Lista mais vendidos personal
![Personal organizer - 36875225 Personal organizer - 36875225](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Personal Organizer (organizadora de ambientes). Profissional especializada em técnicas para auxiliar na organização de ambientes. Presta serviços nas áreas de Organização Residencial; Pré e Pós Mudança; Consultoria e treinamento presencial. - Organização residencial: organize seu closet, armários, dispensas, home offices e todos os ambientes de sua casa. - Pré e Pós Mudança: para você entrar em sua nova casa sem preocupações nem bagunça. - Consultoria e assessoria presencial: de maneira personalizada o treinamento é realizado no domicílio da contratante para que possa pôr em prática técnicas e rotinas de trabalho eficientes.
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![Personal shopper lisboa< Personal shopper lisboa<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos a recrutar Personal Shoppers para a zona de Lisboa! Somos um Marketplace português atualmente líder na Satisfação do cliente. Temos a missão de melhorar a vida das pessoas, esticando o seu tempo para que tenham mais horas para fazer o que gostam. -O que faz um Personal Shopper? Através de uma listagem de artigos e utilizando o telemóvel, efectua as compras do cliente nas nossas lojas parceiras, sempre com vista a satisfação de quem nos escolhe. Seguindo o nosso lema de serviço personalizado, procede à entrega dos artigos respeitando o horário combinado. -Que características deve ter um Personal Shopper? Dinamismo, responsabilidade, espírito de equipa e facilidade no manuseamento de telemóveis. Para esta vaga, deve possuir carta de condução e viatura. -Com quem trabalhamos? Pingo Doce, Ornimundo, Decathlon, etc... Está à procura de algo para conciliar com outro trabalho? Acredita que esta função é o que pretende? Identifica-se? Estamos a aceitar Personal Shoppers para os seguintes horários: - Manhãs: 8h-12h; - Fins de tarde: 17h-22h; - Fins de semana: Full time (8h-22h). Assim, envie-nos um email, com o seu currículo e horário pretendido, para, com a referência Lx01Job
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![Personal shopper Personal shopper](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Como personal shopper ajudo a organizar o seu roupeiro, conjugar peças para várias ocasiões, reutilizar peças mais antigas, na seleção das compras, tudo para que se sinta sempre bem em todas as ocasiões.
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![Personal secretary< Personal secretary<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A bilingual personal secretary is needed, with fluent oral and written English and Portuguese languages. Law, Environment, and Environmental Law knowledge is desired. Excellent skills for research on various topics on the internet (including academic research) and good command of Apple tools (e.g. installing programs, updates) and Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Ability to perform different sorts of tasks: writing emails for national and international companies and banks; contact and solve daily problems with telecommunication service providers, health insurance, auto-insurance; capacity for comparative evaluation for ordering different types of technical services and assistances; as well as supervision of the quality of these contracted services and projects (ex: equipments maintenance, general housing repairs and refurbishing). Good knowledge of hotel management and hotel and airline tickets booking. Schedule management. Good notions of accounting and administration; excellent ability to arrange files, invoices and receipts. Proactive and dynamic posture, good negotiation skills, perseverance, practicality, diplomacy, and, above all, excellent ethical principles, honesty, responsibility, loyalty and discretion.
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![Personal organize Personal organize](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Sem espaço e ou tempo para seus armários, arrumos e guarda roupas?! Nós temos o tempo e com ele arrumamos e otimizamos o seu espaço e seu tempo! Contacte-nos.
