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Note plants are

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notebooks are made of goatleather. They are dyed in different colors. Because of the natural fabric, every book has an authentic look and is unique. The pages are from recycled paper. 12 × 15,5 cm
14,89 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Independent and intelligent species, easy and low maintenance plants. Native to dry climates, they are adaptef to adjust there water necessities by saving it and reserving for the dry season. These water storage creates a thicker leafs naming them as succulents. Ideal for people don't without much free time or green spaces at home. Available species: Echeveria, Crassula Ovata aka Jade plant, Crassula gollum Jade, Graptopetalum paraguayense, And others. Price varies by size: 1EUR, 2EUR e 5EUR. Shipping is possible
1 €
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This garden cabinet from Esschert Design will be ideal for your delicate plants and seedlings. Its mesh walls protect them from mischievous animals while still letting through sunlight and allowing air circulation. The large door makes it easy to place and care for the plants. Please note that plants are not included in the delivery.
71,98 €
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2 fotos

Use your vintage tray as a table with our hand made collapsible wooden base Features six spindle-like legs in and a natural finish Easily paint legs with any color you like Suitable for 100cm tray Size: - Diameter 95cm - Height 50cm Please note: Legs are natural color
179 €
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Moroccan olive wooden bowl. This beautiful olive wooden bowl is ideal to serve tapas or snack on your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Lenght: 18cm Wide: 3cm Material: Olive wood Origin: Morocco Note: Bowls are unique and there might be differences in color
24 €
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Handmade by using high quality brass Patterns cast amazing shadows on their surroundings when hung from the ceiling. Material: Brass Colour: Silver Height: 40cm Diameter: 30cm Please note there are no electrics wthin the lanterns
329 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
No slider das imagens encontrará variadas Suculentas ("Catos"/"Cactos") decorativas para compor os seus vasos ao seu gosto. Algumas destas plantas ornamentais crescem para baixo fazendo um fabuloso arranjo pendente para pendurar; Outras são resistentes o suficiente para iniciar um Bonsai; Outras são adequadas para finalizar o seu Terrario. Outras são medicinais. Cuttings e/ou mudas enraizadas a partir de EUR0.30. Uma lembrança ecológica e sustentável, a prenda ideal para alguém que considera especial, ambientalmente responsável e com um forte senso Ecológico. Envio postal / por correio/CTT seguro para todo o país e estrangeiro. Embalamento efetuado com grande meticulosidade de forma às plantas chegarem em perfeitas condições. Por favor indique para onde lhe enviar a lista total e atualizada de espécies e tamanhos disponíveis com os preços e links para as respetivas imagens. - Aranto Kalanchoe x Houghtonii (Bryophyllum x Houghtonii) - Aranto Kalanchoe Daigremontiana (Bryophyllum Daigremontianum) - Crassula Rupestris - Crassula Perforata - Hatiora Salicornioides (Dancing Bones Cactus | Drunkards Dream | Spice Cactus | Bottle Cactus) - Peperomia Flexucaulis (espécie muito rara, folha púrpura no verso, melhor foto em breve) - Tradescantia Pallida Purpurea (Trapoeraba Roxa | Coração Roxo | Trapoerabão | Purple Heart, Purple Queen | Purple SpiderWort | Wandering/Walking Jew | Setcreasea purpurea | Setcreasea tampicana) - Componentes Inertes Para Suculentas: - Vasos / Potes De Fibra De Coco: EUR1.35 As plantas germinadas e/ou desenvolvidas nestes potes de fibra de Coco podem ser transplantadas no próprio. Esta fibra de coco, além de 100% biodegradável, não contém quaisquer químicos nocivos ao meio ambiente. Estes potes tornam o processo de transplante extremamente rápido e conveniente pois as raízes são intocadas evitando assim qualquer stress para a planta. Dimensões: Ø Topo: 80mm | Ø Base: 55mm | Altura: 80mm Compra Segura: Vendedor Confiável, Registado Desde 2011. - - - EN: In the image slider you will find various decorative Succulents ("Cactus"/"Cacti") to compose your pots to your liking. Some of these ornamental plants grow downwards making a fabulous pendant arrangement for hanging; Others are tough enough to start a Bonsai; Others are suitable for finishing your Terrarium. Others are healing / medicinal. Cuttings and/or rooted seedlings from EUR0.30. An ecological and sustainable souvenir, the ideal gift for someone who you consider special, environmentally responsible and with a strong ecological sense. Secure Postal / courier delivery to the whole country and abroad. Packing carried out with great meticulousness so that the plants arrive in perfect condition. Please indicate where to send you the full and updated list of species and sizes available with prices and links to the respective images. Safe Shopping: Trusted Seller, Registered Since 2011.
