Schwarzkopf therapy cream
Lista mais vendidos schwarzkopf therapy cream

Schwarzkopf Palette Intense Color Cream - Cores Intensamente Vibrantes e Duradouras. Schwarzkopf Palette Intense Color Cream é a escolha ideal para quem procura uma coloração de cabelo rica e duradoura. Com uma fórmula avançada, este creme de coloração oferece uma cobertura perfeita dos cabelos brancos e uma fixação duradoura, garantindo um resultado vibrante e uniforme./n/r. Desenvolvido com ingredientes de alta qualidade, o Schwarzkopf Palette Intense Color Cream penetra profundamente na fibra capilar, proporcionando cores intensas e luminosas que duram até 8 semanas. Além disso, a sua fórmula nutritiva contém óleos naturais que cuidam e protegem o cabelo durante o processo de coloração, deixando-o macio, brilhante e visivelmente saudável./n/r. Disponível em uma ampla gama de tons, desde os mais naturais até os mais ousados, este creme de coloração permite-lhe expressar a sua individualidade e renovar o seu visual com facilidade. Seja para cobrir os cabelos brancos ou para experimentar uma transformação radical, o Schwarzkopf Palette Intense Color Cream é a solução perfeita./n/r. Não perca a oportunidade de revelar a sua beleza com cores radiantes e duradouras. Adquira já o seu Schwarzkopf Palette Intense Color Cream e transforme o seu cabelo com resultados profissionais no conforto de sua casa!/n/r.
4,69 €
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Schwarzkopf Strait Styling Therapy Post Treatment Balm Máscara é uma máscara capilar, que alisa e repara, enquanto desembaraça e fortalece o cabelo. Facilita o desembaraçar e suaviza intensamente para um cabelo mais brilhante e revitalizado. Reestrutura o cabelo desde o interior, garantindo um alisamento perfeito. Ajuda a selar a estrutura dos fios. Ideal para cabelo rebelde, seco, ondulado e encaracolado.
23,42 €
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Schwarzkopf Osis Flexwax Ultra Strong Cream Wax Cera é uma cera de styling, que proporciona um penteado definido e estruturado, mas natural. Proporciona uma fixação forte, mas flexível, com um acabamento levemente brilhante. Máxima maleabilidade, não deixa resíduos. Permite modelar o formato e a estrutura do penteado. Perfeito para criar e reinventar penteados que desafiem a gravidade. Ideal para cabelos curtos ou longos.
13,47 €
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Cuidado capilar Coloração Schwarzkopf Paleta Intense Color Creme 9.1 Light Blonde Light 100 % grey hair coverage Discover permanent lightening agents that lighten up to 3 shades by covering 100% of grey hairs. Type of coloration 3 permanent: easy application. Empty the contents of the Colorant Cream tube into the Application Bottle with the Developer Emulsion and mix well. 2. Easily apply the mixture with the Application Bottle to dry hair and wait 30 minutes. If you prefer to apply with a brush, pour the entire contents of the Developer Emulsion and Colorant Cream into the bowl and mix well. 3. Rinse well with warm water until the water flows clear. Then use the Care Treatment included in the box.We recommend that you use 2 boxes if your hair length exceeds shoulder height. Two possible applications: with applicator bottle or bowl and brush. Marca: Schwarzkopf Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
415 €
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Fórmula de leve ação neutralizadora. Suave para o cabelo e de longa duração. Strait Therapy Leite Neutralizante fixa o cabelo para um resultado liso perfeito.
63,63 €
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Saúde e beleza Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional Cor Permanente Igora Royal Silver Whites Igora Royal Silver Whites Gray Toner destina-se a cabelos com 30-60% de cabelos grisalhos e com uma base de 1-5. Embeleza e adiciona brilho aos cabelos grisalhos e cabelos grisalhos e brancos. A tecnologia Igora Royal Silverwhites contém silamina e colágeno, baixo teor de amônia e baixo pH para embelezar cabelos grisalhos e brancos de forma personalizada, sem comprometer a qualidade do cabelo. Pigmentos cinzas especiais fornecem tons frios para neutralizar o calor indesejado para resultados mais brilhantes e intensos em cabelos brancos. Vantagens: - Melhora os cabelos grisalhos e cabelos grisalhos e brancos - Sombreador - Cuidado adicional para cabelos maduros graças ao Complexo Pro-Age com siliamina e colágeno - A tecnologia Igora Royal Silverwhites contém silamina e colágeno, baixo teor de amônia e baixo pH para embelezar cabelos grisalhos e brancos de forma personalizada, sem comprometer a qualidade do cabelo. Pigmentos cinzas especiais fornecem tons frios para neutralizar o calor indesejado para resultados mais brilhantes e intensos em cabelos brancos. Tecnologia: A tecnologia Igora Royal Silverwhites contém silamina e colágeno, baixo teor de amônia e baixo pH para embelezar cabelos grisalhos e brancos de forma personalizada, sem comprometer a qualidade do cabelo. Pigmentos cinzas especiais fornecem tons frios para neutralizar o calor indesejado para resultados mais brilhantes e intensos em cabelos brancos. Modo de uso: Para cabelos com 30-60% de cabelos grisalhos, base de 1 a 5. Misture o creme colorante 1:1 com a Loção Ativadora à Base de Óleo Igora Royal 3% 10 Vol. Para proteger a linha do cabelo, use o Schwarzkopf Professional Skin Protection Cream e use luvas. Tempo de exposição: 20 min Lave o cabelo com BC pH 4.5 Color Congele e estabilize o cabelo com Schwarzkopf Professional Hair Sealer. Para cuidados adicionais ou tratamento de colagem, use Fiber Clinix. Consulte as Instruções de Uso para ver as instruções em detalhes. Avisos: Tinturas de cabelo podem causar reações alérgicas graves. Leia e siga as instruções. Este produto não se destina a ser utilizado em menores de 16 anos. Tatuagens temporárias de "hena negra" podem aumentar o risco de alergias. Não use tintura de cabelo: – se você tiver uma erupção cutânea no rosto ou um couro cabeludo sensível, irritado ou danificado, – se você já teve algum tipo de reação após a coloração do cabelo, – se você já teve uma reação temporária “ tatuagens de henna negra”. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Evite todo o contato com os olhos. Enxaguar imediatamente se o produto entrar em contato com eles. Não use para tingir cílios ou sobrancelhas. Enxágue bem o cabelo após a aplicação. Use luvas adequadas. Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
789 €
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Homem Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 60 ml Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
766 €
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Homem Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 5-0 Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
79 €
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Cuidado capilar Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 60 ml Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
781 €
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Cuidado capilar Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
769 €
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Homem Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 4-6 Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
784 €
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Homem Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 4-88 Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
668 €
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Homem Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 5-00 Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
778 €
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Homem Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 7-00 Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
773 €
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Homem Coloração Schwarzkopf Professional 1078/5000 Igora Royal Hair Dye 60 ml 8-65 Provides high definition color with maximum coverage and unbeatable color retention. Igora Royal has been developed by colorists for colorists and allows you to unleash your creativity by providing you with the tools necessary to transform imagination into reality, with color results faithful to the color chart and superior reliability even with the most demanding hair. Explore our range of permanent coloration developed to provide specific solutions for the needs of your customers, from full coverage to comfort of the scalp. We satisfy the most creative colorist with 120 beautiful and intermixable shades. Permanent Coloring in Cream Product benefits: Superior Results Covers up to 100% of gray hair Maximum color retention Intense color Perfect color equalization, even on porous hair Sharper clarifying tones and advanced care Results completely faithful to the color chart Marca: Schwarzkopf Professional Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
769 €
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