Revlon be recovery
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Saúde e beleza Shampoos Revlon Professional Re/Start Recovery Shampoo Micelar Reparador 250 ml Este shampoo micelar de dupla ação produz uma espuma cremosa que ajuda a manter o equilíbrio do microbioma do couro cabeludo e fortalece os cabelos mais frágeis. Enriquecido com ceramida biomimética e moléculas de ligação. Repara e fortalece de dentro para fora para cabelos brilhantes. Para quem? - Clientes com cabelos danificados que desejam restaurar e fortalecer a fibra capilar. Principais benefícios: - Repara a fibra capilar desde o interior, fortalece os cabelos enfraquecidos. - Eficácia comprovada contra danos químicos, sela a superfície do cabelo. - Deixa os cabelos macios, macios, brilhantes e radiantes. -Se o tratamento de 3 passos for aplicado, o cabelo adquire o dobro da força. Benefícios: - Mantém o equilíbrio do microbioma do couro cabeludo. - Ajuda a acalmar e proteger o couro cabeludo. - O shampoo micelar neutraliza os odores desagradáveis do couro cabeludo. - Fortalece e repara o cabelo desde o interior. Como usá-lo? - Aplicar nos cabelos molhados. - Massageie suavemente. - Enxágue abundantemente. - Repita a aplicação se necessário. Marca: Revlon Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
108 €
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Saúde e beleza Condicionadores Revlon Professional Re/Start Recovery Repair Flux Condicionador 200 ml Este condicionador de fusão suave e de ação dupla ajuda a manter o equilíbrio do microbioma do couro cabeludo* e fortalece os cabelos mais frágeis. Formulado com ceramida biomimética e moléculas de ligação, regenera o cabelo de dentro para fora para uma superfície capilar lisa e selada. * Se usado em conjunto com o shampoo Re/Start. Para quem? - Clientes com cabelos finos que desejam evitar pontas duplas e um tratamento reparador e alisante para cabelos danificados. Principais benefícios: - Repara a fibra capilar desde o interior e fortalece os cabelos enfraquecidos. - Eficácia comprovada contra danos causados por produtos químicos. - Sela a superfície capilar e protege contra pontas duplas, danos e quebra. -Cabelos reparados, lisos, macios, brilhantes e radiantes. * Se o tratamento for aplicado em 3 etapas, o cabelo adquire o dobro da força. - Facilita o desembaraço dos cabelos. - Melhora o brilho e maciez. Como usá-lo? - Após lavar os cabelos com o shampoo, aplique o condicionador para cabelos finos do meio às pontas. - Deixe agir por 2-3 minutos. - Enxágue abundantemente. Marca: Revlon Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
108 €
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Homem Champôs Revlon Shampoo Flex com queratina para cabelos oleosos 650 ml 2x650 ml It contains keratin and specialized cleansing agents to fight fat and regulate its production,while strengthening and also hydrates our piliferous fiber. Thanks to this double action our hair will gradually be purified and also revitalized.It will look like a soft hair, shining and full of movement. Fat Hair Shampoo contains tiolisna, an active with seborregulatory properties that contribute to the normalization of scalp dysfunctions and sage extract rich in antioxidant properties. Its balanced formula cleanses your hair in depth, maintains its level of hydration and strengthens the hair from the root to the tips eliminating excess fat. Everything your hair needs to be healthy. *Flex Fat Hair shampoo contains tiolisna, an active with seborder properties that contribute to normalize the scalp and extra salvia dysfunction rich in antioxidant properties. *Its balanced formula cleanses the hair in depth, maintains its level of hydration and strengthens the hair from the root to the tips, eliminating excess fat. Everything your hair needs to be healthy. Marca: Revlon Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
675 €
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Outros Outros Medela Patches de hidrogel 4 pcs If you’re breastfeeding and have sore or cracked nipples, Medela hydrogel pads support healing and offer instant, soothing relief. At a glance -Aid skin recovery and help maintain good skin condition -Support healing -Form a protective cushion for sensitive or sore nipples -Specially formulated to cool skin on contact -Sterile and individually wrapped -Non toxic and free from preservatives When to use hydrogel pads While new mums are often told that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt, in reality it may take a while for your nipples to get used to the frequency and length of your newborn’s feeds. This – combined with all the hormonal changes going on in your body in the early days after the birth – means you can get sensitive or sore nipples. Hydrogel pads can help by offering instant soothing and cooling nipple pain relief. They can also protect your nipples from clothing rubbing against them