Lista mais vendidos talent

Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/uma talent acquisition trainee, com boas capacidades de comunicação, proativ@, dinâmic@ e organizad@. Irás integrar a People Experience Unit, a equipa responsável pelo desenvolvimento e pela promoção da felicidade dos nossos PHCs. Procuramos uma pessoa para nos apoiar nos processos de recrutamento de novos candidatos, e valorizamos pessoas que queiram trazer valor acrescentado às relações, aos projetos e aos processos. Responsabilidades Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto Requisitos Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3aSF612 Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
A Jorge Anjos Unipessoal foi fundada a 2 de julho de 2015 como empresa de prestação de serviços na área da hotelaria e restauração, resultado de uma vasta experiência e know-how de um pequeno grupo de trabalhadores qua atuaram no terreno ao longo de 18 anos de atividade. Fruto da expansão de mercado, em agosto de 2017 nasce uma nova empresa – Anjos Clean Lda, criada com o intuito de prestar serviços na colocação de empregadas de andares e de limpezas e na organização e gestão de eventos. Em novembro de 2018, a Jorge dos Anjos adquire o alvará para evoluir para empresa de Trabalho Temporário e hoje dispomos de uma variedade de serviços para responder às necessidades de Recursos Humanos da sua empresa, formando assim o Grupo Jorge Anjos. Atualmente, estamos sediados no centro de Vila Nova de Gaia (Porto) e encontramo-nos em processo de recrutamento para integrar a equipa de Recrutamento e Seleção, com reporte à Direção: Talent Acquisition Manager M/F (m/f) V.N. Gaia (PORTO) Principais Responsabilidades: - Dinamização de redes sociais, com a criação e publicação de anúncios; - Elaborar a análise e triagem curricular; inclusive a realização de entrevistas presenciais e digitais; - Elaboração de relatórios de seleção; - Coordenação de equipa e divisão de processos; - Gestão de base de dados e de reativação de candidaturas; - Prospeção comercial de novas oportunidades de negócio em novos mercados; - Admissão e vinculação de colaboradores. Requisitos: - Experiência em funções semelhantes de Recrutamento e Seleção (obrigatório); - Formação em Psicologia/Recursos Humanos/Comunicação ou similares (preferencial); - Domínio de ferramentas MS Office; - Boa capacidade de relacionamento, responsabilidade e organização; - Capacidade de liderança, foco e autodisciplina; - Boa apresentação e dinamismo; - Disponibilidade para se deslocar e residência na zona do Porto. Oferecemos: - Salário competitivo + Sub. Alimentação pago em cartão; - Formação inicial e contínua; - Possibilidade de integração efetiva; - Oportunidade de desenvolvimento pessoal/profissional. Para se candidatar, basta enviar email para recursoshumanos@grupojorgeanjos.pt . Ao enviar email com o seu currículo escreva por favor no Assunto “MANAGER VNG”. Ao candidatar-se aceita e compreende a nossa Política de Dados e Privacidade que poderá consultar no nosso site: http://www.grupojorgeanjos.pt/policy . Apenas os candidatos elegíveis serão contactados, os restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras oportunidades.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A INTEGRITY part of Devoteam, empresa especialista em Segurança da Informação, foi fundada em 2009 por profissionais reconhecidos nas suas áreas de actuação e é constituída por colaboradores que conjugam uma elevada experiência nos seus sectores de actividade, com certificações internacionais relevantes em cada uma das áreas. Somos certificados nas normas ISO 27001, ISO 9001 e CREST, detendo hoje já um conjunto considerável de clientes em 14 países. Totalmente isenta e independente de vendors, a INTEGRITY dispõe assim de um posicionamento inteiramente focado no incremento da eficiência, eficácia e gestão dos riscos dos clientes de forma independente dos diferentes flavours tecnológicos. Se quiseres saber mais informação sobre nós não deixes de visitar o nosso site: http://www.integrity.pt/ Estamos à procura de um/a Talent Manager O/a candidato/a irá ter as seguintes funções/ responsabilidades: Contribuir para o desenho e implementação da estratégia de recrutamento; Contribuir para a criação de anúncios de emprego; Preparar materiais de recrutamento e publicar as vagas em sites de empregos/faculdades e/ou outros. Publicação de anúncios de emprego e triagem curricular; Recrutamento e seleção; Pesquisa de candidatos (base de dados, Linkedin, etc), marcação e realização de entrevistas; Identificar futuras necessidades de contratação; Participação em eventos e feiras de emprego; Desenvolver e atualizar descrições de cargos e especificações de cargos. Gestão e apoio em necessidades internas; Apresentação e negociação de propostas a potenciais colaboradores; Onboard de novos colaboradores; Iniciativas que colaborem para o bem estar dos colaboradores; Desenvolvimentos de processos de retenção de talento; Perfil: Formação Superior em Psicologia, Gestão de Recursos Humanos ou similar; Experiência profissional superior a 1 ano e background em funções similares; Inglês (falado e escrito); Espírito crítico na análise dos problemas e apresentação de soluções; Capacidade de trabalhar em equipa; Compreensão dos desafios de recursos humanos na área tecnológica; Adaptabilidade, independência, proatividade, resiliência e genuíno gosto por relações humanas; Excelentes skills de comunicação e de colaboração; O que oferecemos: Forte cultura organizacional: colaboração, partilha, flexibilidade, integridade e low ego; Valorização e acompanhamento do talento; Aposta no desenvolvimento dos nossos colaboradores; Juntares-te a uma empresa no sector da segurança da informação, em rápido crescimento; Gostarias de te juntar à nossa equipa? Então envia o teu CV para pt.integrity.work@devoteam.com
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Conhecer melhor o próximo desafia-te? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Estágio profissional através da PHC Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers172@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A tua paixão por talento vai levar-te longe. Imagina-te a recrutar para uma das empresas de referência em Portugal. E imagina que a nossa equipa de recursos humanos depende da tua capacidade de trazer as melhores pessoas para a organização. Imagina também que tens na mão a capacidade de acompanhar e desenvolver o talento que temos, encontrando novas possibilidades de crescimento dentro das suas equipas. E que o teu dia a dia vai fazer a diferença na criação da melhor experiência de trabalho. Imagina-te a trabalhar na PHC Software. Temos uma oportunidade incrível para fazeres o que sempre sonhaste numa das melhores empresas para trabalhar em Portugal. Em que é que nos podes acrescentar: Traz a tua experiência em recrutamento para nos ajudares a encontrar os melhores talentos na área tecnológica Queremos que trabalhes o ciclo de recrutamento, assumindo o ownership da estratégia, definição de perfis e abordagens a adotar Esperamos que apoies os líderes na gestão das suas pessoas e identificação de necessidades de desenvolvimento e recursos para as suas equipas E contamos contigo para propor novas soluções com base em análise de