Talent acquisition trainee
Lista mais vendidos talent acquisition trainee

Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Estamos à procura de um/uma talent acquisition trainee, com boas capacidades de comunicação, proativ@, dinâmic@ e organizad@. Irás integrar a People Experience Unit, a equipa responsável pelo desenvolvimento e pela promoção da felicidade dos nossos PHCs. Procuramos uma pessoa para nos apoiar nos processos de recrutamento de novos candidatos, e valorizamos pessoas que queiram trazer valor acrescentado às relações, aos projetos e aos processos. Responsabilidades Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto Requisitos Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Não deixes que a síndrome de impostor te impeça de concorreres ao teu trabalho de sonho. Se não cumpres todos os requisitos, mas achas que tens o que é preciso para te juntares à equipa, candidata-te e explica-nos porquê. Candidata-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3aSF612 Sobre a PHC Software Somos a PHC Software. Também conhecidos por criadores de software espetacular que acelera o negócio das empresas. E tudo começa em better management for happier people, porque trabalhar na PHC é participar na sua criação e a responsabilidade também é tua, já que foram as pessoas da PHC que criaram aquela que é hoje uma empresa líder no desenvolvimento de software de gestão: uma empresa global, presente em três continentes, com mais de 159.000 utilizadores em todo o mundo. Se ainda te questionas sobre se este é sítio certo para ti, lembra-te que tudo na vida é uma atitude, e a nossa é baseada em três ideias fundamentais: Adapt & Grow, Cool But Pro e Make an Impact. Se também é a tua, de que estás à espera? Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Conhecer melhor o próximo desafia-te? Na PHC vivemos uma filosofia True You, porque aqui podes ser quem tu és! É este equilíbrio que nos torna verdadeiramente felizes. O que vais fazer? Acompanhar e gerir na integra o ciclo de recrutamento de um candidato, garantindo assim uma experiência diferenciadora e alinhada com a nossa cultura Fazer pesquisa de candidatos, publicação de anúncios, estabelecer contatos, realizar entrevistas telefónicas, elaborar relatórios do momento e aplicar testes de recrutamento, com intuito de captar e recrutar os melhores talentos Dar apoio estratégico às People Development Partner em todo o processo, de forma a garantir a eficácia do produto O que procuramos? Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Psicologia Organizacional ou áreas similares Espírito crítico, capacidade de comunicação, dinamismo, proatividade, persistência e autonomia Excelência na Execução, Confiança, Coesão, Audácia, Inovação e Paixão pelo Cliente… Os valores de um verdadeiro PHC! O que temos para ti? Estágio profissional através da PHC Um ambiente happy & fun: workshops mensais, mindfulness e eventos espetaculares Condições para evoluíres pessoal e profissionalmente Benefícios que contribuem para o teu equilíbrio: oferta do dia de aniversário, horário especial no verão Queremos conhecer o teu True You. Candidata-te para o careers172@phcsoftware.com. Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
A Jorge Anjos Unipessoal foi fundada a 2 de julho de 2015 como empresa de prestação de serviços na área da hotelaria e restauração, resultado de uma vasta experiência e know-how de um pequeno grupo de trabalhadores qua atuaram no terreno ao longo de 18 anos de atividade. Fruto da expansão de mercado, em agosto de 2017 nasce uma nova empresa – Anjos Clean Lda, criada com o intuito de prestar serviços na colocação de empregadas de andares e de limpezas e na organização e gestão de eventos. Em novembro de 2018, a Jorge dos Anjos adquire o alvará para evoluir para empresa de Trabalho Temporário e hoje dispomos de uma variedade de serviços para responder às necessidades de Recursos Humanos da sua empresa, formando assim o Grupo Jorge Anjos. Atualmente, estamos sediados no centro de Vila Nova de Gaia (Porto) e encontramo-nos em processo de recrutamento para integrar a equipa de Recrutamento e Seleção, com reporte à Direção: Talent Acquisition Manager M/F (m/f) V.N. Gaia (PORTO) Principais Responsabilidades: - Dinamização de redes sociais, com a criação e publicação de anúncios; - Elaborar a análise e triagem curricular; inclusive a realização de entrevistas presenciais e digitais; - Elaboração de relatórios de seleção; - Coordenação de equipa e divisão de processos; - Gestão de base de dados e de reativação de candidaturas; - Prospeção comercial de novas oportunidades de negócio em novos mercados; - Admissão e vinculação de colaboradores. Requisitos: - Experiência em funções semelhantes de Recrutamento e Seleção (obrigatório); - Formação em Psicologia/Recursos Humanos/Comunicação ou similares (preferencial); - Domínio de ferramentas MS Office; - Boa capacidade de relacionamento, responsabilidade e