7 €
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![Personal organize Personal organize](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Cansada de perder tempo procurando coisas dentro da sua própria casa!? Eu posso te ajudar a ter uma casa mais organizada, prática e funcional. Entre em contacto comigo e vamos perceber como posso te ajudar !!! Atendimento Presencial e On line. 933274295.Ana
35 €
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![Personal organizer Personal organizer](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
A profissional clean agora presta também serviços de organização de closet roupeiros acessórios e calçado. deixe o seu mundo de estilo organizado pela profissional clean. Pode solicitar o seu orçamento sem compromisso e gratuito visite-nos nas redes sociais e site
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![Personal organizer Personal organizer](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Organizo a sua casa e te trago: +Tempo + Qualidade de vida + Economia financeira Especialista em organização residencial. Instagram - @talitatavaresorganizer
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![Personal shopper m/f - lisboa< Personal shopper m/f - lisboa<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A MUB PEOPLE encontra-se de momento a recrutar Shoppers, para as zonas de Lisboa - Odivelas, Telheiras (Colina do Sol, Campo Pequeno, Telheiras), Belavista (Olivais e Belavista), Restelo (Algés e Boa Hora), Centro (zona do Rato, Campolide, Tomás Ribeiro). COMO FUNCIONA? 1. Define o teu próprio horário. 2. Usa uma App para identificar e gerir os serviços a fazer na tua zona. 3. Realiza a lista de compras do cliente no supermercado e entrega-as na casa do cliente. REQUISITOS: - Smartphone com dados móveis; - Contrato prestador de serviços (CAE 53200); - Gosto por fazer compras; - Boa comunicação, motivado e responsável; - Disponibilidade para trabalhar das 17h00 - 22h00 (semana) e fins de semana das 08h00-12h00 e das 17h00 - 22h00 (mínimo 4 horas em cada dia). OFERECEMOS: - Pagamento por encomenda, para 4 horas diárias, um ganho médio de 450€/mês. - Formação inicial. Envia-nos a tua candidatura e prepara-te para começar... MUB!!!
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![Personal shopper supermercados - malveira Personal shopper supermercados - malveira](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
A Feelgo Portugal ajuda a levar a casa dos portugueses os produtos de marcas de confiança de supermercados e está a reforçar o crescimento da sua operação na zona Oeste.. Procuramos candidatos para prestar serviços de recolha dos produtos na loja e assegurar as entregas na casa dos clientes, com os seguintes requisitos: • Viatura própria. • Boa apresentação e comunicação • Sentido de responsabilidade e boa atitude • Gosto por fazer compras e conduzir • Disponibilidade para part-time ou full-time e fim-de-semana. • Contrato prestação de serviços com emisão de recibos verdes • Residência na zona da Malveira. Diga-nos mais sobre si e junte-se a nós na próxima sessão de recrutamento. #shopper #emprego #feelgo parttime #fulltime #supermercado #delivery #compras #portugal #malveira
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![Personal trainer_torres vedras - 35326950 Personal trainer_torres vedras - 35326950](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Treino Personalizado Outdoor em Torres Vedras (zona oeste) Treino Personalizado ao Domicílio em Torres Vedras (zona oeste) Treino Personalizado Online Treinos prescritos e planeados de acordo com as necessidades específicas de cada aluno. Licenciatura em Educação Física e Deporto no ramo de Exercício e Bem-Estar.