tendências e métricas de recursos humanos O que temos à tua espera: Integração na equipa da PHC Software responsável pela área de recursos humanos A oportunidade para construíres a tua experiência de trabalho, todos os dias, numa empresa reconhecida como uma das melhores para trabalhar em Portugal Um modelo de trabalho híbrido, para desfrutares do melhor do dia-a-dia presencial, conjugado com o trabalho remoto Um plano de formação à tua medida, para desenvolveres as tuas competências Temos free food todos os dias. E sim, o pequeno-almoço vem incluído. Que tipo de pessoa esperamos que sejas: És uma pessoa com formação de base na área da gestão de pessoas Tens experiência em recrutamento, gestão e desenvolvimento de talento Compreendes as dinâmicas de recrutamento na área de IT Tratas por tu o desenvolvimento de pessoas As tuas capacidades de empatia e relacionamento interpessoal serão bem-vindas És apaixonado por aprender coisas novas todos os dias E, claro, contamos que vivas os nossos valores: adapt and grow, cool but pro, make an impact Agarra esta oportunidade. Candidata-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3KrCx5E Sobre a PHC Software ???? Líder em #BusinessSoftware ???? Multinacional portuguesa ???? Referência para trabalhar em Portugal ???? Vivemos a #BestExperienceAtWork ???? phcsoftware.com/carreiras Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
COMPANY OVERVIEW Generix Group is a Collaborative Supply Chain, Saas Software and Omnichannel Sales expert. Our 650 employees provide a daily support for well-known costumers, leaders in digital transformation of their Supply Chain. Generix Group is present in more than 60 countries, through our 9 subsidiaries and our partnership network. Nowadays, our application services are used in more than 6.000 companies worldwide. Joining Generix Group is a guarantee of continuous improvement within a growing and dynamic company, where goodwill is our everyday life! In a supportive environment, you can freely share and improve and skills and expertise. Generix Group is growing along with its talents, so let’s build our future together! Ready to join us the challenge of digital transformation of prestigious clients? JOB DESCRIPTION As a Talent Acquisition Specialist you will be part of the HR team in Porto office. You will be able to use your capability to find and evaluate the skills of candidates, using efficient sourcing strategies and technical evaluation methods, to allow the attraction and successful hire of the best people to the right roles. As part of the HR team, you will also contribute to the continuous improvement of our processes and be part of a strong employee experience plan. You will also be a key member on spreading our company values and culture. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES - Establish an amazing candidate experience during the application process based on empathy and trust; - Be able to engage candidates; - Elaborate and post job advertisements on internal and external platforms; - Screen matching candidate profiles; - Conduct interviews to assess relevant knowledge, skills, experience, etc; - Manage the offer process and conduct background checks; - Create and run reports and databases; - Identify and address potential improvements; - Foster the relationship with hiring managers to validate information and create the best strategy of recruitment. EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS - Degree in HR, Management, Social Sciences or similar area; - Proven professional experience within Recruitment of 2+ years, preferably in the IT field; - Knowledge in employee assessments and evaluation of technical capabilities; - Knowledge of recruitment methods; - Deep understanding of efficient sourcing plans; - Autonomy and ability to work independently; - Strong organization and communication skills; - Positive can-do attitude; - Very good language skills in French and English; - Good IT skills such as MS-Office. OFFER - Competitive compensation; - Continuous training and professional development; - Health insurance; - Good team spirit and collaborative environment (Centro Empresarial Lionesa). For application, please send your CV to: generix.maia@generixgroup.com
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
About Webhelp Webhelp is a French multinational BPO company that is making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands. By choosing Webhelp you will be part of a family of over 100,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 55 countries. As a Talent Acquisition Specialist, you will Attract candidates by using databases, social media, job fairs, among others Conduct interviews to assess applicant's relevant knowledge, skills, experience, and aptitudes Establish a relationship with different departments and Managers to validate pieces of information Prepare and onboard the new employees to become fully integrated into the company Build a good relationship with candidates during the selection process by becoming a trusted recruiter Create, update, and maintain analytical reports and databases Analise cost and results of recruitment needs We are looking for Knowledge of a European language: English (C2 level) University Degree, preferably in Human Resources or similar Proven Work Experience in the field is mandatory Strong organization, communication, and results-oriented Familiarity with recruitment process methods (hiring profile, assessments, interviews, and ongoing follow-up) Familiarity with Applicant Tracking Systems and resume databases Experience with sourcing techniques Experience in mentoring a team Experience in Microsoft tools (MS Teams, Excel, PPT) is mandatory A positive and ‘can do’ attitude overlooking a community-building approach Apply here https://bit.ly/3rGg1Pq or send an email to [email protected] ebhelp.com
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real life pains and we’re backed by top tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Operations Team: Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on uniplaces.com. Our Operations team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused in improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. Join us and access the same cool office perks that any Uniplacer has access to, from fresh fruit to free hot drinks, massages, in-house gym, and much more. What can you expect from this experience? A lot of your day will be spent contacting landlords to make sure they have their listings updates in order to help students from all over the world who are going to study to another country. To be able to thrive in a startup environment, you have to be the type of person who feels comfortable going up to someone and communicating face to face, over the phone or in writing, and you get a thrill out of creative problem-solving! In this role, your mission is: Management and update of properties’ availability, thorough phone contact with our clients; Being open to a proposal of a project/focus change in case we need to adapt to an upcoming similar project; Proactive coordination of communication with landlords, in case of any extra help redirecting them to the right colleague. Requirements What is the profile we are looking for? Fluent/Native in Portuguese and English (other languages are a plus); International-minded and able to cope with spending some time working alongside talented people from 16 different nationalities; Available to relocate to Lisbon or already living here; A mix between an easy-going-communicative-proactive-dynamic-funky-positive person who is not afraid to jump into this amazing environment! We also expect you to be flexible and have an eagerness to learn, since it’s the greatest recipe to thrive in a startup environment. This is why you’ll love this job: Through our intensive training and hands-on experience with insights from our most senior employees, you’ll learn how to pitch like a boss and sell like the Wolf of Wall Street; Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re helping landlords getting their properties known and fully booked; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; Working in Lisbon, one of the coolest up and coming start-up hubs in Europe, where the sun always shines and the seafood is delicious.