Training on home composting
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Adestramento de ces | Dog training | Entrainement de chien PT EN FR Caldas da Rainha Os nossos servios incluem aulas ao domiclio, aulas em grupo, aulas individuais e consultoria para problemas pontuais. Pode deixar seu co em minha casa durante o dia para um treinamento personalizado. Ces de todas as idades e raas so bem-vindos. Venha aprender sobre o seu co e como adestr-lo voc mesmo. Comandos base; Passeio com trela; Correo de comportamentos; Rotinas; Etc.. EN Our services include home classes, group classes, individual classes and consultancy for specific problems. I can drop your dog off at my home during the day for personalized training. Dogs of all ages and breeds are welcome. Come learn about your dog and how to train him yourself. Command Base; Walking on a leash; Behavior correction; Routines; Etc.. FR Nos services comprennent des cours domicile, des cours en groupe, des cours individuels et des conseils pour des problmes spcifiques. Je peux dposer votre chien mon domicile dans la journe pour un dressage personnalis. Les chiens de tous ges et de toutes races sont les bienvenus. Venez dcouvrir votre chien et comment l'duquer vous-mme. Base de commandement; Marcher en laisse; Correction du comportement; Routines; Etc..
10.282 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
- - - PT: Jardinagem Biológica Sustentável. Serviços disponíveis: - Monda de Canteiros. - Limpeza de Acessos. - Adubação de Floreiras. - Manutenção de Jardins. - Colheita de Árvores de Fruto. - Formação sobre Compostagem Caseira. - Corte / Desbaste Manual de Arbustos e Sebes. - Recuperação / Salvamento / Reanimação de Plantas. - Controlo Biológico de Pragas, sem recurso a inseticidas. - Plantação de Suculentas com substrato / potting mix personalizada. - Garden Design de Jardim / Projeção / Paisagismo, com poucos recursos ou os disponíveis, assente em 4 Rs: ReDesign, Redução, Reutilização, Recuperação e Reciclagem. - Arboricultura: Poda de Árvores, de pequeno e médio porte, orientada para o equilíbrio, segurança, produtividade de fruta e crescimento saudável. Trabalho sem recurso a agro-químicos ou maquinaria movida a combustíveis fósseis. Não se utiliza, portanto, sulfatador a gasolina para aplicar herbicidas. De momento não se escarificam relvados. Orçamentos grátis. - - - EN: Biological Sustainable Gardening Gardener Gardener Design Garden Orchard Pruning Trees Fruit Vegetable Gardens Sustainable Biological Gardening. Available services: - Access Cleaning. - Weeding of Beds. - Maintenance of Gardens. - Harvesting of Fruit Trees. - Fertilization of Flowerpots. - Training on Home Composting. - Recovery / Rescue / Reanimation of Plants. - Manual Cutting / Trimming of Shrubs and Hedges. - Biological Control of Pests, without the use of insecticides. - Plantation of Succulents with custom substrate / potting mix. - Garden Design / Projection / Landscaping, with few or available resources, based on 4 Rs: ReDesign, Reduction, Reuse, Recovery and Recycling. - Arboriculture: Pruning of small and medium-sized trees, oriented towards balance, safety, fruit productivity and healthy growth. Work without resorting to agrochemicals or machinery powered by fossil fuels. Therefore, a gasoline sulfater is not used to apply herbicides. Lawns are not scarified at the moment. Free quotes.
