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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
És apaixonada/o pela comunicação? Gostas de ensinar e partilhar o teu conhecimento? A produção de conteúdos multimédia é a tua praia? Estamos a recrutar um/a Junior Training Consultant, para a equipa de Training, que pertence à Service Unit e se a tua resposta foi sim às questões anteriores… então estamos à tua procura! O que vais fazer? Criar conteúdos formativos sobre o software PHC Realizar Webinares e Workshops Produzir e fazer Pós-Produção de conteúdos multimédia formativos Gerir conteúdos multimédia em plataformas online O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Multimédia ou similar Conhecimentos de software de edição vídeo e multimédia Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas (CCP) (opcional) Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers164@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
És apaixonada/o pela comunicação? Gostas de ensinar e partilhar o teu conhecimento e a gestão é a tua área de formação? A produção de conteúdos multimédia é a tua praia? Estamos a recrutar um/a Junior Training Consultant, para a equipa de Training, que pertence à Service Unit e se a tua resposta foi sim às questões anteriores… então estamos à tua procura! O que vais fazer? Assegurar a formação da nossa rede de Parceiros no âmbito do Software PHC Colaborar na criação e desenvolvimento de conteúdos programáticos e participar em webinares e eventos Realizar demonstrações das Soluções e Produtos PHC Produzir conteúdos de know-how, como por exemplo, filmes formativos, artigos técnicos, entre outros O que procuramos? Licenciatura no âmbito da Gestão, Contabilidade ou Informática de Gestão Capacidade de comunicação, relacionamento interpessoal, gestão de tempo, prioridade e timings Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas (CCP) e conhecimentos em Software de Gestão (opcional) Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers164@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/uma junior training consultant, com boas capacidades de comunicação e que tenha gosto pelas áreas de formação e de software. Irás integrar a nossa Learning Team, que pertence à Service Unit, a unidade responsável pelo contacto com a rede de Parceiros PHC e pelo crescimento de know-how no software PHC. Esta equipa adora pessoas orientadas para a solução, com capacidade de análise e que pensem de forma crítica, tendo sempre em conta as necessidades dos nossos Parceiros e dos Utilizadores do Software PHC. Responsabilidades Assegurar a formação da nossa rede de Parceiros no âmbito do Software PHC Colaborar na criação e desenvolvimento de conteúdos programáticos e participar em webinares e eventos Realizar demonstrações das Soluções e Produtos PHC Produzir conteúdos de know-how, como por exemplo, filmes formativos, artigos técnicos, entre outros Requisitos Licenciatura no âmbito da Gestão, Contabilidade ou Informática de Gestão Capacidade de comunicação, relacionamento interpessoal, gestão de tempo, prioridade e timings Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas (CCP) e conhecimentos em Software de Gestão (opcional) Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidate-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3vyWaBa Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/uma junior training consultant, com boas capacidades de comunicação e que tenha gosto pelas áreas de formação e de software. Irás integrar a nossa Learning Team, que pertence à Service Unit, a unidade responsável pelo contacto com a rede de Parceiros PHC e pelo crescimento de know-how no software PHC. Esta equipa adora pessoas orientadas para a solução, com capacidade de análise e que pensem de forma crítica, tendo sempre em conta as necessidades dos nossos Parceiros e dos Utilizadores do Software PHC. Responsabilidades Assegurar a formação da nossa rede de Parceiros no âmbito do Software PHC Colaborar na criação e desenvolvimento de conteúdos programáticos e participar em webinares e eventos Realizar demonstrações das Soluções e Produtos PHC Produzir conteúdos de know-how, como por exemplo, filmes formativos, artigos técnicos, entre outros Requisitos Licenciatura no âmbito da Gestão, Contabilidade ou Informática de Gestão Capacidade de comunicação, relacionamento interpessoal, gestão de tempo, prioridade e timings Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas (CCP) e conhecimentos em Software de Gestão (opcional) Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3vyWaBa Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto Novo-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Gostas de ensinar e partilhar o teu conhecimento, através da tua paixão pela comunicação? A produção de conteúdos multimédia é a tua praia? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Criar mágnificos conteúdos formativos sobre o software PHC Realizar, espetaculares, Webinares e Workshops Produzir e fazer pós-produção de conteúdos multimédia formativos, fazendo a gestão destes conteúdos em plataformas online O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Multimédia ou similar Conhecimentos de software de edição vídeo e multimédia Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers161@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Tratas as linguagens de programação por “tu”? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Desenvolver novas funcionalidades para o melhor ERP na Web Apoiar as equipas envolvidas no Sprint a apresentar da melhor maneira o teu trabalho Identificar pontos de melhoria no software Por vezes temos erros (poucos!) e portanto, vais também analisar a melhor solução para os mesmos O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Informática de Gestão ou áreas similares Experiência profissional superior a 1 ano em desenvolvimento Conhecimento das práticas comuns de engenharia de software (preferencial) Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers168@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
A tua praia é a programação? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Criar e evoluir funcionalidades nas aplicações PHC CS (ERP) Encontrar e desenvolver soluções que impactam milhares de utilizadores O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Informática ou áreas similares Conhecimentos em Microsoft SQL Server / TSQL e VB ou XBase Gosto pela área financeira e de gestão Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão, prémio anual mediante os resultados, seguro de saúde e assistência médica domiciliária Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers179@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
