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Skin health special

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Procuras o segundo passo perfeito para a dupla limpeza? O Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Special Cleansing é para ti! Um gel de limpeza que envolve a pele numa sensação de frescura imediata, enquanto remove todas as impurezas do rosto. Além disso, vai manter os níveis de hidratação essenciais, sem aquela sensação de secura ou desconforto de que todos queremos fugir! A tua pele vai-se revelar mais fresca, limpa e suave do que nunca! Promove uma limpeza delicada Refresca, suaviza e purifica Mantém o conforto da pele Formato poupança Adequado para todo o tipo de pele
73,06 €
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Procuras o segundo passo perfeito para a dupla limpeza? O Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Special Cleansing é para ti! Um gel de limpeza que envolve a pele numa sensação de frescura imediata, enquanto remove todas as impurezas do rosto. Além disso, vai manter os níveis de hidratação essenciais, sem aquela sensação de secura ou desconforto de que todos queremos fugir! A tua pele vai-se revelar mais fresca, limpa e suave do que nunca! Promove uma limpeza delicada Refresca, suaviza e purifica Mantém o conforto da pele Travel size Adequado para todo o tipo de pele
17,12 €
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Adiciona um boost de frescura e hidratação à pele com a máscara Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Skin Hydrating Masque. Uma máscara que envolve a pele numa hidratação intensa e de longa duração, ao mesmo tempo que atenua as linhas finas. Além disso, ainda reforça a barreira cutânea e a sua capacidade de defesa natural. Vais notar uma pele visivelmente mais suave e fresca! Hidrata e suaviza intensamente Aumenta a flexibilidade, proteção e vitalidade naturais Minimiza as linhas de desidratação
61 €
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Envolve a tua pele numa hidratação intensa e duradoura com o Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Skin Smoothing Cream. Um creme que fornece uma hidratação constante durante 48h. Além disso, a sua tecnologia inovadora mantém o equilíbrio do microbioma natural da pele e previne os danos das agressões ambientais. A tua pele vai ficar perfeitamente hidratada, mais fresca e macia! Adiciona e preserva os níveis de hidratação essenciais Protege contra as agressões externas Alisa e promove uma suavidade intensa Adequado para todo o tipo de pele
82,73 €
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Todo o poder da esfoliação química e física num único produto: o Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Daily Resurfacer é a chave para combater as irregularidades e sinais de idade da pele! Uma fórmula 2 em 1 que remove eficazmente as células mortas da pele, revelando toda a sua juventude e vitalidade. Além disso, uniformiza o tom e refina a textura, enquanto protege contra os radicais livres. A tua pele vai ficar mais suave e luminosa a cada dia! Esfoliação física e química Atenua as linhas finas e sinais de secura Hidrata, protege e uniformiza Formato em unidoses Adequado a todo o tipo de pele
116,43 €
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Se queres introduzir a dupla limpeza na tua rotina de pele, o Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Precleanse é a chave para o primeiro passo! Um óleo de limpeza profunda que vai derreter toda a maquilhagem (mesmo a mais resistente), bem como todos os resíduos de poluição e impurezas que se acumulam na pele ao longo do dia. A tua pele vai ficar visivelmente mais limpa, suave e nutrida! Remove o excesso de sebo, maquilhagem e impurezas Suaviza e condiciona a pele Não bloqueia os poros Adequado para todo o tipo de pele
55,16 €
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Combate a secura e os sinais de envelhecimento do olhar com o creme Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Intensive Eye Repair. Um creme de olhos que combina vitaminas para hidratar a pele em profundidade e atenuar as linhas de desidratação. Além disso, vai ainda aumentar a resistência da pele e proteger contra as agressões externas, para um olhar profundamente revitalizado e mais jovem! Diminui a aparência das linhas finas Reduz a secura e desidratação Protege, hidrata e repara intensamente Adequado para o contorno de olhos
68,61 €
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Tira o máximo partido da tua rotina de pele com o Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Multi Active Toner. Um tónico leve que vai preparar a pele para os cuidados restantes, favorecendo a sua absorção. Além disso, hidrata e suaviza a pele, enquanto preserva o seu conforto essencial. Envolve a tua pele numa bruma de frescura imediata! Uniformiza as irregularidades da pele Hidrata, refresca e suaviza Complementa a limpeza diária Adequado para todo o tipo de pele