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![Personal assistant: traz a tua paixão pela organização Personal assistant: traz a tua paixão pela organização](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Tens um cinturão negro em organização de tarefas. Sabes que a gestão de agenda e a escrita corporativa são determinantes para o sucesso. Tens mais para dar. E queres realmente mostrar todo o valor do teu trabalho. Queres ir mais longe e estás à procura da empresa ideal para colocares em prática todo o teu potencial. Queremos que brilhes. E temos uma oportunidade incrível, para ti, numa das melhores empresas para trabalhar em Portugal. Em que é que nos podes acrescentar: Esperamos que nos prepares documentos, reuniões e apresentações incríveis Sabemos que a tua capacidade de gerir a agenda é fundamental para começar bem o dia Queremos que sejas responsável pelas várias tarefas administrativas Estamos a contar que garantas um bom work life balance da pessoa que acompanhas para facilitar o seu dia a dia, é essencial E contamos com o teu apoio, sempre que for necessário para representares o teu líder e organizares os seus projetos e eventos O que temos à tua espera: Integração na nossa equipa de Ninjas Administrativas, onde irás participar na realização do nosso propósito: “Better management for happier people” A oportunidade para construíres a tua experiência de trabalho, todos os dias, numa empresa reconhecida como uma das melhores para trabalhar em Portugal Um modelo de trabalho híbrido, para desfrutares do melhor do dia-a-dia presencial, conjugado com o trabalho remoto Um plano de formação à tua medida, para desenvolveres as tuas competências Temos free food todos os dias. E sim, o pequeno-almoço vem incluído! Que tipo de pessoas esperamos que sejas: És uma pessoa com formação de base na área do secretariado. Acreditamos que pelo menos 2 anos da tua experiência fazem a diferença Tratas a agenda por tu e gostas de jogar tetris És apaixonada por organização, produtividade e detalhe Aprendes rápido e sabes gerir o stress Vá, confessamos que não levamos a mal se a empatia for o teu forte e tiveres uma boa comunicação E, claro, contamos que vivas os nossos valores: adapt and grow, cool but pro, make an impact Agarra esta oportunidade. Candidata-te através do seguinte link: Sobre a PHC Software ???? Líder em #BusinessSoftware ???? Multinacional portuguesa ???? Referência para trabalhar em Portugal ???? Vivemos a #BestExperienceAtWork ???? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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![Personal shopper Personal shopper](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Compras online. Compras em loja. Transporte. Entrega Expresso. Apoio pós-venda, trocas e devoluções. Serviços de manutenção e electricidade. Levo o seu veículo á inspeção e á oficina. Organização de eventos, animação infantil, música ao vivo, Dj, insufláveis, carrinho pipocas, algodão doce, hotdog. Iluminação ambiente de arraial. Fogo de artifício com segurança. Lojas: BricoMarchê IKEA Worten Leroy Merlin Rádio Popular MaxMat BricoDepot MediaMarket
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![Personal trainers defesa pessoal. self defense (krav maga) Personal trainers defesa pessoal. self defense (krav maga)](
Vila Real de Santo António (Faro)
Learn to defend yourself! contact us!/ aprende a defender-te! contacta-nos! during #privatesessions #privateclasses, you work one-on-one with a #personaltrainer. põe-te em forma com #classesparticulares de #defesapessoal #kravmaga aprendendo com #instrutores altamente qualificados. nossas #aulasparticulares de #autodefesa operativa são destinadas a crianças, jovens, homens e mulheres, em horários alargados adaptados às suas necessidades. reserve já as suas aulas particulares e aproveite para aprender com os melhores instrutores de krav maga e auto-defesa. yes, learning self-defense is beyond worth it. is very important and may one day save your life. -contact us and we will provide and/or refer you the best professionals. #fitness #selfdefense #personaltrainers #coach kravmaga #defesapessoalfeminina #defesapessoalparamulheres #defesapessoal #defensapersonal #selfdefenseforwomen #selfdefense montegordo #vilarealdesantoantonio #vilarealsantoantonio #mértola #albufeira #albufeiraportugal #portimao #portimaoportugal #loule #louleportugal #almancil #praiadarocha algarve #islacanela #ayamonte #huelva
1 €
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![Cuidadora, assistente pessoal interna, live-in personal care Cuidadora, assistente pessoal interna, live-in personal care](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Ofereço-me para trabalho de assistente pessoal, empregada interna preferencialmente no Porto, mas posso considerar outras zonas em Portugal. Uma assistente pessoal interna fornece cuidados pessoais e assistência a uma pessoa geralmente idosa e seus animais de estimação dentro do ambiente doméstico, excluindo aqueles indivíduos que sofrem de doenças crônicas. Os deveres típicos de uma assistente pessoal interna incluem planeamento e preparação de refeições, assistência com cuidados de animais de estimação, lavanderia e tarefas domésticas leves. Tenho carta de condução. Falo português, inglês, espanhol, francês e um bocadinho de alemão. I am a self-employed Caregiver looking for a live-in position of Personal Assistant preferably in Porto, but other regions of Portugal may be considered. A professional live-in Personal Assistant provides personal care and assistance to a usually mature person - excluding those suffering from chronic illness - and their pets within the home setting. Typical duties of a live-in personal assistant include meal planning and preparation, assistance with pet care, laundry, and light housekeeping. I hold a driving licence. My first language is Portuguese, but I also speak English, Spanish, French and a little German.
