See with your eyes
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Maquilhagem Delineador Rimmel London Delineador líquido profissional 001 Glam`Eyes 3,5 ml From a classic wing to a floating eyeliner, get the best results every time with Glam'Eyes professional liquid eyeliner. Create your best eyeliner look in one go with the gentle liquid formula and precision brush,leaving a stain-proof finish.Maximum impact, minimum effort. Precision brush: - Stain-proof, transfer-resistant formula. -Tested by dermatologists and ophthalmologists. -Long lasting finish. Application: Step1: For a floating eyeliner look, use the precision tip of the professional liquid eyeliner Glam'Eyes to apply the eyeliner just above the crease in a sweeping semicircle motion. Step2: Allow the eyelashes to dry completely before enhancing them with mascara, starting from the root and zigzagging the tip. Marca: Rimmel London Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
429 €
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Here is the maxi dress for you. Featuring cross hem design, round neck and maxi length. Just wear it with high heels and enjoy your times. You will be able to attract countless eyes.
23,44 €
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Saúde e beleza Olhos Abeñula Abéñula Verde Pequeno 2 gr Color your eyes, get a bright and attractive look, while nourishes and strengthens your eyelashes withGreen Abeñula. Abeñula is used in different points of the eyes according to the desired results. Color your eyelids, previously applying a powder base. Color for your eyelashes, applying it with your usual mascara brush. With our application rod,you can mark the water area, delineating it and getting a deep look. With its base of mineral oils, it provides an excellentlubricating effect, giving the eyes an extraordinary shine, revitalizing the lashes and preventing their fall. The constant and permanent use of Abéñula stimulates the growth of the newly formed eyelashes, acquiring their normal length and curvature, accentuates the transparency of the cornea, favors the tear secretion, corrects the irritation of the edges thereof, and highlights the expression visual. As a guarantee of its use, we must state the proven goodness of its results and the worth of its excellent properties, being able to ensure that there is currently no similar Spanish product that surpasses the qualities of Abéñula. Instructions for use: * Once the box is opened, unscrew the cap from the tube, and making a slight pressure on the opposite end, pick up with the plastic rod that accompanies each unit, a small amount of Abéñula, and apply on the eyelids, giving your Eyes the chosen makeup tone. * To get healthy eyelashes, we also recommend applying Abéñula(in small quantity)on the brush of your eyelash mask. Marca: Abeñula Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
368 €
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Cosmética Set&Pack Corega Prótese Dentária com Limpeza de Oxigênio Ativo 66 unidades Tablets for partial dentures help protectnatural teeth as part of good daily oral hygiene. For a good daily oral hygiene: 1. Brush your natural teeth twice a day with a paste with fluoride. 2. Wash your partial denture daily with clean and protect. 3. It seals and protects to stabilize your partial denture. 4. Visit your dentist on a regular basis(every 6 months). How to use: * Put a tablet in a container with enough hot water(not too much)to cover the partial denture. * Leave the partial denture submerged in the solution for3-5 minutes. * For best results, brush the partial denture with a soft brush. * Rinse the partial denture with plenty of water. * Discard the remaining solution immediately after use. Precautions of use: -Do not touch your eyes or mouth after handling the tablets or solution. -Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. -Do not put the tablets or solution in your mouth. -Do not drink the cleaning solution or use it as a mouthwash. Marca: Corega Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
16 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
