenge, and thrives in a small, fast-paced environment. Problem solving is a must, as well as ability to work under strict deadlines. And most importantly, you are excited about re-imagining insurance at Lovys and building a long-lasting company. Responsibilities Build complex web applications using the latest web tooling and modern JavaScript frameworks, including Angular and Node.js Work within a small team, collaborating with your colleagues (product manager, designer, backend/mobile engineers) to ship impactful products Use experimentation and data analysis to tune your web applications to be high-performing, intuitive and functional REQUIREMENTS 3+ years of full-time engineering experience Fluency in English is a must Strong Javascript coding/debugging abilities: You have advanced knowledge of at least one programming language and are happy to learn more. At the core of modern web applications at Lovys is Angular, a web framework for building high-quality sites and web applications. You have experience and passion for building complex, performant, responsive, accessible and beautiful web experiences that are well-tested, documented and monitored. Strong understanding f web technology concepts: HTTP, HTML, CSS, Web APIs, etc Fast learner: We're looking for software engineers who thrive on learning new technologies and don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. You should be able to adapt easily to meet the needs of our massive growth and rapidly evolving business environment Design and business acumen: You understand requirements, whether you're working on an API used by other developers, an internal tool consumed by our operation teams, or a feature used by millions of customers, your attention to details leads to delightful user experience. You’re also comfortable driving development from a sketch to a polished product Great communications skills: You are adept at communicating and collaborating effectively with others, promoting your ideas as well as being humble when you may be wrong You are excited to learn from and teach others Comfortable driving development from a sketch to a polished product NICE TO HAVE You are familiar with service-oriented architecture, microservices, and distributed systems You have Web/Visual Design, UI/UX, and other relevant HCI experience You have experience creating experimentation-heavy, content-driven websites where performance and usability matter most PERKS Competitive salary Quarterly offsites and social events (laser tag, karting, afterworks, etc.) Being part of one of Europe's fastest insurtech companies A diverse team with +10 nationalities and great team spirit! Partially remote: To apply for this job you must be willing to work in the time zones between GMT-1 and GMT+3. Language(s): Required English| Nice to have French APPLY HERE:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are looking for a talented Internet of Things software engineer to help us solve major business and technology challenges, through the development of custom software drivers and innovative firmware solutions for retail hardware. By joining the Sensei team, you will be contributing to building a company around state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning solutions for real-world problems in the areas of elements tracking, object-based change detection, feature detection, and motion pattern recognition, to ultimately change the way everyone shops in stores. What you'll be doing: Research and develop firmware/driver solutions for commercial products and services that contain, but not limited to: image capture, video processing, and object interaction detection; Develop and prototype low-level software solutions that will integrate, process and analyse information from different sensors such as cameras, light sensors, temperature sensors or luminance sensors; Integrate third-party hardware solutions that involve common retail hardware such as optical scanners, vending machines, POS’s, access controls, etc; Write, with clarity, detailed firmware/driver functional specifications, architectures, test plans and reports; Collaborate on internal PCB design and ensure a tight connection between both hardware and software teams, and their specific requirements; Support hardware product validation and related QA activities; Produce internal documentation to support the developed solutions; Interface with other disciplines and roles in the Sensei team, including Computer Vision engineering, Project management, and Customer Support. About you: MSc (PhD preferred) in Computer Science, Electronics, Electrotechnical Engineering, or related field with 3 to 4 years’ industry experience; Experience integrating hardware modules with modern software solutions; 2-3 years of experience in C and Object-Oriented programming languages (C++/Python), namely on the development of software drivers and microprocessor firmwares; Strong background in electronics, with knowledge on ARM Cortex-M architectures, RTOS and low-level communication protocols such as UART, SPI, I2C, Modbus, etc. FPGA or VPU knowledge are a plus; Solid knowledge in the following areas: optics, cameras, camera networks, condition monitoring sensors (temperature, luminance), light sensors (machine-readable optical labels); Highly organized and strong results orientation. Benefits & Perks: We put all of our employees at very high standards, and we want you to be thoroughly rewarded for that. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year, with the office, closed between Christmas and New Year; This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Competitive compensation package; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture; A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are actively looking for an experienced and highly driven Business Strategy Director to build, develop and support a strong strategy for our fast-growing business. In this role, you will join a team that loves consumer technology, business strategy, building new opportunities, and growing relationships. You will be on the leading edge of helping to shape Sensei direction and the future of retail. What you'll be doing: Deliver strategic recommendations grounded in relevant retail and competitors insights; Build materials and transfer internal knowledge to develop our growth and customer management further; Understand our customers market questions and translate these into suitable products, including business models, costs, and issues to resolve in execution. Together with the team, translate input from various analyses (e.g., existing or new market research, customer database information, insights) into specific and actionable business activities; Support client development by helping teams understand how market/industry insights could help our growth strategy; Support Sensei Digital Product initiatives through in-depth research of customer insights needs – from developing research to execution to analyses and recommendations; Help develop original marketing concepts centred on market insights; Support externalization efforts on market insights for audiences of existing and potential clients; Moreover, you will manage our relationships with external research and support internal requests and initiatives. About you: > 5 years of relevant work experience in a leading consulting firm or a fast-growing company; Outstanding record of academic achievement; Proven record of leadership in a work setting and/or through extracurricular activities; Initiative taker, eager to break new ground, create opportunities for others; Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills; Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment; Ability to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization; Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively – both verbally and in writing – in English; Experience in the retail or Deep-Tech sector is a plus. Benefits & Perks Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like “the job” you’re looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are actively looking for a highly driven Market & Strategic Analyst to identify the best strategies through Market analysis and implement strategies to accelerate our growth. We hire talented people who thrive on solving challenging problems and give them opportunities to hone new skills, try new approaches, and grow in new directions. Our culture is at the heart of our success, and it's our authentic, humble, gritty people who turn Sensei into a better company. What you'll be doing: Deliver strategic recommendations grounded in relevant retail and competitors insights; Build materials and transfer internal knowledge to develop our growth and customer management further; Understand our customers market questions and translate these into suitable products, including business models, costs, and issues to resolve in execution; Together with the team, translate input from various analyses (e.g., existing or new market research, customer database information, insights) into specific and actionable business activities; Support client development by helping teams understand how market/industry insights could help our growth strategy; Support Sensei Digital Product initiatives through in-depth research of customer insights needs – from developing research to execution to analyses and recommendations; Help develop original marketing concepts centred on market insights; Support externalization efforts on market insights for audiences of existing and potential clients; Moreover, you will manage our relationships with external research and support internal requests and initiatives. About you: > 2-3 years of relevant work experience in a leading consulting firm or a fast-growing company; Outstanding record of academic achievement; Initiative taker, eager to break new ground, create opportunities for others; Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills; Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment; Ability to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization; Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively – both verbally and in writing – in English; Experience in the retail or Deep-Tech sector is a plus. Benefits & Perks Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year, with the office; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like “the job” you’re looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link:
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Coimbra-Coimbra (Coimbra)
Who are “We”? Notify is a hyper-growing technology start-up that uses real time and AI to serve customer relationships. Founded in 2014, Notify is revolutionizing customer relations thanks to the rapid deployment of its proprietary technology. Notify relies on a team of around fifty passionate employees in three countries: France, Brazil, Portugal. Among its customers you can find Bouygues Telecom, AccorHotels, Carrefour… but also pure-players like Voyage Privé, Bazarchic and Showroomprivé! Your Role As head of the graphic studio at notify, you are responsible for the quality of the projects carried out, whether for the needs of our customers or internal needs. Profile / Backgrounds You have at least 2 years of experience and your portfolio confirms a good mastery of graphic design codes. Know how to work in a team: you will be required to work as a team with the project manager and the technical team on client projects; as well with other poles (sales and customer success) for internal projects. Be able to show leadership: be responsible for a project from briefing to design and implementation. Know how to listen: understand the issues and challenges of a project, be able to resolve them and accept feedback. Know how to adapt: being able to move from one project to another quickly and adapt to different worlds. Organize independently: manage tasks and schedule independently. Make yourself heard and inspire confidence: being able to defend your ideas and to argue them. Ensure to be up to date on graphics and UI trends. Your Mission: Design products (mini-sites, contests, emails, banners, etc.) for desktop and mobile, creating the best possible user experience Ensure handover to developers and provision of assets HTML emails integration Be the keeper of the notify brand: continue to develop and apply it to all communication media (website, platform tools, social networks, trade show branding, etc.) Technical Skills Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator or XD Notions of HTML / CSS for email integration WordPress basic concepts Notions of After Effect (or similar program) appreciated, occasional video editing English or French spoken and written to able contact with our teams in France Place of Work Coimbra - Portugal Interview process Send your portfolio and CV Interview with our country manager Applications:
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Aveiro-Aveiro (Aveiro)
Join a company well positioned in the market, as a Backend Developer in Lisbon. You will be responsible for developing the structure for our client-facing app and internal tools as well as implementing integrations with 3rd party companies. You will have to maintain and enhance our core product, be responsible for the integrations with key partners and implement best CI/CD processes and tools. Other tasks that you will perform are work side by side with the Product Owner to help developing features for of the flagship product, implement best practices in building a product at global scale and developing an internal software for customer management; integrating our platform with Hubspot. We are looking for a professional with five years of experience as a backend developer. You need to have previous experience in RESTful API’s, Node Js, SQL, GraphQl, Sequelize and in relational databases. It is also important to have knowledge in AWS: RDS, EC2, S3 buckets and be acquainted with version control software, preferably GitHub. It will be a plus if you show knowledge in CI/CD, DevOps and MySqL. Become part of a solid project in a growing company. Send us your CV, following the steps through the link:
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Setúbal (Setúbal)
Job Title: Administrative Assistant b'/xc2/xa0' Department: Support Services b'/xc2/xa0' Reporting Line: Assistant General Manager, Portugal Operations b'/xc2/xa0' Responsibilities: The Administrative Officer will be responsible for organising and handling all of the administrative and operational activities that facilitate the smooth and efficient running of the Main One Portugal office. He or she will provide administrative support for the Portugal Operations Manager in the day-to-day functions of the unit. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Operate basic office equipment such as fax, photocopier, scanner, computer (windows and Microsoft Office tools), etc. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Sort and distribute all incoming mail, letters and other materials as well as dispatch outgoing mail. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Maintain and coordinate disbursement of office supplies. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Perform basic clerical tasks, such as systematically arranging letters, memoranda, invoices and other indexed documents according to an established system. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Exceptional customer service skills, over the phone and in person, with customers (internal and external). b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Run companyb'/xe2/x80/x99's errands to as the need arises. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Liaise with our partners, accounting, lawyers, auditors, suppliers and vendors that provide support for Main One. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Maintain accurate records of all expenses, documentation, archiving, billing, etc. b'/xe2/x80/xa2' Other duties that may be allocated from time to time according Company requirements b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0' Supervision: To work directly under the supervision of the AGM, Portugal Operations b'/xc2/xa0' Contacts: Will be required to provide administrative support to all internal departments and receive instructions from multiple persons b'/xc2/xa0' Qualifications: b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Proficient use of English Language- verbal and writingb'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Twelfth grade or equivalent (Portuguese school) b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' At least two years of relevant experience. b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0'Competencies: b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Excellent Interpersonal Skills b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Problem Solving Skills b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Proficiency in MS Office Applications b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' knowledge of operating standard office equipment b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0' Demands of the Job: b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Ability to prioritize work and have a positive attitude b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Maintain consistent punctuality and smart personal appearance b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Must show maturity and good judgement b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' We offer: b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Competitive salary b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' Good work environment with great team spirit b'/xe2/x80/xa2'b'/xc2/xa0' An opportunity to develop a professional career in MainOne b'/xc2/xa0' PS: Only applications in English with CV will be considered b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0' All applications should be sent to: b'/xc2/xa0'
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Aveiro-Aveiro (Aveiro)
