Talent acquisition manager
Lista mais vendidos talent acquisition manager

Porto-Porto (Porto)
A Jorge Anjos Unipessoal foi fundada a 2 de julho de 2015 como empresa de prestação de serviços na área da hotelaria e restauração, resultado de uma vasta experiência e know-how de um pequeno grupo de trabalhadores qua atuaram no terreno ao longo de 18 anos de atividade. Fruto da expansão de mercado, em agosto de 2017 nasce uma nova empresa – Anjos Clean Lda, criada com o intuito de prestar serviços na colocação de empregadas de andares e de limpezas e na organização e gestão de eventos. Em novembro de 2018, a Jorge dos Anjos adquire o alvará para evoluir para empresa de Trabalho Temporário e hoje dispomos de uma variedade de serviços para responder às necessidades de Recursos Humanos da sua empresa, formando assim o Grupo Jorge Anjos. Atualmente, estamos sediados no centro de Vila Nova de Gaia (Porto) e encontramo-nos em processo de recrutamento para integrar a equipa de Recrutamento e Seleção, com reporte à Direção: Talent Acquisition Manager M/F (m/f) V.N. Gaia (PORTO) Principais Responsabilidades: - Dinamização de redes sociais, com a criação e publicação de anúncios; - Elaborar a análise e triagem curricular; inclusive a realização de entrevistas presenciais e digitais; - Elaboração de relatórios de seleção; - Coordenação de equipa e divisão de processos; - Gestão de base de dados e de reativação de candidaturas; - Prospeção comercial de novas oportunidades de negócio em novos mercados; - Admissão e vinculação de colaboradores. Requisitos: - Experiência em funções semelhantes de Recrutamento e Seleção (obrigatório); - Formação em Psicologia/Recursos Humanos/Comunicação ou similares (preferencial); - Domínio de ferramentas MS Office; - Boa capacidade de relacionamento, responsabilidade e organização; - Capacidade de liderança, foco e autodisciplina; - Boa apresentação e dinamismo; - Disponibilidade para se deslocar e residência na zona do Porto. Oferecemos: - Salário competitivo + Sub. Alimentação pago em cartão; - Formação inicial e contínua; - Possibilidade de integração efetiva; - Oportunidade de desenvolvimento pessoal/profissional. Para se candidatar, basta enviar email para recursoshumanos@grupojorgeanjos.pt . Ao enviar email com o seu currículo escreva por favor no Assunto “MANAGER VNG”. Ao candidatar-se aceita e compreende a nossa Política de Dados e Privacidade que poderá consultar no nosso site: http://www.grupojorgeanjos.pt/policy . Apenas os candidatos elegíveis serão contactados, os restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras oportunidades.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/uma talent acquisition trainee, com boas capacidades de comunicação, proativ@, dinâmic@ e organizad@. Irás integrar a People Experience Unit, a equipa responsável pelo desenvolvimento e pela promoção da felicidade dos nossos PHCs. Procuramos uma pessoa para nos apoiar nos processos de recrutamento de novos candidatos, e valorizamos pessoas que queiram trazer valor acrescentado às relações, aos projetos e aos processos. Responsabilidades Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto Requisitos Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3aSF612 Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
COMPANY OVERVIEW Generix Group is a Collaborative Supply Chain, Saas Software and Omnichannel Sales expert. Our 650 employees provide a daily support for well-known costumers, leaders in digital transformation of their Supply Chain. Generix Group is present in more than 60 countries, through our 9 subsidiaries and our partnership network. Nowadays, our application services are used in more than 6.000 companies worldwide. Joining Generix Group is a guarantee of continuous improvement within a growing and dynamic company, where goodwill is our everyday life! In a supportive environment, you can freely share and improve and skills and expertise. Generix Group is growing along with its talents, so let’s build our future together! Ready to join us the challenge of digital transformation of prestigious clients? JOB DESCRIPTION As a Talent Acquisition Specialist you will be part of the HR team in Porto office. You will be able to use your capability to find and evaluate the skills of candidates, using efficient sourcing strategies and technical evaluation methods, to allow the attraction and successful hire of the best people to the right roles. As part of the HR team, you will also contribute to the continuous improvement of our processes and be part of a strong employee experience plan. You will also be a key member on spreading our company values and culture. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES - Establish an amazing candidate experience during the application process based on empathy and trust; - Be able to engage candidates; - Elaborate and post job advertisements on internal and external platforms; - Screen matching candidate profiles; - Conduct interviews to assess relevant knowledge, skills, experience, etc; - Manage the offer process and conduct background checks; - Create and run reports and databases; - Identify and address potential improvements; - Foster the relationship with hiring managers to validate information and create the best strategy of recruitment. EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS - Degree in HR, Management, Social Sciences or similar area; - Proven professional experience within Recruitment of 2+ years, preferably in the IT field; - Knowledge in employee assessments and evaluation of technical capabilities; - Knowledge of recruitment methods; - Deep understanding of efficient sourcing plans; - Autonomy and ability to work independently; - Strong organization and communication skills; - Positive can-do attitude; - Very good language skills in French and English; - Good IT skills such as MS-Office. OFFER - Competitive compensation; - Continuous training and professional development; - Health insurance; - Good team spirit and collaborative environment (Centro Empresarial Lionesa). For application, please send your CV to: generix.maia@generixgroup.com
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
About Webhelp Webhelp is a French multinational BPO company that is making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands. By choosing Webhelp you will be part of a family of over 100,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 55 countries. As a Talent Acquisition Specialist, you will Attract candidates by using databases, social media, job fairs, among others Conduct interviews to assess applicant's relevant knowledge, skills, experience, and aptitudes Establish a relationship with different departments and Managers to validate pieces of information Prepare and onboard the new employees to become fully integrated into the company Build a good relationship with candidates during the selection process by becoming a trusted recruiter Create, update, and maintain analytical reports and databases Analise cost and results of recruitment needs We are looking for Knowledge of a European language: English (C2 level) University Degree, preferably in Human Resources or similar Proven Work Experience in the field is mandatory Strong organization, communication, and results-oriented Familiarity with recruitment process methods (hiring profile, assessments, interviews, and ongoing follow-up) Familiarity with Applicant Tracking Systems and resume databases Experience with sourcing techniques Experience in mentoring a team Experience in Microsoft tools (MS Teams, Excel, PPT) is mandatory A positive and ‘can do’ attitude overlooking a community-building approach Apply here https://bit.ly/3rGg1Pq or send an email to [email protected] ebhelp.com
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Conhecer melhor o próximo desafia-te? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Estágio profissional através da PHC Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers172@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A tua paixão por talento vai levar-te longe. Imagina-te a recrutar para uma das empresas de referência em Portugal. E imagina que a nossa equipa de recursos humanos depende da tua capacidade de trazer as melhores pessoas para a organização. Imagina também que tens na mão a capacidade de acompanhar e desenvolver o talento que temos, encontrando novas possibilidades de crescimento dentro das suas equipas. E que o teu dia a dia vai fazer a diferença na criação da melhor experiência de trabalho. Imagina-te a trabalhar na PHC Software. Temos uma oportunidade incrível para fazeres o que sempre sonhaste numa das melhores empresas para trabalhar em Portugal. Em que é que nos podes acrescentar: Traz a tua experiência em recrutamento para nos ajudares a encontrar os melhores talentos na área tecnológica Queremos que trabalhes o ciclo de recrutamento, assumindo o ownership da estratégia, definição de perfis e abordagens a adotar Esperamos que apoies os líderes na gestão das suas pessoas e identificação de necessidades de desenvolvimento e recursos para as suas equipas E contamos contigo para propor novas soluções com base em análise de tendências e métricas de recursos humanos O que temos à tua espera: Integração na equipa da PHC Software responsável pela área de recursos humanos A oportunidade para construíres a tua experiência de trabalho, todos os dias, numa empresa reconhecida como uma das melhores para trabalhar em Portugal Um modelo de trabalho híbrido, para desfrutares do melhor do dia-a-dia presencial, conjugado com o trabalho remoto Um plano de formação à tua medida, para desenvolveres as tuas