5 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
- - - PT: Jardinagem Biolgica Sustentvel. Servios disponveis: - Monda de Canteiros. - Limpeza de Acessos. - Adubao de Floreiras. - Manuteno de Jardins. - Colheita de rvores de Fruto. - Formao sobre Compostagem Caseira. - Corte / Desbaste Manual de Arbustos e Sebes. - Recuperao / Salvamento / Reanimao de Plantas. - Controlo Biolgico de Pragas, sem recurso a inseticidas. - Plantao de Suculentas com substrato / potting mix personalizada. - Garden Design de Jardim / Projeo / Paisagismo, com poucos recursos ou os disponveis, assente em 4 Rs: ReDesign, Reduo, Reutilizao, Recuperao e Reciclagem. - Arboricultura: Poda de rvores, de pequeno e mdio porte, orientada para o equilbrio, segurana, produtividade de fruta e crescimento saudvel. Trabalho sem recurso a agro-qumicos ou maquinaria movida a combustveis fsseis. No se utiliza, portanto, sulfatador a gasolina para aplicar herbicidas. De momento no se escarificam relvados. Oramentos grtis. - - - EN: Biological Sustainable Gardening Gardener Gardener Design Garden Orchard Pruning Trees Fruit Vegetable Gardens Sustainable Biological Gardening. Available services: - Access Cleaning. - Weeding of Beds. - Maintenance of Gardens. - Harvesting of Fruit Trees. - Fertilization of Flowerpots. - Training on Home Composting. - Recovery / Rescue / Reanimation of Plants. - Manual Cutting / Trimming of Shrubs and Hedges. - Biological Control of Pests, without the use of insecticides. - Plantation of Succulents with custom substrate / potting mix. - Garden Design / Projection / Landscaping, with few or available resources, based on 4 Rs: ReDesign, Reduction, Reuse, Recovery and Recycling. - Arboriculture: Pruning of small and medium-sized trees, oriented towards balance, safety, fruit productivity and healthy growth. Work without resorting to agrochemicals or machinery powered by fossil fuels. Therefore, a gasoline sulfater is not used to apply herbicides. Lawns are not scarified at the moment. Free quotes.
5.282 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
- - - PT: Jardinagem Biolgica Sustentvel por Arborista experiente. Servios disponveis: - Monda de Canteiros. - Limpeza de Acessos. - Adubao de Floreiras. - Manuteno de Jardins. - Colheita de rvores de Fruto. - Formao sobre Compostagem Caseira. - Corte / Desbaste Manual de Arbustos e Sebes. - Recuperao / Salvamento / Reanimao de Plantas. - Controlo Biolgico de Pragas, sem recurso a inseticidas. - Plantao de Suculentas com substrato / potting mix personalizada. - Garden Design de Jardim / Projeo / Paisagismo, com poucos recursos ou os disponveis, assente em 4 Rs: ReDesign, Reduo, Reutilizao, Recuperao e Reciclagem. - Arboricultura: Poda de rvores, de pequeno e mdio porte, orientada para o equilbrio, segurana, produtividade de fruta e crescimento saudvel. Trabalho sem recurso a agro-qumicos ou maquinaria movida a combustveis fsseis. No se utiliza, portanto, sulfatador a gasolina para aplicar herbicidas. De momento no se escarificam relvados. Possibilidade de servio de Caseiro para quinta / herdade / propriedade. Oramentos grtis. - - - EN: Biological Sustainable Gardening Gardener Gardener Design Garden Orchard Pruning Trees Fruit Vegetable Gardens Sustainable Biological Gardening by experienced bilingual PT-UK Arborist. Available services: - Access Cleaning. - Weeding of Beds. - Maintenance of Gardens. - Harvesting of Fruit Trees. - Fertilization of Flowerpots. - Training on Home Composting. - Recovery / Rescue / Reanimation of Plants. - Manual Cutting / Trimming of Shrubs and Hedges. - Biological Control of Pests, without the use of insecticides. - Plantation of Succulents with custom substrate / potting mix. - Garden Design / Projection / Landscaping, with few or available resources, based on 4 Rs: ReDesign, Reduction, Reuse, Recovery and Recycling. - Arboriculture: Pruning of small and medium-sized trees, oriented towards balance, safety, fruit productivity and healthy growth. Work without resorting to agrochemicals or machinery powered by fossil fuels. Therefore, a gasoline sulfater is not used to apply herbicides. Lawns are not scarified at the moment. Free quotes. Possibility of Bilingual CareTaker service for farm / estate / property.