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Sensei is a technology company launched in 2017, designing the most advanced and state-of-the-art store automation system. We are redefining the way retail works and built the only enterprise-class system ready for wide deployment across multiple existing stores. Trough AI-powered computer vision systems, sensor fusion and unique algorithms we offer the smoothest shopping experience, where customers grab what they want and leave! We are looking for a talented Graphic designer who will help bring our mission and brand experiences to life with exceptional visual design. What you'll be doing: We are looking for a talented Human Resources Intern who will help in recruiting the best talent to fulfil our team, in cross-functional areas - Engineering, IT, Marketing, Finance, Operations. Wanna know more? Take a look at some of the interesting tasks you’ll have the chance to embrace on a daily basis: Find the best recruitment platforms for each position; Create and publish innovative and creative job ads; Reach out candidates and accompaign them during the recruitment process, to guarantee they have a pleasant experience; Innovate the recruitment process in the company to catch the best talent with innovative and out-of-the-box solutions; Does it sound interesting to you? Cool! You’re on the right track. Now, you can check some of the main requirements for this role: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Human Resources Management, Public Relations or Psychology; Experience in recruitment is a plus; Availability for a curricular internship on a part-time basis (5 mornings/afternoons a week); Fluent in English and Portuguese - other languages are a huge plus; Communicative, with a positive attitude and a passion for people; Attention to details and critical thinking skills. Finally, let’s talk about what really matters.We put all of our employees at very high standards, and we want you to be thoroughly rewarded for that. We believe in providing the best environment to allow you to do your best work, and we currently offer the following: Amazing personal growth experience - The rare chance of having decision ownership and direct impact on the growth of a venture-backed startup; Remote and flexible working hours – as long as you get the work done; Ownership - This is the most exciting time to join Sensei, and you'll have direct input and influence on the direction we take; Internship grant; Working with a motivated and talented team - A fun and supportive office environment working alongside some real experts; Impactful work – you'll have a rare opportunity to build a product literally used by millions of people across the world. Does it sound like “the job” you’re looking for? Amazing! Apply then:) Link: https://sensei.teamtailor.com/jobs/1038884-human-resources-curricular-internship-recruitment
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
We’re looking for a super creative designer, emphasis on creative. One of our core values is to create outstanding so you will be responsible for that. Also, you’ll be responsible for: Creating brand-new concepts Designing branding, from logos to Brand IDs. Designing social media content Ensuring projects are completed with high quality and on schedule Prioritising and manage multiple projects within design specifications and budget restrictions Performing retouching and manipulation of images Working with a wide range of media and use graphic design software Presenting to national and international clients Implementing your own ideas or build on ideas generated by clients, creative directors or marketing and advertising managers. Presenting, researching and applying new design trends Working closely with other team members and departments within the agency Brainstorming and implementing new ideas for clients and agency. The talent we’re looking needs to WOW us, bring fresh and out-of-the box-ideas and be able to fit perfectly within the current team. Some skills you need to nail and are mandatory: Excellent eye for detail Accountability and ownership of your projects Master Design Adobe Package (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Adobe XD, etc.) Speak and write English (we have international clients and partnerships) Some bit and bobs we appreciate, but are not mandatory: Some sort of education degree + 4 years of experience in a similar position, preferably on agency side (we are not looking for someone junior, however, +4 years are not mandatory as we believe talent it’s not based on years of experience) Familiarity with HTML and CSS would be really nice, as you’ll need to work hand in hand with developers Getting your way around After Effects is a plus. Please do not send us an Europass CV, because, where’s the fun in that? We would like to see your presentation letter/email but mainly your CV/Portfolio. So, if you think you’re the right match, send us your CV and/or portfolio to info@intoagency.com. We do analyse all the candidates carefully and in detail, but unfortunately, we do not have time to reply to all. And for that, we apologise in advance. However, if we think you’re a good fit, we’ll contact you within 2 weeks of your application.