- - - PT: Uma mulher descontraída mas decidida que sabe sempre o que quer. T-Shirt / Tank Top / Camiseta sem mangas / de mangas caveadas / de alças. Justa e elástica para uma silhueta elegante e adelgaçada. Decote redondo em O. Ótima para Desporto, Workout, Fitness, Ginásio, Corrida / Jogging. Dimensões: Porque os tamanhos variam a ADAMASTORe tem o cuidado de medir as peças para si; Desta forma poderá compara-la com uma peça semelhante sua que lhe assente bem: - - - Altura Fronte: 48cm Altura Traseira(/Total): 60cm Altura Abertura ombro: 16cm Largura Pescoço: 60cm Largura Base: 40cm Entrega em mão ou envio por CTT. Embalado com cuidado e sustentabilidade. Por favor não hesite em me contactar caso precise dalguma informação extra. - - - Compra Segura. Vendedor Confiável, Registado nesta plataforma desde 2011 e noutra desde 2009 onde o sistema de avaliações atribuiu a classificação de "A maioria dos utilizadores está extremamente satisfeita com o utilizador". Pressione / clicke a frase azul [anúncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > para ver mais itens do seu interesse. Novos artigos em breve. - - - EN: A relaxed but determined woman who always knows what she wants. Sleeveless T-Shirt / Tank Top / Vest / Singlet / Banyan / Banian with Round O-Neck and Tie-Dye Tight-Fitting / Elastic for an elegant slimmer sillouette. Ideal for Sports, Fitness, Workout, Jogging & Plogging. Combine it with your best Sweaty Betty. Packaged with care and sustainability. Please don't hesitate in asking this EN-PT bilingual teacher if you need any extra info. - - - Safe buy. Trusted Seller, registered on another platform since 2009 and rated with "Most users are extremely satisfied with the user". Press / click the blue phrase [anúncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > to see more items of your interest. New articles soon. - - - FR: Une femme détendue mais déterminée qui sait toujours ce qu'elle veut. T-shirt sans manches / Débardeur / Gilet / Singlet / Banyan / Banian avec col rond rond et tie-dye Ajusté / Élastique pour une silhouette plus fine et élégante. Idéal pour le sport, le fitness, l'entraînement, le jogging et le plogging. Combinez-le avec votre meilleur Sweaty Betty. Emballé avec soin et durabilité. Désolé si la traduction des détails en Français n'est pas correcte à 100%. N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez besoin d'informations supplémentaires. - - - Achat sûr. Vendeur de confiance, Enregistré sur une autre plateforme depuis 2009 où l'évaluation est "La plupart des utilisateurs sont extrêmement satisfaits de l'utilisateur". Appuyez / cliquez sur la phrase bleue [anúncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > pour voir plus d'objets de vôtre intérêt. Nouveaux articles bientôt.
3 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
- - - PT: Uma mulher descontrada mas decidida que sabe sempre o que quer. T-Shirt / Tank Top / Camiseta sem mangas / de mangas caveadas / de alas. Justa e elstica para uma silhueta elegante e adelgaada. Decote redondo em O. tima para Desporto, Workout, Fitness, Ginsio, Corrida / Jogging. Dimenses: Porque os tamanhos variam a ADAMASTORe tem o cuidado de medir as peas para si; Desta forma poder compara-la com uma pea semelhante sua que lhe assente bem: - - - Altura Fronte: 48cm Altura Traseira(/Total): 60cm Altura Abertura ombro: 16cm Largura Pescoo: 60cm Largura Base: 40cm Entrega em mo ou envio por CTT. Embalado com cuidado e sustentabilidade. Por favor no hesite em me contactar caso precise dalguma informao extra. - - - Compra Segura. Vendedor Confivel, Registado nesta plataforma desde 2011 e noutra desde 2009 onde o sistema de avaliaes atribuiu a classificao de "A maioria dos utilizadores est extremamente satisfeita com o utilizador". Pressione / clicke a frase azul [anncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > para ver mais itens do seu interesse. Novos artigos em breve. - - - EN: A relaxed but determined woman who always knows what she wants. Sleeveless T-Shirt / Tank Top / Vest / Singlet / Banyan / Banian with Round O-Neck and Tie-Dye Tight-Fitting / Elastic for an elegant slimmer sillouette. Ideal for Sports, Fitness, Workout, Jogging & Plogging. Combine it with your best Sweaty Betty. Packaged with care and sustainability. Please don't hesitate in asking this EN-PT bilingual teacher if you need any extra info. - - - Safe buy. Trusted Seller, registered on another platform since 2009 and rated with "Most users are extremely satisfied with the user". Press / click the blue phrase [anncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > to see more items of your interest. New articles soon. - - - FR: Une femme dtendue mais dtermine qui sait toujours ce qu'elle veut. T-shirt sans manches / Dbardeur / Gilet / Singlet / Banyan / Banian avec col rond rond et tie-dye Ajust / lastique pour une silhouette plus fine et lgante. Idal pour le sport, le fitness, l'entranement, le jogging et le plogging. Combinez-le avec votre meilleur Sweaty Betty. Emball avec soin et durabilit. Dsol si la traduction des dtails en Franais n'est pas correcte 100%. N'hsitez pas me contacter si vous avez besoin d'informations supplmentaires. - - - Achat sr. Vendeur de confiance, Enregistr sur une autre plateforme depuis 2009 o l'valuation est "La plupart des utilisateurs sont extrmement satisfaits de l'utilisateur". Appuyez / cliquez sur la phrase bleue [anncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > pour voir plus d'objets de vtre intrt. Nouveaux articles bientt.