5.282 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Requirements: - 3+ years experience of relevant experience - Bachelor's Degree in related industry (Marketing, Business - Administrations, Sales Management, etc.) - An solid knowledge of IT solutions (Cloud based preferably although not mandatory) - Demonstrated ability as a Coach and Mentor. - Ability to quickly build rapport with senior sales reps and sales management. - Ability to navigate a complex sales environment and bridge conversations on different levels of the organization. - Excellent problem solving and communication skills. - Ability to organize work independently and meet agreed upon timelines. - Strong communication and presentation skills. - Strong sense of initiative and ability to act quickly and effectively. - Native language of Portuguese and fluent speaker of English. - Ideally experience in working with Telcos. - Good knowledge of Microsoft Azure/Office 365 or Amazon AWS - Located in the Lisbon area or willing to relocate to Lisbon. Responsibilities: - Coordinate, engage and work along with partner sales teams and provide sales support and coaching to develop and secure business opportunities until their closure. - You will work as part of the extended teams to drive revenue in all customer segments through the reseller. - You will provide sales & business development, training and marketing & event management services in connection with the Regional - Partner Management activities and will work closely with telco partners in the assigned area, therefore occasional business trips will be part of the role. - Lead demand generation activities in order to help the partner create a pipeline around their products. - Support telco partners in business development activities, including activities related to telco partners, customers and prospective customers during and following events. - Main point of contact to support partners with tool and process issues Track and manage the ongoing pipeline for each partner in order to meet the determined quarterly goals. - Provide training on products to the telco partner’s sales and presales team (this will include but is not limited to: telesales; 3rd-party distributors; door to door; direct sales teams). - Coordinate, set-up and deliver detailed trainings at the partners’ premises at various locations. - Follow up with the telco teams after training to update them on new functionality that might be rolled out and resolve any issues or questions regarding our products. - You will provide logistical support for up to 10 events run each year by their platform with the telco partners. - Make all arrangements relating to securing the venue, catering, security and admission to the Events. - Follow instructions regarding all correspondence for the events; including arranging and coordinating the creation and sending of invites, confirmations, reminders, and post-event correspondence to attendees. - You will ensure that attendee information is uploaded to Salesforce. Benefits: - Full-time and long-term contract - Generous salary package - Work from home position, although you may be required in the office in specific occasions - Career development opportunities (company and project in full expansion
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
We are looking for French speaking talents ! Join our Team and work remotely in sunny Lisbon ! Project starts on 10.08.2022 We don't need previous experience - We offer training! Location: Home office in the area of Lisbon district Company: Sephora - One of the most popular premium cosmetic store. Their online service are growing dynamically. We are looking for french speaking employees for our team in Lisbon to support our customers (inbound calls + emails) Your tasks: Support our customers via chat, e-mail & handling calls (inbounds) Support the after sales process and every step related to it Complaint management and escalation when needed Answer customer request and doubts Ensure suggestive selling is carry out if there is openness on the part of the customer Our Expectations: You speak French in proficienty (C2) You speak Engish communicatively You live in Lisbon or ready to move there You like interacting with people We offer: Full time employment and work in home office: Monday to Sunday 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m (8h/day, 40h/week) 10 months fixed-term contract with possibility of extension Online hiring process Health insurance (after 6 months of the contract) Flightt ticket reimbursement after 6 months Competetive salary and bonus system: 830 € gross x 14 months up to 100€* performance bonus/ month + *meal allowance 7.23 €* NET *per day Possibility of accommodation in a company - owned apartment We look forward to you ! Send your CV by email By applying for this offer, you agree to our Privacy Policy and consent to the processing of your personal data and sharing it with the client offering this vacancy.