Develop and support Audio-over-IP distribution systems. Join Barix, a globally recognized technology provider in the Audio over IP space. Barix AG is looking for an Audio HW Engineer to work in our offices located in Aveiro, Portugal. We are looking for someone with experience in the audio HW design field, preferably in professional audio devices. Together with a team of professional and talented colleagues you will have the opportunity to shape your job and contribute developing BARIX solutions that are used in multiple applications around the world. As a Barix employee, YOU are the key to our success. Come join our dynamic international team and be a part of our exciting business. We offer a stimulating and challenging job in our small agile company with truly international reach. Your responsibilities Development of HW designs for boards carrying high quality audio signals Contribute to maintain and update Barix’s HW and SW development platform Benchmarking of analog and digital audio characteristics Support internal and external development teams in debugging existing solutions Professional Qualifications Required to Succeed University degree in electronic and telecommunications engineering Proficient skills in integration of HW and SW solutions Capability to understand complex systems Ability to read, correct and re-design HW schematics and PCB layouts Mastery in at least one of the following fields: Power, digital and analog grounding Deep understanding of analog systems Audio signal processing and amplification Audio codecs Very advantageous previous experience in at least one of these areas: Half/Full-duplex systems Balanced/Unbalanced audio signal processing Systematic way of working using planning tools in agile teams (e.g. Jira) Familiar with HW design tools (e.g. Eagle, Altium, etc.) Reliability in technical documentation writing Willingness to adapt to new technologies in an international fast-paced environment Local and remote team-player with good communication skills Fluency in English What we offer High level of independence and responsibility in a small agile technology company Exposure to a truly international business with relationships and clients around the world A multi-cultural team of motivated workers A successful technology company that is in existence for over 15 years
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Aveiro-Aveiro (Aveiro)
Develop and support Audio-over-IP distribution systems. Join Barix, a globally recognized technology provider in the Audio over IP space. Barix AG is looking for a Linux Audio Engineer to work in our offices located in Aveiro, Portugal. We are looking for someone with experience in the audio processing field, preferably in Linux embedded devices. Together with a team of professional and talented colleagues you will have the opportunity to shape your job and contribute developing BARIX solutions that are used in multiple applications around the world. As a Barix employee, YOU are the key to our success. Come join our dynamic international team and be a part of our exciting business. We offer a stimulating and challenging job in our small agile company with truly international reach. Your responsibilities Development of Audio-over-IP applications for broadcast, paging and retail markets Contribute to maintain and update Barix’s HW and SW development platform Benchmarking of analog and digital audio characteristics Support internal and external development teams in debugging solutions Professional Qualifications Required to Succeed University degree in computer science, telecommunications or electrical engineering Proficient skills in integration of HW and SW solutions Capability to understand complex systems Ability to read HW design schematics and PCB layouts Bootloader, Linux Kernel and codec driver patching abilities Excellent knowledge of C/C++ programming languages on embedded systems Scripting mastery in Python, bash and ideally LUA Deep understanding of TCP/IP, RTP and SIP protocols Previous experience in audio processing in real-time applications Practical knowledge of encoding and decoding algorithms ALSA framework configuration skills Systematic way of working using planning tools in agile teams (e.g. Jira) Familiar with source code management tools (e.g. BitBucket) Reliability in technical documentation writing Willingness to adapt to new technologies in an international fast-paced environment Local and remote team-player with good communication skills Fluent in English What we offer High level of independence and responsibility in a small agile technology company Exposure to a truly international business with relationships and clients around the world A multi-cultural team of motivated workers A successful technology company that is in existence for over 15 years
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is looking for a hands-on Technical Product Owner to develop, manage and champion our product vision and roadmap, working closely with our engineering team and clients to launch our products and ensure successful adoption. Define and prepare cross-functional engineering Goals, with a clear description, well-structured targets and acceptance criteria; Responsible for planning, executing, tracking and scheduling tasks and OKRs, aligned with the engineering Goals; Define end-to-end customer experiences, write user stories, drive requirements and manage roadmaps and backlogs aligned with the engineering Goals; Lead the Engineering Team to define the product requirements and bring the product to market; Test and learn through customer research, production tests and performance analysis to evolve our products, identify rollout strategies and scale features; Collaborate with internal stakeholders and business lines to translate technology into products and services; Communicate and evangelize the team to your peers, stakeholders, and executives; Provide an active role in mitigating impediments impacting successful team completion of Release and Sprint Goals; Main requirements Extensive relevant experience (3-5 years) in managing cross-functional tech products; MSc (PhD preferred) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or similar Strong skills in Agile software development methodologies; Ability to brainstorm and communicate technology ideas at different levels (Hardware, Software, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and/or Machine Learning) Highly organized, detail-oriented, and willing to provide hands-on assistance as required; Sense of urgency, pragmatism and a solution-oriented approach to problem-solving; Relentlessly high standards (never satisfied with the status quo) and a strong results orientation; Very comfortable with ambiguity and able to quickly pivot in a fast-paced environment; Excellent communicator with the ability to build rapport through authenticity and honest feedback; Benefits & Perks We put all of our employees at very high standards, and we want you to be thoroughly rewarded for that. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: Moving to Lisbon and benefiting from the beautiful weather and food; The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; A holiday allowance of 25 days per year, with the office, closed between Christmas and New Year; This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Competitive compensation package; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture; A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Apply by email to - please put the job title in the subject of the email and write us why you are a fit to work at Sensei. Join us, and you'll have a meaningful role in the next evolution of the shopping experience.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We are looking for a talented hardware engineer to help us solve major business and technology challenges through the development of innovative and custom hardware solutions. By joining Sensei team, you will be contributing to building a company around state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning solutions for real-world problems in the areas of elements tracking, object-based change detection, feature detection, and motion pattern recognition, to ultimately change the way everyone shops in stores. What you'll be doing: Research and develop hardware solutions for commercial products and services that contain, but not limited to: image capture, video processing, and object interaction detection. Develop and prototype hardware and firmware solutions that will integrate, process and analyse information from different sensors such as cameras, light sensors or weight sensors; Design, simulate, and characterise the power performance of the above electronic circuits; Write with clarity detailed hardware functional specifications, test plans, and test reports; Supervise hardware sourcing to ensure that it meets specification criteria (board form factor/size, power, performance, among others); Supervise product standards and all required certifications for European and American markets; Support product validation and related QA activities; Produce internal and manufacture documentation to support the solutions developed; Interface with other disciplines and roles in the Sensei team, including Software engineering, Computer Vision engineering, Project management, and Customer Support. About you: MSc (PhD preferred) in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or related field; Experience integrating component modules (I/O, Displays, Batteries, PCBs, etc.) Experience in Python and Object-Oriented programming languages (C++/C#/Java); Experience in 3D CAD software tools (Solidworks, CATIA); Solid knowledge in the following areas: optics, cameras, cameras networks, condition monitoring sensors (temperature, luminance), light sensors (machine-readable optical labels); Previous experience in overseas hardware sourcing; Highly organised and strong results orientation. Benefits & Perks We put all of our employees at very high standards, and we want you to be thoroughly rewarded for that. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; A holiday allowance of 23 days per year, with the office, closed between Christmas and New Year This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take Competitive compensation package; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Apply by email to - please put the job title in the subject of the email and write us why you are a fit to work at Sensei. Join us, and you'll have a meaningful role in the next evolution of the shopping experience.
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Faro-Faro (Faro)
Job Description: We are looking for a dedicated and hardworking engineer to join our streaming media team. This technology powers the streaming media experiences on all of our platforms. Dengun is a Digital Group located in the Algarve, Portugal with clients from different sectors in Silicon Valley, New York, Amsterdam, Moscow, London and Macau. We specialize in Website Development, Web / Mobile Applications, Design and Integrated Digital Marketing Strategies. As a mature Digital Group, we have a clear purpose that defines who we are and why we exist: to create tailor-made solutions to the highest standards. Responsabilities: Responsible for the full-cycle web application, development- design, implement, test and launch solutions; Drive the collaboration process with other team members, encouraging best practices; Review code, usage of internal tools, making suggestions for improvements; Develop automated tests and predict risk areas while coordinating with QA staff to detect and prevent errors. Required: +4 years of working experience in a similar position; Strong programming skills in C/C++, with excellent multithreaded debugging skills; +2 years of python experience in a production environment; Extensive knowledge of media streaming protocols, codecs, and transports/container formats: HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Smooth Streaming, DASH, RTMP, RTSP, etc MPEG-2, H.264/AVC, AAC, AC3, MP4, MPEG-2 TS; Experience using FFMPEG; Experience in developing audio/video streaming servers; Familiarity with CDN architectures (caches, origin servers, proxies, etc); Good familiarity with code versioning tools, such as Git; Fluent in English. Optional: Experience in working with content protection technologies for media streaming; Experience with: Go Elasticsearch AWS Amazon Kinesis Kubernetes Tipo de oferta: Full-time
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Aveiro-Aveiro (Aveiro)
We want YOU ! We are a very successful international company, selling tens of thousands of IoT and embedded audio devices per year which we produce in China and Portugal. To strengthen our offering, we need a senior hardware designer/senior hardware project manager to join our team. You will be responsible to design, deliver and supervise testing and production of our new hardware devices. The job will include tasks like - discuss requirements with management - work with internal and external hardware designers/engineers to distribute the work (or do it) - thoroughly review designs and suggestions by your resources - take responsibility to deliver high quality designs and layouts - do or support the board bring-up - supervise and support production introduction - supervise and support test equipment definition and development - drive the CE/FCC/RED certifications with an external lab. Our development team is based in Aveiro, Portugal and we wait for you to sign up and join our growing team !
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