At Sensei we’re designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Through AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We hire talented people who thrive on solving challenging problems and give them opportunities to hone new skills, try new approaches, and grow in new directions. Our culture is at the heart of our success, and it's our authentic, humble, gritty people who make Sensei a great company. What you'll be doing: We are looking for a bright and enthusiastic junior AI game engine software engineer to help us contribute to the development and improvement of our fully-fledged synthetic data generation platform capable of leveraging the power of modern 3D game engines to deliver high-quality image data for training and testing our AI solution. By joining the Sensei team, you will be contributing to building a company around state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning solutions for real-world problems in the areas of elements tracking, object-based change detection, feature detection, and motion pattern recognition, to ultimately change the way everyone shops in stores. Building large sets of labelled images to train machine learning models in different Computer Vision tasks; Constructing impressive and realistic 3D representations of retail store environments; Creating rich 3D simulations of synthetic customers with powerful AI models that enable realistic behaviours and product interactions; Developing user-friendly tools for managing synthetic datasets; Following state-of-the-art research and technology related to synthetic datasets. About you: Outstanding record of academic achievement in Computer Science and a reputable university; Strong desire to work in AI for video games programming; Familiarity with different game engines and architectures (Unreal/Unity/Godot); Knowledge and passion for computer graphics; Solid Experience with C++ and Python; Comfortable working with Linux; Working knowledge of Git. Benefits & Perks We're a growing group of kind, curious, self-directed people working towards a common goal. We delight in taking risks and testing hypotheses in a collaborative and supportive environment. Our ability to celebrate both our successes and failures as milestones of growth opens the door to tremendous and measurable breakthroughs. We can do this because we have an experienced management team, solid funding, and a great culture. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Remote and flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below and let us know why you are fit to work at Sensei. Join us, and you'll have a meaningful role in the next evolution of the shopping experience. Link: https://sensei.teamtailor.com/jobs/1053244-junior-ai-game-engine-software-engineer
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job descriptionCompany Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: We believe that engineers should have as much autonomy as possible and have the team's support to build an amazing product. As an engineer at Uniplaces, we expect that you work in all of our projects: backend, frontend, infrastructure., Working closely with other engineers, product designers, and product managers to connect all the dots and bring a feature to life: from the conception to the deployment, fun! Why you'll love this job: Develop end-to-end tasks, from the conception to the deployment; Work in different projects with different technologies, but always with high quality and scalability; Develop new features and solve issues on backend and frontend projects; Test the applications with unitary, integration, and end-to-end tests. Main requirements: Fast learner and eager to learn; A degree in computer science or, at least, 6m of experience in Web development; Capable of keeping a conversation in English; Wants to work in an agile environment with cross-functional teams; Javascript and OOP knowledge. Nice to have: Either PHP or NodeJS knowledge CSS and HTML5 experience Familiarity with Git Github account with code to look at What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company; Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business; The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience; A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Available to start soon; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Company Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: We believe that engineers should have as much autonomy as possible and have the team's support to build an amazing product. As an engineer at Uniplaces, we expect that you work in all of our projects: backend, frontend, infrastructure., Working closely with other engineers, product designers, and product managers to connect all the dots and bring a feature to life: from the conception to the deployment, fun! Why you'll love this job: Develop end-to-end tasks, from the conception to the deployment; Work in different projects with different technologies, but always with high quality and scalability; Develop new features and solve issues on backend and frontend projects; Test the applications with unitary, integration, and end-to-end tests. Main requirements: Fast learner and eager to learn; A degree in computer science or, at least, 6m of experience in Web development; Capable of keeping a conversation in English; Wants to work in an agile environment with cross-functional teams; Javascript and OOP knowledge. Nice to have: Either PHP or NodeJS knowledge CSS and HTML5 experience Familiarity with Git Github account with code to look at What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company; Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business; The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience; A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Available to start soon; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:) https://uniplacescareers.recruitee.com/o/junior-full-stack-engineer
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Leiria-Leiria (Leiria)
