People growth partner
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/a People Development Partner, para integrar a nossa equipa e dar apoio direto a todos os PHCs. Procuramos uma pessoa com gosto pela área de desenvolvimento de pessoas, com vontade de abraçar um novo desafio numa equipa ficada na criação da melhor experiência para trabalhar de Portugal. Responsabilidades Desenvolver e implementar estratégias, políticas e práticas de RH Analisar tendências e métricas para propor e desenvolver soluções ajustadas a cada equipa Apoiar os líderes na gestão das suas equipas, realizando reuniões mensais com cada um deles para definições de estratégias e planos de ação Orientar os colaboradores na gestão do seu desempenho (coaching, aconselhamento, desenvolvimento de carreira) Requisitos Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia das Organizações ou áreas similares Experiência de 2 anos em funções de HR Generalist Conhecimentos práticos das várias etapas de vida de um colaborador: careers, onboarding, performance, training e employee offboarding Gosto pela área de desenvolvimento de pessoas Excelente capacidade de comunicação e relacionamento interpessoal Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, envia-nos na mesma um email e explica-nos porque devemos considerar a tua candidatura. Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Aveiro-Aveiro (Aveiro)
A tua paixão por talento vai levar-te longe. Imagina-te a elevar e desenvolver a performance do talento da PHC, encontrando novas possibilidades de crescimento através do acompanhamento estratégico das pessoas e equipas. Imagina também que podes fazer a diferença na criação da melhor experiência de trabalho. Imagina-te a trabalhar na PHC Software. Temos uma oportunidade incrível para fazeres o que sempre sonhaste numa das melhores empresas para trabalhar em Portugal. Em que é que nos podes acrescentar: Queremos que desenvolvas e implementes estratégias inerentes ao lifecycle do colaborador, como a gestão e evolução de carreiras, desenvolvimento e crescimento dos colaboradores e gestão de saídas Traz a tua capacidade de analisar tendências e métricas para propor e desenvolver soluções ajustadas a cada pessoa e equipa Esperamos que faças a diferença ao potenciar a performance dos colaboradores e apoies os líderes estabelecendo relações de confiança para o crescimento das suas equipas Confiamos na tua visão das melhores estratégias e práticas de recursos humanos E contamos contigo para gerir e apoiar as atividades de recrutamento e seleção de talentos em parceria com a equipa de Talent Acquisition O que temos à tua espera: Integração na equipa de desenvolvimento de pessoas da PHC Software A oportunidade para construíres a tua experiência de trabalho, todos os dias, numa empresa reconhecida como uma das melhores para trabalhar em Portugal Um modelo de trabalho híbrido, para desfrutares do melhor do dia-a-dia presencial, conjugado com o trabalho remoto Um plano de formação à tua medida, para desenvolveres as tuas competências Temos free food todos os dias. E sim, o pequeno-almoço vem incluído. Que tipo de pessoa esperamos que sejas: Acreditamos que dois anos da tua experiência em funções de HR Generalist pode fazer a diferença És uma pessoa com formação de base na área de gestão de pessoas, psicologia das organizações ou similares Tratas por tu os diferentes pilares estratégicos de recursos humanos As tuas capacidades de empatia e relacionamento interpessoal serão bem-vindas Compreendes a importância de uma análise crítica na tomada de decisões E, claro, contamos que vivas os nossos valores: adapt and grow, cool but pro, make an impact Agarra esta oportunidade. Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software ???? Líder em #BusinessSoftware ???? Multinacional portuguesa ???? Referência para trabalhar em Portugal ???? Vivemos a #BestExperienceAtWork ???? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are actively looking for a creative, strategic thinking, and highly driven Director of Revenue Growth to build and develop our fast-growing business and maximise profitability. What you'll be doing: Create a strategic roadmap for the company’s revenue operations; Develop a pricing strategy for each of our distribution channels and products to ensure maximum possible margin opportunities for Sensei; Implement business intelligence tools that will track revenue performance and inform strategic decisions; Provide thought leadership across the organization on key goals and metrics to ensure company-wide goals are met; Demonstrate technical expertise and build commercialization processes and a full Revenue Operations