Total Planning is a family company specialised in precision machining with almost 60 years of experience in the sector. We are specialists in machining in the medical sector at an international level and export to countries in the European Union such as France, Germany, Belgium, Greece and Portugal. For us, the medical technology sector is key. We develop all types of components and machined parts with a high added value for this sector. We work for medical companies in many different fields including surgical instruments, dental products, machinery for clinical diagnosis, various solutions for physical disabilities, laser machinery for medical and aesthetic purposes, packaging for medical equipment (package filling and closing, vials, syringes), maintaining medical equipment, etc.

We work to order or with individual agreements with each client to have a minimum stock at our facilities. Our commitment is based on satisfying the needs of our clients offering a comprehensive management over the whole production process. From purchasing the material, machining, managing thermal treatments and surface finishes to assembling small units. A large machinery park, made up of 4 lathes and 8 machining centres aided by numerical control, gives us a high manufacturing capacity to meet the demand of our clients.


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Specialists in machining for the medical sector
Preço: Grátis
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