We’re looking for a talented junior.NET Developer to join our growing team in Leiria! In this role, you will be developing software components to support multiple services. Lovys offers its customers. You will be collaborating with system architects and business stakeholders to support the creation of specs around the market best-practices. We value people with strong initiative and innovating points of view that are well framed within the global system. We look after someone who has the ability to think about smarter ways to improve our offering, with a hands-on mentality. The ideal candidate is someone who enjoys a challenge and thrives in a small, fast-paced environment. Problem-solving is a must, as well as the ability to work under strict deadlines. And most importantly, you are excited about re-imagining insurance at Lovys and building a long-lasting company. Responsibilities Design and Implement end to end solutions to help Lovys deliver on its mission Apply critical thinking and troubleshooting skills to our real-world problems You are adept at communicating and collaborating effectively with others, promoting your ideas as well as being humble when you may be wrong REQUIREMENTS Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject At least 2 years of experience developing backend components Familiarity with Web API REST with.NET, Core or.NET Framework, Entity Framework Familiarity in Unit Testing Familiarity with SQL Server PERKS Competitive salary Quarterly offsites and social events (laser tag, karting, afterworks, etc.) Being part of one of Europe's fastest insurtech companies A diverse team with +10 nationalities and great team spirit! Partially remote: To apply for this job you must be willing to work in the time zones between GMT-1 and GMT+3 APPLY HERE: https://landing.jobs/at/lovys/junior-net-developer-in-leiria?country=PT
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Coimbra-Coimbra (Coimbra)
Company: CarboCode Location: CarboCode TTC, Portugal Site About Us: CarboCode is a forward-thinking startup pioneering the development of innovative molecules for the Food and Pharma markets. Our operations span from our research center in Germany to our development and pilot facilities in Portugal. We are dedicated to advancing biotechnology to address industry needs and challenges. Job Description: We are seeking an enthusiastic Junior Metabolic Engineer to join our newly formed Metabolic Engineering group at our Portuguese site. In this role, you will support the implementation and testing of new microbial expression and production systems. You will work closely with a Senior Metabolic Engineer, contributing to development projects and testing your own strains. Additionally, you will collaborate with the fermentation team on strain transfer and scale-up processes. Key Duties and Responsibilities Perform molecular biology tasks under the guidance of the Senior Metabolic Engineer. Generate and test new strains for productivity. Contribute to ongoing research projects. Assist with basic laboratory management tasks. b'/xc2/xa0' Role Requirements MSc in a relevant field. Research-oriented background. Experience in molecular biology. Knowledge of genetic engineering. Skills in cell culture. b'/xc2/xa0' Desirable Experience: Familiarity with lab-scale fermentation. Previous professional experience in laboratory work. b'/xc2/xa0' What do we offer: At CarboCode, you will be part of a pioneering team in metabolic engineering, where your work will contribute to innovative solutions for the Food and Pharma industries. We offer a collaborative environment, opportunities for professional development, the chance to work on exciting projects at the forefront of biotechnology and a full-time employment with good contractual conditions in Biocant Park, Cantanhede, Portugal. b'/xc2/xa0' How to Apply: Please, send your application to jobs@carbocode.com, including CV, salary expectations and your earliest possible availability to join our team.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Want to be a part of creating a leading e-commerce and a strong people consultancy company? Lybe is the most successful e-commerce agency in Sweden and now have Consultancy here in Portugal In our strong team we create attractive and smart solutions that increase our customers' sales and profitability. Lybe’s ambition is to be the leading e-commerce agency and grow in the consulting area. To achieve this we have a mission to make our customers industry winners. We do this with the help of the best brains that consists of an international crew which generates a dynamic culture. If you believe, like us, that you should have fun at work to become the best. If you are a talent that wants to grow. Then we can offer you the right conditions. At Lybe you get to work closely together with some of the world's most skilled developers. Grow Everyone at us has a high level of ambition, we always want to improve. Take the opportunity to work with the best of the best and learn new things every day. Have fun To be really sharp and make our customers happy and satisfied, it is important that we have fun at work. We prioritize fun activities and work/life balance. Feel free As long as you do your job, you should have a high level of freedom. In this way we also maintain the space to develop both ourselves and Lybe as a company. The role of a Developer Lybe is a growth company with entrepreneurial spirit which places high demands on a floating competence profile. Industries include everything from strong consumer brands to large listed industrial companies. Our chosen platform for e-commerce is Magento 2, but we are developing skills in anothers technologies in frontend and backend areas. Preferably you have official certification, but this is also something we can help out with. Requirements profile You are passionate about delivering value through well-written code and have the drive to constantly learn more. You are also an excellent team player who helps colleagues to become better every day. Apply or grow into the roles as Frontend Developer, Backend Developer, Systems Architect or Tech Lead. Desirable requirements: Degree in Computer Engineering or similar Knowledge of.NET, C#, SQL and microservices architecture Basic knowledge of.Net Core, Azure (preferred) Basic knowledge of Javascript (preferred) Application Contact Jose at rh@lybe.se or +351 919 588 101 for more information, you are warmly welcome to the office for a cup of coffee.