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Home Care in North Hertfordshire and Stevenage Reach Health Recruitment is a company specialised in the global recruitment of Health Professionals. We work with a vast range of medical professionals including nurses, doctors, and allied healthcare professionals. Reach Health Recruitment has an active European presence in Spain, Portugal, Romania, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. We work with clients in both the public and private health sectors. We are looking to fulfil 50 immediate vacancies for Home Care Professionals to provide high quality home care to adults and children throughout North Herts which includes Letchworth, Hitchin, Baldock and Royston plus Stevenage. What is Home care? Home care, otherwise known as domiciliary care, is the provision of care and support services that enable individuals to remain independent in their own homes. This often prevents the need for people to enter a residential care setting such as a care or nursing home and is the preferred option for most service users and their families. As people continue to live for longer and choose to remain in their own homes, the domiciliary care sector is set to almost double in the UK over the coming years, creating numerous opportunities to quickly develop a career and access senior posts through ongoing training and qualifications ALL of which are offered for free! The Employer The employer is a National homecare provider, delivering the highest quality of care and leading the field in customer service. The employer specialise in working with people who require care in their own homes and their families. They have nearly 200 offices in the UK and Republic of Ireland and provide over 7.3 million care visits at home every year. Main Responsibilities As a domiciliary carer, you will provide care and support to individuals in their own homes in a variety of ways including personal care- washing/bathing/toileting, helping with medication, assisting with cooking, feeding, shopping, light domestic duties and very importantly be there to provide companionship. You will get to know the people you are caring for and gain a thorough understanding of their exact needs, helping them to achieve things that they are unable to do by themselves and allowing them to live as independently as possible. A car is an essential part of the job these are available from the employer as you will be visiting clients in their own homes, which are located in roughly a 10 mile radius. The Ideal Candidate As a domiciliary care worker, you must be considerate, kind hearted and compassionate with a very caring nature and a positive, sociable disposition. You will be a superb communicator knowing exactly when you should listen and when you need to step in and help. You will understand what your customers need and will do everything you can to make it happen. As a domiciliary care worker, you will have great attention to detail, often have to multi-task and always remain calm under pressure. If you have experience as a carer either in a care home, with the NHS or in private care it would be useful, although is not a necessary requirement as you will undergo a full induction training programme at a centre of excellence training academy and will then be provided with ongoing support until you are happy to work on your own. Application Requirements: English level to a reasonable conversation standard Understanding of Home care job role Motivated to work with the elderly and dependant individuals Driving licence confident to drive in the UK lessons practice provided Good personality and professional attitude Genuine desire to help others Physically fit and hardworking Flexible to work various shifts including weekends Willing to work 50 or more hours per week including weekends Over 21 years of age Benefits include: Permanent contract 36 hours per week Salary 17680 pounds 36 hours at 8.50 per hour plus 4 hours travel at 8.50 time. Golden Hello First month rent paid as a golden hello repaid if leave in first 12 months Secure, long term work Many extra hours available Flexible shifts on weekends Full induction programme and ongoing support Subsidized Accommodation from 400 pounds to 500 pounds month depending on the location. Access to company car no cost and option to buy includes all bills and insurance Tax free business mile 12p Free sat Nav road side assistance Paid training providing NVQ QCF qualifications Free Initial Driving course Career progression 28 Days holiday including bank holidays Met at airport If you wish to apply or obtain further information please send us your updated English CV
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Nursing Jobs UK Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire Reach Health Recruitment is a company specialised in the global recruitment of Health Professionals. We work with a vast range of medical professionals including nurses, doctors, and allied healthcare professionals. Reach Health Recruitment has an active European presence in Spain, Portugal, Romania, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. We work with clients in both the public and private health sectors. We are searching for 75 Nurses with or without working experience working experience is NOT required to work in the following areas: Geriatric Care, Palliative Care, Mental Health, Dementia Care, Learning Disabilities and Physical Disabilities. The employer is considered one of the largest and most prestigious groups of Care Homes in the UK with several awards