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Prancha all

Lista mais vendidos prancha all

Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha 5,9 usada, antiga prancha do surfista profissional Tomás Fernandes. A prancha está com típicas mossas de uso e sem dings.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha em ótimo estado, modelo Fever e sistema de quilhas futures
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha All Merrick Channel Islands como nova + Fato Billabong. Vendo porque vou para Lisboa fazer uma formação. O Preço é devido à urgência. Tem duas surfadas a prancha. Oportunidade!
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendo prancha ALL MERICK modelo G.RABIT, as medidas estão em foto. Boa para mar grande, ou para quem pretende começar a descer de tamanho e litragem. Mais info. mp.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Marca: STARBOARD Modelo: Converse Tamanho: 9.0 Litragêm: 142 Prancha all around, muito estável, ideal para passeios e para começar nas ondas.
650 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha marca All Merrick (pro model Dene Reynolds), modelo Neck Beard, Medidas: 64 20 3/4 2 7/8 42 litros de volume Prancha praticamente nova (foi 4 vezes à água). Deck/pad incluído.
400 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha Angulo Super Gu92, 2.47mts, 60 cms larg, em bom estado, sem reparações ANGULO SuperGu 92 2009 This is the board that will do it all. It has the quick planning and ease of a freeride, the high end speed of a slalom design, the all around maneuverability of a super-x board, and yet the carve and spontenaity of a hard core wave board. # Length 247cm # Width 60cm # Volume 92 Litres # Weight 7.1kg # Fin Box Power # Fin Size 29cm # Sail Min 4.5 m² # Sail Max 6.5
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha surf 5,1 all merics Com as cores da Jamaica Bom negocio Aproveitar Modelo único
70 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha surf all merics Com as cores da Jamaica Bom negocio Aproveitar Modelo único
70 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha Snapy 6.1 model Fritas, prancha de alta performance usada pelo atleta Wiliam Cardoso na etapa do Brasil, prancha rápida e muito leve. Troco por Prancha com litragem acima de 30 litros (Js,All Merrick, Dhd etc) Valor venda 380€
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha Snapy 6.1 model Fritas, prancha de alta performance usada pelo atleta Wiliam Cardoso na etapa do Brasil, prancha rápida e muito leve. Troco por Prancha com litragem acima de 30 litros (Js,All Merrick, Dhd, lost, etc) Valor venda 380€
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha surf fish surfboard torq epoxy 6.3 com future fins incluídos + decks creatures traseiro e frontal como novos(no valor de 100€) A prancha tem algumas marcas de uso(3 últimas fotos) mas está perfeitamente funcional e não entra nem nunca entrou água. Está pronta para ir surfar! Excelente prancha super resistente para iniciação e evolução com muita flutuação.. Ideal para todo o tipo de ondas. Entrego no mercado de Campo de Ourique em Lisboa. Torq fish epoxy 6.3 surfboard with future fins included + 2 creatures decks(valeu 100€) Excellent super resistant board for initiation and evolution with lots of fluctuation.. Ideal for all types of waves. Delivery at the Campo de Ourique market in Lisbon
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha Sup Rígida NSP HIT CRUISER Uma prancha All-round excelente para passeios e ondas. Tecnologia de alto impacto (H.I.T.) extremamente resistente e com grande durabilidade e pouca manutenção. O vídeo é elucidativo da resistência desta prancha. https://youtu.be/rOLxvsPmKAQ Equipamento novo, com fatura, garantia e assistência técnica disponível. Dimensões: 10’2 x 32″ x 4.8″ 300cm × 85cm × 15 cm cor Branco e Azul Volume 203L
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha de surf profissional com alguns anos, mas em estado aceitável. Marca All Merrick. É uma prancha leve (Ultra Light High Performance Channel Islands), em que o seu tamanho varia entre os 1,75m e 1,80m.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha nova,usada 5/6* Mini disc 6.4 prancha muito boa! Epoxi 6.4 22 2 3/4 45l Opcional acompanhar com material técnico Tenho mais pranchas de várias medidas que não estão publicadas SENDO UMA MARCA TENHO O COMPROMISSO DE DAR GARANTIA A TODAS AS REPARAÇÕES optional accompany with technical material, boards in excellent condition without any problems and ready to surf I have more boards see my other being a brand I am committed to guarantee all repairs