and support the healing process if your skin is damaged. Caring for cracked nipples Remember that very sore or cracked nipples may be a sign that there is a problem withhow your baby is attachedto your breast during a feed, so it’s a good idea to get assessed by alactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist. If you notice your nipples bleed during feeding, you feel a burning sensation, or your nipples are taking a long time to heal, it is important to seek advice from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional, as you may have a breast infection or other condition that needs treatment. How do hydrogel pads work? Medela hydrogel pads have a special formulation that forms a protective cushion that cools skin on contact and supports healing. They are large enough to cover your nipple and areola (the darker skin around the nipple) – both of which may be affected by soreness. To use hydrogel pads, follow these simple steps: First, wash your hands, then open the pouch and remove the hydrogel pad from the plastic liner.Carefully place the pad’s gel side directly over your nipple.When you need to breastfeed your baby, simply remove the hydrogel pad and place it on a clean surface.Then, gently wash your breast with warm water and pat dry before breastfeeding.Once you’ve finished, reapply the gel pad with clean hands. Are hydrogel breast pads reusable? Yes, you can reuse one hydrogel pad within a 24-hour period. You just need to store it somewhere cool, clean and dry between uses – there’s no need to wash it with soaps or detergents. You can keep hydrogel pads in the fridge for an extra cooling effect – but remember to keep them out of reach of any other children in your household. And in the unlikely event of the clear hydrogel pad turning cloudy or milky, dispose of it and use a fresh one. Marca: Medela Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.369 €
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Família e casa Lactação Medela Patches de hidrogel 4 pcs If you’re breastfeeding and have sore or cracked nipples, Medela hydrogel pads support healing and offer instant, soothing relief. At a glance -Aid skin recovery and help maintain good skin condition -Support healing -Form a protective cushion for sensitive or sore nipples -Specially formulated to cool skin on contact -Sterile and individually wrapped -Non toxic and free from preservatives When to use hydrogel pads While new mums are often told that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt, in reality it may take a while for your nipples to get used to the frequency and length of your newborn’s feeds. This – combined with all the hormonal changes going on in your body in the early days after the birth – means you can get sensitive or sore nipples. Hydrogel pads can help by offering instant soothing and cooling nipple pain relief. They can also protect your nipples from clothing rubbing against them and support the healing process if your skin is damaged. Caring for cracked nipples Remember that very sore or cracked nipples may be a sign that there is a problem withhow your baby is attachedto your breast during a feed, so it’s a good idea to get assessed by alactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist. If you notice your nipples bleed during feeding, you feel a burning sensation, or your nipples are taking a long time to heal, it is important to seek advice from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional, as you may have a breast infection or other condition that needs treatment. How do hydrogel pads work? Medela hydrogel pads have a special formulation that forms a protective cushion that cools skin on contact and supports healing. They are large enough to cover your nipple and areola (the darker skin around the nipple) – both of which may be affected by soreness. To use hydrogel pads, follow these simple steps: First, wash your hands, then open the pouch and remove the hydrogel pad from the plastic liner.Carefully place the pad’s gel side directly over your nipple.When you need to breastfeed your baby, simply remove the hydrogel pad and place it on a clean surface.Then, gently wash your breast with warm water and pat dry before breastfeeding.Once you’ve finished, reapply the gel pad with clean hands. Are hydrogel breast pads reusable? Yes, you can reuse one hydrogel pad within a 24-hour period. You just need to store it somewhere cool, clean and dry between uses – there’s no need to wash it with soaps or detergents. You can keep hydrogel pads in the fridge for an extra cooling effect – but remember to keep them out of reach of any other children in your household. And in the unlikely event of the clear hydrogel pad turning cloudy or milky, dispose of it and use a fresh one. Marca: Medela Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
702 €
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