and distinctions, and a long standing tradition of providing Care at the highest standards. The available vacancies are for Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire in the following locations: Bourton on the Water, Gloucestershire Brockworth, Gloucestershire Cheltenham, Gloucestershire Coleford, Gloucestershire Dursley, Gloucestershire Gloucester, Gloucestershire Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire Quedgeley, Gloucestershire Stonehouse, Gloucestershire Stroud, Gloucestershire Westbury on Severn, Gloucestershire Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire Banbury, Oxfordshire Bicester, Oxfordshire Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire Final Interviews with the employer will be held via SKYPE Videoconference. Requirements European Union Nursing Degree European Union Citizenship With or without working experience candidates without working experience the employer will provide paid professional training Good English communication skills written and spoken Motivation to work with this type of patients. NMC Registered or at least in process of registration Employer offers Permanent Contract Initial and continuous training fully paid by the employer 36 hours Contract 13.77 Pounds per hour and 1 Pound extra for nights between 23:00 06:00 Possibility of extra hours. Career progression and paid training courses. 2 months subsidized accommodation Career progression and paid training courses.The employer has a large training department so can support with their nurses in any gaps in clinical knowledge. There is a lot of career development within the Trust from Nurse they can become a Lead Nurse Dementia Lead, Wound Care Lead, Medication Lead for the home the could become a Senior Nurse, Deputy Home Manager and Home Manager. If you wish to apply or obtain further information please send us your updated English CV your availability for a Skype interview to
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Uniplaces is building a trusted, global brand for students. We believe in empowering student mobility and we have started by making the process of finding accommodation easier. We’re solving real-life pains and we’re backed by top-tier investors such as Atomico, Octopus Investments, Shilling Capital Partners, and Caixa Capital to help us achieve this better and faster. About the Operations Team Every day, more than 5000 nights are booked by students from 175 nationalities in 33 different cities on Our Operations team that embraces 14 nationalities and works across 6 different languages, ensures that every interaction with customers is focused on improving the student and landlord experience, so that room search becomes as easy as buying a flight ticket. In this role, your mission is: Deal with requests and inquiries from students from all over the world that are going to study in another country and supporting them in finding their new home; Support students through their Booking experience, by helping and inspiring them to find in Uniplaces the perfect place for them on our site; Be part of a commercial and service-oriented team, both responding to inbound calls and performing outbound - check details for students and check availability with landlords; Liaise with other teams to come up with solutions, identify and escalate priority issues, in order to avoid customer and operational impact; Find properties for students who had their original booking canceled; Be supportive and helpful to students around the world, prepare them for the best time of their life. Understand seasonal trends and work within them to ensure maximum occupancy; Daily reports on your activity and be accountable for your contribution to the team’s effort. Requirements Your track record: Fluent in English (Italian/Spanish/German/French as extra languages are considered a plus!) We don’t expect a specific background or set of experiences, as long as you’re a top performer in every task and job you enroll! Your style: Strong organization and execution skills - multi-tasking is your first nature; Drive for high performance and smashing targets - You keep pushing, trying new approaches, and never give up; Great communication skills - usually you introduce everyone around and make sure everyone is at ease. You get comfortable in communication face to face, over the phone, or in writing; You're patient and you never lose your temper, even under pressure; Open-minded and tolerant working with peers and customers from different nationalities and backgrounds. This is why you’ll love this job: We’ll give you intensive training coupled with increasing business exposure and insights from our most senior employees, making you exponentially grow; Meeting people from all around the world daily, really feeling you’re impacting students in one of the most crucial steps in their life; A company culture that is people-driven and that focuses on personal development and training to help you tap your talent into its full extent; Access to a pool of talent that is hard to find. Your stakeholders and peers will come from world-class backgrounds and will have stepped up within Uniplaces. You’ll find mentors and role models; What else do you need to know? This role is based in Lisbon, although it is currently remote An internship contract with a duration of 6 months An internship grant + meal allowance will be provided An amazing experience within an international environment Required availability of 40 hours a week Does it sound like the job for you? Great! Please apply below and let us know why you believe you're the perfect fit for the role:) Note: Please send your CV in English.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