3.282 €
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Saúde e beleza Olhos Max Factor Rímel Epic Efeito de Cílios Falsos Cor Preto Designed to pass the zoom test, the False Lash Epic brush with zoom tipcapturesandmagnifieseach eyelash so that none is hidden. How to apply: •Step 1:Start by pushing the brush on the base of the eyelashes to capture and cover every detail of your lashes. •Step 2:Turn the tip of the brush towards your eyes, with a movement from top to bottom,removeany lumps and give volume to the smaller lashes. •Step 3:To achieve morevolume, use the zoom tip on all your tabs. Marca: Max Factor Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
672 €
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Cosmética Esfoliantes Clinique Esfoliante Facial Pele Oleosa 100 ml 100 ml Skin types: 3, 4 Perfect facial scrub for oily skin. The flakes of the cream refine and soften the small lines of expression. Leaves the skin fresh How to use Apply with circular motions on clean, moist skin. Avoid the area around the eyes. Remove the product with warm water and continue with your custom 3-Step System. Apply this exfoliant 3 to 4 times a week. Marca: Clinique Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
2.618 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
- - - PT: Mala de Mão e Ombro, luxuosa para ocasiões especiais, reuniões de negócios, viagens, diversão noturna e shopping. - Acolchoado preto sólido de padrão / pattern geométrico chique que reflete paixão por Requinte e Elegância intemporais. - Esteticamente fácil de combinar com peças diversas do seu guarda-roupa, esta bolsa irá sempre favorecer. - Grande capacidade interior para ter sempre consigo a sua água e todos os seus objetos diários imprescindíveis. - Compartimento interior de livre acesso para facilmente alcançar o seu smartphone / telemóvel. - Bolso interior com fecho de correr zip/zipper/zíper para os seus documentos. - Bolso exterior com fecho éclair e botão de pressão magnético. - Asa / alsa transversal comprida, ajustável e extraível. - Opções de Utilização: Ombro, TiraColo e Mão. - Ferragens Alça e Fecho Zip: Dourado. - Forro Interior: Preto Sólido. - - - - - - - Dimensões: - Comprimento: 31cm - Altura Aba Elevada 35cm - Altura Aba Descida: 21cm Embalado com cuidado e sustentabilidade. Por favor não hesite em me contactar caso precise dalguma informação extra. - - - Compra Segura. Vendedor Confiável, Registado nesta plataforma desde 2011 e noutra desde 2009 onde o sistema de avaliações atribuiu a classificação de "A maioria dos utilizadores está extremamente satisfeita com o utilizador". Pressione / clicke a frase azul [anúncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > para ver mais itens do seu interesse. Novos artigos em breve. - - - EN: Tote / Bag / Purse / Pouch / Wallet / Satchel / Pochette / Saccule for Hand, CrossBody or Shoulder; Quilted, Versatile, Multifunctional, All-Match. Luxury Pochette for special occasions, business meetings, travel, nightlife and shopping. - Chique solid black geometric pattern quilting that reflects a passion for timeless Refinement and Elegance. - Aesthetically easy to match with different pieces of your wardrobe, this bag will always favour you. - Great interior capacity to always have your water with you and all your daily essentials. - Free access interior compartment to easily reach your smartphone / mobile phone. - Interior zip/zipper/zipper pocket for your documents. - Exterior pocket with zip and magnetic snap button. - Long, adjustable and detachable crossbody strap. - Usage Options: Shoulder, Crossbody and Hand, - Strap and Zip Closure Hardware: Gold. - Interior Lining: Solid Black. Packaged with care and sustainability. Please don't hesitate in asking this EN-PT bilingual teacher if you need any extra info. - - - Safe buy. Trusted Seller, registered on another platform since 2009 and rated with "Most users are extremely satisfied with the user". Press / click the blue phrase [anúncios publicados] - - - - - - - - - > to see more items of your interest. New articles soon. - - - FR: Fourre-tout / sac à main / pochette / portefeuille / cartable / porte-monnaie / saccule pour main, bandoulière ou épaule; matelassé, polyvalent, multifonctionnel, tout assorti. Sac à main et à bandoulière de luxe pour les occasions spéciales, les réunions d'affaires, les voyages, la vie nocturne et le shopping. - Motif géométrique chique matelassage noir uni qui reflète une passion pour le raffinement et l'élégance intemporels. - Esthétiquement facile à assortir avec différentes pièces de votre garde-robe, ce sac sera toujours à l'honneur. - Grande capacité intérieure pour toujours avoir votre eau et tous vos objets quotidiens indispensables. - Compart()