organização; - Capacidade de liderança, foco e autodisciplina; - Boa apresentação e dinamismo; - Disponibilidade para se deslocar e residência na zona do Porto. Oferecemos: - Salário competitivo + Sub. Alimentação pago em cartão; - Formação inicial e contínua; - Possibilidade de integração efetiva; - Oportunidade de desenvolvimento pessoal/profissional. Para se candidatar, basta enviar email para recursoshumanos@grupojorgeanjos.pt . Ao enviar email com o seu currículo escreva por favor no Assunto “MANAGER VNG”. Ao candidatar-se aceita e compreende a nossa Política de Dados e Privacidade que poderá consultar no nosso site: http://www.grupojorgeanjos.pt/policy . Apenas os candidatos elegíveis serão contactados, os restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras oportunidades.
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Porto-Porto (Porto)
COMPANY OVERVIEW Generix Group is a Collaborative Supply Chain, Saas Software and Omnichannel Sales expert. Our 650 employees provide a daily support for well-known costumers, leaders in digital transformation of their Supply Chain. Generix Group is present in more than 60 countries, through our 9 subsidiaries and our partnership network. Nowadays, our application services are used in more than 6.000 companies worldwide. Joining Generix Group is a guarantee of continuous improvement within a growing and dynamic company, where goodwill is our everyday life! In a supportive environment, you can freely share and improve and skills and expertise. Generix Group is growing along with its talents, so let’s build our future together! Ready to join us the challenge of digital transformation of prestigious clients? JOB DESCRIPTION As a Talent Acquisition Specialist you will be part of the HR team in Porto office. You will be able to use your capability to find and evaluate the skills of candidates, using efficient sourcing strategies and technical evaluation methods, to allow the attraction and successful hire of the best people to the right roles. As part of the HR team, you will also contribute to the continuous improvement of our processes and be part of a strong employee experience plan. You will also be a key member on spreading our company values and culture. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES - Establish an amazing candidate experience during the application process based on empathy and trust; - Be able to engage candidates; - Elaborate and post job advertisements on internal and external platforms; - Screen matching candidate profiles; - Conduct interviews to assess relevant knowledge, skills, experience, etc; - Manage the offer process and conduct background checks; - Create and run reports and databases; - Identify and address potential improvements; - Foster the relationship with hiring managers to validate information and create the best strategy of recruitment. EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS - Degree in HR, Management, Social Sciences or similar area; - Proven professional experience within Recruitment of 2+ years, preferably in the IT field; - Knowledge in employee assessments and evaluation of technical capabilities; - Knowledge of recruitment methods; - Deep understanding of efficient sourcing plans; - Autonomy and ability to work independently; - Strong organization and communication skills; - Positive can-do attitude; - Very good language skills in French and English; - Good IT skills such as MS-Office. OFFER - Competitive compensation; - Continuous training and professional development; - Health insurance; - Good team spirit and collaborative environment (Centro Empresarial Lionesa). For application, please send your CV to: generix.maia@generixgroup.com
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
About Webhelp Webhelp is a French multinational BPO company that is making business more human for the world’s most exciting brands. By choosing Webhelp you will be part of a family of over 100,000 game-changers from more than 140 locations in 55 countries. As a Talent Acquisition Specialist, you will Attract candidates by using databases, social media, job fairs, among others Conduct interviews to assess applicant's relevant knowledge, skills, experience, and aptitudes Establish a relationship with different departments and Managers to validate pieces of information Prepare and onboard the new employees to become fully integrated into the company Build a good relationship with candidates during the selection process by becoming a trusted recruiter Create, update, and maintain analytical reports and databases Analise cost and results of recruitment needs We are looking for Knowledge of a European language: English (C2 level) University Degree, preferably in Human Resources or similar Proven Work Experience in the field is mandatory Strong organization, communication, and results-oriented Familiarity with recruitment process methods (hiring profile, assessments, interviews, and ongoing follow-up) Familiarity with Applicant Tracking Systems and resume databases Experience with sourcing techniques Experience in mentoring a team Experience in Microsoft tools (MS Teams, Excel, PPT) is mandatory A positive and ‘can do’ attitude overlooking a community-building approach Apply here https://bit.ly/3rGg1Pq or send an email to [email protected] ebhelp.com