competências Temos free food todos os dias. E sim, o pequeno-almoço vem incluído. Que tipo de pessoa esperamos que sejas: És uma pessoa com formação de base na área da gestão de pessoas Tens experiência em recrutamento, gestão e desenvolvimento de talento Compreendes as dinâmicas de recrutamento na área de IT Tratas por tu o desenvolvimento de pessoas As tuas capacidades de empatia e relacionamento interpessoal serão bem-vindas És apaixonado por aprender coisas novas todos os dias E, claro, contamos que vivas os nossos valores: adapt and grow, cool but pro, make an impact Agarra esta oportunidade. Candidata-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3KrCx5E Sobre a PHC Software ???? Líder em #BusinessSoftware ???? Multinacional portuguesa ???? Referência para trabalhar em Portugal ???? Vivemos a #BestExperienceAtWork ???? phcsoftware.com/carreiras Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A INTEGRITY part of Devoteam, empresa especialista em Segurança da Informação, foi fundada em 2009 por profissionais reconhecidos nas suas áreas de actuação e é constituída por colaboradores que conjugam uma elevada experiência nos seus sectores de actividade, com certificações internacionais relevantes em cada uma das áreas. Somos certificados nas normas ISO 27001, ISO 9001 e CREST, detendo hoje já um conjunto considerável de clientes em 14 países. Totalmente isenta e independente de vendors, a INTEGRITY dispõe assim de um posicionamento inteiramente focado no incremento da eficiência, eficácia e gestão dos riscos dos clientes de forma independente dos diferentes flavours tecnológicos. Se quiseres saber mais informação sobre nós não deixes de visitar o nosso site: http://www.integrity.pt/ Estamos à procura de um/a Talent Manager O/a candidato/a irá ter as seguintes funções/ responsabilidades: Contribuir para o desenho e implementação da estratégia de recrutamento; Contribuir para a criação de anúncios de emprego; Preparar materiais de recrutamento e publicar as vagas em sites de empregos/faculdades e/ou outros. Publicação de anúncios de emprego e triagem curricular; Recrutamento e seleção; Pesquisa de candidatos (base de dados, Linkedin, etc), marcação e realização de entrevistas; Identificar futuras necessidades de contratação; Participação em eventos e feiras de emprego; Desenvolver e atualizar descrições de cargos e especificações de cargos. Gestão e apoio em necessidades internas; Apresentação e negociação de propostas a potenciais colaboradores; Onboard de novos colaboradores; Iniciativas que colaborem para o bem estar dos colaboradores; Desenvolvimentos de processos de retenção de talento; Perfil: Formação Superior em Psicologia, Gestão de Recursos Humanos ou similar; Experiência profissional superior a 1 ano e background em funções similares; Inglês (falado e escrito); Espírito crítico na análise dos problemas e apresentação de soluções; Capacidade de trabalhar em equipa; Compreensão dos desafios de recursos humanos na área tecnológica; Adaptabilidade, independência, proatividade, resiliência e genuíno gosto por relações humanas; Excelentes skills de comunicação e de colaboração; O que oferecemos: Forte cultura organizacional: colaboração, partilha, flexibilidade, integridade e low ego; Valorização e acompanhamento do talento; Aposta no desenvolvimento dos nossos colaboradores; Juntares-te a uma empresa no sector da segurança da informação, em rápido crescimento; Gostarias de te juntar à nossa equipa? Então envia o teu CV para pt.integrity.work@devoteam.com
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes une jeune agence de marketing digital qui se lance à Lisbonne, spécialisée dans le marketing Digital. Si tu es passionné.e par le Digital et que tu baignes dans le marketing, alors rejoins-nous! Mission Nous proposons 1 poste mais 2 dimensions ! Office manager: Vous veillez au bon fonctionnement de l’agence Vous êtes le relais de la Direction basée à l’étranger pour toutes les questions administratives et managériales Vous supervisez les deux équipes marketing déjà en place (4 personnes): marketing opérationnel et gestion du trafic Marketing Manager: Mission 1 - Stratégie de marque Préparation, mise en place, test, déploiement et suivi des performances des campagnes de fidélisation Web pour différentes marques selon la stratégie établie et le planning défini en collaboration avec les clients de l’agence Ciblage, programmation et suivi de la délivrabilité et des performances emailings (et extensions cross-canaux), Coordination des différents métiers: copywriting, PAO, traduction, publication, IT, etc. Mission 2 - Stratégie marketing Amélioration continue des performances à travers les processus de testing comparatifs de sa propre initiative ou pour le compte de l’équipe Marketing, Reporting au référent de marque et à la Direction Marketing (KPIs, délivrabilité, ROI, rapport d’activité) Conduite de projets marketing transverses pour différentes marques et contribuant à l’optimisation de la stratégie d’acquisition et de fidélisation, Au-delà de l'expertise technique, vous avez surtout ENVIE ! Envie de découvrir, d'innover, de réussir, de contribuer au succès de l’agence en y apportant votre énergie et votre enthousiasme. Must have: Vous avez 5 ans d’expérience à un poste similaire Vous avez une expérience de management Vous êtes trilingue – anglais, français et portugais Vous avez une forte culture digitale Vous avez une formation universitaire ou d’école supérieure en marketing avec de préférence un master /MBA Vous avez une expérience marketing digital B to C Vous comprenez et vous appropriez très vite les enjeux business Vous êtes agile, rigoureux(se), autonome et orienté(e) résultats Vous êtes à l’aise avec la compréhension et le traitement de la data au travers d’Excel (TCD) - Power BI – Google Analytics Vous maitrisez les outils d’animation marketing digital tels qu’Adobe Campaign – Actito – Salesforce – et êtes à l’aise avec la construction de Workflow de campagnes élaborés Vous avez déjà travaillé avec et êtes à l’aise sur les outils de testing type Adobe Target – AB Tasty – Convertize ou Google Optimize Vous avez travaillé sur les CMS courant tels que Wordpress ou Drupal Vous êtes synthétique et savez mettre en avant les informations essentielles à la prise de décision Nice to have: Maitrise des techniques d’acquisition Vous êtes à l’aise avec les techniques de marketing direct Si vous vous reconnaissez dans ce profil et êtes intéressé par le poste que nous proposons, envoyez-nous votre candidature (lettre de motivation, CV avec photo récente) à l'email: drh@logdirect.net
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Who are we? We are a young digital marketing agency starting in Lisbon, specialized in digital marketing. If you are passionate about Digital and are immersed in marketing, then join us! Mission We offer 1 position but 2 dimensions! Office manager: • You ensure the proper functioning of the agency • You are the relay of the Management based abroad for all administrative and managerial questions • You supervise the two marketing teams already in place (4 people): operational marketing and traffic management Marketing Manager: Mission 1 - Brand strategy • Preparation, implementation, testing, deployment, and monitoring the performances of web loyalty campaigns for different brands according to the established strategy and the schedule defined in collaboration with the agency's clients • Targeting, programming, and monitoring of emailing deliverability and performance (and cross-channel extensions), • Coordination of various professions: copywriting, DTP, translation, publication, IT, etc. Mission 2 - Marketing strategy • Continuous improvement of performances through comparative testing processes by your own initiative or on behalf of the Marketing team, • Reporting to the brand referent and to the Marketing Department (KPIs, deliverability, ROI, activity report) • Conducting cross-functional marketing projects for different brands and contributing to the optimization of the acquisition and loyalty strategy, Beyond the technical expertise, you especially have DESIRE! Desire to discover, innovate, succeed, contribute to the success of the agency by bringing your energy and enthusiasm. Must have: • You have 5 years of experience in a similar position • You have management experience • You are trilingual – English, French and Portuguese • You have a strong digital culture • You have a university or college education in digital marketing, preferably with a master /MBA • You have B to C digital marketing experience • You understand and take ownership of business issues very quickly • You are agile, rigorous, autonomous and results oriented • You are comfortable with understanding and processing data through Excel (Pivot Tables) - Power BI – Google Analytics • You master email marketing tools like Adobe Campaign - Actito – Salesforce - and are comfortable with building elaborate campaign workflows • You have already worked with and are comfortable with testing tools like Adobe Target – AB Tasty – Convertize or Google Optimize • You have worked on current CMS like Wordpress or Drupal • You are synthetical and know how to put forward the essential information for decision making Nice to have: • Knowledge of acquisition techniques (Affiliation - SEA) • You are comfortable with direct marketing techniques If you recognize yourself in this profile and are interested in the position we offer, send us your application (cover letter, CV with recent photograph) to the email: drh@logdirect.net
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