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job description Description Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real life pains and we’re backed by top tier investors such as Atómico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Operations Team Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on uniplaces.com. Our team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused on improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. In this role, your mission is: The main responsibility of this internship is to cold-call landlords and business providers to get them to sign up on Uniplaces; You will be in charge of finding new leads through our current lead in the German markets; You will be responsible for acquiring new customers in order to build your own portfolio of clients and properties; You will also need to perform meetings with your potential customers (landlords) to close the deal and upsell. Most of the activities related to this position will take place over the phone or over video calls; You will also have other (supporting) tasks such as supporting customers when using our platform, collect feedback, listing creation and optimization of the current inventory, or performing translations. Requirements Your track record: We don’t expect a specific background or set of experiences, as long as you’re a top performer in every task and job you enroll! Your style: Very fluent in spoken/written German and English (other languages are a bonus); Great communication skills - usually you introduce everyone around and make sure everyone is at ease. You get comfortable in communication face to face, over the phone, or in writing; Pure sales machine, you’re here to smash targets and keep pushing yourself to the limit. Pressure is your main fuel to complete objectives; Strong influencer, you’re a natural when it comes to convincing others and proving your point across the table; Open-minded and tolerant working with peers and customers from different nationalities and backgrounds. This is why you’ll love this job: Through our intensive training and hands-on experience with insights from our most senior employees, you’ll learn how to pitch like a boss and sell like the Wolf of Wall Street; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re helping landlords getting their properties known and fully booked; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; Working in Lisbon, one of the coolest up and coming start-up hubs in Europe, where the sun always shines and the seafood is delicious; For now, this position is remote, but you should be available to relocate to Lisbon in case it's needed. What else do you need to know? This is an internship role based in Lisbon; You will report to the Head of Sales You will start on a 3, 6-month, or 1-year fixed-term contract; For this position, we do not sponsor working visas; You must be available to work 40 hours a week; For now, this position is remote, but you should be available to relocate to Lisbon in case it's needed. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job descriptionCompany Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: As our first product designer, you will be working closely with developers, with a fast-paced process, to create UI/UX and participate in the entire process of conception to the deployment of the feature. Also, you will work closely with our Product Manager to study and understand our customers, bringing new ideas and improvements to our product. You will have autonomy, and you will have the chance to work on several fronts. Why you'll love this job: You will be working side-by-side with engineers and a product manager to create amazing features for our products As a full-stack designer, you will not work only on the prototypes but also on research and validation of design proposals You will focus on delivering high value and high impact features to our customers, working with a lean mindset You will also work on our design system You will help us to recreate our product vision and strategy Main requirements: You are a fast learner and eager to learn You can organize and plan your tasks You believe in working in a fast-paced team environment You have a minimum of 3 years of experience as a product designer or UX/UI designer You have experience designing for SaaS products You have experience driving user research, qualitative & quantitative You like to dive into a problem, find quick-wins to solve it, and plan the improvements for future releases Your portfolio reflects your strong interaction design skills You work in close collaboration with engineers You accept the opinions of others and understand how to use feedback You can design polished, high-fidelity mockups of your solutions using modern design tools such as Figma and Sketch Nice to have: You have experience using and working with design systems You have experience in building a product vision and strategy Previous startup environment experience What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models! What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Availability to start soon; You must be able to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job descriptionCompany Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: We believe that engineers should have as much autonomy as possible, but also have the support of the team to build an amazing product. As an engineer at Uniplaces, we expect that you work in all of our projects: backend, frontend, infrastructure., Working closely with other engineers, product designer, and product manager to connect all the dots and bring a feature to live: from the conception to the deployment, fun! Why you'll love this job: Design technical solutions and bring your own ideas on the development of our projects; Work in different projects with different technologies, but always with high quality and scalability (NodeJS, PHP, Golang, Terraform, React, NextJS); Write high quality, well-tested, secure features; Ensure high performance of applications and providing support; Main requirements: 5+ years as a full-stack developer; Strong troubleshooting and performance tuning skills; Javascript and OOP strong knowledge. Fast learner and eager to learn; Capable of keeping a conversation in English; Wants to work in a startup environment with accelerated pace; Nice to have: Either PHP or NodeJS knowledge Frontend development with frameworks such as React, VueJS, or Ember Github account with code to look at Previous startup environment experience What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company; Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business; The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience; A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Available to start soon; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job description Description Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atómico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Operations Team Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on uniplaces.com. Our Operations team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused on improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. In this role, your mission is: Engage and acquire new landlords by presenting our value proposition through outbound cold calls; Follow and prioritize a list of leads previously generated by our Marketing department; Follow-up landlords (through phone or email) from the first call up until their offers are published on our platform; Liaise with other teams to ensure listings and property information is of high quality. Requirements Your track record: We don’t expect a specific background or set of experiences, as long as you’re a top performer in every task and job you enroll! Your style: Very fluent in spoken/written Italian and English (other languages are a bonus); Great communication skills - usually you introduce everyone around and make sure everyone is at ease. You get comfortable in communication face to face, over the phone, or in writing; Pure sales machine, you’re here to smash targets and keep pushing yourself to the limit. Pressure is your main fuel to complete objectives; Strong influencer, you’re a natural when it comes to convincing others and proving your point across the table; Open-minded and tolerant working with peers and customers from different nationalities and backgrounds. This is why you’ll love this job: Through our intensive training and hands-on experience with insights from our most senior employees, you’ll learn how to pitch like a boss and sell like the Wolf of Wall Street; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re helping landlords getting their properties known and fully booked; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; Working in Lisbon, one of the coolest up and coming start-up hubs in Europe, where the sun always shines and the seafood is delicious; What else do you need to know? This is an internship role based in Lisbon; You will report to the Head of Sales You will start on a 3, 6-month or 1-year fixed term contract; For this position, we do not sponsor working visas; You must be available to work 40 hours a week; For now, this position is remote, but you should be available to relocate to Lisbon in case it's needed. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job description Description: Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atómico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Operations Team Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on uniplaces.com. Our Operations team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused on improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. In this role, your mission is: Engage and acquire new landlords by presenting our value proposition through outbound cold calls; Follow and prioritize a list of leads previously generated by our Marketing department; Follow-up landlords (through phone or email) from the first call up until their offers are published in our platform; Liaise with other teams to ensure listings and property information is of high quality. Requirements Your track record: We don’t expect a specific background or set of experiences, as long as you’re a top performer in every task and job you enroll! Your style: Very fluent in spoken/written Spanish and English (other languages are a bonus); Great communication skills - usually you introduce everyone around and make sure everyone is at ease. You get comfortable in communication face to face, over the phone, or in writing; Pure sales machine, you’re here to smash targets and keep pushing yourself to the limit. Pressure is your main fuel to complete objectives; Strong influencer, you’re a natural when it comes to convincing others and proving your point across the table; Open-minded and tolerant working with peers and customers from different nationalities and backgrounds. This is why you’ll love this job: Through our intensive training and hands-on experience with insights from our most senior employees, you’ll learn how to pitch like a boss and sell like the Wolf of Wall Street; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re helping landlords getting their properties known and fully booked; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; Working in Lisbon, one of the coolest up-and-coming start-up hubs in Europe, where the sun always shines and the seafood is delicious. What else do you need to know? This is an internship role based in Lisbon; You will report to the Head of Sales You will start on a 3, 6-month, or 1-year fixed-term contract; For this position, we do not sponsor working visas; You must be available to work 40 hours a week; For now, this position is remote, but you should be available to relocate to Lisbon in case it's needed. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Description Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atómico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Operations Team Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on uniplaces.com. Our Operations team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused on improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. In this role, your mission is: Engage and acquire new landlords by presenting our value proposition through outbound cold calls; Follow and prioritize a list of leads previously generated by our Marketing department; Follow-up landlords (through phone or email) from the first call up until their offers are published on our platform; Liaise with other teams to ensure listings and property information is of high quality. Requirements Your track record: We don’t expect a specific background or set of experiences, as long as you’re a top performer in every task and job you enroll! Your style: Very fluent in spoken/written French and English (other languages are a bonus); Great communication skills - usually you introduce everyone around and make sure everyone is at ease. You get comfortable in communication face to face, over the phone, or in writing; Pure sales machine, you’re here to smash targets and keep pushing yourself to the limit. Pressure is your main fuel to complete objectives; Strong influencer, you’re a natural when it comes to convincing others and proving your point across the table; Open-minded and tolerant working with peers and customers from different nationalities and backgrounds. This is why you’ll love this job: Through our intensive training and hands-on experience with insights from our most senior employees, you’ll learn how to pitch like a boss and sell like the Wolf of Wall Street; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re helping landlords getting their properties known and fully booked; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; Working in Lisbon, one of the coolest up and coming start-up hubs in Europe, where the sun always shines and the seafood is delicious; For now, this position is remote, but you should be available to relocate to Lisbon in case it's needed. What else do you need to know? This is an internship role based in Lisbon; You will report to the Head of Sales You will start on a 3, 6-month, or 1-year fixed-term contract; For this position, we do not sponsor working visas; You must be available to work 40 hours a week; For now, this position is remote, but you should be available to relocate to Lisbon in case it's needed. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Marketing Partnerships SpecialistJob description Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Marketing Team: No matter how great the product, it needs distribution. Marketing is the heart and soul of distribution at Uniplaces - a combination of Performance, Branding, Data, Partners, and CRM to build up sales funnels and engage our customers to ensure our value proposition is clearly communicated. In this role, your mission is: To prospect for new partners and develop Uniplaces partnerships marketing program, aiming to increase revenue, acquisition, engagement, and reach new customers. This role will propose tactics to increase sales and awareness with current and new partners, working closely with the current partner marketing team to build, support, and execute marketing activities, necessary to support the channel, which includes tracking and analyzing partner performance and impact on sales, market share and competitive landscape. Some of your daily tasks will be: Create presentations, proposals, and other external communication Prospect and create strong