Disponibilizamos servios de reparao/restauro de Pianos 1 - Um piano depende de um delicado e preciso conjunto de mecanismos que, tecla a tecla, transmitem a fora tocada na tecla at ao martelo que percute a corda. Por influncia da utilizao, alterao ambiental e passagem do tempo, os componentes podem ganhar folga, desgaste, deformao, atrito, ou partirem-se. Reparamos e regulamos os componentes e o jogo entre eles, elevando a mecnica melhor transmisso de fora possvel. 2 - O restauro difere da reparao por abarcar consideraes de fidelidade histrica, podendo o cliente optar por a manter ou alterar. Sendo fieis, usamos materiais, componentes e tcnicas consistentes com o fabricante e a poca de fabrico. Pretendendo modernizar, utilizamos materiais, componentes e tcnicas atuais que conferem ao instrumento uma sonoridade e robustez que no eram ainda possveis na poca de fabrico. Valores sob consulta meditante anlise. We offer piano repair/restoration services 1 - A piano depends on a delicate and precise set of mechanisms that, key by key, transmit the force played on the key to the hammer that strikes the string. Under the influence of use, environmental change, and the passage of time, components can become loose, wear, deform, chafe, or break. We repair and adjust the components and the play between them, bringing the action up to the best possible transmission of force. 2 - Restoration differs from repair in that it includes considerations of historical fidelity, and the client can choose to keep or change it. Being faithful, we use materials, components and techniques consistent with the manufacturer and the time of manufacture. Intending to modernize, we use current materials, components and techniques that give the instrument a sound and robustness that were not yet possible at the time of manufacture. Prices under consultation after analysis.
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1.282,00 €
1.282,00 €