750 €
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![Cuidadora interna, live-in personal care assistant Cuidadora interna, live-in personal care assistant](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Ofereço-me para trabalho de assistente pessoal de pessoas geralmente idosas, empregada interna no Porto. Uma assistente pessoal interna fornece cuidados pessoais e assistência a indivíduos e seus animais de estimação dentro do ambiente doméstico, excluindo aqueles indivíduos que sofrem de doenças crônicas. Os deveres típicos de uma assistente pessoal interna incluem planeamento e preparação de refeições, assistência com cuidados de animais de estimação, lavanderia e tarefas domésticas leves. Tenho carta de condução. Falo português, inglês, espanhol, francês e um bocadinho de alemão. I am a self-employed Caregiver looking for a live-in position of Personal Assistant in Porto. A professional live-in Personal Assistant provides personal care and assistance to a usually mature individual - excluding those suffering from chronic illness - and their pets within the home setting. Typical duties of a live-in personal assistant include meal planning and preparation, assistance with pet care, laundry, and light housekeeping. I hold a driving licence. My first language is Portuguese, but I also speak English, Spanish, French and a little German.
800 €
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![Consultoria automóvel personal car Consultoria automóvel personal car](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Abadia-Porto (Porto)
Disponibilizamos um serviço único de consultoria automóvel. Pretende-se possibilitar a quem necessite adquirir um automóvel usado ou novo, um acompanhamento e apoio para a realização do negocio. Acompanhamos todos os passos que vai desde informações, pesquisa, passando por testes e verificações diversas, até à efetivaçâo do negócio da viatura que pretende comprar. Consulte-nos para mais informações. Prestamos também serviços de avaliação de viaturas ligeiras
150 €
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![Serviços de limpeza e personal organizer Serviços de limpeza e personal organizer](
Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Somos uma equipa de profissionais que presta serviços especializados de limpezas domésticas regulares, limpezas pós-obra e mudanças, limpezas de empresas, gestão de alojamentos locais, condóminos, serviços de lavandaria e organização do lar. Contacte-nos e peça já o seu orçamento.
8 €
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![Financial Financial](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Vila Nogueira de Azeitão (Setúbal)
Personal loan funds can help you move your household belongings from one place to another, purchase new furniture, transport your vehicle across the country and cover any additional expenses. Using a personal loan for moving costs can also help you stay afloat if you’re moving somewhere without a job. This way you can avoid raiding your savings or emergency fund. cONTACT US FOR YOU LOAN TODAY: []
200.000 €
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![Account executive Account executive](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
_____________ Please use this link to apply: _____________ Please include the following clause in your CV: "I agree to the processing of personal data provided in this document for realizing the recruitment process by Benhauer Sp. z o. o. pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000) and in agreement with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)." The above consent to the processing of personal data is voluntary, however it is necessary to consider the application in the recruitment process.