relationships within Partners Contribute to the achievement of partner marketing & sales objectives Identify and deliver on opportunities to improve the customer journey Requirements Your track record: Knowledge of partner ecosystems, KPIs/metrics, and analysis Strong presentation skills Excel within a cross-functional team environment Ability to handle multiple projects, partners, and escalations Understanding of both direct sales and multiple distribution channels Knowledge of Reporting tools, mainly MySQL, Excel/google sheet, and Visualisation software Forward-thinking and highly analytical, with experience in gathering insights to form recommendations Native or Fluent proficiency in English is a plus Your style: You are passionate about Partners, establishing partnerships, and love analyzing the customer journey Business savvy and an effective communicator, with in-depth knowledge of marketing communications Extremely independent and with a high level of initiative, able to proactively take on any challenge autonomously and to learn fast Ability to combine analytical skills with relationship skills and business acumen Proficient in time management, with the ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects concurrently, with attention to detail This is why you’ll love this job: We’ll give you intensive training coupled with increasing business exposure and insights from our most senior employees, making you exponentially grow; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models. What else do you need to know? This is, right now, a remote position, but the company is based in Lisbon and you will have the chance to go to the office when you want to, once a week; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job descriptionCompany Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: We believe that engineers should have as much autonomy as possible, but also have the support of the team to build an amazing product. As an engineer at Uniplaces, we expect that you work in all of our projects: backend, frontend, infrastructure., Working closely with other engineers, product designer, and product manager to connect all the dots and bring a feature to live: from the conception to the deployment, fun! Why you'll love this job: Design technical solutions and bring your own ideas on the development of our projects; Work in different projects with different technologies, but always with high quality and scalability (NodeJS, PHP, Golang, Terraform, React, NextJS); Develop new features and solve issues on backend and frontend projects; Test the applications with unitary, integration, and end-to-end tests. Main requirements: Fast learner and eager to learn; A degree in computer science or similar and, at least, 3 or 4 years of experience in Web development; Capable of keeping a conversation in English; Wants to work in a startup environment with accelerated pace; Javascript and OOP knowledge. Nice to have: Either PHP or NodeJS knowledge Frontend development with frameworks such as React, VueJS, or Ember Git superpowers Github account with code to look at Previous startup environment experience What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company; Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business; The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience; A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Available to start soon; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Job descriptionCompany Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: We believe that engineers should have as much autonomy as possible and have the team's support to build an amazing product. As an engineer at Uniplaces, we expect that you work in all of our projects: backend, frontend, infrastructure., Working closely with other engineers, product designers, and product managers to connect all the dots and bring a feature to life: from the conception to the deployment, fun! Why you'll love this job: Develop end-to-end tasks, from the conception to the deployment; Work in different projects with different technologies, but always with high quality and scalability; Develop new features and solve issues on backend and frontend projects; Test the applications with unitary, integration, and end-to-end tests. Main requirements: Fast learner and eager to learn; A degree in computer science or, at least, 6m of experience in Web development; Capable of keeping a conversation in English; Wants to work in an agile environment with cross-functional teams; Javascript and OOP knowledge. Nice to have: Either PHP or NodeJS knowledge CSS and HTML5 experience Familiarity with Git Github account with code to look at What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company; Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business; The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience; A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Available to start soon; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. Requirements About the position: We're looking for a Senior Product Manager to partner with engineers and designers to develop impactful solutions for Uniplace's customers (Tenants and Landlords). You'll work on various projects across the product with a diverse set of team members. Why you'll love this job: You ensure the product vision is achievable and inspire others to be part of this journey. You interact with other company areas and create product strategies to be closer to product vision goals. You partner with the engineering team and product designer to research, define and design solutions across multiple product domains. You bring the Tenants' and Landlords' voices to the conversation and ensure the delivery of value to our customers. You communicate and evangelize the value of our platforms to engineering teams and business stakeholders by defining, tracking, and reporting on metrics. You participate directly in user research with our product designer and tech lead. You check and analyze data to make informed decisions. Main requirements: You have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a product manager. You are a fast learner and eager to learn. You can organize and plan your tasks. You believe in working in a fast-paced team environment. You have experience in creating product strategies. You are a very organized person. You plan your thoughts very well and can explain them to others. You like to dive into a problem, find quick wins to solve it and prepare the improvements for future releases. You can work with engineers on a technical level and with other stakeholders on a business level. You have a genuine obsession with customers satisfaction. You are fluent in English. Nice to have: Experience as an engineer You have experience in building a product vision and strategy Previous startup environment experience What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders ad peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models! What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Availability to start soon; You must be able to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atómico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Operations Team Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on