About the Product Team: We’re a technology-based startup, and we depend on our online platform to provide the best possible service to students and landlords. This is where the product team comes in and why it is core to Uniplaces. The team has engineers, product designers, and product managers, and we all work together to achieve our ambitious goals. Our decisions are taken with everyone's input - whether you’re playing with code, data, scripts, or infrastructure, you’ll collaborate with the wider team. Requirements About the position: We're looking for a Senior Product Manager to partner with engineers and designers to develop impactful solutions for Uniplace's customers (Tenants and Landlords). You'll work on various projects across the product with a diverse set of team members. Why you'll love this job: You ensure the product vision is achievable and inspire others to be part of this journey. You interact with other company areas and create product strategies to be closer to product vision goals. You partner with the engineering team and product designer to research, define and design solutions across multiple product domains. You bring the Tenants' and Landlords' voices to the conversation and ensure the delivery of value to our customers. You communicate and evangelize the value of our platforms to engineering teams and business stakeholders by defining, tracking, and reporting on metrics. You participate directly in user research with our product designer and tech lead. You check and analyze data to make informed decisions. Main requirements: You have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a product manager. You are a fast learner and eager to learn. You can organize and plan your tasks. You believe in working in a fast-paced team environment. You have experience in creating product strategies. You are a very organized person. You plan your thoughts very well and can explain them to others. You like to dive into a problem, find quick wins to solve it and prepare the improvements for future releases. You can work with engineers on a technical level and with other stakeholders on a business level. You have a genuine obsession with customers satisfaction. You are fluent in English. Nice to have: Experience as an engineer You have experience in building a product vision and strategy Previous startup environment experience What do we offer? Startup experience in our fast-growing, venture-backed company Quick progression & exposure to all areas of the business The competitive compensation package, negotiable, based on experience A chance to have fun while working! Meeting people from all around the world on a daily basis, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders ad peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models! What else do you need to know? Work from anywhere. If you are in Portugal you can work from the office twice a week; Availability to start soon; You must be able to work 40 hours a week. Does it sound like "the job" you're looking for? Great! Apply below then and let us know why you are fit to work at Uniplaces:)
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Coimbra-Coimbra (Coimbra)
Le contexte Notify: Notify est une start-up technologique en pleine croissance qui utilise l'IA et le temps réel au service de la relation client. Fondée en 2014, Notify révolutionne la relation client grâce au déploiement rapide de sa technologie propriétaire. Notify s'appuie sur une équipe d'une trentaine de collaborateurs passionnés dans trois pays: France, Brésil, Portugal. Parmi ses clients, vous trouverez Bouygues Telecom, AccorHotels, Carrefour… mais aussi des pure-players comme Voyage Privé, Bazarchic et Showroomprivé! Descriptif du poste Notify a pour ambition de révolutionner le marketing digital , si cela vous plaît, rejoignez-nous... Rattaché(e) directement au responsable Regie, vous aurez pour principales mission de gérer et optimiser des plans média pour des campagnes d’acquisition pour des clients tels que : Dior, Carrefour, Thalasseo, Clarins, Mugler… Vos Missions : Suivi et déploiement sur les différents leviers d’acquisition de trafic via le réseau éditeur et via d’autres canaux : Facebook ads, instagram, Display… Participation aux optimisations sur les différents leviers Aide au suivi quotidien des performance et au reporting de l’activité Mise en place du tracking Reportings et suivi des performances Communication étroite avec le département opération pour la mise en place et l’optimisation des campagnes mais aussi avec le studio graphique. Utiliser les outils internes Préparation des kits et validation des bats Votre profil Issu(e) d’une formation type école de commerce ou université, vous justifiez idéalement d’une première expérience en marketing opérationnel et/ou dans le domaine du digital, que ce soit chez l’annonceur ou en agence. Vous possédez un goût prononcé pour les chiffres et maitrisez le pack Office. La connaissance de Google Analytics est un plus. Vous êtes curieux et motivé. Vous faites preuve d’un bon relationnel. Vous êtes également force de proposition. Vous êtes très organisé(e) et rigoureux(euse) dans votre travail et savez gérer plusieurs dossiers simultanément. Votre curiosité, votre ouverture d’esprit et votre sens de l’humour seront les bienvenues au sein de la team Notify.