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Leiria-Leiria (Leiria)
We’re looking for a test automation, engineering-focused team player for our Leiria office! In this role, you will work closely with people across engineering, product and support to help deliver an amazing experience using the best technologies available. We look after someone who has the ability to think about smarter ways to improve our offering, with a hands-on mentality. The ideal candidate is someone who enjoys a challenge, and thrives in a small, fast-paced environment. Problem solving is a must, as well as ability to work under strict deadlines. And most importantly, you are excited about re-imagining insurance at Lovys and building a long-lasting company. Responsibilities Instilling a Quality driven mindset into the Team Ramp up a team having an ability to up-skill and technically mentor other QA members. Be a self-organized player with an ability to work in a fast-paced environment and develop and analyze test scenarios, apply critical thinking, and apply troubleshooting skills. Continuously discover, evaluate, and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency REQUIREMENTS At least 2 years of experience as a Quality Assurance Engineer Fluency in English is a must Knowledge of QA methodologies and processes Understanding of various testing approaches and practices in order to design the overall testing methodology. Familiarity testing APIs using automation tools Performance Testing knowledge PERKS Competitive salary Quarterly offsites and social events (laser tag, karting, afterworks, etc.) Being part of one of Europe's fastest insurtech companies A diverse team with +10 nationalities and great team spirit! Partially remote: To apply for this job you must be willing to work in the time zones between GMT-1 and GMT+3. APPLY HERE: https://landing.jobs/at/lovys/junior-qa-engineer-in-leiria?country=PT
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Vila do Conde-Viana do Castelo (Viana do Castelo)
The company Recurrent screening is the best way to detect diseases at early stages when treatments are more effective and survival rates are higher. ablute_ is the best way to know your health. By integrating a urinalysis device into a toilet, we are delivering simplicity to health examinations, thus, increasing frequency. We give provide immediate information about several health parameters, enhancing the information available for physicians, which consequently fosters the detection of diseases at their earliest stages. The team Technology apart, the truth is that evolution is made from people. And that's where lies the success and failure of companies. We are a multidisciplinary small team, from different backgrounds, that share a common ground of nonconformity about the way things are. We are searching for someone with the attitude to contribute to our mission of delivering the tools that allow people to be the healthiest version of themselves. Job Description Market prospecting of clients, partners and brand exposure opportunities; Contact potential clients and prepare business presentations according to the brand's strategy; Manage relations with clients and partners; Identify players and plan approaches to establish strategic partnerships that can bring added value to the company; Foster brand awareness through applications to national/international recognitions and funding opportunities, including European Union programs; Representation of the brand in events, such as conferences and webinars; Creation of content for the generation of new leads (presentations, social media, etc). Who are we searching for? Fluent in Portuguese and English (verbal and written); Great interpersonal competencies and communication skills; Strong writing skills, from descriptive and appealing texts to summarizing presentations of the company; Ability to handle multiple tasks and set priorities; Autonomous worker with a high sense of responsibility and team player; Preferably a Degree in Business Management, Communications or similar; Availability to travel, including out of the country; Experience in the healthcare sector or similar is a plus; The role involves the capability to adapt to different tasks, identify needs and establish priorities. High levels of independence and strength to overcome high challenges. Conditions Starting salary between 950 and 1300 EUR, according to skills and experience; Flexible schedule Perks Excellent opportunity to grow personally and professionally; The tech-savvy team that's constantly working on challenges together; A highly collaborative environment that enables autonomy; Agile work with minimal bureaucracy; Respect for your work-life balance; "Chillaxing" office filled with music by our multi-room audio system; Micro kitchen with snacks, coffee and tea; Vibrant, young, and informal office, located in Viana do Castelo. If you got a feeling of belonging reach out to us! We would love to get to know you! Send us your CV for talent@ablute.pt
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