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
A tua paixão por talento vai levar-te longe. Imagina-te a recrutar para uma das empresas de referência em Portugal. E imagina que a nossa equipa de recursos humanos depende da tua capacidade de trazer as melhores pessoas para a organização. Imagina também que tens na mão a capacidade de acompanhar e desenvolver o talento que temos, encontrando novas possibilidades de crescimento dentro das suas equipas. E que o teu dia a dia vai fazer a diferença na criação da melhor experiência de trabalho. Imagina-te a trabalhar na PHC Software. Temos uma oportunidade incrível para fazeres o que sempre sonhaste numa das melhores empresas para trabalhar em Portugal. Em que é que nos podes acrescentar: Traz a tua experiência em recrutamento para nos ajudares a encontrar os melhores talentos na área tecnológica Queremos que trabalhes o ciclo de recrutamento, assumindo o ownership da estratégia, definição de perfis e abordagens a adotar Esperamos que apoies os líderes na gestão das suas pessoas e identificação de necessidades de desenvolvimento e recursos para as suas equipas E contamos contigo para propor novas soluções com base em análise de tendências e métricas de recursos humanos O que temos à tua espera: Integração na equipa da PHC Software responsável pela área de recursos humanos A oportunidade para construíres a tua experiência de trabalho, todos os dias, numa empresa reconhecida como uma das melhores para trabalhar em Portugal Um modelo de trabalho híbrido, para desfrutares do melhor do dia-a-dia presencial, conjugado com o trabalho remoto Um plano de formação à tua medida, para desenvolveres as tuas competências Temos free food todos os dias. E sim, o pequeno-almoço vem incluído. Que tipo de pessoa esperamos que sejas: És uma pessoa com formação de base na área da gestão de pessoas Tens experiência em recrutamento, gestão e desenvolvimento de talento Compreendes as dinâmicas de recrutamento na área de IT Tratas por tu o desenvolvimento de pessoas As tuas capacidades de empatia e relacionamento interpessoal serão bem-vindas És apaixonado por aprender coisas novas todos os dias E, claro, contamos que vivas os nossos valores: adapt and grow, cool but pro, make an impact Agarra esta oportunidade. Candidata-te através do link: https://bit.ly/3KrCx5E Sobre a PHC Software ???? Líder em #BusinessSoftware ???? Multinacional portuguesa ???? Referência para trabalhar em Portugal ???? Vivemos a #BestExperienceAtWork ???? phcsoftware.com/carreiras Observações: Todas as candidaturas serão tratadas com confidencialidade ao abrigo da Lei de Proteção de Dados. Somente serão consideradas as candidaturas que reúnam o perfil solicitado. Todas as restantes ficarão em base de dados para futuras solicitações.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
We are Zumub, a leading ecommerce and supplements brand in Portugal and conquering Europe. We have a powerful team, always innovating and delivering the best to positively impact our customers' lives, providing fitness, energy, health andw ell-being. And that's why we have been growing above 50%/year in recent years! Our team doesn't stop growing either: we're always looking for talent who make things happen and want to contribute to our mission. We value leadership, initiative, ownership, growth mindset and a sense of purpose and urgency. Is it you? Then come join our team! zumub #strongertogether ROLE: We are looking for candidates to start a 3-month professional internship in our Marketing Department to give support to different areas of the Marketing Team. QUALIFICATIONS: Degree in Marketing, Management or similar; Strong analytical skills; Fluent in Portuguese and Independent in English (required); Real team-player; Autonomous, proactive and responsible; Good organizational skills; Digital marketing proven knowledge (preferred); Available immediately. WE OFFER: Dynamic, professional and growth environment Learning, progression and growth opportunities Salary compatible with demonstrated experience Employee discounts, health insurance and other benefits ADDRESS: São Marcos or Telheiras, Lisboa. Job Types: Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00, with 1 hour for lunch break Duration of contract: 3 months Job Types: Full-time, Internship, Contract Duração do contrato: 3 meses Duração do contrato: 3 meses Job Types: Full-time, Temporary