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Who are we? We are a digital marketing agency based in Lisbon, specialized in web marketing. As part of our growth, we are looking for several talents to build our team. Immersed in the heart of our activity for our international clients, publishing houses in the field of entertainment, and to face new challenges of expansion, digital transformation and development of new innovative business models, our SEA division is looking for a talent - as an SEA Account Manager, you will be in charge of a client’s portfolio with the aim of satisfying them. Your mission: Design and deploy successful lead generation campaigns with an international dimension, both in Search and Display (mainly Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Native ads, Bing, any other identified lever, etc.); Daily monitoring and optimization of campaigns; Analysis of overall performance, proposal of recommendations and action plans; Preparation and updating of activity reports for the client and the management of the agency; Collaborate with the other poles for the creation of new advertisements, banners, videos… Collaborate with the Marketing and Technical department to optimize ergonomics for the benefit of the generation of qualified leads; Macro follow-up of your customers: technical evolution, follow-up of general kpi, analysis etc… Management of acquisition-oriented projects; Ensure regular monitoring to find new development paths. To accompany you in these exciting missions, you will benefit from: large budgets for your campaigns and the ability to test and compare a large number of features; a privileged relationship with our dedicated specialists at Google; meetings with the world's leading search marketing experts at trade fairs such as SMX (London, Seattle, etc.) and during visits to Google (Dublin, Paris); a team that will support you in your skills development. Must have: at least, 4/5 years’ experience in operational management of Google Ads campaigns (Search & Display; Google Ads certification is an asset; A good/very good command of Excel; A good knowledge of Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager; A strong sense of analysis and good statistical reading; Fluent in French and good level of English; Proactive and source of proposals; Skills for collaborative work and a good team spirit. If you recognize yourself in this profile and are interested in the position we offer, send us your application in English or French (cover letter, CV with recent photograph) to the email: drh@logdirect.net
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
We are Zumub, a leading ecommerce and supplements brand in Portugal and conquering Europe. We have a powerful team, always innovating and delivering the best to positively impact our customers' lives, providing fitness, energy, health andw ell-being. ROLE: The Nederland Country Manager has overall responsibility for the P+L, results, growth strategy and brand identity of the Dutch website; Ownership and management of the Zumub brand in Nederland - including product content, social media and offline events; Identifying new and innovative ways to drive traffic to the Dutch website, developing and improving traffic from existing channels; Developing relationships with key websites, prioritizing new customer acquisition at the lowest cost possible; Work in synergy with the rest of the Zumub international team to identify new growth opportunities and ways in which to improve our brand reputation and presence in Nederland; Deliver best in class customer experience partnering closely with the marketing team to brief and build engaging product pages that provide the customer with relevant information and conversion opportunity. QUALIFICATIONS: Top-level graduate with a strong academic track record in Management / Marketing / International Trade or similar (preferred); Native or Fluent Dutch speaker (required) and English; Strong interest in Digital marketing channels and e-commerce; Proven communication and influencing skills; Commercially astute, ambitious and highly intelligent individuals who are hungry for success and genuine responsibility; Entrepreneurial thinkers are welcome - those able to think outside the box best suited to a true 'start-up', agile environment with early responsibility for key decision-making. WE OFFER: Dynamic, professional and growth environment Learning, progression and growth opportunities Salary compatible with demonstrated experience Employee discounts, health insurance and other benefits ADDRESS: Lisboa or Porto.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
