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My lucky dog

Lista mais vendidos my lucky dog

Casal da Areia-Coimbra (Coimbra)
I sell it because, unfortunately, my dog did not accept his, I have to stay at home all the time. Has documents, goes to the toilet, loves to talk, understands English and french
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
We have 8 of the sweetest Pups from our Pedigree Old English Sheepdog male and Pedigree Portuguese Water Dog Female. They are 9 weeks old now. We think they will be medium to large size and fluffy coats. Hard to be certain though as THESE TWO BREEDS HAVE NOT BEEN CROSSED BEFORE as far as we can find in our research. They are both in the Hypoallergenic category so we are confident the pups will be too. They are full of energy already and extremely intelligent! My Phone number for Whatsapp pictures of the pups is 00351961432797
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Ol, o meu nome Farrusco Urso, mas podem chamar-me Urso. Acho que porque sou maior do que o urso comum e sou muito bonito Esta a minha altura do ano preferida, agradvel, mas no quente. Adoro brincar com o vento fresco e correr na relva alta. Isso faz-me muito feliz. No gosto de brinquedos, mas adoro fazer amigos. Tenho muitos amigos. Desde humanos a animais de todas as formas e tamanhos. Gostava de ter um melhor amigo com quem pudesse viver aventuras. Gosto muito de explorar. Principalmente florestas, campos e montanhas. Quando tenho oportunidade, adoro nadar. A gua muito divertida. Estou procura de um novo melhor amigo porque o meu humano est doente. Ela ficou doente, perdeu muito peso e deixmos de ir a aventuras. Ela tem de estar sempre a sair e a voltar. Isso significa que estou sempre amarrado e no posso ir a muitos passeios ela sente-se mal porque costumvamos estar sempre juntas, agora no tem energia e disseram-lhe que nunca mais seria to forte como era. Poder ser o meu novo melhor amigo? O meu humano diz que sou muito bem comportado e que ando bem com a trela. Estou seguro em casa, sem confuso, adoro abraos e sou um gigante gentil. Sei que sou grande, mas estou cheio de amor e estou ansioso por conhecer um novo humano e talvez at novos amigos caninos tambm. Venha brincar comigo, vamos encontrar-nos. Macho adulto, castrado, passaporte, chipado e com tratamento atualizado contra pulgas e vermes Hello, my name is Farrusco Urso, but you can call me Bear. I think it's because I'm bigger than the average Bear and I'm very handsome This is my favorite time of year, nice, not hot. I love playing in the cool wind and running in the tall grass. It makes me very happy. I don't like toys, but I love making friends. I have many friends. From humans to animals of all shapes and sizes. I wish I had a best friend with whom I could enjoy adventures. I love exploring. Mainly forests, fields and mountains. When I get the chance, I love swimming. water is a lot of fun. I'm looking for a new best friend because my human is sick. She got sick, lost a lot of weight and we stopped going on adventures. She has to keep leaving and coming back. It means I'm always tied up and can't go on many walks she feels bad because we used to always be together, now she has no energy and was told she would never be as strong as she was. Could you be my new best friend? My human says I am very well behaved and walk well on a leash. I'm safe at home, no mess, I love hugs and I'm a gentle giant. I know I'm big, but I'm full of love and I'm looking forward to meeting a new human and maybe even new dog friends too. Come for a play date, lets meet. Adult male, castrated, passport, chipped up to date flea and worm treatment
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Por razões pessoais estou a procurar um dono novo para o meu cão Bernd, maço com tem quase 2 anos de idade, a mãe dele foi um perdigueiro. Ele é muito bem treinado, o que lhe faz também uma outima companhia para pessoas inexperientes. Adapata-se facilmente e é muito meigo e simpático com pessoas. Ele presica de alguem que lhe pode dar o tempo e amor que ele merece. Due to personal reasons I am giving away my dog Bernd, an almost 2-year-old male perdigueiro mix. He is very well trained which makes him also an amazing companion for beginners. Extremely adaptable and friendly towards any human that crosses his way. He needs an owner who can give him the time and love he needs. Aus persönlichen Gründen gebe ich meinen Hund Bernd, einen fast 2-jahre-alten männlichen perdigueiro mix, ab. Er ist sehr gut trainiert, was ihn einen tollen Hund auch für Anfänger macht. Sehr anpassungsfähig und unheimlich Menschenfreundlich. Er braucht einen Besitzer der ihm die Zeit und Liebe gibt, die er verdient. Para mais informações ligue // For more informations please call // Für mehr Informationen bitte anrufen
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Because of illness, I am obliged to separated from my much beloved dog, Marianna. She is clean and very affectionate, well behaved in the house. But she needs a younger master, and a place where she can run, like a farm or garden. She has alll her vacinations, except one.
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