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Finance Trainee Opportunity to grow and be part of a great team in one of the most important mobility provider in the world. It is within reach with this full-time job as a Finance Trainee in Athlon Portugal. We are with in Athlon. Getting you there. Your road to success With your desire to learn and work, together with your positive attitude, you will support and develop yourself professionally in the finance area. You can do this as a Finance Trainee: Contact sales team, suppliers and colleagues from other departments Prepare sales and accounting documentation Support the organization and preparation of information for the processing of correspondence and archiving Classification and posting of accounting documents Control current accounts (customers and suppliers) Support in business analysis, according to group policies Let’s talk Athlon Hi there! We're Athlon. The international market leader in modern mobility solutions and part of the Daimler group. With a rich history of more than a hundred years, you can conclude that we have already covered the necessary kilometers. Do we take that lead for granted? Absolutely not. It makes us more ambitious to provide even better personal service to our customers. Together with around 1,700 colleagues, we are shaping sustainable mobility. We are proud of that. From vehicle leasing to fleet solutions and from electrification to contributions to the sharing economy. Leave it to us “Collaborate and always push yourself to the initiative to improve processes and develop actions to increase the performance of the department”. – Nouhaila Bunif (Finance Department) Motivation has four wheels Become the best version of yourself. Very normal at Athlon, because all our colleagues run on a healthy dose of ambition. What do you take with you as Finance Trainee for at least 40 of hours per week? Absolutely your desire to learn, to grow and your adaptability. You also have the drive to multitask functions. In addition, you have: Excel advance level Advance level of English Management school education Always on the move Athlon is always on the move, just like you. To grow in our rapidly changing world, we are constantly looking at how you can get the best out of yourself every day. Creating an optimal workplace that suits you and this time is an important part of this. In addition to being able to count on developing yourself as a Finance Trainee, you can also count on: Scholarship of €900 gross monthly Flexibility and hybrid work model Route to your new job So Finance Trainee, get behind the wheel yourself. Go for explore new opportunities to learn and growth and be part of a digital transformation in one of the most important mobility provider in the world. How? Apply to this vacancy! Your application procedure looks like this: We will contact you for an intake over the phone Are we both excited? Then there follows an introduction meeting. During the second conversation, we will talk more extensively about the content of the function. Do we have a match? Then you will receive the proposal with the terms of employment in your inbox. Do you have any questions about the vacancy or application procedure? Our recruitment team is more than happy to help you via rrhh@athlon.com. We are getting you there. Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We are seeking an efficient Psychiatrist for several psychiatric institutions for an exciting life project in a pleasant and professional team based in Netherlands. The Netherlands is known for the well-organized healthcare system and the modern psychiatry. In the specialized clinics is a flat hierarchy and a warm and social work environment. On behalf of several of our clients, psychiatry clinics in the east and south of the Netherlands. The ideal candidate: All-round; Stress resistant; Communicative. All-round psychiatrist with excellent communicational skills who is willing to learn the Dutch language; Interest in youth addiction psychiatry. Reasons for choosing this life project: A pleasant, professional, diverse and flexible, supportive and reliable working environment; The income for medical specialist in the Netherlands is known as one of the highest in Europe and is up to €8760 - gross per month (36 hours working week); 30% tax deduction for a period of 5 years; 20 days per year for your holidays; Training budget of about €4000,- per year; Holiday money (8% of your Gross yearly income); Week salary. Flat hierarchy in the clinics. Other financial conditions and details about benefits, such as the good work-life balance policies will be provided in the interview. Please, send us your CV in english to joanapiresdacosta@hotmail.com Talent Acquisition Specialist JPC & Vera Monteiro partnership Recruiter4Europe