process, plan, and key success metrics for growth; Scale operations team in close partnership with Product, Engineering, and Sales to provide “outstanding, world-class service at scale”; Launch and lead processes to build and scale partnerships across vendors/partners to help accelerate Sensei revenue growth; Understand target customers business needs, develop proposals and accurately articulate Sensei value proposition at the executive level; Collaborate closely with leadership, finance, and product to set team revenue performance targets; Collaborate with the CEO, CFO, COO and be ready to present to our board of investors to ensure the continued financial success of the company; Craft thorough presentations and proposals for prospective merchants; Building and sharing knowledge on competition, our product, the retail industry etc. About you: 5+ years of enterprise leadership experience ideally in retail or deep technology; Fluent in business English, and French, Spanish, Portuguese, or German language skills are a strong plus; Strong analytical and quantitative skills; ability to use hard data and metrics to back up assumptions, recommendations, and drive actions; Strength in problem-solving, issue-resolution, ability to work in a deadline-driven work environment, attention to detail, and ability to multitask; Are a strong proactive communicator who has experience building presentations and sales materials from scratch; Are a business strategist who understands our marketplace, the product, and what it takes to move the needle with clients; History of overachieving targets in a SaaS, market-leading technology; Strong executive presence - experience and comfort level working with C-level executives; A solid network of potential prospects or partners across Europe would be preferable; Tech-savvy, with a real passion for Technology; Good eyes for business opportunities with an awareness of what drives the market; Extraordinary communication and negotiation skills and techniques; Highly organized and able to prioritize shifting workloads and responsibilities effectively Benefits & Perks Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Remote and flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link:
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Guarda-Viana do Castelo (Viana do Castelo)
Startup Inovadora no panorama imobiliário português, de âmbito nacional, procura Head of Legal & Procedural Mais do que uma imobiliária somos um service provider para consultores imobiliários e queremos ser a melhor empresa para estes profissionais, fornecendo-lhes todas as ferramentas e o apoio necessário em todas as etapas da sua vida profissional. Neste sentido, pretendemos Head of Legal & Procedural (M/F) para ajudar os nossos consultores e managers a terem o melhor aconselhamento legal e suporte processual, para que possam alcançar o sucesso profissional e a felicidade pessoal. Acreditamos que pessoas felizes e preparadas são os melhores profissionais do mundo. Funções: -Definição e preparação da dinâmica e procedimentos processuais a adoptar pela empresa, em coordenação com o People & Growth Partner, de modo a garantir o cumprimento da legislação nacional e a maior agilidade possível, libertando os consultores para as funções que lhes são realmente caras e os nossos clientes do peso da burocracia excessiva. - Recolha, análise e validação de documentação de imóveis, nomeadamente CPCV e CMIS; - Acompanhamento do processo documental de angariação e venda/arrendamento de imóveis; - Comunicação das transações comerciais às entidades reguladoras; - Além das funções mais estritas do cargo é esperada envolvência em todos os aspectos do projecto, fornecendo inputs para a sua melhoria constante; não estamos apenas dispostos a ouvir as suas ideias, precisamos que as partilhe connosco; -Disponibilidade absoluta para apoiar os nossos consultores; Perfil desejado: - Pessoa correta, ética, empática… enfim, boa pessoa que goste de pessoas; (factor obrigatório!) - Formação superior nas áreas de Direito ou Solicitadoria; - Experiência em cargo semelhante em agência imobiliária; Oferecemos: -Projecto de futuro com rendimentos aliciantes; -Valorização profissional e possibilidade de integrar startup que se propõe mudar a face do Imobiliário pela inovação tecnológica e de processos; -Excelente ambiente de trabalho onde as pessoas são o centro do negócio. - Trabalho remoto, privilegiamos o WorkLifeBlend; Esteja na linha da frente da inovação imobiliária em Portugal, construindo uma carreira de sucesso. Envie-nos o seu CV para com a referência HLP (garantimos a confidencialidade da sua candidatura) Let´s Moovit to the future!