12 €
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Cosmética Set&Pack Pranarom Buccarom Oral 15g Gel. Buccarom contributes to optimal oral hygiene:the synergy of essential oils that make up this gel acts together to protect the mouth and soothe sensitive areas favoring the repairing power of the skin. Any discomfort of the mouth will be alleviated with the application ofBuccarom gelthanks to its soothing and repairing properties. Tips: • Local use: -Apply a small amount of gel locally on the affected area four times a day. Preferably do not rinse your mouth and do not drink or eat for the hour following the application. • Daily hygiene: -Deposite a dose of gel on the toothbrush, then the toothpaste and proceed to normal brushing of the teeth. Precautions: - Wash your hands before and after each application. - Avoid contact with eyes (in case of irritation rinse the eyes with plenty of water). - Keep out of reach of small children. - Do not use in children under 36 months. - Do not use during pregnancy. - EXTERNAL USE Marca: Pranarom Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
10 €
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Cosmética Set&Pack Cinfa Optiben para Olhos Irritados Eye Droplet 10 Ampolas Optiben for Irritated Eyes Eye Droplet 10 Ampoules Ocular prepared sterile, for irritated eyes, based herbal extracts that moisturizes and refreshes the eye. For the entire family. Moistens the eye, lubricates sensitive eyes and eases the sensation of dryness associated with the use of contact lenses, relieves the feeling of mild irritation caused by eyestrain or environmental factors such as computer use, air conditioning / heating, pollution, dry and / or red eyes, prolonged exposure to sunlight, pools, salt water, wind and dust, smoke snuff, etc. Preservative with herbal extracts of camomile and eufrasia. Hypromellose or HPMC (Methocel E4 Premium / Methocel F4M Premium) is a wetting agent and tackifying used to lubricate the eye and contact lenses. By function mechanical lubricant, improve the discomfort caused by rubbing the eyelid on the eye surface and reduces the itching and the feeling of foreign object. How to use: Wash your hands before using the product. Check that the vial is intact and complete to ensure its integrity. Turn the top to open it. Do not touch by hand the tip of the container, or allow contact any surface. Do not touch the eyelid or the eye surface with the container. Apply 1-2 drops in each eye as many times as necessary. Place 1 or 2 drops in the lower eyelid and blink several times so that the whole eye is covered by the liquid. Do not reuse a container of a single open use. Marca: Cinfa Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
837 €
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Saúde e beleza Cuidado Visual Cinfa Optiben para Olhos Irritados Eye Droplet 10 Ampolas Optiben for Irritated Eyes Eye Droplet 10 Ampoules Ocular prepared sterile, for irritated eyes, based herbal extracts that moisturizes and refreshes the eye. For the entire family. Moistens the eye, lubricates sensitive eyes and eases the sensation of dryness associated with the use of contact lenses, relieves the feeling of mild irritation caused by eyestrain or environmental factors such as computer use, air conditioning / heating, pollution, dry and / or red eyes, prolonged exposure to sunlight, pools, salt water, wind and dust, smoke snuff, etc. Preservative with herbal extracts of camomile and eufrasia. Hypromellose or HPMC (Methocel E4 Premium / Methocel F4M Premium) is a wetting agent and tackifying used to lubricate the eye and contact lenses. By function mechanical lubricant, improve the discomfort caused by rubbing the eyelid on the eye surface and reduces the itching and the feeling of foreign object. How to use: Wash your hands before using the product. Check that the vial is intact and complete to ensure its integrity. Turn the top to open it. Do not touch by hand the tip of the container, or allow contact any surface. Do not touch the eyelid or the eye surface with the container. Apply 1-2 drops in each eye as many times as necessary. Place 1 or 2 drops in the lower eyelid and blink several times so that the whole eye is covered by the liquid. Do not reuse a container of a single open use. Marca: Cinfa Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