1 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
No slider das imagens encontrar variadas Suculentas ("Catos"/"Cactos") decorativas para compor os seus vasos ao seu gosto. Algumas destas plantas ornamentais crescem para baixo fazendo um fabuloso arranjo pendente para pendurar; Outras so resistentes o suficiente para iniciar um Bonsai; Outras so adequadas para finalizar o seu Terrario. Outras so medicinais. Passe bons momentos de relaxamento a compor os seus vasos com cuttings e/ou mudas enraizadas a partir de EUR0.10! Uma lembrana ecolgica e sustentvel, a prenda ideal para algum que considera especial, ambientalmente responsvel e com um forte senso Ecolgico. Plantar teraputico. Ter plantas ajuda a que no percamos a nossa conexo com a Natureza. Adquira ps destas para ter os seus bem assentes na Terra: (1) Colar de Jade / Corda/Corrente de Botes / Planta de Pagode (Crassula rupestris Marnieriana 'Hottentot') (2) Aranto Verdadeiro/Original / Planta da Fortuna / Me de Milhares / Kalanchoe/Calanchoe Daigremontiana (Bryophyllum daigremontianum) (3) Trapoeraba Roxa / Corao Roxo / Trapoerabo (Tradescantia pallida Purpurea) (4) Crassula perforata / Crassula 'Green Pagoda' (5) Arbusto-Elefante (Portulacaria afra) (6) Planta-Aranha (Clorofito / Gravatinha / Paulistinha) (Chlorophytum comosum Vittatum) (7) Orelha de Gato / Planta Panda (Kalanchoe tomentosa) (8) Planta-de-Jade / rvore-da-Amizade / Blsamo-de-Jardim (Crassula ovata) Outras espcies disponveis. Por favor indique para onde lhe enviar a lista total e atualizada de espcies e tamanhos disponveis com os preos e links para as respetivas imagens. Envio postal ao domiclio por Correio/CTT seguro para todo o pas e estrangeiro. Desde EUR1.70. Embalamento ambientalmente responsvel, efetuado com grande meticulosidade de forma s plantas chegarem em perfeitas condies. Por favor no hesite em me contactar caso precise dalguma informao extra. - - - Compra Segura. Vendedor Confivel, Registado nesta plataforma desde 2011 e noutra desde 2009 onde o sistema de avaliaes atribuiu a classificao de "A maioria dos utilizadores est extremamente satisfeita com o utilizador". - - - EN: In the image slider you will find various decorative Succulents ("Cactus"/"Cacti") to compose your pots to your liking. Some of these ornamental plants grow downwards making a fabulous pendant arrangement for hanging; Others are tough enough to start a Bonsai; Others are suitable for finishing your Terrarium. Others are healing / medicinal. (1) Rosary Plant / Baby Necklace / Chinese Pagoda / Jade Necklace Vine. String of Buttons (Crassula rupestris Marnieriana 'Hottentot') (2) Kalanchoe Daigremontiana / Alligator Plant / Mexican Hat / Devils Backbone / Mother Of Thousands (Kalanchoe/Calanchoe daigremontiana (Bryophyllum daigremontianum) (3) Purple Heart, Purple Queen / Purple SpiderWort / Wandering/Walking Jew (Tradescantia pallida Purpurea) (4) Crassula perforata / Crassula 'Green Pagoda' (5) Elephant-Bush (Portulacaria afra) (6) Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum Vittatum) (7) Chocolate Soldier / Panda Plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa) (8) Jade Plant / Friendship Plant / Money plant / Silver Dollar Plant (Crassula ovata) Other species available. Postal delivery at home by secure Post/CTT for all over PT and abroad. Environmentally responsible packaging ca()
1.282 €
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Aluminum Greenhouse Frame made of strong aluminum that will not rust. Virtually unbreakable twin walled Polycarbonate panels. Panels slide into place so will not blow out in the wind. No glass to shatter or break, Light weight panels. Blocks UV and Solar rays to protect inner equipment and Plants. Galvanized Steel base, vents and gutters included. High headroom and eaves for improved working space. Easy assembly system - no glazing locking parts are needed with step by step assembly instructions. With at least one opening skylight vent, the number of vents can be customized. 10'×6'ft Size: L3130mm x W1900mm x H1833mm With 1 slide door, 1 vents, steel clips; Wall Height: 1350mm , Total Height : 1840mm Metal base for option 5-year-warranty Material 1.0mm Aluminum Frame 4mm Poly-sheets.
