Mavala polish
Lista mais vendidos mavala polish

Mavala Mavadry Dries Nail Polish é a solução ideal para quem busca rapidez e eficiência na secagem do esmalte. Este produto inovador da renomada marca Mavala não só acelera o tempo de secagem do seu esmalte, como também proporciona um acabamento brilhante e duradouro. Com sua fórmula de alta qualidade, o Mavala Mavadry evita a formação de bolhas e manchas, garantindo unhas impecáveis por mais tempo./n/r. Perfeito para quem tem uma rotina agitada, o Mavala Mavadry Dries Nail Polish permite que você aplique seu esmalte preferido e continue com suas atividades em poucos minutos. Além disso, este secante de esmalte ajuda a proteger suas unhas contra descamação e rachaduras, oferecendo durabilidade extra à cor./n/r. Seja para uma sessão rápida de manicure em casa ou para retoques de última hora, o Mavala Mavadry é um item essencial no seu kit de cuidados com as unhas. A embalagem prática e portátil facilita o transporte, permitindo que você esteja sempre preparada para qualquer ocasião./n/r. Não perca mais tempo esperando o esmalte secar! Adquira agora o Mavala Mavadry Dries Nail Polish e experimente a comodidade e excelência que suas unhas merecem. Faça sua compra hoje mesmo e desfrute de unhas perfeitas em tempo recorde!/n/r.
12,69 €
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Mavala Nail Polish Remover Pads - Remoção Rápida e Eficiente. Descubra a praticidade e eficiência dos Mavala Nail Polish Remover Pads, o aliado perfeito para manter suas unhas sempre impecáveis. Desenvolvidos pela renomada marca Mavala, esses discos de algodão embebidos em removedor de esmalte proporcionam uma experiência única na remoção de esmaltes. Com uma fórmula suave, são indicados para todos os tipos de unhas, garantindo que a saúde e o brilho natural das suas unhas sejam preservados./n/r. Cada embalagem contém pads individuais, facilitando o transporte e uso em qualquer lugar. Seja em uma viagem ou no dia a dia corrido, você pode contar com a eficiência desses pads para uma remoção rápida e sem complicações. Além disso, sua composição é livre de acetona, tornando-os uma opção mais segura e menos agressiva para suas unhas e cutículas./n/r. Benefícios:/n/r. Fácil de usar e transportar. Fórmula sem acetona. Preserva a saúde das unhas. Eficiência na remoção de esmaltes. Não perca a oportunidade de experimentar a praticidade dos Mavala Nail Polish Remover Pads. Invista no cuidado das suas unhas e garanta resultados profissionais em instantes. Adquira já o seu e sinta a diferença!/n/r.
10,94 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Extra Gentle Pink Polish Remover 100 ml 100 ml Acetone-free nail polish remover, whichremoves nail polish without leaving any traces of colour. Recommended for all types of nails, especially fragile, dry and brittle nails. Instructions for use: - Eliminate the enamel maintaining and pressing a few seconds the cotton soaked in nail polish remover. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
757 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Extra Gentle Pink Polish Remover 100 ml 100 ml Acetone-free nail polish remover, whichremoves nail polish without leaving any traces of colour. Recommended for all types of nails, especially fragile, dry and brittle nails. Instructions for use: - Eliminate the enamel maintaining and pressing a few seconds the cotton soaked in nail polish remover. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
776 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Removedor de esmalte de vidro inodoro 100 ml Odorless and acetone free nail polish remover,which removes the nail polish without leaving any traces of color, is recommended for all types of nails, especially fragile, dry and brittle nails and those who are bothered by the strong smell of thinners. Instructions for use: Remove the enamel maintaining and pressing a few seconds the cotton soaked in nail polish remover. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
757 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Removedor de esmalte de vidro inodoro 100 ml Odorless and acetone free nail polish remover,which removes the nail polish without leaving any traces of color, is recommended for all types of nails, especially fragile, dry and brittle nails and those who are bothered by the strong smell of thinners. Instructions for use: Remove the enamel maintaining and pressing a few seconds the cotton soaked in nail polish remover. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
776 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Base Protectora 002 de 10 ml 10 ml Transparent base that forms a flexible barrier between nails and nail polish.Prevents enamel pigmentsfrom coming into direct contact with the nail and staining or yellowing the nail. Mavala 002 also improves the adhesion of the nail polish, making the manicure last longer. Instructions for use: - Apply on clean and dry nails. Wait a couple of minutes before glazing. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.083 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Base Protectora 002 de 10 ml 10 ml Transparent base that forms a flexible barrier between nails and nail polish.Prevents enamel pigmentsfrom coming into direct contact with the nail and staining or yellowing the nail. Mavala 002 also improves the adhesion of the nail polish, making the manicure last longer. Instructions for use: - Apply on clean and dry nails. Wait a couple of minutes before glazing. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.111 €
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Cosmética Mãos&Pés Mavala Stop Esmalte Anti-Mordida 10 ml 10 ml Nail biting is an uncontrollable habit for many children and adults. To help them quit, Mavala laboratories have createdMavala Stop,a harmless, transparent product with a characteristic bitter taste. Mavala Stopcan be applied alone or on nail polish. It helps to stop putting your fingers in your mouth and bite your nails. It also prevents small children from sucking their fingers. Instructions for use: Apply over the whole nail, let it dry. Suitable for adults and over 3 years. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.051 €