uniplaces.com. Our Operations team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused on improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. In this role, your mission is: Engage and acquire new landlords by presenting our value proposition through outbound cold calls; Follow and prioritize a list of leads previously generated by our Marketing department; Follow-up landlords (through phone or email) from the first call up until their offers are published on our platform; Liaise with other teams to ensure listings and property information is of high quality. Requirements Your track record: We don’t expect a specific background or set of experiences, as long as you’re a top performer in every task and job you enroll! Your style: Very fluent in spoken/written English (other languages are a bonus); Great communication skills - usually you introduce everyone around and make sure everyone is at ease. You get comfortable in communication face to face, over the phone, or in writing; Pure sales machine, you’re here to smash targets and keep pushing yourself to the limit. Pressure is your main fuel to complete objectives; Strong influencer, you’re a natural when it comes to convincing others and proving your point across the table; Open-minded and tolerant working with peers and customers from different nationalities and backgrounds. This is why you’ll love this job: Through our intensive training and hands-on experience with insights from our most senior employees, you’ll learn how to pitch like a boss and sell like the Wolf of Wall Street; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re helping landlords getting their properties known and fully booked; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? This position is based in Lisbon (hybrid) An internship contract with a duration of 6 months An internship grant + meal allowance will be provided An amazing experience within an international environment Required availability of 40 hours a week Does it sound like the job for you? Great! Please apply below and let us know why you believe you're the perfect fit for the role:) https://uniplacescareers.recruitee.com/o/business-development-and-sales-intern-hybrid Note: Please send your CVs in English.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Company Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: We believe that engineers should have as much autonomy as possible, but also have the support of the team to build an amazing product. As an engineer at Uniplaces, we expect that you work in all of our projects: backend, frontend, infrastructure., Working closely with other engineers, product designer, and product manager to connect all the dots and bring a feature to live: from the conception to the deployment, fun! Why you'll love this job: Design technical solutions and bring your own ideas on the development of our projects; Work in different projects with different technologies, but always with high quality and scalability (NodeJS, PHP, Golang, Terraform, React, NextJS); Develop new features and solve issues on backend and frontend projects; Test the applications with unitary, integration, and end-to-end tests. Main requirements: Fast learner and eager to learn; A degree in computer science or similar and, at least, 3 or 4 years of experience in Web development; Capable of keeping a conversation in English; Wants to work in a startup environment with accelerated pace; Javascript and OOP knowledge. Nice to have: Either PHP or NodeJS knowledge Frontend development with frameworks such as React, VueJS, or Ember Git superpowers Github account with code to look at Previous startup environment experience What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company; Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business; The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience; A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office once a week; Available to start soon; Required availability of 40 hours a week Does it sound like the job for you? Great! Please apply below and let us know why you believe you're the perfect fit for the role:)
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. About the Operations Team Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on uniplaces.com. Our Operations team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused on improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. In this role, your mission is: Deal with requests and inquiries from students from all over the world that are going to study in another country and supporting them in finding their new home; Support students through their Booking experience, by helping and inspiring them to find in Uniplaces the perfect place for them on our site; Be part of a commercial and service-oriented team, both responding to inbound calls and performing outbound - check details for students and check availability with landlords; Liaise with other teams to come up with solutions, identify and escalate priority issues, in order to avoid customer and operational impact; Find properties for students who had their original booking canceled; Be supportive and helpful to students around the world, prepare them for the best time of their life. Understand seasonal trends and work within them to ensure maximum occupancy; Daily reports on your activity and be accountable for your contribution to the team’s effort. Requirements Your track record: Fluent in English (Italian/Spanish/German/French as extra languages are considered a plus!) We don’t expect a specific background or set of experiences, as long as you’re a top performer in every task and job you enroll! Your style: Strong organization and execution skills - multi-tasking is your first nature; Drive for high performance and smashing targets - You keep pushing, trying new approaches, and never give up; Great communication skills - usually you introduce everyone around and make sure everyone is at ease. You get comfortable in communication face to face, over the phone, or in writing; You're patient and you never lose your temper, even under pressure; Open-minded and tolerant working with peers and customers from different nationalities and backgrounds. This is why you’ll love this job: We’ll give you intensive training coupled with increasing business exposure and insights from our most senior employees, making you exponentially grow; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? This role is based in Lisbon, although it is currently remote An internship contract with a duration of 6 months An internship grant + meal allowance will be provided An amazing experience within an international environment Required availability of 40 hours a week Does it sound like the job for you? Great! Please apply below and let us know why you believe you're the perfect fit for the role:) https://uniplacescareers.recruitee.com/o/bookings-agent-internship Note: Please send your CV in English.