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha de Snowboard Santa Cruz (156 cm), modelo All Machine, com fixações Nitro.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha em óptimas condições, sem dings nem marcas de pressão. Pequenas reparações como visto nas fotografias. Boa para todo tipo de onda. Medidas 6'1 x 19 1/2 x 2 5/16 Aceito trocas --- All around surfboard well preserved, no pressure dings nor cracks. Small repairing as seen in the pics. I can deliver inside the Lisbon area. I am up for a surfboard swap
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha de surf nunca partiu está usada mas estimada teve pequenos arranjos normais mas nada preocupante vendo não aceito trocas só estou a vender pois não uso está prancha estou mais velho e mais pesa
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha como nova, com muito poucas surfadas, entrego em mão na zona de Almada, Costa da Caparica e Baixa de Lisboa, também envio à cobrança mediante pagamento de portes JG Boards M2 Jase Finlay This season Jase has focussed predominantly on refining his boards at some of the Worlds’ best Bodyboarding waves which fortunately litter the entire coast close to his home at Bawley Point. With subtle adjustments to rail angles, Jase is able to create new lines with greater hold in hollow waves. We’ve also brought back his signature thumb bar, providing more control at the nose for all aspects of your riding, especially landing heavy airs. Kinetic Core. NXL Deck. Contour. Mesh. Surlyn Bottom. Nose Bulbs. Graduated Channels. CFS Stringer System. Crescent Tail. Thumb Bar
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha em excelente estado 7.6 21 1/2 2 5/8 50l Opcional acompanhar com material técnico Tenho mais pranchas de várias medidas que não estão publicadas SENDO UMA MARCA TENHO O COMPROMISSO DE DAR GARANTIA A TODAS AS REPARAÇÕES optional accompany with technical material, boards in excellent condition without any problems and ready to surf I have more boards see my other being a brand I am committed to guarantee all repairs
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha *NOVA* por estrear Incluí fixações e saco ESPECIFICAÇÕES GERAIS: Shape: Directional Purpose: All mountain Gender/Age: Men Construction: Sandwich Flex distribution: Twin Bend Convex Base material: Sintered Vision Core: Superbly core with dual zone EGD and negative Profile Fiberglass: Triax response Edges: Grip and rip tune Extras: Pro-tip and infinite ride Baseline: Bring more method to your mayhem Flex in collection: soft oxooo stiff Original flex index: 4 DIMENSÕES Size: 162 cm Length: 1625 mm Running length: 1235 mm Effective edge: 1280 mm Nose width: 304 mm Waist width: 256 mm Tail width: 304 mm Sidecut radius,8 mm Stance width: 8020 mm Setback: 0 mm Rider's weight: 68-91 kg
410 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
prancha de surf muito estimada a todos os níveis sem mossas. Ideal para o surf de Iniciantes/Intermédios. Com capa e shop 250. Surfboard highly esteemed at all levels. Ideal for beginners/intermediate surfers. With cover and leash 250 7* 2.2
220 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
prancha em exelentes condições com algumas marcas de uso. medidas nas fotos
290 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendo prancha WingFoil Surf, marca F-one medidas: 510 x 25 90 Litros Full bamboo Descrição prancha (inglês). Prancha Wing Surf Rocket The F-ONE ROCKET WINGSURF boards have been created specifically to foil with a Surf Wing like the F-ONE SWING. Dedicated to Surf Wing foiling Easy take-off with natural balance Ideal responsiveness for carving and pumping Wing surfing is one of the most exhilarating ways of flying above the water. The freedom allowed by the handheld wing is amazing. Once youve learned how to use it, there are many reasons to opt for a dedicated Wing foilboard to best enjoy your Wing surf foiling. Our experience on wing foiling shows that after using our SUP Foil we could quickly switch to smaller boards. The surf foil boards on the other hand have proved to be quite extreme. Therefore we felt the need for a new type of shapes for wing surfing. The Wing Surf Board Rocket We have created a new range of wing boards with a wide range of volumes to make it possible for most riders to stand-up easily as well making sure that riding back to the shore is possible, even when the wind drops. Their dimensions and shapes are unique and specific to the practice. Using the foil actively to create your motion is one of the biggest thrills of wing surf foiling. To ensure you can make the best use of your foil, we have created boards that will help you carve better on the