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/uma talent acquisition trainee, com boas capacidades de comunicação, proativ@, dinâmic@ e organizad@. Irás integrar a People Experience Unit, a equipa responsável pelo desenvolvimento e pela promoção da felicidade dos nossos PHCs. Procuramos uma pessoa para nos apoiar nos processos de recrutamento de novos candidatos, e valorizamos pessoas que queiram trazer valor acrescentado às relações, aos projetos e aos processos. Responsabilidades Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto Requisitos Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Conhecer melhor o próximo desafia-te? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Estágio profissional através da PHC Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
About Improve Improve International is the world’s leading independent provider of post-graduate veterinary training. Operating in 8 countries across Europe and the US, Improve provides high-quality training both online and in the classroom. We have recently completed a management buy-out for the Benchmark group and are now embarking on an ambitious growth plan. To help us deliver on this plan, we are looking to high-quality individuals to join the team who are ambitious and want to make a difference. Job Purpose Reporting to the group CFO, this role has two distinct elements: Firstly, this role will be responsible for overseeing and rapidly improving our European accounting operations and working with the UK team to implement standardized ways of working across the group. Secondly, this role will take the lead on Financial planning and analysis for the whole group, supported by the rest of the team. Key Responsibilities Rapidly move inhouse currently outsourced finance operations Work with UK team to develop standardised processes and ways of working. Implement this for European accounting function Implementation of new finance and billing systems Ownership of all tax, statuatory reporting and compliance for European entities Ownership of group FP&A processes and systems including all budgeting and forecasting Work with CFO to provide the Board and management team first class insight and KPIs on business performance, looking both forward and backwards. Build rolling cashflow forecasting at a group level and work with the business to build processes that help keep it up to date and accurate Line management of a small team Focus on continuous improvement of all processes Business partnering of Group Operations Director, providing decision support and analysis to support growth Qualifications and experience Qualified accountant Experience in a similar role, having industry knowledge is advantageous Experience managing teams and strong stakeholder and commercial manager experience Previous experience managing a finance team Strong Excel skills Proficient in finance systems Strong understanding of business insight and KPIs Personal attributes/characteristics Fluent written and verbal English (mandatory) Excellent organisational skills and ability to work under pressure and to agreed deadlines High attention to detail and experience working in fast paced dynamic environments Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, key business partner Previous experience managing a finance team Can-do, positive and proactive attitude Self-starter and self-sufficient Empathetic people leader What we offer Competative market-rate salary Participation in group bonus scheme Opportunity for progression in dynamic, growth business How to apply Please send your CV and covering letter in English expliaining your suitability for this role, to with the title of this role in the subject line The closing date for applications is Friday 8th January, 2021 Please note, that due to current resource contraints we will only be able to reply to those candidates who progress to an interview.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We are looking for an experienced Product designer to join our team! If you have a passion for design at scale and an aptitude to lead in a collaborative environment, demonstrating empathy for our users, while balancing the vision and constraints of engineering, then this might be the role for you! At Sensei, we empower autonomous checkout for brick & mortar retailers with our computer vision system. Since launch, we are engaged with multiple retailers and are in the process of deploying our first Autonomous Stores across Europe. What you'll be doing: Own and lead the end-to-end design process of our interfaces, applications and design system; Develop and maintain end-to-end design documentation (flow maps, mid-fidelity wireframes, style guides, prototypes, etc.); Create and maintain our design system and deliver visually designed screens that are consistent and cohesive; Partner closely with engineers as they build and ship solutions (provide assets and style guides to develop and support the team during development and QA); Create UX deliverables like User personas, journey maps, process flows, detailed wireframes, mockups, interactive prototypes, and UI designs that effectively communicate the product architecture, layout, and functionality to team members; Design and prototype multiple ideas quickly, and regularly connect with customers to validate product directions; About you: Relevant experience in UX/UI Design; Usability and Accessibility mindset; Comfortable with prototyping tools; At ease with Adobe CS and best friends with Sketch/Figma; Knowledge of standards and best practices for IOS, Android and Web; Excellent level of spoken and written English; Strong prioritisation and project management skills, including timely and dedicated communication of timelines, status, and critical issues; Benefits & Perks We put all of our employees at very high standards, and we want you to be thoroughly rewarded for that. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Remote and flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture; Apply by email to - please put the job title in the subject of the email and write us why you are a fit to work at Sensei. Join us, and you'll have a meaningful role in the next evolution of the shopping experience.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are actively looking for a highly driven Market & Strategic Analyst to identify the best strategies through Market analysis and implement strategies to accelerate our growth. We hire talented people who thrive on solving challenging problems and give them opportunities to hone new skills, try new approaches, and grow in new directions. Our culture is at the heart of our success, and it's our authentic, humble, gritty people who turn Sensei into a better company. What you'll be doing: Deliver strategic recommendations grounded in relevant retail and competitors insights; Build materials and transfer internal knowledge to develop our growth and customer management further; Understand our customers market questions and translate these into suitable products, including business models, costs, and issues to resolve in execution; Together with the team, translate input from various analyses (e.g., existing or new market research, customer database information, insights) into specific and actionable business activities; Support client development by helping teams understand how market/industry insights could help our growth strategy; Support Sensei Digital Product initiatives through in-depth research of customer insights needs – from developing research to execution to analyses and recommendations; Help develop original marketing concepts centred on market insights; Support externalization efforts on market insights for audiences of existing and potential clients; Moreover, you will manage our relationships with external research and support internal requests and initiatives. About you: > 2-3 years of relevant work experience in a leading consulting firm or a fast-growing company; Outstanding record of academic achievement; Initiative taker, eager to break new ground, create opportunities for others; Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills; Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment; Ability to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization; Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively – both verbally and in writing – in English; Experience in the retail or Deep-Tech sector is a plus. Benefits & Perks Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year, with the office; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like “the job” you’re looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
At Sensei we’re designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Through AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We hire talented people who thrive on solving challenging problems and give them opportunities to hone new skills, try new approaches, and grow in new directions. Our culture is at the heart of our success, and it's our authentic, humble, gritty people who make Sensei a great company. What you'll be doing: We are looking for a bright and enthusiastic junior AI game engine software engineer to help us contribute to the development and improvement of our fully-fledged synthetic data generation platform capable of leveraging the power of modern 3D game engines to deliver high-quality image data for training and testing our AI solution. By joining the Sensei team, you will be contributing to building a company around state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning solutions for real-world problems in the areas of elements tracking, object-based change detection, feature detection, and motion pattern recognition, to ultimately change the way everyone shops in stores. Building large sets of labelled images to train machine learning models in different Computer Vision tasks; Constructing impressive and realistic 3D representations of retail store environments; Creating rich 3D simulations of synthetic customers with powerful AI models that enable realistic behaviours and product interactions; Developing user-friendly tools for managing synthetic datasets; Following state-of-the-art research and technology related to synthetic datasets. About you: Outstanding record of academic achievement in Computer Science and a reputable university; Strong desire to work in AI for video games programming; Familiarity with different game engines and architectures (Unreal/Unity/Godot); Knowledge and passion for computer graphics; Solid Experience with C++ and Python; Comfortable working with Linux; Working knowledge of Git. Benefits & Perks We're a growing group of kind, curious, self-directed people working towards a common goal. We delight in taking risks and testing hypotheses in a collaborative and supportive environment. Our ability to celebrate both our successes and failures as milestones of growth opens the door to tremendous and measurable breakthroughs. We can do this because we have an experienced management team, solid funding, and a great culture. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Remote and flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below and let us know why you are fit to work at Sensei. Join us, and you'll have a meaningful role in the next evolution of the shopping experience. Link:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are actively looking for an experienced and highly driven Business Strategy Director to build, develop and support a strong strategy for our fast-growing business. In this role, you will join a team that loves consumer technology, business strategy, building new opportunities, and growing relationships. You will be on the leading edge of helping to shape Sensei direction and the future of retail. What you'll be doing: Deliver strategic recommendations grounded in relevant retail and competitors insights; Build materials and transfer internal knowledge to develop our growth and customer management further; Understand our customers market questions and translate these into suitable products, including business models, costs, and issues to resolve in execution. Together with the team, translate input from various analyses (e.g., existing or new market research, customer database information, insights) into specific and actionable business activities; Support client development by helping teams understand how market/industry insights could help our growth strategy; Support Sensei Digital Product initiatives through in-depth research of customer insights needs – from developing research to execution to analyses and recommendations; Help develop original marketing concepts centred on market insights; Support externalization efforts on market insights for audiences of existing and potential clients; Moreover, you will manage our relationships with external research and support internal requests and initiatives. About you: > 5 years of relevant work experience in a leading consulting firm or a fast-growing company; Outstanding record of academic achievement; Proven record of leadership in a work setting and/or through extracurricular activities; Initiative taker, eager to break new ground, create opportunities for others; Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills; Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment; Ability to work effectively with people at all levels in an organization; Ability to communicate complex ideas effectively – both verbally and in writing – in English; Experience in the retail or Deep-Tech sector is a plus. Benefits & Perks Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like “the job” you’re looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Marketing Partnerships SpecialistJob description Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Marketing Team: No matter how great the product, it needs distribution. Marketing is the heart and soul of distribution at Uniplaces - a combination of Performance, Branding, Data, Partners, and CRM to build up sales funnels and engage our customers to ensure our value proposition is clearly communicated. In this role, your mission is: To prospect for new partners and develop Uniplaces partnerships marketing program, aiming to increase revenue, acquisition, engagement, and reach new customers. This role will propose tactics to increase sales and awareness with current and new partners, working closely with the current partner marketing team to build, support, and execute marketing activities, necessary to support the channel, which includes tracking and analyzing partner performance and impact on sales, market share and competitive landscape. Some of your daily tasks will be: Create presentations, proposals, and other external communication Prospect and create strong relationships within Partners Contribute to the achievement of partner marketing & sales objectives Identify and deliver on opportunities to improve the customer journey Requirements Your track record: Knowledge of partner ecosystems, KPIs/metrics, and analysis Strong presentation skills Excel within a cross-functional team environment Ability to handle multiple projects, partners, and escalations Understanding of both direct sales and multiple distribution channels Knowledge of Reporting tools, mainly MySQL, Excel/google sheet, and Visualisation software Forward-thinking and highly analytical, with experience in gathering insights to form recommendations Native or Fluent proficiency in English is a plus Your style: You are passionate about Partners, establishing partnerships, and love analyzing the customer journey Business savvy and an effective communicator, with in-depth knowledge of marketing communications Extremely independent and with a high level of initiative, able to proactively take on any challenge autonomously and to learn fast Ability to combine analytical skills with relationship skills and business acumen Proficient in time management, with the ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects concurrently, with attention to detail This is why you’ll love this job: We’ll give you intensive training coupled with increasing business exposure and insights from our most senior employees, making you exponentially grow; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models. What else do you need to know? This is, right now, a remote position, but the company is based in Lisbon and you will have the chance to go to the office when you want to, once a week; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
At Sensei we’re designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Through AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are looking for a bright and enthusiastic Software Engineer to help us contribute to the development and improvement of our fully-fledged synthetic data generation platform capable of leveraging the power of modern 3D game engines to deliver high-quality image data for training and testing our AI solution. By joining the Sensei team, you will be contributing to building a company around state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning solutions for real-world problems in the areas of elements tracking, object-based change detection, feature detection, and motion pattern recognition, to ultimately change the way everyone shops in stores. What you'll be doing: Building large sets of labelled images to train machine learning models in different Computer Vision tasks; Constructing impressive and realistic 3D representations of retail store environments; Creating rich 3D simulations of synthetic customers with powerful AI models