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![Technical customer support with german and english for chubb Technical customer support with german and english for chubb](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
You don't need previous experience - We offer training ! Location: Oriente – Lisbon Company: Chubb – Chubb is the world's largest publicly traded property and personal insurance company. Chubb operates in 54 countries offering property, personal and business insurance, as well as accident, supplementary health, reinsurance and life insurance. We are looking for German and English speaking employees for our team in Lisbon to support our customers (inbound calls, emails and chat) Project starts 21.09.2022 Your tasks: Receiving telephone calls or chat from clients wishing to obtain various types of information concerning their insurance policy Depending on the case, the request will be processed via a transaction in our client policy administration system, and/or by the writing and sending of reply to letters/emails, information, contract documents, etc., to the insured. "Indexation & electronic archiving in our document management tool. Policy changes requests, updating payment details Make claims and cancel requests." Our expectations: EU citizenship or a residence permit in Portugal You speak native German (C2) You speak English You are living in Lisbon or ready to move there You like interacting with people We offer: Full time employment [Shedules: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 17:00 pm (40h per week)] Work in the company office in Lisbon – Oriente Permanent contract with 3 months of trial period Online hiring proces Competetive salary and bonus system: 1000€ gross x 14 months up to 100€ performance bonus/month + signing bonus: 3000€ (additional 750€ paid after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months) Meal allowance23 € NET per day Flight ticket reimbursement after 6 months Possibility of accommodation in a company - owned apartment Health Insurance (after 6 months) We look forward to you ! By applying for this offer, you agree to our Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of your personal data and sharing it with the client offering this vacancy.
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![Systems administrator & devops< Systems administrator & devops<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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![Systems administrator & devops< Systems administrator & devops<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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![Customer support with german and english for insurance Customer support with german and english for insurance](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
You don't need previous experience - We offer training ! Location: Oriente b'/xe2/x80/x93' Lisbon Project starts on 6.12.2023 Company: The world's largest publicly traded property and personal insurance company. Operates in 54 countries offering property, personal and business insurance, as well as accident, supplementary health, reinsurance and life insurance. We are looking for German and English speaking employees for our team in Lisbon to support our customers (inbound calls, emails and chat) Your tasks: Receiving telephone calls or chat from clients wishing to obtain various types of information concerning their insurance policy Indexation b'&' electronic archiving in our document management tool. Policy changes requests, updating payment details Make claims and cancel requests Our expectations: EU citizenship or a residence permit in Portugal You speak native German (C2) You speak English (B2) You like interacting with people We offer: Full time employment Work on site in the company office in Lisbon b'/xe2/x80/x93' Oriente [Shedules: Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 17.30 p.m] 6 months fixed-term contract with possibility of extension Online hiring proces Competetive salary and bonus system: 1100 b'/xe2/x82/xac'b'/xc2/xa0' gross x 14 months up to 100b'/xe2/x82/xac'b'/xc2/xa0' performance bonus/ month + Complexity Bonus 100b'/xe2/x82/xac'/12months Meal allowance 7.23 b'/xe2/x82/xac' NET per day Flight ticket reimbursement after 6 months Possibility of accommodation in a company - owned apartment Health Insurance since day 1 (free after 6 months) b'/xc2/xa0' Send your CV by email b'/xc2/xa0' We look forward to you ! By applying for this offer, you agree to our Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of your personal data and sharing it with the client offering this vacancy.
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![Technical customer support with dutch and english for Technical customer support with dutch and english for](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
You don't need previous experience - We offer training ! Location: Oriente b'/xe2/x80/x93' Lisbon Project starts on 6.12.2023 Company: The world's largest publicly traded property and personal insurance company. Operates in 54 countries offering property, personal and business insurance, as well as accident, supplementary health, reinsurance and life insurance. We are looking for German and English speaking employees for our team in Lisbon to support our customers (inbound calls, emails and chat) Your tasks: Receiving telephone calls or chat from clients wishing to obtain various types of information concerning their insurance policy Indexation b'&' electronic archiving in our document management tool. Policy changes requests, updating payment details Make claims and cancel requests Our expectations: EU citizenship or a residence permit in Portugal You speak native Dutch (C2) You speak English (B2) You like interacting with people We offer: Full time employment Work on site in the company office in Lisbon b'/xe2/x80/x93' Oriente [Shedules: Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. to 17.30 p.m] 6 months fixed-term contract with possibility of extension Online hiring proces Competetive salary and bonus system: 1100 b'/xe2/x82/xac' gross x 14 months up to 100b'/xe2/x82/xac'b'/xc2/xa0' performance bonus/ month + Complexity Bonus 100b'/xe2/x82/xac'/12months + Signing Bonus 2000b'/xe2/x82/xac' (additional 500b'/xe2/x82/xac' paid after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months) Meal allowance 7.23 b'/xe2/x82/xac' NET per day Flight ticket reimbursement after 6 months Possibility of accommodation in a company - owned apartment Health Insurance since day 1 (free after 6 months) b'/xc2/xa0' Send your CV by email b'/xc2/xa0' We look forward to you ! By applying for this offer, you agree to our Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of your personal data and sharing it with the client offering this vacancy.