Systems Administrator & DevOps Location: Carnaxide, Lisbon, Portugal, Occupation: Full time Min. Experience: 3 years ++ Find the IT Job you’re Looking for! Reach your professional and personal goals with continuous training and certifications, regular follow-ups, and a career plan that’s 100% adapted to you and your specific needs. At Uniksystem, we believe in the value of people’s time. We believe that we are tailored for great deeds, to be happy, and to take care of each other. To do that, people need time. And time is a precious asset, impossible to turn back. We believe that greater efficiency at work will result in greater productivity and thus more free time. That’s our goal: to disseminate digital automation to give people more free time. Our team has more than 20 years of experience with BPM – Process Optimization, Financial Management and Business Indicators, Asset Management, Talent and Human Resources Management, Risk Management and compliance in Banking, Insurance and RGPD – Personal Data Protection. We focus on innovation, training and certification for our Talent. We focus on YOU so that together we can grow stronger. We’re looking for new Talents with the profile of Systems Administrator & DevOps. The main responsibilities and requirements: Infrastructure Management (customers and internal): Monitoring; Performance; Security; SO installation and upgrade (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Docker, MySQL); VMWare; Hyper-V; Microsoft Azure Cloud Management (customers and internal): infrastructure (VMs, FW, Vnets, etc.); Reservation Management; Monitoring and Cost Optimization; Internal Support & Management: Certificates management; Renewal of passwords; DNS Records; User onboarding (applications and tools); AD maintenance; Office 365; DevOps - Installing software and applications: Uniksystem products; Third party products (Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Microsoft IIS, etc); Version control and security upgrades; Preferably: Microsoft Certification; M-Files Experience; Systems analysis and problem solving; Fluent in English and Good Soft Skills; We offer: -Integration in our young, dynamic and experienced team, with whom you can learn a lot, in an excellent environment and with excellent working conditions; -Remuneration compatible with experience and demonstrated knowledge; -Flexible working hours; Work from home policy; -Opportunity to work on fast-growing projects where you will work side by side with decision makers; -Training conventions with the team; Training and Technological Certification Plan; -Possibility of usufruct discounts in various partners in the area of fitness, health, beauty, etc; As Candidate you've decided to provide us your personal data. Uniksystem will process it as well as the attached documents within the scope of this and future recruitment and selection processes. The response to this candidature legitimizes this treatment, being considered as authorization and express consent. For more information you can consult our Privacy Policy We will contact you only if your profile is selected for the next stage of recruitment.
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Guarda-Viana do Castelo (Viana do Castelo)
Our client is the world’s leading real-time interpreter services provider. Our client solutions (phone, video) are easy to use and allows real-time connections, between who has language barriers and interpreters within seconds. With the unmatched capability to scale demand, our client delivers connections to someone who can depend on. It’s all about people understanding people, enabling communication and empowering relationships. At this moment, and in order to help our client to grow, we’re looking for real-time interpreters (m/f) with fluency in English and Italian, to work at home. As a real-time interpreter, you can assist for example, with doctors and nurses caring for patients, aid a school nurse communicate with a parent, interpret in a legal situation, or support a customer with a billing problem. What do you need to have? - Proficiency in English and Italian (mandatory); - Degree in Languages, Translation, Interpretation, Philology, Linguistics or related fields (preferential); - One year of work experience in translations/interpretations in an international environment (preferential); - Displays knowledge of interpretation methods and procedures; - Maintains a professional demeanour throughout the interpreting assignment; - Demonstrates sensitivity and politeness to limited English speakers of different nationalities, backgrounds, cultures, and educational levels; - Maintains high performance, emotional composure and objectivity in all circumstances; - Demonstrates the ability to speak clearly without accent interference; - Maintains neutrality towards the client. Schedules: Training: Monday to Friday from 17 to 1 am; After training: Monday to Sunday with availability from 08h00 to 02:00 with 2 rotating days off (full-time position). What do we offer? - The possibility to join the World’s Largest Employer of Professional Interpreters; - Attractive Salary range; - Working at home; - Ongoing training and Support; - Work contract since day one. If you meet all these requirements, have strong language skills and like helping others, please send us your up-to-date cv and join us in this amazing and new project. We’re looking forward to analyzing your cv and to meet you!
