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With great sun

Lista mais vendidos with great sun

Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Quiver Killer - the name says it all. Lib tech construction is super durable. Great travel board. TOP condition. No repairs, No damage. Complete with Tailpad and GNT by SURFSTYK (www.gripandtraction.com) - NO Wax* needed anymore! Dimensions: 5'10" x 20'' x 2 1/2'' Volume: 32L More: https://www.boardshop.co.uk/lib-tech-x-lost-quiver-killer-surfboard-5ft-10-white * can be removed or combined with wax
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha de surf 6.8, 38-39L Uma prancha epoxy em muito boas condições com um design espetacular em tons alaranjados e verdes com um ananás no centro. A prancha tem uma ótima energia, boa flutuação e muito fácil de manusear. Dimensões: 6.8 x 19,1/4 x 2,1/2 Volume: aproximadamente 38-39L Vem com leash, quilhas e saco. Está pronta para ir para o mar e ser utilizada agora! English: Surfboard 6.8, 38-39L A very light epoxy surfboard in great condition with beautiful design. A board with great energy, good flotation and easy to maneuver. Dimensions: 6.8 x 19,1/4 x 2,1/2 Volume: approximately 38-39L Comes with leash, fins and bag. Ready to go into the water today!
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Great city bicycle, easy step through with a super comfy saddle seat and cushion. Includes basket and bike lock. Rides great, changes gear smoothly and only selling as moving overseas.
90.282 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
The board is in very good condition. No major dings or repairs. Comes with FCS2 pad and without fins. The price is fixed. Please do not email if you can get the board cheaper. From Surfboard Designer | Dan Mann Chuy Reyna has been with Firewire since it was founded. He’s a great surfer and I always appreciate seeing him ride my boards. One day I shaped him a dominator. And he liked it. But he felt like he wanted more bite on tightly angled turns in the pocket. So before the board was glassed he gave the tail a nip and a tuck to create the stepped down diamond tail you see it today. And the Spitfire was born. I think what has made this board so popular in places like California, the United Kingdom and France is how full the rails and the foil are with foam, coupled with a rocker curve and fin placement that simply work great in waves that are not barreling top to bottom. Ability: Beginner - Expert Bottom Contours: Single/Double Rails: Step/Medium Ideal Wave Size: 2-6ft
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Prancha 6'4 Josafá Fernandes Excelente para mar com qualquer tamanho e com power. também muito boa para iniciação/evolução. Estou a vender porque tenho outra prancha e não uso. outro motivo é ser um ligeiramente grande para mim (tenho 1,70m e 70kg). Ideal para alguém com mais ou menos 1,9m e mais ou menos 90kg. Medidas: 6'4.18 7/8.2 1/4 (não sei litragem) teve um acidente na parte de trás mas foi reparada no momento! continua em excelente estado e leve. É possivel entregar com quilhas e leash (a combinar). O deck/pad segue colado na prancha conforme fotos. Estou disponível para ponderar trocas (e acerto se necessário) com: artigos de surf (mini-malibu; funboard) -- por favor não façam propostas descabidas-- Só vendo presencialmente, preferencialmente na zona oriental (expo) de Lisboa, alcantara. É possivel ir a costa ou ericeira caso seja combinado. _ 6 '4' Josafá Fernandes Great for sea with any size and with power. also very good for initiation / evolution. I'm selling because I have another board and I do not use it. another reason is to be a slightly big one for me (I have 1.70m and 70kg). Ideal for someone with more or less 1.9m and more or less 90kg. Measurements: 6'4.18 7/8.2 1/4 (I do not know litter) Had an accident in the back but it was repaired in time! remains in excellent condition and lightweight I am available to consider exchanges (and settlement in needed) with: surfboard (mini-malibu; funboard) It's possible to sell with fins and leash. The deck/pad goes with the board. - please do not make inappropriate proposals-- Only sell in person, preferably in the eastern part of Lisbon (expo), alcantara. Its possible to sell in ericeira ou caparica depending on availability.