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![Technical customer support with french and english for Technical customer support with french and english for](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
You don't need previous experience - We offer training ! Location: Oriente b'/xe2/x80/x93' Lisbon Company: The world's largest publicly traded property and personal insurance company. Operates in 54 countries offering property, personal and business insurance, as well as accident, supplementary health, reinsurance and life insurance. We are looking for French and English speaking employees for our team in Lisbon to support our customers (inbound calls, emails and chat) Project startsb'/xc2/xa0' 8.11.2023 Your tasks: Receiving telephone calls or chat from clients wishing to obtain various types of information concerning their insurance policy Depending on the case, the request will be processed via a transaction in our client policy administration system, and/or by the writing and sending of reply to letters/emails, information, contract documents, etc., to the insured. ndexation b'&' electronic archiving in our document management tool. Policy changes requests, updating payment details Make claims and cancel requests Our expectations: EU citizenship or a residence permit in Portugal You speak native French (C2) You speak English (B2) You are living in Lisbon or ready to move there You like interacting with people We offer: Full time employment [Shedules: Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 8:00 pm (40h per week)] Work in the company office in Lisbon b'/xe2/x80/x93' Oriente 6 months fixed-term contract with the possibility of extension Online hiring proces Competetive salary and bonus system: 890b'/xe2/x82/xac' gross x 14 months up to 100b'/xe2/x82/xac'b'/xc2/xa0' performance b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'b'/xc2/xa0'bonus/month + complexity bonus: 60b'/xe2/x82/xac'/month Meal allowance23 b'/xe2/x82/xac' NET per day Flight ticket reimbursement after 6 months Possibility of accommodation in a company - owned apartment Free Health Insurance (after 6 months) b'/xc2/xa0' Send your CV by email We look forward to you ! By applying for this offer, you agree to our Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of your personal data and sharing it with the client offering this vacancy.
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![Fisioterapeutas reino unido Fisioterapeutas reino unido](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Physioterapists - United Kingdom Reach Health Recruitment is a company specialised in the recruitment of Healthcare professionals to the United Kingdom. We are selecting Physioterapists to work in rapid response multidisciplinary team for post-hospital rehabilitation at the patients home's. Working within a multidisciplinary team of health and social care professionals providing clinical care to Service Users closer to home as part of the admission prevention/avoidance team as part of the core community service The service offers a range of assessments, treatments and care packages in the most appropriate environment (clinical and non clinical) and is responsive to the changing needs of the local population. This includes To work within a team that provides an assessment and care service to Service Users with nursing / health needs. To visit Service Users in their own homes and provide appropriate care and support as defined in the Care Plan. This will include aspects of personal care, hygiene, exercise, activity and treatment programmes prescribed by therapists. The aim is to rehabilitate and maximise potential and where appropriate to support the carer. To support and enable Service Users in a range of activities to promote independent living and monitor their well-being. The Main responsabilities are: Keep the service user at the centre of all that you do. Cover care worker absence, sickness, holidays and provide emergency cover within own hours. Support service users to achieve maximum independence The support may involve personal care, and/ or special care, and/or escorting, and/or arranging and joining in activities. Ensure that the Service User working environment is safe. Ensure confidentiality. Ensure reliability and punctuality Ensure adequate knowledge and comply with all risk assessment eg fire, manual handling, medication, challenging behaviour and all emergency procedures. Pass on any complaints or comments that should be noted or acted on to your manager. Be aware of and report risks to your manager. Good command of English language, both speaking and written EU Citizenship Degree in Physiotherapy in EU EU Driving licence and confident to drive in the UK, lessons and practice provided Good personality and professional attitude Able to work as part of a multidisciplinary team Genuine desire to help others Flexible to work various shifts including weekends Willing to work above 40 hours per week including weekends Permanent contract (38 hours per week) Secure, long-term work Yearly gross salary of 21000 pounds, that is 26800 Euros at current exchange rate. Many extra hours available Full induction programme and ongoing support Dedicated support from International Supervisor ( work and orientation to the UK) Initially Subsidized Accommodation for 3 months period. Business mileage. Paid training providing NVQ/QCF qualifications Initial Adaptation Driving Course Provided Career progression 28 Days holiday including bank holidays