swell, connect the bumps and enjoy your session. Compared to a larger board, the ROCKET WING SURF Board has: Reduced bulk size and reduced weight Better balance, natural stance Improved maneuverability and responsiveness Pumping becomes more efficient and direct Easier transportation and travel All these advantages directly translate a lot more possibilities on the water. Using some straight rocker lines for an easy take-off and a wide tail outline for an optimized volume distribution, the ROCKET WING boards feature a sharp beveled rail profile to make the release easier during take-off and the touch-down smoother when the board hits the water again. In other words, you will be up and flying in no time and you wont be unsettled when occasionally hitting the water. The ROCKET WING boards are equipped with: a recessed handle for easy carrying, a full pad for comfort and with the twin track system on the bottom to connect with most foils on the market (4-bolt plate system). They are built with F-ONEs proven bamboo construction with a double layer on deck for added resistance. If flying a Surf Wing is your new foiling style, the ROCKET WING boards are the perfect matching ride. Prancha Wing Surf Rocket
800 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
The X-20 is for your intermediate to high performance surfer and made for waves that are up to head high. This board was designed to be a high performance work horse for W.Q.S surfers that are not always surfing in perfect conditions. This translates to a great board for all surfers in most conditions. It has a flatter entry and exit rocker and a single concave combined with a wider outline in the middle to flow in all conditions. This board is a mandatory part of the quiver unless you live somewhere where the waves are perfect everyday.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Vendo prancha Rusty em bom estado. Vem com deck da Komunity, conforme as fotografias em anexo. As medidas também se encontram nas fotografias. Eventualmente troco por uma prancha de menores dimensões e com mais litros (com devido acerto). De preferência All Merrick, Chilli ou Lufi Entrego na zona da Expo, Lisboa ou Oeiras
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
A prancha está praticamente nova, só foi à água 5 vezes, tem algumas marcas de uso, e não tem qualquer tipo de arranjo. Comprimento: 6.1 Largura: 19 1/8 Espessura: 2 1/2 Volume: 30L Sistema de quilhas: fcs ll Estou a vendê-la devido a ter pouco uso. Posso incluir as quilhas: (fcs- all merick Large), em excelente estado, com um acerto de 20€ no preço final.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Excelente prancha com um óptimo volume. THE EVERYDAY ALL-ROUNDER AND GLOBAL BEST SELLER BLAK BOX 2 has all the same legendary elements that make up the original Squash Tail as well as some added versatility through an alternative tail shape and 5 fin set-up. BB2 squash already exceeded peoples expectations in a wide range of conditions some times pushing people to surf it beyond its intended use. For this reason we wanted to expand these limits. Round tails offer “all-round” performance in the pocket or tighter part of the wave. Set up as a quad you’ll get projection down steeper, faster waves, around a mushy close out section or extra hold in the tube with more speed and manoeuverability than you ever felt before. BLAK BOX2 performs best in waves that are fat and crumbly but goes equally well when its clean and hollow. Best wave height is between 0 and 4 feet. BLAK BOX2 is fast, manoeuvrable and super rippable! BLAK BOX2 is perfect in average conditions when most high performance boards are struggling.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Não falo português!! só Inglês por favor Em uma boa condição 2 dentes que foram corrigidos imediatamente prancha incrível para iniciantes! bolsa, leash, fins - incluída pick-up perto Salguieros - I don't speak Portugese! please message me in English if possible, if not I'll use translate the Board is in great condition! you can see everything on the pictures 2 dents were fixed in a surfshop immediately after happening the leash is almost new, bought it last month the bag, fins, and leash are all included
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Uma prancha de ondas completamente nova all around que combina e bate todas as melhores características das pranchas anteriores. A Magicwave vai buscar a sua velocidade ao seu Thruster Quad, à versatilidade das Waves Slates e tem muita facilidade para navegar em ondas do mundo real. PARA MAIS INFORMAÇÃO [...]
1.487 €
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