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Stellar S 18 S Excel, kevlar epoxy, 13 kg, (New price 3890 €) incl. surf ski over stern rudder (kick-up) Transport damage, needs repair. The price is a matter of negotiation. The Stellar S18S is a true surfski design with built in hatches along with hull  specifications that allow for racing in the fast kayak division. This is an extremely well built, strong, and durable boat that is both fast and stable.  It is a  great entry level boat as well as an excellent open water boat for those who have more advanced boats for flat water racing.   With the front and rear hatches and optional kick-up rudder this boat can truly do it all.  Versatility at its best. Kevlar adds impact strength to the laminate Gelcoat finished heat cured epoxy Kevlar and Fiberglass laminate with Nomex Honeycomb
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Fato de surf, cosido e selado, interior com tecido térmico, reforçado no peito e costas e inside pocket. Para quem procura um fato com extrema flexibilidade e conforto, está aqui uma excelente oportunidade. Modelo UltraFlex, Size / tamanho: Medium Composto por 100% neopreno flexível, com espessura de 4:3mm, ideal para todo o ano. Os joelhos almofadados e a zona sem costuras sob os braços garantem uma proteção efetiva e uma remada sem restrições. Outros modelos Entrega em mão na zona de Lisboa ou Almada ou praia da Caparica * desconto na compra de uma prancha de surf *** 59EUR EXEL Zipchest UltraFlex Wetsuit model for watersports Surf Boyboard kyte windsurf thermal Sealed interior with fabric, reinforced in the chest and back. A great opportunity at low cost price, for those looking for a Wetsuit with extreme flexibility and comfort for the summer. Other models:
129 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Fato de surf, cosido e selado, interior com tecido térmico, reforçado no peito e costas e inside pocket. Para quem procura um fato com extrema flexibilidade e conforto, está aqui uma excelente oportunidade. Modelo UltraFlex, Size / tamanho: medium Composto por 100% neopreno flexível, com espessura de 4:3mm, ideal para todo o ano. Os joelhos almofadados e a zona sem costuras sob os braços garantem uma proteção efetiva e uma remada sem restrições. Entrega em mão na zona de Lisboa ou Almada ou praia da Caparica * desconto na compra de uma prancha de surf outros modelos disponiveis *** Wetsuit model for watersports Surf Boyboard kyte windsurf thermal Sealed interior with fabric, reinforced in the chest and back. A great opportunity at low cost price, for those looking for a Wetsuit with extreme flexibility and comfort for the summer. Other models available
69 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Fato de surf, cosido e selado, interior com tecido térmico, reforçado no peito e costas e inside pocket. Para quem procura um fato com extrema flexibilidade e conforto, está aqui uma excelente oportunidade. Modelo UltraFlex, Size / tamanho: Large Composto por 100% neopreno flexível, com espessura de 4:3mm, ideal para todo o ano. Os joelhos almofadados e a zona sem costuras sob os braços garantem uma proteção efetiva e uma remada sem restrições. Entrega em mão na zona de Lisboa ou Almada ou praia da Caparica * desconto na compra de uma prancha de surf outros modelos disponiveis *** Wetsuit model for watersports Surf Boyboard kyte windsurf thermal Sealed interior with fabric, reinforced in the chest and back. A great opportunity at low cost price, for those looking for a Wetsuit with extreme flexibility and comfort for the summer. Other models available
50 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Fato de surf semi;NOVO, cosido e selado, interior com tecido térmico, reforçado no peito e costas e inside pocket. Para quem procura um fato com extrema flexibilidade e conforto, está aqui uma excelente oportunidade. Modelo UltraFlex Zipchest: 4/3 mm, tamanho Médio Alto Entrega em mão na zona de Lisboa / Almada * desconto na compra de uma prancha de surf *** 4/3mm Excel Brand Wetsuit Zipchest UltraFlex model for watersports Surf Boyboard kyte windsurf thermal Sealed interior with fabric, reinforced in the chest and back. A great opportunity at low cost price, for those looking for a Wetsuit with extreme flexibility and comfort for the summer.