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We are seeking an all-round Ophthalmologist to join an enthusiastic team of six ophthalmologists for a regional hospital in the southern part of the Netherlands. It concerns an Independent Treatment Centre where patients can go for almost all eye deceases. The clinic is part of a national network, consisting of 7 eye care clinics, 2 refraction clinics and a network of 100 optics companies. Our modern furnished clinic offers space for 8 consultation rooms, 3 orthoptics rooms, various examination / treatment rooms, 2 operating rooms and a recovery room. The location has the latest equipment (including Heidelberg and Zeiss OCT and PASCAL laser). In the operating theater we work with the Alcon platform: Luxor, Centurion and Verion. Every year we see more than 40,000 patients and about 2,500 surgical procedures take place. The ideal candidate: An all-round ophthalmologist with good communication skills, preferably flexible and empathic. You also have surgical skills or do you have the ambition to become one. It is then possible to develop this further within the clinic; A team player and function best in a group that wants to be jointly responsible for providing good quality and patient-friendly care. Colleagues who are in the final phase of their training are also cordially invited to respond. Reasons to choose this job: After a selection procedure, you will join a pleasant group of ophthalmologists, who work in a well-organized ophthalmic clinic. The CAO-AMS applies to the employment. A result-dependent bonus scheme is included in your employment contract. You will have the opportunity to do your own difference, being a part of a diverse, supportive and costumer focused team. Other financial conditions and benefits such as good work life balance policy will be provided in the interview. Please send us your CV in english to joanapiresdacosta@hotmail.com Talent Acquisition Specialist JPC & Monteiro Recruiter4Europe
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Care Assistant to supervise our Clients caring team, whilst working as an integral part of the caring team, delivering the highest standards of personalised care to residents. Senior Care Assistant Nights Salary: £10.81 per hour: Location: West Midlands Job Type: Permanent Benefits: Annual leave, training and uniform provided Shift Pattern: Nights - 7:45pm to 8am, 3 days on 3 days off The ideal candidate: A senior night care assistant to join their clients team based in the West Midlands. The main purpose of the role is to deliver the highest standards of personalised care to residents whilst ensuring that at all times residents are treated with respect and dignity, and that individual's rights to privacy, dignity, independence and choice are met. Specific tasks of the role include, but are not limited to: Following individual care plans carefully and ensuring that all contact is polite, friendly, warm and supportive. To act as a care plan coordinator for residents, ensuring that these responsibilities are carried out in full. To understand and comply with statutory and legal requirements which are relevant such as Health & Safety, COSHH, all aspects of the Health & Social Care Act, to maintain a safe environment throughout the home. To participate in the formulation and maintenance of individual care plans for each resident and administer medication to residents as prescribed, accurately maintaining appropriate records for both. To respect and maintain confidentiality of resident's personal information at all times. Preferably you will need to have experience of working in a caring environment as well as supervisory and leadership skills, an NVQ Level 3 or higher in Adult Health and Social Care. Knowledge of supporting people with Dementia and age-related illnesses is essential, as is an understanding of CQC Standards and Compliance. The post holder must have a flexible and proactive approach to work, with the ability to work unsociable hours on a regular basis, including weekends and bank holidays. You will have the opportunity to do your own difference, being a part of a plesant, enthusiastic, diverse, flexible and supportive team, living an exciting job experience. Other financial conditions and benefits such as good work life balance policies will be provided in the interview. Please, send us your CV to joanapiresdacosta@hotmail.com Talent Acquisition Specialist JPC & Vera Monteiro Recruiter4Europe
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Always planned living in the centre of Europe in a country with a very well-organized health care system? This could be your life changing. Belgium is known for the well-organized healthcare system and the modern hospitals. In the hospitals is a flat hierarchy and a warm and social work environment On behalf of one of our clients, a general mid-size hospital in Flanders, we are seeking fulltime rehabilitation doctors (m/f) The ideal candidate: Widely applicable; Clinical experience; Teamplayer. All-round Rehabilitation Doctor with at least 1 year of experience and with excellent communication skills who is willing to learn the Dutch language. Reasons for choosing this job experience: A pleasant and professional working environment; The income of a medical specialist in Belgium is known as one of the highest in Europe and amounts to a maximum of € 250,000 gross per year; The ability to build and shape the rehabilitation department to your own liking. Weekly salary. You will do your own difference, being a part of a diverse, flexible, realible, supportive and enthusiastic team! Other financial conditions and benefits such as good work life balance policies will be provided in the interview. Please send us your CV in english to joanapiresdacosta@hotmail.com Talent Acquisition JPC & Monteiro partnership Recruiter4Europe