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Our client is a world leader in sports betting and gaming entertainment by creating the most exciting and trusted experience for their customers, revolutionising the gambling space as they go. They are home to a global family of >25 well-known brands and they are looking for a German speaking Customer Service Agent to join their team in Lisbon! Responsibilities: - Handle wide range of customers and enter all customer details in an accurate and efficient manner to the relevant systems. - Provide customers accurate and relevant information about products, services and promotions based on needs. - Educate customers to use all online self-service tools. - Proactive suggesting improvements to improve efficiency, productivity, quality and customer satisfaction. - Fix the root cause of the problem to protect additional customers from getting the same issue. Direct or escalate all parties to take corrective action as needed. - Work towards simplifying the existing processes to reduce effort. - Meet deliverable requirements/service level measures/specific targets, Quality and Efficiency targets. - Perform against all key Customer service goals. - Knowing individual targets and individual performance management - Take ownership for your development. Look for opportunities to grow - Work on individual career progression plan and manage training plan completion. - Have an overview about required development activities and participate on them as well. - Looks for feedback and development activities to improve in skills related to the current work. - Developing others - create and support opportunities for building skills to execute current and future responsibilities. - Knowledge Development and Sharing: Become an expert with the tools used in CS team. Share knowledge and findings with the team members. Support new team members in their training. Requirements: - Language skills: English C1 and German – C1 level (speaking & writing), other language is a plus. - Middle education degree. - PC skills: Masters use of PC equipment and software (MS Office, Internet searching tool skills). - Communication skills – verbal and written: Communicates effectively over the phone and in written transactions. - Flexibility and shift work is required. - An experience in the contact service environment is a preferable advantage. - An online gaming experience is a plus.
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Lisboa-Lisboa (Lisboa)
FLUENT GERMAN SPEAKERS ONLY - LOCATED IN LISBON EU NATIONAL OR WORK PERMIT Our client is a world leader in sports betting and gaming entertainment by creating the most exciting and trusted experience for their customers, revolutionizing the gambling space as they go. They are home to a global family of well-known brands and they are looking for a German-speaking Customer Service Agent to join their team in Lisbon! Responsibilities: Handle wide range of customers and enter all customer details in an accurate and efficient manner to the relevant systems. Provide customers accurate and relevant information about products, services and promotions based on needs. Educate customers to use all online self-service tools. Proactive suggesting improvements to improve efficiency, productivity, quality and customer satisfaction. Fix the root cause of the problem to protect additional customers from getting the same issue. Direct or escalate all parties to take corrective action as needed. Work towards simplifying the existing processes to reduce effort. Meet deliverable requirements/service level measures/specific targets, Quality and Efficiency targets. Perform against all key Customer service goals. Knowing individual targets and individual performance management Take ownership for your development. Look for opportunities to grow Work on individual career progression plan and manage training plan completion. Have an overview about required development activities and participate on them as well. Looks for feedback and development activities to improve in skills related to the current work. Developing others - create and support opportunities for building skills to execute current and future responsibilities. Knowledge Development and Sharing: Become an expert with the tools used in CS team. Share knowledge and findings with the team members. Support new team members in their training.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Our client is a world leader in sports betting and gaming entertainment by creating the most exciting and trusted experience for their customers, revolutionising the gambling space as they go. They are home to a global family of >25 well-known brands and they are looking for a German speaking Customer Service Agent to join their team in Lisbon! Responsibilities: - Handle wide range of customers and enter all customer details in an accurate and efficient manner to the relevant systems. - Provide customers accurate and relevant information about products, services and promotions based on needs. - Educate customers to use all online self-service tools. - Proactive suggesting improvements to improve efficiency, productivity, quality and customer satisfaction. - Fix the root cause of the problem to protect additional customers from getting the same issue. Direct or escalate all parties to take corrective action as needed. - Work towards simplifying the existing processes to reduce effort. - Meet deliverable requirements/service level measures/specific targets, Quality and Efficiency targets. - Perform against all key Customer service goals. - Knowing individual targets and individual performance management - Take ownership for your development. Look for opportunities to grow - Work on individual career progression plan and manage training plan completion. - Have an overview about required development activities and participate on them as well. - Looks for feedback and development activities to improve in skills related to the current work. - Developing others - create and support opportunities for building skills to execute current and future responsibilities. - Knowledge Development and Sharing: Become an expert with the tools used in CS team. Share knowledge and findings with the team members. Support new team members in their training. Requirements: - Language skills: English C1 and German – C1 level (speaking b'&' writing), other language is a plus. - Middle education degree. - PC skills: Masters use of PC equipment and software (MS Office, Internet searching tool skills). - Communication skills – verbal and written: Communicates effectively over the phone and in written transactions. - Flexibility and shift work is required. - An experience in the contact service environment is a preferable advantage. - An online gaming experience is a plus.
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