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Moroccan vintage tray offers an chic and rustic touch to any home! This old tray is hand-hammered aluminium with an intricate and unique pattern that offers a brilliant silver colour. Each piece is handmade and uniqueand offers inspiration to all living spaces. Whether it is used to accent a table or for entertaining guests, this beautiful vintage tray will be the wow effect of your home. Note: Each tray are vintage and unique and irregularities of vintage products are part of their charm. INSPIRATION No longer just breakfast in bed… Today trays are big thing in home decoration and used in many different ways. Use them as a tray table or side table to give that Boho chic look to your living space or add touch of ethnic luxury and use them as a wall decor or bed headboard, trays are also great for grouping collections that might otherwise look messy…and yes, they are still great to serve breakfast in bed. Product specifications Size 95cm Colour Silver Material Hand hammered aluminium Origin Morocco
199 €
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Moroccan vintage tray offers an chic and rustic touch to any home! This old tray is hand-hammered aluminium with an intricate and unique pattern that offers a brilliant silver colour. Each piece is handmade and uniqueand offers inspiration to all living spaces. Whether it is used to accent a table or for entertaining guests, this beautiful vintage tray will be the wow effect of your home. Note: Each tray are vintage & unique and we believe that irregularities of vintage products are part of their charm. INSPIRATION No longer just breakfast in bed… Today trays are big thing in home decoration and used in many different ways. Use them as a tray table or side table to give that Boho chic look to your living space or add touch of ethnic luxury and use them as a wall decor or bed headboard, trays are also great for grouping collections that might otherwise look messy…and yes, they are still great to serve breakfast in bed. Product specifications Size 75cm Colour Silver Material Hand hammered aluminium Origin Morocco
149 €
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Moroccan vintage tray offers an chic and rustic touch to any home! This old tray is hand-hammered aluminium with an intricate and unique pattern that offers a brilliant silver colour. Each piece is handmade and uniqueand offers inspiration to all living spaces. Whether it is used to accent a table or for entertaining guests, this beautiful vintage tray will be the wow effect of your home. SIZE AND MATERIAL Size: 63cm Material: Hand hammered aluminium Origin: Morocco Note: Each tray are vintage and unique and irregularities of vintage products are part of their charm. INSPIRATION No longer just breakfast in bed… Today trays are big thing in home decoration and used in many different ways. Use them as a tray table or side table to give that Boho chic look to your living space or add touch of ethnic luxury and use them as a wall decor or bed headboard, trays are also great for grouping collections that might otherwise look messy…and yes, they are still great to serve breakfast in bed.
129 €
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Natural living with fashionable and functional Tray Table! Handmade in Morocco and traditionally used to serve tea to guests seated on floor pillows or floor poufs. Moroccan vintage tray table creates a unique atmosphere for outdoor or indoor entertaining and with collapsible wooden base it fits even small spaces. Each tray are unique and will provide the perfect centrepiece as a tray, coffee - side table or as a beautiful piece of decoration to your home for this season and for years to come. Package contains: Vintage tray in size of 75cm with wooden hand carved legs. MATERIAL AND SIZE Diameter 75cm Height ca. 50cm Material: Aluminium and wood Origin: Morocco Note: Each tray are vintage and unique and irregularities of vintage products are part of their charm. INSPIRATION Combine Moroccan tray table with floor poufs or throw cushions to create peaceful ethnic vibe into your home decoration. Wooden legs are natural and You can easily paint them with your favorite color
249 €
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Natural living with fashionable and functional Tray Table! Handmade in Morocco and traditionally used to serve tea to guests seated on floor pillows or floor poufs. Moroccan vintage tray table creates a unique atmosphere for outdoor or indoor entertaining and with collapsible wooden base it fits even small spaces. Each tray are unique and will provide the perfect centrepiece as a tray, coffee - side table or as a beautiful piece of decoration to your home for this season and for years to come. Package contains: Vintage tray in size of 95cm with wooden hand carved legs. MATERIAL AND SIZE Diameter 95cm Height ca. 50cm Material: Aluminium and wood Origin: Morocco Note: Each tray are vintage and unique and irregularities of vintage products are part of their charm. INSPIRATION Combine Moroccan tray table with floor poufs or throw cushions to create peaceful ethnic vibe into your home decoration. Wooden legs are natural and You can easily paint them with your favorite color
328 €
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Natural living with fashionable and functional Tray Table! Handmade in Morocco and traditionally used to serve tea to guests seated on floor pillows or floor poufs. Moroccan vintage tray table creates a unique atmosphere for outdoor or indoor entertaining and with collapsible wooden base it fits even small spaces. Each tray are unique and will provide the perfect centrepiece as a tray, coffee - side table or as a beautiful piece of decoration to your home for this season and for years to come. Package contains: Vintage tray in size of 63cm with wooden hand carved legs. MATERIAL AND SIZE Diameter 63cm Height ca. 50cm Material: Aluminium and wood Origin: Morocco Note: Each tray are vintage and unique and irregularities of vintage products are part of their charm. INSPIRATION Combine Moroccan tray table with floor poufs or throw cushions to create peaceful ethnic vibe into your home decoration. Wooden legs are natural and You can easily paint them with your favorite color
208 €
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