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
The Pediatric Association consists of 3 Pediatricians and wishes to expand with an enthusiastic and driven colleague. As a pediatrician, you will be responsible for the follow-up of 16 recognized beds, a maternity ward with approximately 500 deliveries per year, a non-intensive neonatology, and an emergency service with ambulance (MUG) function that also takes care of children. There is smooth cooperation with the colleagues of pediatricians (sub-specialists) and other disciplines of the 2nd campus. The ideal candidate: All-round and fully trained; communicative. You are recognized as a specialist in pediatrics or will soon be recognized; Sub-specialization is not required, but certainly welcome; You have sufficient social skills in dealing with patients and colleagues; You are passionate and contribute to the further growth of the service in a spirit of cooperation; You are willing to receive further training. Weekly salary such us mostly in Belgium. Reasons for choosing this life project: We offer a challenging full-time job in a hospital in full expansion; It concerns a position with an independent status; The neurology department offers a wide range of neurological pathology; There is an attractive waiting arrangement. You will have the opportunity to do your own difference, being a part of a plesant, enthusiastic, diverse, flexible and supportive team. The salary is paid weekly. Other financial conditions and benefits such as good work life balance policies will be provided in the interview. Please, send us your CV in english to joanapiresdacosta@hotmail.com Talent Acquisition Specialist JPC & Vera Monteiro partnership Recruiter4Europe
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We are seeking to a Cardiologist for an exciting life project based in Belgium. You are expected to make a proportional contribution to the departmental tasks and services. You work in an enthusiastic team of cardiologists, doctors and nurses. The partnership with colleagues consists of a climate of openness, mutual trust, and honesty, in which employees feel involved in the primary process and dare to hold each other accountable for each other's tasks and responsibilities. The ideal candidate: Experience in patient care; Broad interest in cardiology care; Completed cardiology training. Reasons for choosing this job experience: Freedom in how you would like to plan your work; Being able and willing to function independently in a team; Income up to approximately € 250,000 gross per year; The salary will be paid weekly. Other financial conditions and benefits, such us the good work-life balance, will be provided in the interview. You will do your own difference, being a part of a supportive, diverse, realiable and enthusiastic team. Please send us your CV to joanapiresdacosta@hotmail.com. Talent Acquisition Specialist JPC & Vera Monteiro Recruiter4Europe
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Leiria-Leiria (Leiria)
We are looking to a Fiber Designer to join an enthusiastic job experience in a pleasant team based in Belgium. Responsibilities: Design of Fibernetworks Verification of Desktop Design based on Survey data You will create simulations/designs by use of specified software tools Creation of detailed design: to build plans/splice cards/Fiber Allocation/addressdatabase/Wayleaves/ You will report to the internal project owners You will get on-the-job training and have opportunities to enroll in trainings to improve your skills and knowledge Requirements: Good knowledge of english (mandatory) Previous experience (mandatory), preferably food industry or similar; Available to a long-term position (preferably) What our costumer offers: Salary paid weekly. Qualified accomodation, daily transportations, familiar pension, good work-life balance, produtivity bonus and holiday benfits, among several incentives. The financial conditions and compensation and benefits procedure will be provided in your interview. If you meet these requirements, please send us your CV in english to joanapiresdacosta@hotmail.com with the position. JPC Talent Acquisition & HR Consultant Monteiro Recruiter4Europe partnership
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