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Company Presentation Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility, and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains, and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. We are an internationally-minded company with an extremely talented team and global ambitions. Our decisions are driven by our core values of Passion, Impact, Trust, and Team Spirit - with which we aim at having a company where everyone feels accountable and empowered to achieve their full potential. About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. RequirementsAbout the position: We believe that engineers should have as much autonomy as possible and have the team's support to build an amazing product. As an engineer at Uniplaces, we expect that you work in all of our projects: backend, frontend, infrastructure., Working closely with other engineers, product designers, and product managers to connect all the dots and bring a feature to life: from the conception to the deployment, fun! Why you'll love this job: Develop end-to-end tasks, from the conception to the deployment; Work in different projects with different technologies, but always with high quality and scalability; Develop new features and solve issues on backend and frontend projects; Test the applications with unitary, integration, and end-to-end tests. Main requirements: Fast learner and eager to learn; A degree in computer science or, at least, 6m of experience in Web development; Capable of keeping a conversation in English; Wants to work in an agile environment with cross-functional teams; Javascript and OOP knowledge. Nice to have: Either PHP or NodeJS knowledge CSS and HTML5 experience Familiarity with Git Github account with code to look at What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company; Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business; The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience; A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Available to start soon; You must be available to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:) https://uniplacescareers.recruitee.com/o/junior-full-stack-engineer
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; recruit@uniksystem.com https://www.uniksystem.com/pt/carreiras/administrador-de-sistemas-e-devops/ As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Vagas Lisboa e/ou Porto Kofax Developer (04 anos de experiência) Pearl Developer (03 anos de experiência) Sharepoint Developer (04 anos de experiência) Salesforce Developer (03 anos de experiência) IOS Developer (05 anos de experiência) BI Developer - (Foco em Power BI e Talent) Curriculo para esterbolina@esterbolinaheadhunters.com
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Contrate um mágico especial para o seu evento! Mágico com vários anos de experiência, residente em Lisboa, com possibilidade de se deslocar para qualquer ponto do país. Membro da Associação Portuguesa de Ilusionismo, praticante da arte da magia há mais de 10 anos e tem ganho experiência em diversas actuações, como em Escolas, Restaurantes, Casamentos, Baptizados ou até mesmo no Got Talent Portugal. Realiza magia de proximidade, deixando as pessoas admiradas e maravilhadas. Possibilidade de ajustar o espectáculo ao orçamento pretendido. Disponível para qualquer tipo de evento, como: - Casamentos - Baptizados - Bares e restaurantes - Festa de aniversário - Magia infanil - Escolas - Eventos empresariais - Entre outros... Contrate um mágico especial para o seu evento! magico.jose.serafim(arroba)gmail.com facebook.com/JoseSerafimMagico
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Pour accompagner son développement, Génération recrute des Conseillers Relation Client francophones. Véritable spécialiste de la relation client, vous avez en charge le traitement des demandes des clients et vous êtes garant de leur satisfaction. Après une formation interne au métier et outils de gestion, vous serez en charge de: Réceptionner les appels entrants Traiter par téléphone les actes de gestion, les demandes de renseignements et les réclamations Comprendre les demandes des adhérents et trouver des solutions Communiquer avec les adhérents de façon personnalisée Utiliser des canaux de contact multiples avec les adhérents au gré des évolutions technologiques (chatbot notamment) Participer à l’amélioration de la qualité de service aux clients (travail sur les processus, analyse des réclamations…). Profil recherché : De formation supérieure, vous bénéficiez d'une première expérience réussie dans la relation client. La qualité de relation client est au cœur de vos préoccupations et vous savez insuffler cet objectif à votre équipe. Autonome, doté d'un grand sens de l'organisation et particulièrement à l'aise avec les outils bureautiques (en particulier Word et Excel), vous êtes reconnu pour votre aisance relationnelle et votre esprit d’équipe. Dynamique, réactif et organisé, vous savez gérer les priorités et prendre des initiatives. Grande rigueur analytique et capacité à prendre des initiatives seront vos atouts pour réussir à ce poste. Poste à temps plein en CDI basé à Lisbonne - Parque das Nações ; A pourvoir pour le 23/11/2020 Vous avez à cœur de satisfaire nos clients ? Devenez une clé du succès de Génération en apportant votre talent et votre dynamisme au service d’une société en plein essor ! Découvrez l'entreprise sur generation.fr Rendez-vous sur nos pages Facebook "Génération Lisbonne", et LinkedIn "Génération SAS" Faites votre candidature en ligne sur notre site generation.fr
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Pour accompagner notre croissance, nous recrutons des Conseillers Relation Client. Véritable expert de la relation client, vous avez en charge le traitement des demandes des appelants et vous êtes garant de leur satisfaction. Après un parcours de formation interne, ainsi qu'un accompagnement de proximité, vous serez en mesure de répondre aux demandes de la clientèle (adhérents, entreprises, professionnels de santé), en apportant les conseils et solutions personnalisés et adaptés aux situations de chacun. Vos missions: Prendre en charge les demandes des appelants; Comprendre les demandes des adhérents/professionnels de santé/entreprises et y apporter les solutions adéquates; Traiter par téléphone les actes de gestion, les demandes de renseignements et les réclamations; Utiliser des canaux de contact multiples avec vos interlocuteurs au gré des évolutions technologiques (chatbot notamment); Etre force de proposition afin d'améliorer l'expérience client, participer à l‘amélioration continue de nos services. Profil De formation niveau bac minimum, vous bénéficiez d'une première expérience réussie dans la relation client. La satisfaction client est au cœur de vos préoccupations. Autonome, doté d'un grand sens de l'organisation et particulièrement à l'aise avec les outils bureautiques, vous êtes reconnu pour votre aisance relationnelle et votre esprit d'équipe. Dynamique, réactif et organisé, vous savez gérer les priorités et prendre des initiatives. Poste à temps plein basé à Lisbonne. A pourvoir dès le mois de novembre en CDI. Vous avez à coeur de satisfaire nos clients ? Devenez une clé du succès de Génération en apportant votre talent et votre dynamisme au service d’une société en plein essor ! Faites votre candidature en ligne sur notre site generation.fr Rendez-vous sur nos pages Facebook Génération Lisbonne, et LinkedIn Génération SAS Data de início prevista: 23/11/2020 Type d'emploi: Temps plein
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