It 10 bxc3xa9
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Saúde e beleza Acabamento e fixação Schwarzkopf Professional OSiS+ Pó Matificante Dust It 10 gr OSiS Dust É um pó matificante que proporciona fixação forte e instantânea para um volume invencível. Benefícios Fixação forte Incrível volume instantâneo e levantamento de raiz Fixação intensa do cabelo Acabamento fosco Modo de uso: Agite suavemente o pó volumizador antes de usar e aplique-o nos cabelos secos com os dedos. Aplique nas raízes para levantar o cabelo e no comprimento para adicionar volume e para adicionar fixação extra às tranças, updos e para manter os grampos no lugar. Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
925 €
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Schwarzkopf Osis+ Dust It: Volume e Textura Incomparáveis. Descubra o poder transformador do Schwarzkopf Osis+ Dust It, um pó inovador que redefine a forma como cuida do seu cabelo. Especialmente formulado para oferecer volume e textura incríveis, este produto é o aliado perfeito para quem deseja um estilo moderno e cheio de personalidade. Independentemente do tipo de cabelo, o Osis+ Dust It proporciona um acabamento mate, garantindo uma aparência natural e duradoura. Ideal para criar penteados desestruturados e cheios de movimento, este pó oferece uma fixação leve, permitindo que você modele o cabelo de forma versátil e sem esforço. O seu formato leve e a aplicação fácil fazem deste produto uma escolha indispensável na sua rotina de cuidados capilares. Além disso, a fórmula avançada da Schwarzkopf garante que o seu cabelo permaneça saudável e cheio de vida, sem resíduos visíveis. Perfeito para o uso diário, o Osis+ Dust It é a solução para quem busca praticidade sem abrir mão da elegância. Não perca a oportunidade de experimentar o Schwarzkopf Osis+ Dust It e transforme o seu visual de forma simples e eficaz. Adicione já ao seu carrinho e eleve o seu estilo a um novo patamar!.
11,94 €
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Saúde e beleza Serum It Cosmetics Sérum Ácido Glicólico Pores 30ml Bye Bye Pores Concentrated Derm Serum esfolia a pele para resultados supersuaves. Com 10% de ácido glicólico, esta fórmula vegana para cuidados com a pele* minimiza visivelmente os poros em apenas 1 semana. Além disso, é formulado com ácido hialurônico para ajudar a hidratar a pele e proporcionar uma sensação de elasticidade. Desenvolvido com cirurgiões plásticos e dermatologistas, este soro de ácido glicólico é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, mesmo as mais sensíveis. Prepare-se para dizer "BYE BYE" à aparência dos seus poros. A pele mais lisinha e macia está aqui! Marca: It Cosmetics Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
2.796 €
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Cosmética Mãos&Pés Mavala Stop Esmalte Anti-Mordida 10 ml 10 ml Nail biting is an uncontrollable habit for many children and adults. To help them quit, Mavala laboratories have createdMavala Stop,a harmless, transparent product with a characteristic bitter taste. Mavala Stopcan be applied alone or on nail polish. It helps to stop putting your fingers in your mouth and bite your nails. It also prevents small children from sucking their fingers. Instructions for use: Apply over the whole nail, let it dry. Suitable for adults and over 3 years. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.051 €
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Saúde e beleza Mãos e pés Mavala Stop Esmalte Anti-Mordida 10 ml 10 ml Nail biting is an uncontrollable habit for many children and adults. To help them quit, Mavala laboratories have createdMavala Stop,a harmless, transparent product with a characteristic bitter taste. Mavala Stopcan be applied alone or on nail polish. It helps to stop putting your fingers in your mouth and bite your nails. It also prevents small children from sucking their fingers. Instructions for use: Apply over the whole nail, let it dry. Suitable for adults and over 3 years. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.078 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Remoção de partículas 10 ml 10 ml The Cuticle Removeris a thixotropic formula that gently removes overgrowncuticles leaving a clear and uniform nail contour. It gently cleanses and removes the cuticle and shapes the nail contour. Dead skin is softened and superfluous skin is detached from the surface of the nail. Instructions for use: Before applying the nail polish once a week, apply abundant product around the nail, let it work. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
107 €