858 €
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Cosmética Óleo facial Sisley Óleo de Rosto Precioso Black Rose 25 ml 25 ml Black face oil is Sisley's first skin care oil for dry or mature skin. With a high concentration of active ingredients, this smooth silky dry oil prepares, nourishes and has an anti-aging effect: - Rich in omega 3 and 6, prepares the skin to receive your daily skin care. - With its powerful mixture of active ingredients based on plants that nourish, regenerate and protect (Padina pavonica, Unsaponifiables of Avocado and natural Tocoferoles), this oil provides the essential elements for the vitality and youth of the skin. The oils of plum and camelina maintain the lipid balance of the epidermis. - Black Rose extract is at the heart of the formula and lends a wonderful silky softness. It is combined with Bulgarian rose and Magnolia essential oils that have soothing and soothing properties for a delicious awakening of the senses. Visibly smoothes wrinkles and fine lines, revitalizes the skin and gives a radiant complexion. Results: Immediately, the lines soften, the skin nourishes intensely, flexible and soft. All day, the skin is hydrated and comfortable, without a shiny effect. After 4 weeks, wrinkles and fine lines are visibly reduced. The skin regains its fullness, and is toned and revitalized. The complexion is radiant. Use tips: Apply 3 to 7 drops in the morning or evening on bare skin, face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes. It can be used by yourself or before your daily skin care to better prepare the skin to receive its benefits. Visibly smoothes wrinkles and small wrinkles, revitalizes and illuminates the complexion. Marca: Sisley Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
17.964 €
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Homem Solares Garnier Leite Hidratante de Proteção IP30 200 ml 200 ml Garnier Delial Moisturizing Protective Milk is a sunscreen for brown skin that tans easily. It protects against UVA/UVB rays and infrared effects. Dermatologically tested. Instructions for use: Before sun exposure, generously apply this milk and spread it evenly and evenly with circular movements to cover all areas of your skin exposed to the sun. Insufficient product reduces the level of protection. Reapply frequently to maintain protection, especially after swimming, perspiring or towel application. Overexposure to the sun is dangerous. It does not protect 100% of the sun. Do not expose babies and small children directly to the sun. Avoid contact with textiles. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Marca: Garnier Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.023 €
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Cosmética Esfoliantes Sisley Gel de limpeza esfoliante e de lavagem 100 ml Rich in natural extracts of plants and essential oils,Gel Nettoyant Gommantcleans and exfoliates, in a single gesture, the dead cells and the impurities that steal the luminosity of the face. Its gel texture contains microspheres that gently "awaken" the epidermis, natural plant extracts (Lemon and Poppy) and essential oils (Exotic Verbena and Lavender) provide a pleasantsensation of comfort and freshness,its ultra-smooth formula respects the PH of the skin and allows daily use. Advice of use: • Apply Gel Nettoyant Gommant equivalent to a hazelnut on the face and neck previously moistened. • Emulsify with the tips of the fingers moistened, with circular movements, avoiding the contour of the eyes. • Then rinse thoroughly with warm water, and finish using the lotion adapted to your skin. Marca: Sisley Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
9.735 €
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