16,70 €
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Se tens a pele desidratada, o Dermalogica Daily Skin Health Active Moist é o creme para ti! Uma fórmula com uma combinação única de plantas para restaurar os níveis de hidratação essenciais, sem sensação gordurosa. Além disso, melhora visivelmente a textura e promove uma suavidade intensa. A tua pele vai recuperar todo o seu conforto e equilíbrio! Combate a desidratação Proporciona uma hidratação duradoura Suaviza e mantém o equilíbrio cutâneo Adequado para pele desidratada
82,16 €
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Cosmética Set&Pack Ausonia Protegeslip Orgânico Normal 28 unidades As almofadas protectoras de algodão da AUSONIA têm uma camada superior de algodão 100% orgânico e são isentas de fragrâncias e corantes e não são tratadas com agentes branqueadores. Além disso, foram aprovados pelos dermatologistas da Skin Health Alliance e são certificados pela Cotton Inc. O gel no interior bloqueia o líquido e evita fugas. AUSÓNIA Protecção do Algodão Normal, para fluxo normal a moderado. Marca: Ausonia Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
34 €
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Outros Outros Sura Vitasan Fígado 45Cap. Liver is a food supplement based on a combination of 7 high quality plant extracts that are beneficial to human health. Milk thistle, dandelion, artichoke, turmeric or schisandra. They are plants that contribute to the normal functioning of the liver. The artichoke promotes digestive comfort and turmeric is a support for antioxidant systems. Warnings: Consult a professional in case of pregnancy or lactation. If you are being treated with medication or have special medical conditions. Do not administer in case of known allergy to plants of the family Asteraceae/Compositae/margaritas. Recommended dose: 1 or 2 capsules should be taken three times a day before meals as a food supplement. Maximum 6 capsules per day or follow the instructions of a specialist. Marca: Sura Vitasan Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
2.589 €
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Nutrição e Suplementos Suplementos especiais Sura Vitasan Fígado 45Cap. 45 Unidades Liver is a food supplement based on a combination of 7 high quality plant extracts that are beneficial to human health. Milk thistle, dandelion, artichoke, turmeric or schisandra. They are plants that contribute to the normal functioning of the liver. The artichoke promotes digestive comfort and turmeric is a support for antioxidant systems. Warnings: Consult a professional in case of pregnancy or lactation. If you are being treated with medication or have special medical conditions. Do not administer in case of known allergy to plants of the family Asteraceae/Compositae/margaritas. Recommended dose: 1 or 2 capsules should be taken three times a day before meals as a food supplement. Maximum 6 capsules per day or follow the instructions of a specialist. Marca: Sura Vitasan Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
2.655 €
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Outros Outros Medela Patches de hidrogel 4 pcs If you’re breastfeeding and have sore or cracked nipples, Medela hydrogel pads support healing and offer instant, soothing relief. At a glance -Aid skin recovery and help maintain good skin condition -Support healing -Form a protective cushion for sensitive or sore nipples -Specially formulated to cool skin on contact -Sterile and individually wrapped -Non toxic and free from preservatives When to use hydrogel pads While new mums are often told that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt, in reality it may take a while for your nipples to get used to the frequency and length of your newborn’s feeds. This – combined with all the hormonal changes going on in your body in the early days after the birth – means you can get sensitive or sore nipples. Hydrogel pads can help by offering instant soothing and cooling nipple pain relief. They can also protect your nipples from clothing rubbing against them and support the healing process if your skin is damaged. Caring for cracked nipples Remember that very sore or cracked nipples may be a sign that there is a problem withhow your baby is attachedto your breast during a feed, so it’s a good idea to get assessed by alactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist. If you notice your nipples bleed during feeding, you feel a burning sensation, or your nipples are taking a long time to heal, it is important to seek advice from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional, as you may have a breast infection or other condition that needs treatment. How do hydrogel pads work? Medela hydrogel pads have a special formulation that forms a protective cushion that cools skin on contact and supports healing. They are large enough to cover your nipple