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![Auxiliares de saúde reino unido vários locais Auxiliares de saúde reino unido vários locais](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Healthcare Assistant jobs – Care Home – UK Reach Health Recruitment is a company specialised in recruiting healthcare professionals to the United Kingdom. Job Offer Description: Healthcare Assistant– Residential Care Home – England Job Location: London Surroundings, UK Job Responsabilities: The primary job of a Healthcare Assistant working in a Nursing Home or in a Care Home is to care for the needs of Elderly patients. At a basic level, the carer makes sure patients maintain acceptable levels of personal hygiene, have clean beds and receive proper nutrition. The Healthcare Assistant handles basic tasks under the direction of licensed practical nurses or the Senior Carers or the Home Manager. Personal hygiene duties include brushing residents' teeth, bathing them, combing hair, changing clothes and shaving them. Toiletry duties include assisting residents who need help going to the bathroom, changing bedpans and emptying catheters. Other common responsibilities include maintaining patient records, dietary care, bedsore prevention, collecting samples and assisting with transporting patients. Requirements: EU Citizenship Good English communication, both written and spoken Motivation to work with this type of patients Available to work by shifts Caring or Medical Qualifications are an advantage Previous Experience is an advantage Conditions Offered: Permanent Contract Monthly Gross Wage from 11600 up to 1550 GBP 40 working hours per week Extra-shifts are available Initial training provided Accommodation support in the first weeks after arrival
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![Lead developer full stack (java/javascript) (m/f)< Lead developer full stack (java/javascript) (m/f)<](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Vila do Conde-Viana do Castelo (Viana do Castelo)
DAXXA is looking for a Chapter Lead – Senior Full Stack Dev Engineer for developing wholesale banking’s multi-country and multi-product platform that offers the best digital experience to ING’s biggest clients. Think forward! Our purpose is to empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in business. We are one of the most innovative banks with a strong established brand that operates worldwide with a clear omnichannel distribution strategy and international network. You will work together with a team of 5-7 young talented engineers based in Hollanda or Portugal which takes end to end ownership and responsibility and contributes in an agile way to the full lifecycle of an application, from requirements phase and implementation to running it in production. We work in a fun and creative environment where we enable everyone to perform at its best. Trust is essential: we respect each other’s opinion and we are not afraid to speak out loud whenever it is required. What you'll do: As an energetic Chapter Lead with expertise in people management, you are an engineer and this will be your role in the squad for 60% of your time. With your fellow squad member, you develop and deliver features to production. The remaining 40% you spend on building up expertise in your chapter and developing your chapter members. You are enthusiastic about transferring your knowledge to others, and about coaching members of your Chapter and overseeing their personal development. You help your chapter develop through coaching, mentoring and constant feedback Together with your IT Area Lead, you set targets for each team member You are responsible for HR-related activities: For instance 1 to 1 meetings with your team members, performance management. You work with the recruitment team to attract, onboard and retain top talent. Stakeholder management: work with stakeholders from different squads to understand and be able to help the team set-up their individual KPI’s and determine the way of working for the chapter; How to succeed. Master of Science in Computer Science or an equivalent field Excellent knowledge of Java8+ including Spring framework 4.x/5.x and Spring Boot 2.x You are able to develop an efficient and maintainable code with the right balance between solving the problem at hand and not over-engineering your solution. 