100 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
WETSUIT PERFORMANCE ZIPPER-chest FASTDRY Fato de surf semiNOVO, cosido e selado, interior com tecido térmico, reforçado no peito e costas e inside pocket. Para quem procura um fato com extrema flexibilidade e conforto, está aqui uma excelente oportunidade. 59 EUR Modelo EXEL UltraFlex Zipchest, Size / tamanho: Médio e Médio Alto/Large Composto por 100% neopreno flexível, com espessura de 4:3mm, ideal para todo o ano. Os joelhos almofadados e a zona sem costuras sob os braços garantem uma proteção efetiva e uma remada sem restrições. Outros modelos: *120EUR Oneil 4.3mm sizeMédio Alto *49EUR rip curl 4.3 black 4/3 mm, tamanho Médio Alto/Large *39EUR verde 3/2 mm, tamanho Small *39EUR laranja 3/2 mm, tamanho Small *29EUR shorty Triboard laranja 3/2 mm, tamanho L Grande *29EUR shorty Triboard preto 3/2 mm, tamanho S/M Grande Entrega em mão na zona de Lisboa ou Almada ou praia da Caparica * desconto na compra de uma prancha de surf *** 59EUR EXEL Zipchest UltraFlex Wetsuit model for watersports Surf Boyboard kyte windsurf thermal Sealed interior with fabric, reinforced in the chest and back. A great opportunity at low cost price, for those looking for a Wetsuit with extreme flexibility and comfort for the summer. Other models: *120EUR Oneil 4.3mm size Medium tall *69EUR Billabong 4.3 black 4/3 mm, size small *49EUR rip curl 4.3 black 4/3 mm, size small *39EUR triboard 4.3 green 4/3 mm, size small *39EUR triboard 4.3 or
60 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Brand / Marca: RTM Modelo: Frenzy Length / Comprimento: 270 cm Widness / Largura: 76 cm Wheight / Peso: 20 kg Max load / Carga máxima: 120 kg O caiaque rígido Ocean Frenzy é um modelo concebido para passeios em família. Pode levar 1 adultos + carga ou 1 adultos + 1 criança em pequenas saídas em lago, rio ou mar. Kayak lugares de adulto elevado para um bom conforto ao remar. Estável e fiável, ideal para um passeio em família. Capacidade 120 kg (1 adulto + carga ou 1 adulto + 1 criança) Estabilidade Carena estável. Esvaziamento automia e insubmersível. Conforto de utilização Assentos pré-formados elevado para um bom conforto na paragem e ao remar. Qualidade de deslize Barco marítimo para passeio. Homologado p/ passeio no mar. Forma da roda de proa patenteada p/boa qualidade de deslize do kayak Autonomia Suporte para garrafa. Fixação de pagaia. !!! Hot deal Aluguer 50EUR/dia ou 399EUR Venda !!! Opcional: bancos ou Pagaias ou Leash ou Go Pro Mount Disponivel em Lisboa ou Almada ou Costa da Caparica ou Sesimbra Mais opções no meu perfil ALOHA *** The Frenzy boarded one adult + lugage or 1 adult + 1 children. The large sea hikes are now accessible while enjoying the unique comfort and security features of the Sit on Top. Boat of the family par excellence, the Frenzy is also a real player, capable of surfing the waves from the very first outings. Conforming to Division 245, the OCEAN Frenzy can evolve beyond the 300 m and up to 2000 of a shelter (without being registered but with the basic endowment of safety equipment), or up to 6000 (registered kayak and with the coastal endowment of security equipment). hard Kayak designe for confortable tours, in excellent condition great for beguiners or anyone who wants a relax and safe tour. !!! Hot deal Rental 50EUR/dia or 399EUR Sell !!! Optional: seats or Padel or Leash or Go Pro mount or Life vest Available in Lisbon or Almada or Costa da Caparica or Sesimbra Other Options available in the link
399 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
Fato de surf NOVO, cosido e selado, interior com tecido térmico, reforçado no peito e costas e inside pocket. Para quem procura um fato com extrema flexibilidade e conforto, está aqui uma excelente oportunidade. Modelo UltraFlex Zipchest: 4/3 mm, tamanho Médio Alto Entrega em mão na zona de Lisboa / Almada * desconto na compra de uma prancha de surf *** 4/3mm Brand Wetsuit Zipchest UltraFlex model for watersports Surf Boyboard kyte windsurf thermal Sealed interior with fabric, reinforced in the chest and back. A great opportunity at low cost price, for those looking for a Wetsuit with extreme flexibility and comfort for the summer.
159 €
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
QUILHAS NOVAS - Futures Rob Machado Twin +1 The Machado signature twin fin is the first of its kind in Blackstix construction. Designed with Rob Machado for the Midas surfboard model, the template features an upright twin fin pair, with a smaller trailing fin for added stability. Featuring Futures’ V2 foil, the fin generates speed easily, offering smooth rail to rail transitions. The combination of carbon and bamboo materials create a very lively feel, ideal for high performance surfing. This set performs great in waves ranging from 2’-8’, in everything from soft beach breaks to fast point breaks.
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Portugal (Todas as cidades)
The Best Single Fins In The World: Island Fin Design surfboards fins are handmade by Steve Mock in Oahu, Hawaii and are known worldwide as the best handcrafted fins ever made. A choice template for noseriding, our Leeward pivot fin allows for all kinds of fancy footwork. Its full and steep outline simplifies your ride and promotes more time on the nose. - Size: 10.0" - Shiny Black - One screw + plate included - Handmade since 1979, North Shore, Oahu “A pivot style fin which is responsive as well as smooth with solid hold for noseriding and fancy footwork. Made best for slower waves such as beach breaks or small point breaks, the Leeward excels in wave heights head high and below. A great fin to use for noseriders and longboards, the Leeward fin gives the feel of making your board feel bigger and more stable. If you want to slow things down, this is the fin.” - Keoki Saguibo, Hawaii Pro Longboarder with years of experience using our fins.
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