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Saúde e beleza Mãos e pés Mavala Stop Esmalte Anti-Mordida 10 ml 10 ml Nail biting is an uncontrollable habit for many children and adults. To help them quit, Mavala laboratories have createdMavala Stop,a harmless, transparent product with a characteristic bitter taste. Mavala Stopcan be applied alone or on nail polish. It helps to stop putting your fingers in your mouth and bite your nails. It also prevents small children from sucking their fingers. Instructions for use: Apply over the whole nail, let it dry. Suitable for adults and over 3 years. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.078 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Mini verniz de unhas cor Esmalte de Uñas Top Coat Mavala nail polish.12SIN formula to avoid allergies and aggressions. Free of parabens, formaldehydes, nickel, toluene, heavy metals, animal ingredients... Size 5ml, perfect for traveling or to carry in your bag. Long lasting with high gloss and professional finish. Its unique formula takes care ofyour nails while letting them breathe.With sun filters, so you do not lose the original color after exposure to the sun. How to use: - Apply two thin coats, wait for them to dry between coats. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
758 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Diluente para Verniz 10 ml 10 ml Before applying nail polish,it is advisable to check its consistency. If it is too thick, add a few drops of Mavala Diluent and shake the bottle vigorously. Instructions for use: For thick enamels, add a few drops of thinner, shake and let stand before use. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
926 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Diluente para Verniz 10 ml 10 ml Before applying nail polish,it is advisable to check its consistency. If it is too thick, add a few drops of Mavala Diluent and shake the bottle vigorously. Instructions for use: For thick enamels, add a few drops of thinner, shake and let stand before use. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
95 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Mini verniz de unhas cor Esmalte de Uñas Pink Mavala nail polish.12SIN formula to avoid allergies and aggressions. Free of parabens, formaldehydes, nickel, toluene, heavy metals, animal ingredients... Size 5ml, perfect for traveling or to carry in your bag. Long lasting with high gloss and professional finish. Its unique formula takes care ofyour nails while letting them breathe.With sun filters, so you do not lose the original color after exposure to the sun. How to use: - Apply two thin coats, wait for them to dry between coats. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
366 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Remoção de partículas 10 ml 10 ml The Cuticle Removeris a thixotropic formula that gently removes overgrowncuticles leaving a clear and uniform nail contour. It gently cleanses and removes the cuticle and shapes the nail contour. Dead skin is softened and superfluous skin is detached from the surface of the nail. Instructions for use: Before applying the nail polish once a week, apply abundant product around the nail, let it work. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
107 €
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Saúde e beleza Mãos e pés Mavala Remoção de partículas 10 ml 10 ml The Cuticle Removeris a thixotropic formula that gently removes overgrowncuticles leaving a clear and uniform nail contour. It gently cleanses and removes the cuticle and shapes the nail contour. Dead skin is softened and superfluous skin is detached from the surface of the nail. Instructions for use: Before applying the nail polish once a week, apply abundant product around the nail, let it work. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.097 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Colorfix Top Coat 10 ml 10 ml Transparent fixative enamel that dries forming a hard, flexible (reinforced with acryl) and shiny layer, which provides extraprotectionto the nail colour and prevents the enamel from jumping easily. Instructions for use: Apply on the dry nail polish over the whole nail and under the tip to seal the edge. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
107 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Colorfix Top Coat 10 ml 10 ml Transparent fixative enamel that dries forming a hard, flexible (reinforced with acryl) and shiny layer, which provides extraprotectionto the nail colour and prevents the enamel from jumping easily. Instructions for use: Apply on the dry nail polish over the whole nail and under the tip to seal the edge. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.097 €
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Outros Outros Mavala Mava White Whitening 10 ml MAVA-WHITEis an optical perfector. Its innovative formula contains specific pigments that react to UV light and hide the appearance of stained nails, while giving it a healthy look. Instructions for use: Apply as a base, a thin layer, before nail polish. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.136 €
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Saúde e beleza Unhas Mavala Mava White Unhas Clareadoras 10ml 10 ml MAVA-WHITEis an optical perfector. Its innovative formula contains specific pigments that react to UV light and hide the appearance of stained nails, while giving it a healthy look. Instructions for use: Apply as a base, a thin layer, before nail polish. Marca: Mavala Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.165 €
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