5+ years of software engineering experience, preferably in creating high scalability mission-critical applications. Strong understanding of container-based platforms and tooling including Docker. Familiarity with Kubernetes and/or OpenShift is a plus Experience with at least one scripting language (e.g. Python, Ruby etc) Working knowledge with Javascript and frontend frameworks You keep yourself up to date with the latest trends and like to try everything out and experiment. Good understanding of DevOps practices including Git, CI/CD, test automation and monitoring Good understanding of relational databases (e.g. Oracle, MySQL). Familiarity with NoSQL datastores is a big plus. Experience leading chapters or teams developing highly concurrent and reliable distributed systems is a plus Fluent in written and spoken English A salary tailored to your qualities and experience Flexible working hours and the possibility to work at home Reimbursement for travel expenses 13th month salary Individual Savings Contribution (BIS), 3.5% of your gross annual salary Personal growth and challenging work with endless possibilities to realize your ambitions An informal working environment with innovative colleagues who strive for the very best Progressive way of working according to the Agile method, so that new ideas come to life If you want to work at the cutting edge of what’s possible, surrounded by progressive, inspiring and supportive colleagues, there is no better place to invest your talents than at ING. Contact the recruiter attached to the advertisement for more information.
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![Senior design engineer - composite structures < Senior design engineer - composite structures <](/static/img/caticons/servicios.png)
Vila do Conde-Viana do Castelo (Viana do Castelo)
Working at CorPower Ocean you will be a part of a world class team, determined to make big impact. We are on a mission to bring reliable and competitive wave energy to the world. You will find a dynamic work environment with highly motivated and skilled individuals. We offer autonomy and flexibility, combined with great personal responsibility. Having shown game-changing performance in wave energy, your work will be watched from around the world. Role: We are looking for a senior composite design engineer to take an important role in the design, fabrication and testing of our innovative wave energy converters. Responsibilities: Module owner for one or several composite structures within the Wave Energy Converter Perform 3D design and produce 2D drawings in Solid Works Perform strength and fatigue analysis using FEM tools Produce technical documentation Report engineering calculations for 3rd party verification and certification Perform failure mode, effects and criticality analysis for modules and system Manage your modules to meet performance, schedule and budget targets Investigate new solutions to improve performance, reliability or manufacturability Support procurement activities including component and supplier selection, manufacturing and factory acceptance testing of modules Perform assembly and testing of modules and prototype systems in our machine hall Support pilot installations in the field Skills and qualifications: Good understanding of composite design standards – DNVGL-ST-C501 Expert level in FEA analysis of composite structures – using ANSYS suit of tools Good understanding of composite industrial materials and fabrication methods Validation experience through coupon testing, sub-component and full-scale testing Practical experience in the manufacturing of composites Experience in design for filament winding and VARI processes Broad technical knowledge in machine design, sealing solutions, marine and offshore environment You have a minimum of 5-10 years of relevant experience from designing mechanical systems and industrial equipment, with specific emphasis on composite structures. You have experience from successfully driving projects through planning, designing, manufacturing and deploying industrial equipment. You may have a B.Sc or a M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering or related disciplines, but your personality, experience and interest in the field is the most important. You are proficient in English, both spoken and written. Interviews are held continuously, please submit questions and your application including CV and personal letter to: Maria Martins, A.O. Manager
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