and areola (the darker skin around the nipple) – both of which may be affected by soreness. To use hydrogel pads, follow these simple steps: First, wash your hands, then open the pouch and remove the hydrogel pad from the plastic liner.Carefully place the pad’s gel side directly over your nipple.When you need to breastfeed your baby, simply remove the hydrogel pad and place it on a clean surface.Then, gently wash your breast with warm water and pat dry before breastfeeding.Once you’ve finished, reapply the gel pad with clean hands. Are hydrogel breast pads reusable? Yes, you can reuse one hydrogel pad within a 24-hour period. You just need to store it somewhere cool, clean and dry between uses – there’s no need to wash it with soaps or detergents. You can keep hydrogel pads in the fridge for an extra cooling effect – but remember to keep them out of reach of any other children in your household. And in the unlikely event of the clear hydrogel pad turning cloudy or milky, dispose of it and use a fresh one. Marca: Medela Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
1.369 €
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Família e casa Lactação Medela Patches de hidrogel 4 pcs If you’re breastfeeding and have sore or cracked nipples, Medela hydrogel pads support healing and offer instant, soothing relief. At a glance -Aid skin recovery and help maintain good skin condition -Support healing -Form a protective cushion for sensitive or sore nipples -Specially formulated to cool skin on contact -Sterile and individually wrapped -Non toxic and free from preservatives When to use hydrogel pads While new mums are often told that breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt, in reality it may take a while for your nipples to get used to the frequency and length of your newborn’s feeds. This – combined with all the hormonal changes going on in your body in the early days after the birth – means you can get sensitive or sore nipples. Hydrogel pads can help by offering instant soothing and cooling nipple pain relief. They can also protect your nipples from clothing rubbing against them and support the healing process if your skin is damaged. Caring for cracked nipples Remember that very sore or cracked nipples may be a sign that there is a problem withhow your baby is attachedto your breast during a feed, so it’s a good idea to get assessed by alactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist. If you notice your nipples bleed during feeding, you feel a burning sensation, or your nipples are taking a long time to heal, it is important to seek advice from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional, as you may have a breast infection or other condition that needs treatment. How do hydrogel pads work? Medela hydrogel pads have a special formulation that forms a protective cushion that cools skin on contact and supports healing. They are large enough to cover your nipple and areola (the darker skin around the nipple) – both of which may be affected by soreness. To use hydrogel pads, follow these simple steps: First, wash your hands, then open the pouch and remove the hydrogel pad from the plastic liner.Carefully place the pad’s gel side directly over your nipple.When you need to breastfeed your baby, simply remove the hydrogel pad and place it on a clean surface.Then, gently wash your breast with warm water and pat dry before breastfeeding.Once you’ve finished, reapply the gel pad with clean hands. Are hydrogel breast pads reusable? Yes, you can reuse one hydrogel pad within a 24-hour period. You just need to store it somewhere cool, clean and dry between uses – there’s no need to wash it with soaps or detergents. You can keep hydrogel pads in the fridge for an extra cooling effect – but remember to keep them out of reach of any other children in your household. And in the unlikely event of the clear hydrogel pad turning cloudy or milky, dispose of it and use a fresh one. Marca: Medela Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
702 €
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Cuidado capilar Antiqueda Novadiet Capilare Anti Drop 60 Cápsulas Omega 3-6-7-9 + Vitamins + Minerals + Amino Acids Selenium, Zinc and Biotin contribute to the maintenance of hair under normal conditions. Selenium and Zinc contribute to the maintenance of nails under normal conditions. Riboflavin (B2), Zinc and Biotin contribute to the maintenance of the skin under normal conditions. To maintain the health of hair and nails. For a good hydration of the skin and hair. Providing vitamins and minerals. Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Contribution of amino acids. Instructions for use: Take 2 capsules a day at breakfast, with the help of water or fruit juice. Recommended daily dose: 2 capsules. Marca: Novadiet Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
99 €
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