that enable realistic behaviours and product interactions; Developing user-friendly tools for managing synthetic datasets; Following state-of-the-art research and technology related to synthetic datasets. About you: PhD (a plus) or MSc in Computer Science Engineering or related field; 4-5 years of work-related experience; Outstanding record of academic achievement in Computer Science and a reputable university; Strong desire to work in AI for video games programming; Familiarity with different game engines and architectures (Unreal/Unity/Godot); Knowledge and passion for computer graphics; Solid Experience with C++ and Python; Comfortable working with Linux; Working knowledge of Git. Benefits & Perks We're a growing group of kind, curious, self-directed people working towards a common goal. We delight in taking risks and testing hypotheses in a collaborative and supportive environment. Our ability to celebrate both our successes and failures as milestones of growth opens the door to tremendous and measurable breakthroughs. We can do this because we have an experienced management team, solid funding, and a great culture. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Remote and flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Motivating compensation – Competitive compensation package; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world; A holiday allowance of 24 days per year; Top of the range equipment to help you do your job to the highest possible standard; Regular learning meetings as part of our growth-mindset culture. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below and let us know why you are fit to work at Sensei. Join us, and you'll have a meaningful role in the next evolution of the shopping experience. Link:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are looking for a talented Graphic designer who will help bring our mission and brand experiences to life with exceptional visual design. What you'll be doing: We are looking for a talented Human Resources Intern who will help in recruiting the best talent to fulfil our team, in cross-functional areas - Engineering, IT, Marketing, Finance, Operations. Wanna know more? Take a look at some of the interesting tasks you’ll have the chance to embrace on a daily basis: Find the best recruitment platforms for each position; Create and publish innovative and creative job ads; Reach out candidates and accompaign them during the recruitment process, to guarantee they have a pleasant experience; Innovate the recruitment process in the company to catch the best talent with innovative and out-of-the-box solutions; Does it sound interesting to you? Cool! You’re on the right track. Now, you can check some of the main requirements for this role: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Human Resources Management, Public Relations or Psychology; Experience in recruitment is a plus; Availability for a curricular internship on a part-time basis (5 mornings/afternoons a week); Fluent in English and Portuguese - other languages are a huge plus; Communicative, with a positive attitude and a passion for people; Attention to details and critical thinking skills. Finally, let’s talk about what really matters.We put all of our employees at very high standards, and we want you to be thoroughly rewarded for that. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Remote and flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Internship grant; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world. Does it sound like “the job” you’re looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link:
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. Requirements About the position: We're looking for a Senior Product Manager to partner with engineers and designers to develop impactful solutions for Uniplace's customers (Tenants and Landlords). You'll work on various projects across the product with a diverse set of team members. Why you'll love this job: You ensure the product vision is achievable and inspire others to be part of this journey. You interact with other company areas and create product strategies to be closer to product vision goals. You partner with the engineering team and product designer to research, define and design solutions across multiple product domains. You bring the Tenants' and Landlords' voices to the conversation and ensure the delivery of value to our customers. You communicate and evangelize the value of our platforms to engineering teams and business stakeholders by defining, tracking, and reporting on metrics. You participate directly in user research with our product designer and tech lead. You check and analyze data to make informed decisions. Main requirements: You have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a product manager. You are a fast learner and eager to learn. You can organize and plan your tasks. You believe in working in a fast-paced team environment. You have experience in creating product strategies. You are a very organized person. You plan your thoughts very well and can explain them to others. You like to dive into a problem, find quick wins to solve it and prepare the improvements for future releases. You can work with engineers on a technical level and with other stakeholders on a business level. You have a genuine obsession with customers satisfaction. You are fluent in English. Nice to have: Experience as an engineer You have experience in building a product vision and strategy Previous startup environment experience What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders ad peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models! What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Availability to start soon; You must be able to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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