Socorros first aid kit
Lista mais vendidos socorros first aid kit

Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Hartmann Vendo Lusan Soft Fixação 5 cm x 5 m Lusan gauze bandages arelight and porousthanks to the open texture of the fabric. They are slightly extensible in a transverse direction, while in a longitudinal direction they offer a high tensile strength, their firm edgesprevent bandages from fraying. It is suitable for attaching dressings, padding and cannulas.It is also used as a support fabric for zinc bandages, to fix splints or to perform pressure or emergency bandages in first aid. Marca: Hartmann Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
241 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Hartmann Vendo Lusan Soft Fixação 7 cm x 5 m Lusan gauze bandages arelight and porousthanks to the open texture of the fabric. They are slightly extensible in a transverse direction, while in a longitudinal direction they offer a high tensile strength, their firm edgesprevent bandages from fraying. It is suitable for attaching dressings, padding and cannulas.It is also used as a support fabric for zinc bandages, to fix splints or to perform pressure or emergency bandages in first aid. Marca: Hartmann Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
242 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Hartmann Vendo Lusan Soft Fixação 10 cm x 10 m Lusan gauze bandages arelight and porousthanks to the open texture of the fabric. They are slightly extensible in a transverse direction, while in a longitudinal direction they offer a high tensile strength, their firm edgesprevent bandages from fraying. It is suitable for attaching dressings, padding and cannulas.It is also used as a support fabric for zinc bandages, to fix splints or to perform pressure or emergency bandages in first aid. Marca: Hartmann Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
339 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Tiritas Ajuda Rápida 6cmx2m Blue QUICK AID Band-Aids são feitos de espuma autoadesiva, uma solução rápida para curativos de feridas. É uma solução rápida para parar o sangramento, proteger a ferida e corrigir a área afetada. Básico em qualquer armário de remédios doméstico e profissional. Especialmente recomendado em situações que exijam o uso de utensílios afiados ou pontiagudos como na cozinha, bricolage, jardinagem, artesanato, etc. Um corte? – Band-Aids Quick Aid para o resgate! Abrimos o armário de remédios e temos Quick Aid Band-Aids Desenrolamos o produto até que tenhamos o tamanho certo Rolamos o produto ao redor da área afetada com leve pressão. Esticamos com os dedos para cortar o produto Retire o produto assim que o sangramento parar. Se esperarmos secar, pode grudar na ferida. Uma vez removidos, procedemos às etapas usuais de; Limpeza, antissepsia e proteção da ferida. Marca: Tiritas Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
918 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Hartmann Tiras de sutura cutânea autoadesivas Omnistrip 6x38 mm Approach strip, sterile, flesh-coloured polyamide with hypoallergenic polyacrylate adhesive. Skin-coloured polyester/polyamide non-woven with rounded ends. Pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive, hypoallergenic. Contraindications: Do not put on secondary healing wounds. Indications: Atraumatic closure of small wounds and surgical incisions (primary healing wounds). These straps may be used to unload the wound edges in combination with thread sutures or staples, or after removal to stabilize a recent scar. Instructions for use: Carefully clean the wound area and ensure that the wound contour is dry. No additional adhesive should be used on the skin before applying the strip. Remove the protective paper and first apply one edge of the strip perpendicular to the cut by pressing. Bring the edges of the wound closer together and glue the rest of the strip. Always apply the center wound strip first. Close the wound by applying strips parallel to the first. When removing the strips, special care should be taken to first remove the edges of the strips from the wound area and then peel off the rest. Marca: Hartmann Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
558 €
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Saúde e beleza Kit de primeiros socorros Hartmann Tiras de sutura cutânea autoadesivas Omnistrip 6x76 mm Approach strip, sterile, flesh-coloured polyamide with hypoallergenic polyacrylate adhesive. Skin-coloured polyester/polyamide non-woven with rounded ends. Pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive, hypoallergenic. Contraindications: Do not put on secondary healing wounds. Indications: Atraumatic closure of small wounds and surgical incisions (primary healing wounds). These straps may be used to unload the wound edges in combination with thread sutures or staples, or after removal to stabilize a recent scar. Instructions for use: Carefully clean the wound area and ensure that the wound contour is dry. No additional adhesive should be used on the skin before applying the strip. Remove the protective paper and first apply one edge of the strip perpendicular to the cut by pressing. Bring the edges of the wound closer together and glue the rest of the strip. Always apply the center wound strip first. Close the wound by applying strips parallel to the first. When removing the strips, special care should be taken to first remove the edges of the strips from the wound area and then peel off the rest. Marca: Hartmann Contactar somente por telefone: 351 308 803 958
518 €
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