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Saúde e beleza Mãos e pés Mavala Remoção de partículas 10 ml 10 ml The Cuticle Removeris a thixotropic formula that gently removes overgrowncuticles leaving a clear and uniform nail contour. It gently cleanses and removes the cuticle and shapes the nail contour. Dead skin is softened and superfluous skin is detached from the surface of the nail. Instructions for use: Before applying the nail polish once a week, apply abundant product around the nail, let it work. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.097 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Hartmann Vendo Lusan Soft Fixação 10 cm x 10 m Lusan gauze bandages arelight and porousthanks to the open texture of the fabric. They are slightly extensible in a transverse direction, while in a longitudinal direction they offer a high tensile strength, their firm edgesprevent bandages from fraying. It is suitable for attaching dressings, padding and cannulas.It is also used as a support fabric for zinc bandages, to fix splints or to perform pressure or emergency bandages in first aid. Marca: Hartmann Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
339 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Diluente para Verniz 10 ml 10 ml Before applying nail polish,it is advisable to check its consistency. If it is too thick, add a few drops of Mavala Diluent and shake the bottle vigorously. Instructions for use: For thick enamels, add a few drops of thinner, shake and let stand before use. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
926 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Diluente para Verniz 10 ml 10 ml Before applying nail polish,it is advisable to check its consistency. If it is too thick, add a few drops of Mavala Diluent and shake the bottle vigorously. Instructions for use: For thick enamels, add a few drops of thinner, shake and let stand before use. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
95 €
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Outros Outros Novadiet Gotil 1200 10 ml 20 ampolas Linden Sapwood To favor the purification of the organism. It helps to reduce headaches, mainly of digestive origin. It helps maintain normal uric acid levels. Directions: Take 1 or 2 ampoules a day, diluted in water or fruit juice. Recommended daily dose: 1-2 ampoules. Marca: Novadiet Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
2.068 €
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Perfumaria Ambientadores Pranarom Super Bio lavanda 10ml Essential Oil. 10 ml The hybridization of lavender and wild lavender has made possible the birth of the lavandin (clone),richer in essence and whose botanical and pharmacological characteristics are very similar. Used daily in atmospheric diffusion by electric diffuser provides a state of well-being and relaxation that favors communication between individuals frequently. stressed out. If it diffuses into a room for 30 minutes before going to bed,it helps to get a peaceful, peaceful and refreshing sleep. Marca: Pranarom Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
593 €
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Cosmética Set&Pack Suavinex Aspirador nasal de substituição 10 unidades ReplacementNasalAspirator 10 units They relieve the baby of discomfort and breathing difficulties. It can cause the obstruction of the nasal passages. Especially in young children who still do not know how to blow themselves. Its anatomical and soft tip delicately extracts mucus without altering the internal pressure of the ears. No discomfort for the baby. Marca: Suavinex Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
463 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Suplementos especiais Aquilea Detox 10 Sticks It is time to detoxify the body, with Aquilea detox, an express plan in 10 days. Aquilea Detox + Quemagrasas helps to eliminate toxins from the body thanks to Artichoke and Birch. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the skin thanks to Thought Wild, helps digestive comfort thanks to Boldo, helps to increase the elimination of water by the kidneys and urinary tract thanks to Horsetail and contributes to a burning effect thanks to Green Tea. Marca: Aquilea Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.481 €
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Outros Outros Aquilea Detox 10 Sticks It is time to detoxify the body, with Aquilea detox, an express plan in 10 days. Aquilea Detox + Quemagrasas helps to eliminate toxins from the body thanks to Artichoke and Birch. Promotes the elimination of toxins from the skin thanks to Thought Wild, helps digestive comfort thanks to Boldo, helps to increase the elimination of water by the kidneys and urinary tract thanks to Horsetail and contributes to a burning effect thanks to Green Tea. Marca: Aquilea Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.444 €
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