We are Zumub, a leading ecommerce and supplements brand in Portugal and conquering Europe. We have a powerful team, always innovating and delivering the best to positively impact our customers' lives, providing fitness, energy, health andw ell-being. And that's why we have been growing above 50%/year in recent years! zumub #strongertogether ROLE: The German Country Manager has overall responsibility for the P+L, results, growth strategy and brand identity of the German website. Ownership and management of the Zumub brand in Germany - including product content, social media and offline events. Identifying new and innovative ways to drive traffic to the German website as well as developing and improving traffic from existing channels. Developing relationships with key websites, prioritizing new customer acquisition at the lowest cost possible. Work in synergy with the rest of the Zumub international team to identify new growth opportunities and ways in which to improve our brand reputation and presence in Germany. Deliver best in class customer experience partnering closely with the marketing team to brief and build engaging product pages that provide the customer with relevant information and conversion opportunity. QUALIFICATIONS: Top level graduate with a strong academic track record in Management / Marketing / International Trade or similar (preferred) Native or Fluent German speaker (required) and English Strong interest in Digital marketing channels and e-commerce Proven communication and influencing skills Commercially astute, ambitious and highly intelligent individuals who are hungry for success and genuine responsibility Entrepreneurial thinkers are welcome - those able to think outside the box WE OFFER: Dynamic, professional and growth environment Learning, progression and growth opportunities Salary compatible with demonstrated experience Employee discounts, health insurance and other benefits ADDRESS: Lisboa or Porto
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
We’re looking for an outstanding Social Media Manager. You’ll be responsible for: Be 100% responsible and accountable for the assigned client social accounts Responsible for day-to-day communication with the client and for the long-term relationship with the client. Introduce new marketing and industry trends to the agency. Responsible for deliver the project within the agreed time plan. Write briefings and de-briefings. Create marketing campaign on Facebook Ads, Google Ads and other media platforms. Develop, organise and plan content for all of our clients Formulate social media strategies. Contact with 3rd party support teams Develop Analytic reports and present them to client Develop and Monitor SEO and user engagement and suggest content optimization Communicate with industry professionals and influencers via social media to create a strong network Turn fans IN.TO customers and customers IN.TO brand advocates The talent we’re looking needs to WOW us, bring fresh and out-of-the box-ideas and be able to fit perfectly within the company’s culture. Some skills you need to nail and are mandatory: Excellent eye for detail Accountability and ownership of your projects Excellent communication skills Speak and write English (we have international clients and partnerships) Speak and write perfect Portuguese Master Facebook Ads and Google Ads as well as all social media platforms (examples: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.) Use Social Media tools, Hootsuite, Canva, Google Trends, etc. Master website platforms in terms of editing, changing content, etc. (Shopify, Wordpress, Wix, etc.) You’ll need to have an analytic drive but also a creative vein Excellent SEO and content creation skills Some bit and bobs we appreciate, but are not mandatory: Some sort of education degree + 4 years of experience in a similar position, preferably on agency side Familiarity with web design platforms and publishing Familiarity with Adobe Package it’s a big plus Please do not send us an Europass CV, because, where’s the fun in that? Also, we would like to see your presentation letter/email. So, if you think you’re the right match, send us your CV and/or portfolio to info@intoagency.com. We do analyse all the candidates carefully and in detail, but unfortunately, we do not have time to reply to all. And for that, we apologise in advance. However, if we think you’re a good fit, we’ll contact you within 2 weeks of your application.
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